Tough Love

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"Well, because you're kinda acting like a nut case

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"Well, because you're kinda acting like a nut case.." Maddy said.

"What? What do you mean kiddo?"

"Owen.. you gotta stop with the arson stuff. Please. They're gonna end up legitimately thinking it's you.."

"That's insane.."

"Is it?!" Maddy snapped. She got a little loud this time, so she grabbed Owen's hand and led him outside.

"Maddy.. what're you asking me?"

"Nothing. Just... I want to make sure you're okay, that's all. Like the way that investigator was questioning you... they're after you, Owen... just be careful. Please."

"I'm good... Billy said.."

"Billy?! Wait.. that asshole who tried to get you kicked off the job??"

"Well.. yeah. But.."

"Why were you talking to him?!"

"Because I can. I don't appreciate the attitude Madison Jean!" Owen snapped. He hardly snapped at anyone, especially Maddy; it caught her off guard. She sniffed away the tear that started to form in her right eye. "Okay sorry.. but uhm... it's just, last time.. he nearly cost you your job is all.."

Owen studied his daughter's face, and saw the pain he caused. He pulled her into a hug, "I'm sorry for snapping kiddo. I'm fine. Really."

"Are you sure?" Maddy asked as she broke their hug. Owen kissed the top of her head, "yeah.. I'm sure. I will be fine, and there's no way they'll think it's me! It's so clearly not.. I'm just trying to help!"

"Yes well.. that's the problem dad.." Maddy swallowed. "...arsonists, like to return to the scenes.. and watch, or immerse themselves into the investigation... and the investigator was asking you questions that directly related to that. I think he already suspects you Owen.. so you gotta keep it chill." Maddy often switched back and forth between how she addressed Owen— dad, Owen, and Daddy O were her most common ones. She just said whatever she felt at the time; no real rhyme or reason for it.

"Kiddo," Owen started as she grabbed her shoulders. "I know. I'm on it, it's all good! I gotta go though.. I'll call you!" He finished as he ran back toward his car. Maddy sighed, and turned around to head back inside.

"All good?" Carlos asked as Maddy past him and his parents. Maddy smiled and nodded, before hugging Mrs. Reyes. "Good to see you dear!"

"You too!" Maddy replied. She carefully smiled at Mr. Reyes before he and his wife took their leave.
"Okay Mads.. what's really up?" TK asked.

Maddy sighed, "dad... he's acting a fool! Like Jesus... he's still on that arson crap from the other night! It's maddening! And y'all didn't hear the arson investigator talking to him.. they're already after to him! I can feel it.. something is up. He's been talking to that asshole Billy again too!"

"Really?" TK slumped his shoulders, and raised his brows. "Damn.."

"I know! I gotta talk to him again. He's being set up... and I think I know exactly who it is..."
"You're staying tonight though right?" Carlos looked at her with his 'big cow eyes,' melting her heart. She grabbed his face in her hands, "oh my gosh.. you're adorable. Yes! He'll be fine.."

"Yeah, he will! He can't get in too much more trouble tonight." TK said awkwardly, he and Carlos walked into the kitchen.

"Y'all sure you don't need help?" Maddy asked as she carefully sat on the couch. "Not at all Mads.. go get into your pj's." Carlos winked. Taking the hint that her guys wanted some alone time, Maddy headed upstairs to get changed for bed.

Maddy recently installed a 'nanny-cam' in her apartment, so she could watch Tex when she wasn't home. She wasn't sure how it would work, but she tried it out tonight. She went into the app and 'woke up' the camera; Tex was sleeping soundly on the couch. Maddy was put at ease seeing this, and was able to fully disrobe and quickly hop in the shower.

Maddy was nearly done with her quick wash, when guys slowly started to ascend the staircase, one after another. Maddy's heart started to pound harder as she heard their voices coming from their room. "Hi boys!" She yelled as she turned the water off, and stepped onto the grey rug in front of the tub. She heard a knock and smiled as she grabbed the handle to open it, "I'm almost done! Chillllll!" She laughed.

"Okay.. okay, hurry up!" TK winked. Maddy stuck her tongue out, "I'm naked.. let me get dressed." TK walked away without shutting the door.

Maddy quickly gathered her clothes off the floor, and tiptoed into the bedroom. TK and Carlos were cuddled together in the bed— Maddy dug around her bag and found a clean pair of underwear, and a T-shirt, that happened to be one of Carlos's. "Oh.. forgot I had this one." She laughed as she pulled it over her head, the bottom hem hitting just below her butt. It was one of Carlos's police department T-shirts— grey, with black wording. Maddy loved it. It was worn, and had the faintest smell of Carlos.

As Maddy turned around, TK and Carlos popped their heads out from under the comforter, and motioned for her to jump into bed. She happily obliged, and snuggled right in between the two loves of her life. "Mmm.. I love it here. And I love you both so much." They both leaned over and started to shower Maddy with kisses. She giggled and smiled until she was lulled off to sleep.
"Thanks boys, I'll see ya later! Love you both!" Maddy smiled as she waved to the guys, and headed for Owen's house again. She thought about what she would say the whole way to his house.

When she pulled up in front of his house, she didn't even think to look for his truck— she would've noticed that he wasn't alone.

Maddy got out, and headed for front door. Before she knocked, Billy walked out. "Oh.. hello gorgeous." He gawked, as she looked Maddy up and down. Maddy stepped back a little, and tried to cover herself up. "Madison, right?" He continued. Maddy widened her eyes, and cocked her head slightly.

"Owen has lots of pictures of you.. and his kid around. You're prettier in person." He winked. Maddy didn't know how to react, so she didn't. "Uhm.. Owen still inside?" She said finally.

"Mm.. yes ma'am he is." Maddy smiled gently and walked inside. Billy followed her gait the whole way.

"Owen!" She hastily called when she got inside. "Hey kiddo! Did you meet Billy?" He was almost happy.

"Yeah.. he's kinda a creep."

"What?! I mean he's a little... different, but he means well." When Owen noticed that Maddy wasn't smiling, he changed his tone. "Did he do anything to you?!"

"No.. just made a little uncomfortable is all."

"Well.. I doubt you'll cross his path much."

"Anyway.. what was he doing here?" Maddy asked Owen. She just wanted to change the subject. Owen sighed, "I was just running some ideas by him is all kiddo.. about... stuff."

"That arson stuff again?"

"Yes. That arson stuff again.. he gets it. Ya know?"

"And I don't?!" Maddy was somewhat short again. Owen cocked his head slightly, "not in the same way kiddo. But I can tell it's bothering you... so I'll back off of it... for now." He whispered the last few words of his sentence.

"Thank you... that's all. I just wanted to check on you again.. make sure you're okay.." Maddy shrugged. Owen pulled her into a hug, and kissed the top of her head. "I'm good kiddo.."

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