Restless Minds

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"Thanks for being there today, Teek!" Maddy smiled as TK dropped her off at her car

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"Thanks for being there today, Teek!" Maddy smiled as TK dropped her off at her car.

TK looked at her with admiration in his eyes, "of course Mads.. any time! You know that dude."

"I know babes.. love you! I'll text you later!" Maddy blew TK a kiss, and he returned the gesture before he left her at her car and headed into his house.
"Tex! I'm home girl!" Maddy called as she shuffled into her house. Tex came trotting over to her mom, and rubbed herself on her legs.

She ushered her cat into the kitchen, and got her dinner ready. Maddy poured herself a bowl of Fruit Loops and sat down on her couch— the TV was tuned to a rerun of 'The Big Bang Theory'.

Feeling restless, Maddy put her bowl down and quickly ran into her room to change into other clothes.

*Switching the positions for you* Maddy hiked up her sweatpants and carefully ran out into the living room to grab her phone.

'Hi Ed!' She put him on speaker and grabbed her bowel. 'Sorry.. I'm just eating cereal.' She laughed as she crunched.
'You're adorable. What kind?'
'Mmm.. fruit loops,' she laughed through her chewing.

'I love fruit loops!' Eddie replied. 'Uhm.. so TK texted me... about your appointment today.'
'Oh he did, did he?'
'Don't be mad at him.. be mad at me. I texted him when you didn't text me after your morning text...'

'Yeah.. so I guess you know too. I was gonna tell you.. eventually,' Maddy cleared her throat. 'But I didn't know when or how.'

Eddie chuckled slightly on the phone, 'well don't stress. I'm not mad.. nor do I have any right to be; you don't owe me anything!'
'Well.. what all did he tell you?' Maddy sighed with a laugh.

'About your knee, and your head...'
'Ha.. yeah, nothing I didn't already know. There's more though... uhm, I'm anemic and have a severe iron deficiency. So bleeding is an issue.. but it's literally fine. I'm fine.'

*knock knock* 'oh! Hang on.. someone is bothering me at the ridiculous hour of 7:30pm on a Wednesday evening.' Maddy laughed as and stood up and gingerly walked to the door. She looked out her peephole and flung her door open.

"ED! Oh my god! What?! How?! What about Christopher?" Maddy screeched as she hugged him and pulled him inside. Eddie smiled as he pulled her into a kiss, after hanging up his phone— their lips colliding with intense passion as they carefully stumbled backwards toward her couch.

Eddie pulled back and looked at her, "all is well sweetheart. Christopher is with Buck, and I'm only staying till Friday morning."

"I'm happy you're here!" Maddy reached her hand up and cupped his face. "I've had a long day, wanna lay down?" She laughed.

"Of course." He smiled.

"So TK, how'd Maddy's appointment go today?" Owen asked as the two sat down for dinner.

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