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Maddy woke up in a huff and looked at her bedside clock 3:30am

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Maddy woke up in a huff and looked at her bedside clock 3:30am. The wind whipped passed her window, rattling the tree against it. She was scheduled to get up at 5:00 for work, and since she went to bed at 9:30 last night, she felt she had enough sleep, so she got up to grab her robe and headed out to her kitchen to make herself some coffee and watch the news— there had to be a thunderstorm or something happening outside, because this wind was no joke.

When she turned the news on there were reports of a heavy wind approaching the Austin area— possible tornado. Then, as if he was reading her mind, Paul texted her. "You up??"

"Yes. Tornado??!"

"Be safe going to work. Talk to you later!"

"You too!! Be careful out there!"

She would be lying if she wasn't worried about Paul, and TK and Owen especially. She liked everyone at the station though, so she was worried about them.

She got ready for her shift, and prepared to drive through the windstorm that was upon them. She barely made it to the hospital in time for her 7:00 start time. As soon as she walked in, the power went out. A few seconds went by before the backup generators kicked in.

"And so it begins..." Maddy sighed as she grabbed a clipboard and sat down at the computer to prepare to triage patients.

One hour into her shift, and shit was hitting the fan. The overnight and early morning tornado ravaged through Austin, and caused a mass casualty event (not necessarily deaths, just injury). It was taking the local fire departments that long to rescue and extract victims— it was luckily only an EF 2 tornado, so not as devastating as it could have been, but still plenty devastating.
"Guys! We got two coming in— kids from an entrapment!" Maddy yelled at her nurses and the doctors.

"Tim, Nancy!? What do we got?" Maddy asked as she approached the two EMT's, who were rolling two kids in on a stretcher. Just as they started to tell her, she noticed someone else walk in.

"OWEN!! What the hell happened?!" Maddy yelled as she approached Owen, and she moved his arm around her shoulder and ushered him into an ER room. "I helped.. the kids.."

"Jesus Christ Owen! Your lung capacity isn't ready for that yet! TK.. are you guys okay?!"

"Yeah, we're all good Mads!"

"Good! Let's get your dad checked out— surprised he let you talk him into this," Maddy winked. She walked up to Owen and flipped her stethoscope off of her neck, and listened to his lungs, while she hooked up a oxygen level monitor to his finger.

"Okay Owen, looking okay.. I'm not done with you yet though! Going to give you some extra oxygen and you will be staying here for at least an hour, while I look at you. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am," Owen winked, causing Tyler to crack up.

"That's right!" Maddy smiled.
"Shiiiiit. That sucked.." Maddy sighed as she took her gloves and mask off. "I'm out guys..  got that OT and then some." Maddy clocked out at 7:30pm, a twelve hour day. She helped a lot of people and felt good about that. But she was tired as fuck, luckily she'd be able to start a little later the next day.

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