Broken Pieces - Finding Way T...

By Hritu04

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Well think of a husband and wife who have everything. Family, daughter, job, money and house. But Naina and A... More

You gotta read this!
Author's Note
Author's Note
Author's Note


552 41 20
By Hritu04

Aditya was home earlier and right after Naina left for the park along with Nia. Since the moment he leaned about Naina's spacial day nearing, he couldn't wait but to reach home early and plan everything for her spacial day along with Archana and Pratap. It was the first time that he had went thought about it, so he was quite nervous whether Naina would like or not. She would be happy or not.

But then, Naina found happiness in every simplest of the simple things. It was too easy to make her happy. Not that didn't mean he would just do it in very simpler way. It was his wife's birthday which he was planning to celebrate for the first time in all these years. He wanted it to be special.

With lot of excitement, Aditya started to discuss along with Archana and Pratap. They were so indulged in three discussion that they didn't notice Naina who was standing at the doorstep and listening to their loud voices.

It was his plan to ask Nia to take Naina out for a while so that he could speak about it with his parents. And Nia had indeed done her job very well, but just couldn't keep her out for longer time.

Aditya then saw Naina who entered inside, making him stop in middle of his conversation. Naina didn't look good. Worriedly, he walked to her and asked.

"Naina? What happened? It's everything alright?"

Naina looked at him with anguish as her eyes filled with tears.

"I wish everything was alright. I wish. But what are you doing?!"

Naina asked furiously.


"I heard everything, Aditya. Don't you dare lie to me"

Relieved that it was only because of his surprise which she heard.

"That was supposed to be a surprise. But don't worry, you will still be surprised when you see everything"

"Surprised? I am right now, Aditya"

Aditya raised his arms to hold to be only pushed back by Naina.

Archana motioned Nia to go to her room, which she obeyed silently.

"Why are you speaking like this?"

"And why are you doing this?"

"Doing what, Naina?'

"My birthday! Who gave you permission to plan for my birthday?"

Enraged at him, she asked.

"Naina? I don't need permission to celebrate your birthday. It's your birthday and we will celebrate like we do ours. Why are you overreacting?"

"I am not over reacting. Have you not noticed that I have never celebrated it or even mentioned about it? Then why? Why are you doing this?"

"Why am I doing this? Naina, I am doing this for you! I was planning for you, your happiness! I thought you would love to celebrate it! I just thought about you, god damnit!"

"I didn't ask for it, Aditya! I never asked for you to do anything for me. You don't have to do it for me!"

"Why Naina? What is it that you don't want to speak about? Do you still not trust me to share whatever is bothering you? Have I done something wrong that you are hell bent on breaking the bridge that we are building into our relationship?"

"There's nothing to speak and it certainly doesn't concern you. You should stop interfering in my life!"

"Don't I have any right do?"

Aditya asked astonished by her behaviour.

"No! You don't have the right to interfere in my life! It's my birthday that you are talking about! Mine! So, no. You don't have the right"

Without thinking, Naina bursted out in anger which shocked Aditya to core.

"Your life? Fine then. So be it. I will not interfere in your life again"

Saying, Aditya stormed out of the house leaving her to be by herself.

Both Archana and Pratap were not pleased to see this. They never expected for Naina to speak like this. Though Archana was about speak with Naina for her behaviour, Pratap stopped her.

Naina rushed to her room and locked the door and leaning onto the door, she slumped down on the floor as she broke down into tears.

"What did I do?"

Crying, she asked herself.

She didn't mean to talk to him like that. But she couldn't help when she learnt that he was planning for her birthday which she never celebrated in her whole life.

She sat there and continued to cry until her eyes gave up to keep herself awake. On the other side, Aditya was fuming with anger by what Naina said.

He did everything for her and her she doesn't accepts him as her husband. What is it that he has to do for her to accept him? He broke down into tears as he kneel down onto the muddy ground at the edge of the cliff.

He was tired to keep up their marriage together while all she did was to push him away. And today the way she spoke, broke his heart into millions. It was as if he didn't matter to her at all.

He ran his fingers through his hairs frustratingly, as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"If that is what you want, then so be it. I will neither interfere with your life nor you."

Wiping his tears, he ran his fingers through his hairs controlling himself and returned home around nine at night when Naina had still locked herself in the room.

Archana had made Nia to finish her food and make her sleep while she waited for Aditya to return. Once he did, he straight away walked to his room to be only stopped by Archana.

"She hasn't open the door, Aditya."

Hearing, he looked at the door that was closed. He stared at it for a minute and then turned to walk towards Nia's room.

"Adi, eat something?"

He didn't respond to Archana which broke her to see him like this.

Neither Naina had dinner nor Aditya.

It was midnight when Naina woke up to find herself on the floor in her room which was surrounded by darkness. Her eyes swollen and red from all the crying, she opened her eyes to remember what had happened.

She hurriedly checked her phone to see the time. It was midnight. And she was alone in the room.

'Where is he?'

She asked herself. Unlocking the door, she found the whole house filled with silence and darkness.

She walked towards the only possible from where she could find Aditya when he wasn't in hall. Reaching Nia's room, she saw him sleeping next to Nia. And the next second when he laid on his back, she saw that he was awake.

Aditya noticed Naina standing outside the room. Just by seeing her, her words rang in his head like a tape recorder. With anger in his eyes, he walked towards her.

Just when Naina was about to speak, Aditya closed the door on her face.

Tears rolled down from both of their eyes.

Naina walked back to her room and laid on the bed.

The whole night, neither of them slept. All they did was stare at the ceiling above them.

When morning arrived, Naina woke up and freshened up. When she came out of the bathroom, she saw Aditya working out in the room just like he does everyday.

But he wasn't just working out. He taking his anger out and pressuring himself to do more and faster which made her shiver in fear.

She then went to the kitchen where Archana read already angry on her. No matter how much Naina tried to speak, Archana avoided her and when Naina didn't stop, Archana's words pierced her heart.

"Stop interfering Naina!"


"Before you cry, let me ask you something.

What wrong my son has did that you are behaving like that with him?"

Naina remained silent.

"You have no answers? Then fine, stop interfering with everytime!"

Disheartened, Naina walked to Nia's room and helped her to get ready.

"Mumma? Please don't cry."

Nia said wiping her tears and hugged her.

Naina controlled herself not break down in front of Nia and hugged her back.

Once Nia was ready, Naina went to her room to Aditya getting ready for his office. She took the tie that was thrown on the bed and neared him.

She slowly came and stood in front of him and just when her hands raised to his collars, Aditya stopped her.

"I think you forgot about what you said yesterday. So let me remind you. You have no right to do anything for me and stop interfering with my life!"

Aditya's grip tightened around her wrist that it had left red marks but what more pained were his words.

Saying, he left the room. Naina felt her eyes prickling with tears. Rubbing her eyes, she walked out of the room to see Aditya seated for breakfast.

Just when she was about to serve him, he stood up and walked out of the house with his lunch bag along with Nia following him to his car.

"He left without having breakfast"

Archana's words broke Naina's trance. She felt like being stabbed again and again.

She knew that she has messed up for real now and she had to make it up to him.

She knew that was her fault and she had to make it right.

Both Aditya and Archana ignored Naina. Which went for few days. It was really getting difficult for her. As it has been days since she had proper sleep. She didn't eat properly and had stopped drinking milk.

No matter how much she tried, nothing worked. She tried to talk to Aditya but his gazes had turned colder than she could ever imagine. His words had turned harsher than she ever knew that existed in him to behave like that and it was all her fault.

But today, Naina decided that she would definitely talk to Archana and at least sort out things with her.

In the noon, When Archana was cooking, Naina went and stood beside her.


Archana remained silent.

"Mom, please look at me at least? I know I have done wrong and I shouldn't have spoken like that-"

"And still you did, Naina! What is it that you want?"

Archana finally turned towards her placing the knife back on the plate.

"Mom, I am sorry"

Naina hugged Archana tightly despite her protests and kept on repeating how sorry she was and Archana couldn't help but respond to her hugs.

Naina cried.

"Mom, please don't do like that again. You can scold me or say anything you want, but please don't ignore me like that ever"

"How can I do wrong with you Naina? You are also my daughter. But Aditya is my son. What you said was not right."

"I know mom. I am really sorry about it. I never intended to say anything like that."

"I am sorry, mom"

"Apologize to him, Naina. Not me"

"Mom, what shall I do? He doesn't even look at me"

"You messed up, you need to figure it out. Do whatever you want, but sort out everything between you both"

Nodding her head, Naina hugged Archana again.

Naina was somehow relieved that at least Archana had forgiven her. If she was there with her, Naina was sure that she would make up with Aditya too. But how? She didn't know.

Aditya wasn't either happy by ignoring Naina. It was like a curse to him. But it wasn't his fault, it was her's. He had made up his mind to not give in to her easily as everytime he had been nothing but patient enough with Naina.

Whatever happened that day, was over the board. They neither celebrated her birthday nor anyone spoke about it. He hadn't slept properly for days.

In the evening, he reached home and called for his mother when Naina had opened the door for him and forwarded her hand to take his bag.

Avoiding her as if she didn't exist, Aditya asked a glass of water from Nia even when Naina brought it for him.

"Mom? I need to go to Mumbai tomorrow. I have a meeting with clients"

Saying, he made his way towards his room.

Naina didn't stand there. She followed him to their room even though it was difficult for her.

She saw him grabbing his clothes and getting inside the bathroom. She waited for him nervously and preparing herself mentally to hear his harsh words.

When heard the click sound of the door opening, she turned to see Aditya coming out of the bathroom and stopped in his track as he noticed Naina standing in front of him.

She could see how tired he looked as if he had not slept properly. His face had turned aloof. She couldn't bear to see him like that.

She threw herself at him, circling her arms around his broad body and cried.

"I am sorry, Aditya. Please forgive me"

Naina repeatedly apologized him while he stood like a stone hearted person and pushed her away rashly making her stumble a step back.

"What kind of woman are you? You throw yourself at me whenever you want and then you say that I have rights to upon you or in your life and ask me to not interfere in your life. When I am doing it, what is your problem huh?"

He asked her with his seething anger.

"No, Aditya. I am sorry. Please listen to me"

"No, you listen to me! Stop this act of innocence. And you stop interfering with me and my life!

You are Nia's mother, and just act like one!

Nothing more, nothing less!"

"Aditya? Ple-ase, don't say like that. I know you are hurt. I didn't mean to say those words to you-"

"Oh, so you mean that you think like that but you just couldn't tell me. But thanks to you! I finally understood what you want.

And now, please leave me alone!"

Pushing her aside, he walked out of the house.

Aditya has been doing like this. Everytime he returned from office, he freshened himself and walk out of the house to only return late hours of night and walk into Nia's room instead of theirs.

Naina couldn't bear this distance anymore. It was tearing her apart. She broke down in tears as she was left alone.


Hey guys!
Double update here....🤗
Next chapter will soon be released. So stay tuned!

Thank so much for your lovely comments and votes ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yes, I will reveal it only when the time comes!

Till then, sit back and enjoy the ride!

Thank you :)

Dated - 17 September, 2020

Edited - 18 June 2021

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