Broken Pieces - Finding Way T...

By Hritu04

89.6K 5.3K 1.1K

Well think of a husband and wife who have everything. Family, daughter, job, money and house. But Naina and A... More

You gotta read this!
Author's Note
Author's Note
Author's Note


756 36 39
By Hritu04



Archana called her from the kitchen as she stared at the black bag which was supposed to be somewhere else.

"Yes, mom?"

Naina rushed towards her and asked as to know the reason for what exactly she was calling her.

"Look at your husband! Again he left this bag here"

Naina looked at the bag she was pointing at and then back at her. She didn't understand how in these many days, 'My son' changed into 'your husband' . Though Naina knew that she wasn't implying it in a negative way, but whenever she said like that Naina wanted to just disappear from the spot as it all started because of her husband.

"Look, just the way he has become careless or should I say that it is his tricks to just see you again, huhm?"

"Mom, what are you saying?"

Naina's face turned red hearing this and Archana just chuckled and said.

"Go now, he must be waiting for you. Or else he will whine for the whole day saying how I kept you busy in work"

Nodding her head, Naina rushed inside her room to get ready and then she grabbed Aditya's lunch bag and got into the car and started driving towards his office.

It's been more than one month and Aditya's wounds had got better for him to join his office back. In these days, so many things happened that Naina could hardly believe that it wasn't a dream but her reality that she was living.

The day when Swathi started coming to their home for physiotherapy, Naina realised how insane and crazy she was to not able to see her husband being close with someone else. All the while, during their sessions Naina interrupted using some or the other excuses.

She sometimes brought tea, or some snacks so that they can take break when in reality she wanted that woman's hands off of her husband. She did so many silly things trying to make their sessions end sooner than the fixed time.

But then, she felt shameful for her acts that she was being this possessive when her husband was just focusing on getting better and nothing else mattered to him when he had his wife in his arms. But was that too difficult to understand? Naina asked herself.

When finally all the sessions were ended, it was Swathi who was relieved more than anyone and hoped to never return to this family, even though Naina apologized for her behaviour.

Somehow, Aditya enjoyed the attention he was getting from his wife and soon after every session, he would pull her into his arms and kiss her senselessly for being so irresistible that he often asked the physiotherapist to end the sessions early saying he was tired.

Naina could remember every single kiss and the feelings while they kissed. It wasn't only he who kissed her, Naina too kissed him back with the same passion and still she didn't know how in the hell she learnt to kiss like that. All she did was to follow his leads. But he had not advanced any more moves apart from kissing on her lips and face. There were times when he would continue to kiss her jaws and neck, making her writhe and moan beneath him.

His kisses and touches were something which wouldn't lesson the effect on her. She could feel the tingling sensation just by remembering the way he showered kisses on her face and just around her collar neck. He never took it further. He never touched her other than her waist, her neck, her head and her face.

And Aditya would say, ' Just like in school days, you are still a fast learner'

After three weeks of physiotherapy, he was able to walk without support but he just couldn't drive the car yet. Mostly because Naina and Archana insisted him not to. So, he was picked and dropped by his office car.

When Naina finally reached Aditya's office, the eagerness to him meet reminded her of the kiss they shared in the morning. It was soft yet demanding and dominating which made her to submit the very second his lips touched her's. In short, she was just getting moulded the way he wanted and Naina didn't mind either.

Reaching the entrance of the office, she asked for Aditya who works there and was asked to wait for a while. The time was already nearing to noon, which was lunch time.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, Naina heard her name being called and when she turned to look around, her face turned blank. It was the last thing she ever thought that she would even see this person.


"Yes,.... And I see that you have brought lunch bag for him"

Monica who was dressed in complete professional wear, stared at lunch bag Naina was holding.

"Ah.... Yes"

"But why? Don't you know that we have an meeting and lunch would be provided?"

Naina just stared at her blankly, as Monica smirked at her.

"Didn't your husband tell you?"

Monica asked, pressing on 'your'

"Seems like, he doesn't talk everything, mmm....?"

"If that everything doesn't seem to be important to and my wife, yes of course I don't speak about 'everything' to her"

Even before Naina could shut her up, they heard Aditya's voice as he his gaze turned colder when he stood there glaring at Monica.

"And you have no right to speak with my wife, considering that you and I no more work together in the same department. So, if you will please excuse me and my wife"

Monica's face turned red due to the embarrassment she had to face only because she spoke with Naina. Not wanting to hear anymore, she strode towards inside where her new department was.

The moment Monica left, Aditya turned to look at Naina and his gaze was no longer colder. It was like he had finally able to breath when he saw Naina standing right in front of him.

Neither of them spoke for a minute and neither of them made any move towards eachother.

"Common, let's go"

His voice broke Naina's trance of thoughts he was lost in and when she understood what he said, her gaze shifted to the office bag he had around his shoulder. As if he was ready to leave.

"You are going somewhere?"

Naina asked as her eyes dilated from his bag to him.

"Yes, we are going"


"You ask lot of questions, Naina. Let's get going now"

Aditya held her hand on his and started making their way out of the building.

"But, you.... Lunch?"

Aditya didn't answer. Instead he pulled her inside the car, which Naina drove and pulled her into a deep kiss. Everything happened so fast that Naina didn't even realize when and how did he even took the car key and the next thing she knew was he was in the passengers seat and he had pulled her inside, making her to sit on his laps, with her legs on one side.

As he continued to kiss her, his one hand held her by her waist and another by her head while Naina had fingers run through his hairs and letting him to dominate her. Once they both were out of breath, Aditya pulled back still holding her closer as their foreheads touched eachother's while they breathed heavily.

"I missed you, Naina"

Naina blushed hearing him.

"Just what have you turned me into that I cannot get enough of you?"

When their both breathing came to normal, Naina asked.

"Where are we going to?"

"The cliff"

He answered looking right back into her eyes as he pushed the hairs behind her ears.

"The cliff? But what about your office? I came to give to you your lunch bag"

Naina wondered why were they going to the cliff white he still had his office. Her hands were now placed on his chest as she looked at him and he looked like he wanted to tell something.

"Let's talk as we drive there, okay?"

Naina nodded her head and Aditya opened the door so that she could go out and get inside in driver's seat. Once they were settled, Naina drove off to the cliff.

"Why did you forget the lunch bag?"

"No, I did not forget. I had decided to take half a day today and I was just leaving to home when you came there"

"But why? And you didn't told me?"

"It was supposed to be a surprise, Naina"

Aditya smiled looking at her as she met eyes with him. But then again he lost in the thought of the exact reason for why he was about to return home early.

Naina noticed that there was something bothering him. And she knew, her would tell her sooner but still she was worried about him.

"By the way, what was she speaking?"

Naina asked, bringing him back from his thoughts.



"She? Oh, don't get bothered by her. She's just jealous that you are my wife and I had rejected her advances towards me. She no longer works in my department. So you don't have to worry about someone who is not worth."

Naina nodded her head for now. But she couldn't let go of the way Monica looked at Aditya, her husband.

Soon they reached the cliff and all Aditya did was open the lunch box and started eating while he fed Naina too in between.

Once he was done, they both got out of the car and neared to the end of the cliff. Aditya held her hand and looked right into her eyes.

"What is it Aditya? I have been observing you since few days. I feel like there's something you want to tell me but you are not able to."

Aditya raised his hand and held her face as he caressed softly and thought, how would he tell her? He couldn't see her getting hurt. But he has to tell her. It was her right to know. But how, he didn't know.

All he did was pulled her closer to kiss her again. It was rough or dominating. It was like he wanted to tell her something and let her know that he didn't wanted hurt her by saying it.

When he pulled back, he whispered.

"She's got very little time, Naina"

It took a minute for Naina to understand what he was speaking and about whom he was speaking. And when finally it dawned her, tears rolled down her eyes.

"No, you are lying!"

"That can't be. She went there to get better and return soon"

"No, that can't happen"

As it was difficult for Naina to accept the truth, it was even more difficult for Aditya to see her breaking down again. Aditya tried to pull her into his arms, but the more he tried the more Naina tried to push him away and was reluctant to accept whatever Aditya told but then she finally broke down in his arms, holding onto him tightly.

"It's been four days since her final reports arrived. Karan called me Naina, even before he could tell Arthi that she-"

Aditya couldn't complete the line as it was difficult for him too.

"But this is what going to happen Naina"

"We are leaving for Dhirani tonight"

Still in his arms, Naina whispered to him.

"Adi, promise me that we will never leave eachother. Promise me that we will always be together. I cannot live if we ever-"

"Shhh, we will never go through that phase. We are going to be together forever, Naina. Even if we are going to have any differences, we will live together for Nia like always we have been doing. But now, we are going to together because of our love..... Nothing can separate us."


Hello guys!
I missed updating chapters and reading your comments so much!
I know this wasn't what you expected, but this is how the plot is.....
Till then, stay safe, stay loved and blessed!
Thank you each and everyone for your support!
NehalLaddha rensaaaa Infires21

Thank you for your lovely comments and feedbacks! Keep supporting guys!

And I also thank each one of you whoever voted and supported my work, which kept motivating me to continue writing even while I was stuck in between!
There are toooooo many names which I can't remember guys, I apologize for that!
But I am really thankful and grateful for your support.


Dated - 27 September, 2020

Edited - 18 June 2021

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