Paging Dr. D-Bag

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"Helllllo Jennifer! Hello Elizabeth!" Maddy cheered as she walked toward the nurses station in her ER

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"Helllllo Jennifer! Hello Elizabeth!" Maddy cheered as she walked toward the nurses station in her ER. "I trust you ladies got my text last night.."

"Ugh.. yeah! We did!" Jen said. "What the hell is wrong with him?!"

"Yeah.. honestly, that was uncalled for. And to ask you out when he's already spoken for? Insane."

"Ha! You're telling me y'all! But we do share our shift today.." Maddy smirked.

"What are you planning?" Jen asked with a sense of major curiousness; she couldn't hide her smirk.

"Nothing bad.. Liz!" Maddy looked at Liz who put her hands up in dismissal. "Just gonna call him out for being the douchebag he is." Maddy shrugged.

"You're my freaking hero." Jen laughed.

Maddy winked in return, "I'll keep y'all updated during shift today."
"Hey Ladies."


"Hey Doctor douchebag!" Maddy said.

"Madison!" Jen snapped, but she was laughing.

"What did you call me, NURSE?!" Doctor Andrews turned to Maddy.

"I called you by your name... Doctor douchebag. I was going to go with asshole, but I refrained." Maddy made sure she was smiling huge so that her eyes showed it.

"Excuse you?!" He yelled.

Maddy charged from behind the nurses station and confronted him. He wasn't her boss, Elizabeth was, so Maddy wasn't afraid of him in that sense, or in any sense.

"Yeah.. you're an asshole!" Maddy through her hands up, then landed them on her hips. "Don't ever talk about TK or Carlos like that, again!" Maddy was bright red from anger under her masks. She looked at the man she once pined over, now he's nothing but a loser.

The doctor stood in shock and just stared at Maddy, not saying anything. He fumed under his PPE, but turned and walked away.

He made it halfway down the hall before he turned back, "HR WILL hear about this!"

"Fine!" Maddy wasn't even scared; she had proof of his ignorance and she couldn't wait to use it.
"Maddy?" Liz called to her from the nurses station. Maddy popped her head out a room, and Liz waved her over.

"Yeah Beth, what's up?"

"Sharon is on the phone." Sharon Watts, Assistant Human Resources Director for Dell Seton Medical Center at The University of Texas, Austin. Maddy's hospital. Redhead, green hair, and freckles. She was gorgeous, and tough, but fair.

Maddy walked toward Beth, after telling her team that she'd be back. She grabbed the phone, and walked around the back of the nurses station, to sit in her chair. The cord of the phone, dangled in front of her, and she twisted it in her fingers. "Hello Sharon. What do I owe the pleasure?"

"Can you and Doctor Andrews join me in my office at 2:00pm? I will be reaching out to the doctor separately, just to let you know."

"Oh, of course. I will be there."

"Thank you Madison. Don't worry, okay? I know where you're coming from, so it won't be an attack on you. Okay?" Sharon replied with a smile to her voice.

"Yes ma'am." Maddy smiled back.

Maddy hung up and turned to Liz, "two things. One, are you going by Liz or Beth nowadays? I call you Liz, but Jen and Paul call you Beth! I just wanna make sure I'm not offending you. And two, can I go see Sharon at 2:00?" Maddy laughed.

Liz laughed back as she walked up to Maddy, "okay.. one. Either one! I'll answer. And two, of course. All good with that?"

"Yeah! She said she feels me, and shit.. so I think I'll be good. Hopefully anyway." Maddy chuckled.
"Sharon?" Maddy knocked on her door, on the 7th floor of the hospital.

"Ah, Madison! Come on in!" Sharon smiled as she stood up from her desk. Maddy entered and took a seat in one of the black chairs in front of Sharon's desk. Maddy was pleased with herself; she beat Phillip to HR.

Maddy nervous tapped the handles of the chair with her rings, her Crocs tapping the floor quietly. She smiled at Sharon across the desk. "Don't worry Madison, I told you. I already have a solution, but you both have to agree." Sharon said. Maddy smiled at her, both of the women were vaccinated, and the chairs were about 8feet apart, so the women were able to see each other's smile. After a few more minutes of silence, Phillip approached the door.

"Philip, come in." Sharon said as she stood and gestured toward him. Phil walked in and sat in the other black chair, 8 feet away from Maddy.

Sharon cleared her throat before she began to talk, "okay.. you two. I trust you both know why you're here." Maddy and Phil nodded their heads in agreement.

"Good." Sharon continued. "So, Doctor Andrews, I do not tolerate any anti-LGBTQ slurs in my hospital or any ignorance regarding the above mentioned either. It is not tolerated, at all. The use of the word 'asshole' in the emergency room, when directed at someone in a derogatory manor is also not tolerated." Sharon paused. "Any questions?"

"No ma'am." Maddy replied. Doctor Andrews shook his head in agreement with Maddy.

"Now.." Sharon continued. "It's clear that you two can no longer share shifts.. soo who wants swing shift?"

"Well Sharon.. uhm, I'm a managing nurse, so I can't do swing, or overnights, since that was specifically excluded in my contract, and there's currently the same doctor doing swing." Maddy said nonchalantly.

"That is fair. Doctor Stewart is still doing swing, correct?" Sharon asked. Maddy nodded her head 'yes.'

Sharon looked toward her computer and started typing. "Well I'm sure Mitchell would like a break; can you work with him Madison?"

"I think so, yeah! Only have once, and he was great! And yes, I'll take one 20 minute break instead of two, so I can cover longer." Maddy replied.

"And does the new schedule work for you, Doctor Andrews? Swing shifts, rotating with Doctor Thatcher only?"

"Yes ma'am.." Doctor Andrews sighed slightly.

"Great. That is in writing on the schedule. So there we have it. Thank you both for meeting with me, now go back and save lives. Phillip.. your swing shift starts Friday night. Clear?"

"Yes ma'am." Doctor Andrews answered again. ———————————————————————
"How'd it go?!" Jen asked Maddy as she approached her in the hallway.

Maddy drug her toward the nurses station; she looked around for Doctor Andrews before she talked. "Okay, so it went fine. I'm cut down to one break, and Phillip is now working swing... only alternating with Doctor Thatcher."

"Well shit! That's great!" Jen exclaimed. "Thank god!"


'Code blue! Code blue.. emergency!*

Jen and Maddy took off toward room where a patient was coding. They never took a break from saving lives.

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