Owen's Choice

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"Thanks again for having me over the other night, Maddy! I'm sure I was cramping your style

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"Thanks again for having me over the other night, Maddy! I'm sure I was cramping your style.." Owen said to her as he approached her in the 126.

It was a Friday, and Maddy had no plans, so naturally she was spending her day at the 126, with some of her favorite people.

"Not at all, Owen! Everyone there loves you.. and so do I! It's my house anyway," Maddy winked. Owen put a loving arm around her shoulder, and led her up to his office.

Maddy sat in one of the chairs across from Owen's desk, he followed suit and sat down at his desk chair. "What's up?" She asked.

Owen looked at her with sad eyes, "uh.. it's Gwen.."

"Oh yeah.. what a bitch move. Her just fucking moving back?! What about the baby?!" Maddy fumed at any mention of Gwen now; she was pissed at her.

"Well.. that's just it.." Owen said. Maddy's eyes widened as she searched his face for answers.

"The baby.."

"Owen.. it's yours! You told me it was..."

"There's a chance it might not be.. as you know." He swallowed hard. "And I did tell you it was... because that's what she told me.."

"Then it's yours..." there was a long pause from Maddy, "if she wants to fucking abandon you AND Tyler, then let her. I'm over her and her bullshit!" Maddy was beyond fuming now. "She let you and TK get all comfortable.... again! And then she does this?! She clearly isn't confident that it's yours.. so fuck her." Maddy was now pacing around Owen's office, her face tomato red.

Owen sighed, and ran his fingers over his hair. "Sorry O.." Maddy said. "I know she's your ex-wife, but for god sakes.. she needs to figure her shit out!" She walked around his desk and pulled him up into a hug.

He sighed and placed his chin on her head, "I need to stay here, right?"

"Daddy O?"

"TK's here.. and now you are.."

"Yes Owen...YOUR son is here. Let her go, let her abandon you guys again." Maddy rolled her eyes before she looked up at Owen.

He smiled, Maddy's words provided comfort to him.

"Thanks kiddo! I just knew you'd shoot me straight and snap me out of it," he chuckled.

Maddy pulled out of their hug, "ya damn straight!"

He kissed the top of her head, and she started to walk out of his office. "Madison.." Owen started.

Maddy stopped and turned around to face him, "O?"

"Next call we get.. wanna ride along?" He winked.

A huge smile appeared on Maddy's face, emphasizing her dimples. "Yes! That's allowed right?!"

"Yep, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't. And you're a nurse, so it'll be good to have you." He said. Maddy turned back around and skipped down the hall, and had a certain pep in her step as she walked down the stairs into the main area of the firehouse.

"What's got you so happy Mads?" Paul asked as she approached him and Marjan. Maddy kept her dimple-accented smile, "well... next call y'all get.. Owen says I can ride along!"

Her friends smiled at her, "that's awesome!" Marjan said.

"Congrats!" Paul added.

Maddy kept her eye contact, "thanks guys! I'm PUMPED!" Her inflection causing Paul and Marjan to burst into a fit of laughter.
'Truck 1, ambulance 1... traffic accident, 4th and Lorraine'

"Whoohoo! Call time!" Maddy shouted as she grabbed a spare coat from Owen. She followed Paul onto the rig, and they headed toward the call. Maddy looked around at her friends, their eyes wide, and their brows sweaty as the truck raced toward its destination.

The truck arrived at the scene, and Maddy's adrenaline was pumping through her veins. She was told to stay in or near the truck, while she watched her friends do the job they loved. TK and the paramedic team tended to the drivers of both cars, while Owen and the gang extracted a passenger from one car, and put a small fire out in the other.

Maddy's heart raced as she watched them work— a little part of her was always scared for her friends, even before Tim's death, their jobs were dangerous and Maddy knew she wouldn't be able to handle it if anything major to happened to any of them.
"That was badass!" Maddy cheered as the team walked back toward the rig. She was casually doing health checks on them as walked past her.

Marjan gave her a pat on the ass as she entered the rig, causing Maddy to blush, but before she could get on, Paul pulled her to the side. "I gotta tell you something Mads. The timing and location suck, but I realized I hadn't told you... and you told me your personal thing."

"Okay.. what's up?" Maddy smiled at him and waited for him to speak again.

He rubbed the back of his head as he took his jacket off, and his muscled bulged— Maddy blushed. "I'm trans.." he blurted out.

Maddy titled her head, "okay.. trans what? Gender? Continental?" She winked.

Paul smiled with relief as Maddy rubbed his bulging bicep, "Paul.. that's amazing! Biologically assigned female? You look great— happy!"

"Yep.. assigned female." He replied. She smiled as she reached up and kissed his cheek. "And yes.. I'm still interested. You and Mateo just gotta fight it out now. But... it's still to soon, I think.. for dating." Maddy smiled meekly. Paul smiled in returned and they both got back on the rig.

"Y'all good?" Maddy asked on the rig. "Yep, Mads! All good.. did you enjoy your time with us?" Mateo asked.

Maddy smiled at him, "hell yeah! I was nervous as fuck though.."

"Of course you were.. we're okay though." He winked.
"Mads.. can I talk to you up here please?" Owen called from the steps. Maddy jogged over to him and followed him upstairs after letting go of TK's hand.

She walked into his office and proceeded to sit down in her favorite chair. "What's up now daddy O?"

"So.. I know you told me not to move back to New York, but what about visiting.. for a long time..."

"Owen..." Maddy sighed. "I'm sorry she took your baby. But your son, the one you know without a doubt is yours, is here! He needs you Owen.. he doesn't vocalize enough, but he does."

Owen sighed as rubbed the back of his head, "so don't go."

"Exactly! I just got you back.. I left everything I knew to be down here with you and TK, and I refuse to let you leave me! My biological dad already did.. I'm not losing you too!" Maddy sniffed.

Owen walked from behind his desk and embraced her in an bear hug. "I won't leave you. I'm sorry. I don't think the baby's mine anyway to be honest. She was acting weird... and I don't think she would leave if...." Owen sighed.

Maddy started to cry as she hugged him tighter. He kissed the top of her head, then slowly backed up from their hug. Maddy looked up at him with daughter-like eyes of admiration.

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