Carpe Noctem - cash au -

By crystellethemage

168K 6K 3.5K

1st book in the Carpe series Carpe Noctem- Seize the night We were polar opposites. We ran in different socia... More

Seize the night
Dancing in the moonlight
I Choose You
Crash Into Me
We Are the Stars Up In the Sky
Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon
Learning to Breathe
Welcome to the Fallout
Something, Something, Something Dark Side
Maybe It's Obsession...
Au Fait
Fire on the Mountain
We Love The Darkness, You and I
We Can Be Kings, You and I
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Strong Enough to Break
Lost Without Each Other
This Is My Confession
My Everything
Even the Stars They Fall
So Typically Me...
Breathe on Me
Tempus Fugit
Every Word I Say
And There I Find You In The Mystery...
Your Illusion
Just One Look And I Began to Fall
I Am Because We Are
Be Your Only One
Colors and Promises
Wild and Free
I Hear Your Name In Every Word I Say
It's True, I Crave You
One Thousand Sweet Kisses
Carpe Diem
Sequel Posted!
Inside the Absence of Fear
In The Absence of Fear Part 2
Fragile Flame


2.9K 124 62
By crystellethemage

Cameron POV


I pull away from Nash and smile tenderly at him, he's still staring at me with wide eyes.

" I don't understand, why are you here? Where are my parents?" He asks me noncommittally. A rush of guilt courses through me, I realize I treated him horribly today at school. He didn't deserve it but Sam has a way of saying things to make them seem like a good idea. He's the one that told me I should completely ignore Nash because what he did shouldn't be forgiven. But honestly the more and more I think about it, the more I think that Nash's version of the events are true. Plus he has Carter, Jack and even Matt to back up his side. They all spoke to me separately and tried to get me to talk to Nash but I didn't listen, I regret that now.

It sucks that it took him getting injured to make me realize how stupid I was being. I overreacted. I know Katrina is a bitch, I know this. Her trying to sabotage my relationship with Nash makes perfect sense to me now, how could I have been so stupid not to believe Nash? He would never, ever willingly kiss Katrina. Especially considering the fact that he's gay, not bisexual like I am. He literally doesn't even like girls, why the fuck would he kiss her?

I know now that the situation that happened was not his fault and I feel guilty for believing that he would ever do such a vile thing like cheat on me. I know how much Nash is in love with me, he shows it to me everyday.

Nash is looking at me expectantly and I realize I haven't answered him at all.

"I'm sorry, Nash." I tell him earnestly, my bottom lip trembling as I try to keep from crying. I can't imagine how Nash felt when I was blanking him. He must have been so devastated. He looks so vulnerable right now and I reach over and take his hands in mine. "I'm so fucking sorry for treating you that way. You didn't deserve it. I was so stupid not to listen to you or our friends. I don't even know how I could even believe that you would ever cheat on me and no less with Katrina. Your parents went home to sleep. I had to promise to stay here with you all night, which I did gladly, before they would leave. Just thought it would be better to for them to get some rest since you're getting the surgery tomorrow and they'll be here all day with you."

He pulls his hand from mine and my heart drops. Fuck, I screwed up so badly.

"You treated me so badly, Cameron." He says, staring at his hands. "I've never felt like that in my whole life. I was so embarrassed, Cam. I was so hurt."

"Look at me baby, I want to see those beautiful blue eyes," I murmur gently as I scoot my chair closer to his bed. He looks up at me and our eyes meet. I hold his hand firmly this time, not allowing him to pull away.

"I was a fucking idiot. I don't know what I was thinking. But I'm sorry and please let make it up to you," I plead with him. He stares at me for a while and then leans in and kisses me deeply. I feel so relieved, I don't know what I would have done if he didn't forgive me.

We're kissing with a sense of urgency, I've missed him so much. I've missed his lips, his kisses, his beautiful smile and those piercing blue eyes. Our lips move over one another and I slip my tongue in his mouth as he lies back on the bed and I slide onto the bed with him. He wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me even closer. We're lost in each other when I hear someone clear their throat. I immediately pull away and sit back on the chair, my face growing warm. Nash looks dazed for a moment and I love that my kisses do that to him. It's the same look that he had on his face after Katrina kissed him, but I misinterpreted it because he was drunk and that's why he seemed out of it.

"Sorry to interrupt," It's Nash's nurse. "I was just checking in on you and making sure everything's alright. How's your pain doing?"

Nash shrugs. "It's alright now..."

"Well let me know if it starts getting worse, okay?"

Nash nods at her and she leaves us alone again. He looks frazzled and I chuckle at him.

"You're so cute, baby." I say teasingly. He grins at me and shrugs.

"What can I say?"

We're quiet for a while, I hold his hand again and just enjoy his presence.

"You know why you treated me like that, right?" He asks suddenly. I look at him, confused.

"It's because of Sam. He was the little devil whispering in your ear, telling you how to react and what to do." He tells me.

I frown, thinking about the past few days and I realize that Nash is right. Yeah, I was upset when I saw them kiss but would I have ignored Nash or treated him like shit? No, I would have talked to him about it, I would have openly communicated with him and we would have worked it out. Sam seemed like he was trying to help but really he just made things worse. I sigh deeply, have I been misreading Sam's intentions all along? It just doesn't make sense, why would he be so insistent on me going to the party to make up with Nash if he just wanted to break us up?

"You're right," I reply to him and Nash looks surprised that I agree with him. "What?"

"It's just... you always defend Sam and this time you actually agree with me," he says. "I should get injured more often..."

"Nash don't even joke about that," I say seriously. And he frowns and nods at me.

"Sorry," he whispers.

"No, don't be sorry it's just I can't stand you getting hurt. I'm so sorry I wasn't there with you. I should have been there and I would have if it wasn't for Sam." I confess.

"What do you mean?" Nash asks me.

"I wanted to talk to you this morning and make up but Sam convinced me not to because he said cheaters don't deserve a second chance," I reply to him. "But the fact is that you didn't cheat. You would never cheat on me, how could I have been so blind to believe it?"

"You're my world, Cam. " He says quietly. "I love you so much, baby."

He leans over and captures my lips in a passionate kiss. I could never get enough of his lips.

"I didn't know how I was going to survive without you, Cammy." He murmurs in between kisses. "God, I've missed you so much."

My phone vibrates, interrupting us and I pull away from Nash. He whines a bit and pouts at me.

"I'm sorry, Nash it's probably my mom asking me where I am. I didn't get a chance to tell her because I came right from school to here." I pull out my phone and look down at it, it's not my mom, it's Sam.


"Is it your mom?" He asks me and he winces.

"What's wrong, Nash?" I ask him, worried.

"It's just the pain coming back." he reaches over and presses a button and the nurse walks in a few minutes later. I look down at my phone and read the text Sam sent me.

Sam- I thought you and Nash were over? I just heard that ur with him at the hospital. He prob just did that for attention and I doubt he's actually hurt. He knew u would come running just like u did. just think abt it, he legit cheated on u and this is too convenient. he gets injured the same day u ignore his presence at school?

I frown, it's not his business what I do, I don't have to tell him anything and I certainly don't have to screen my every decision with him. I'm not sure what to respond so I just ignore him.

"Who was that?" Nash asks me after the nurse leave, I totally spaced out and didn't pay attention to what him and the nurse was talking about.

"It was Sam," I tell him and Nash looks unhappy.

"What did he want? To ruin our relationship again?" he says, crossing his arms.

"Hmm..something like that," I reply.

"I want to see," he says and holds his hand out. I place my phone in his hand and he puts in my passcode. We shared that a while ago, we have nothing to hide from each other.

He's quiet as he scrolls through my messages with Sam. He grows more angry as time goes on and by the time he's finished reading it he's clenching his jaw barely able to contain his anger. God, he's so fucking sexy when he's like this. How was I ever going to be able to give him up? Why did I think I could ever do it? I was just as delusional as Katrina.

The nurse comes back in with Nash's pain medicine and she gives it in his IV. His eyes get glassy and unfocused, he lays his head back on the pillow, a small smile playing on his lips. I know he's probably going to fall asleep soon so I lean over and give him a soft kiss.

"Go to sleep, baby," I whisper soothingly. "I'll be here with you. I promise."

I know eventually he's going to want to talk about the messages he read. But for now we'll concentrate on getting through the surgery and his recovery. I know it's going to be difficult cause Nash is such an active person, but I will be with him every step of the way. I promise. I'll worry about what to do regarding Sam tomorrow. I'm not sure if I should confront him about it or just stop talking to him completely and move on. I'm leaning towards just ignoring him and I know Nash will for sure approve. I also have to think about how I'm going to make it up to him.

He's given me the best nights of my life, I feel like I need to do something equally as special in return. I need to talk to Matt and Carter about it and also apologize for not listening to them. Especially Matt, he was offended that I wouldn't listen to him but I did to Sam. And it wasn't that I trusted Sam more, it was just that he fed into my insecurities adding more fuel to the fire.

I lean down and kiss Nash's hand softly and then get myself comfortable in the chair and close my eyes.

A/N- Did you guys like it? Cam is finally getting a clue lol. Next chapter tomorrow! Thank you for 3k reads! I'm so excited that you guys like my story, I really enjoying writing it <3

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