The Octopus And The Sea Turtle

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"Holy shit, I love you

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"Holy shit, I love you." Maddy said to Carlos as they got up, still laughing, and threw their empty food containers away in Maddy's trash can. Carlos pulled her into a hug, "me too dude."

"Oh! Are you off Friday?" Maddy asked as they both sat back on the couch. Carlos pulled her legs onto his lap, "I work second shift. Why?"

"Wellllll... I was thinking... aquarium date. You, me, and TK?" She asked.

"You sure? You haven't been there since... you and Tim went." He swallowed.

"Yeah.. I'm sure. Tim would want me too— I love the aquarium toooo much!" Maddy smiled as she subtly looked toward the sky.

"Then it's a date!" Carlos winked.

"Yay! Can I tell TK or do you wanna?" Maddy asked.

"You can!"

Maddy ran to her phone, and called TK. 'Teek! What're you doing?'
'Working out. What's up?!'
'Yummy. Anywayyyy... so I know this coming Friday is your off day, and I was wondering if you and Carlos would like to accompany me to the aquarium!?'

'Ha, sure Mads! I'd love to! What did he say?' He asked. 'He told me to ask you.. so he's cool with it!' Maddy replied.
'Good, then it's a date for sure!' TK said.
"Thanks for the ride, boys! I'm excited!" Maddy said as she hoped in Carlos's car. Carlos smiled at her in the review mirror, and TK reached back to rub her knee.

"We're happy to help you be happy, Mads!" TK said. Maddy looked out the front window as she sat in the middle seat. Maddy got extremely car sick, but as long as she could see out the front window, she was fine— she always sat in the middle seat if she had to be in the back. "I can't wait to see the turtles!"

"I know Mads. You're so adorable when you talk about animals.. I can't stand it. It's too precious." TK quipped back.

Maddy giggled, "thank you very much." She was proud of that.
"Let's go!" Maddy laughed as she pulled both of their hands and rushed towards the aquarium. The guys both obliged and hurried along behind her.

She rushed them into the building, and hurriedly bought their passes. Their first stop was the sea turtle exhibit, naturally. Carlos and TK watched with love, as Maddy smiled and waved to the turtles, as if she were a little kid again. She loved animals, and her boys loved that about her. It was so innocent, and so pure. Watching someone you love, admire something she loves? Perfect.

The guys continued to follow Maddy around the aquarium, each holding a hand of hers, or locking their arms together. Maddy stopped to take pictures of all the aquatic life, making sure to get her boys in every shot.
"Oh man.. almost done." Maddy pouted as they rounded they last corner of the aquarium, nearing the end. The last exhibit was the seahorse's, and Maddy was excited— she found them adorable. After they finished all of the exhibits, it would be time for the gift shop— one of Maddy's other favorite things about the aquarium.

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