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February, 2020

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February, 2020.

'Hey! Dinner tonight?'
'Yes.. I would love that! I'm off at 5!'
'Great! If I pick you up at 6:30, is that enough time?"
'Yep! Perfect!'
'Also.. uhm, I'll be on shift..'
'Haha, dinner at the station sounds perfect! ;).' She smiled down at her phone.
'You're the best! I'll still pick you up! ;)'
"Hey Liz! What do we have today?" Maddy asked as she walked into work.

"It's.. not bad.. so far. Do not want to jinx it." She laughed.

"Agreed! Soo.. if things go smoothly today, think I could bounce a few minutes before 5?" She rubbed her arms to fend off the awkwardness.


"Uhm... maybe.." Maddy said, hiding her smile.

Liz laughed, "sure. 4:45 if you think you're good. You don't actually have to ask though.. just let me know! I know you know when you're good with patients to leave & if not."

"Ah, thank you!"
"Alright guys! I'm out— y'all are good until night shift gets here! See y'all Monday! Have a good weekend!" Maddy waved as she left the hospital after her final ten hour shift of the week. She raced home— she needed to shower, redo her makeup, and get ready for dinner at the station with Paul. She decided to go with jeans and a flannel shirt— she wanted to look nice, but also not overly dressed, since it was at the firehouse.

She was finished getting ready at 6:20pm, just in time for Paul to pick her up on his way to his shift at the station. He arrived at her front door, and she grabbed her purse and followed him outside where he opened the passenger side door for her.
"How was your day?" She asked him on the short drive to the station.

"Not too bad.. gonna be happy when this shifts over. Crazy today."

"Yeah? How so?!"

They arrived to the station and Paul parked out back, "this one fire.. we couldn't find the family cat, so the dad went back in to get the damn thing, since the son was having a meltdown over the missing cat... and so then me and Cap go in after the dad, and the cat. Found the cat, hiding behind the washer... Owen had to carry the dad out. We didn't take him to your hospital I don't think.."

"Nah.. I don't remember any fire victims."

"We don't know how he's doing. Damn cat."

"Well Paul, you know I'd go back in for Tex... thank you." She said as he opened the door for her.

"Well it's just an animal.." he said as he followed Maddy into the firehouse.

"No, they're not. And besides, not all animals will.. one, come out when they're terrified, or two, come out for someone who looks like they're an exterminator.. y'all are terrifying to kids and pets, in full uniform," she chuckled. "All I'm saying is, it's actually very understandable why people do that shit. It would be awful watching or like hearing your animal fucking burn to death.." she sniffed at the thought.

"Okay, well now I just feel like an asshole," Paul sighed as he started to boil the water for the spaghetti he was making.

"Sorry! I'm just saying.. don't judge them for shit like that." Maddy rubbed Paul's back before she sat down at the table in the middle of the kitchen/living room set up in the fire house.
"Dinner is served m'lady!" Paul beamed as he placed a large plate of spaghetti down in front of Maddy. "Veggie sauce only, and wheat pasta! And here is some water.."

"Perfect!" She laughed before she dug into the pasta. "This is so good! Oh my god." Paul looked at her over a fork full of pasta, "you doubted me?"

"Not at all.. just validating you." She winked.

"OHHH SHIT! Spaghetti!" Judd said as he and the others walked into the kitchen. TK walked over to Maddy and kissed her cheek before joining the others at the pot.

"Sorry.. I had to make extra," Paul shrugged. "I would be shocked if you didn't," Maddy laughed in return.
"That was delicious, thank you Paul!" She smiled as she walked her plate over to the sink.

"YEAH! THANKS PAUL!" The other freighters said in unison as they continued to eat their meals.

"Do you want help with the dishes?"

"Nah, probie does them," Paul winked.

"Y'all are so rude to him!" Maddy laughed. "But while I have you.. take a walk with me?"


Maddy grabbed his hand and pulled him outside, "I wish we could see the stars. Anyway, I need to talk to you about something Paul..." she swallowed.

"Okay?.." Paul was visibly confused and slightly concerned.

"It's nothing about you! It's about me. This is our second official date— it's been a little over a month now, so I feel like it's a good time to tell you.."

"Oh lord.. just tell me! I can't take it," Paul laughed.

"Okay, okay. It's nothing major.." there was a pause. "I'm bi. But prefer men, so that's why I'm out with you."

There was another pause as Paul started to laugh. "That's it?! I thought you were gonna tell me you were like a Russian spy or something!"

"No! And while being bi is part of who I am, it's not all I am. But I still think it's important for me to tell people.. that I'm dating." She chuckled.

"Well I'm glad you told me, but it's literally not a big deal at all." He smiled before kissing her. She wrapped her hands around his neck, and pulled him down closer to her. "Thanks." She said through their kiss.

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