The Boy Next Door.

By 1D_fanfic123

46K 2.1K 717

Mia is a ordinary 21 year old girl who still lives at home with her mum and dad. Her best friend (Victoria) w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Final Chapter.

Chapter 85

234 10 15
By 1D_fanfic123

Harry's Pov.

Alone. Just me, myself and I.

No I don't like that feeling.

I've managed to calm myself down...well kind of. I'm finally showing calmness on the outside but within me is a whole new world.

"Please mate can you stop!" A guy speaks from the opposite side of the waiting room.

"Are you talking to me?" I look around, noticing nobody else.

"Yes. I'm trying to think straight and all I can hear is you traipsing up and down this small room, Will you please just sit down." He points to a seat.

"Are you trying to tell me what I can and can't fucking do?" I raise my voice. All I see is red.

"Calm the hell down, I'm only asking you to sit down." His arms rise in surrender.

"Sorry 'mate' but if you don't like it you can fucking leave through the door." I clench my jaw.

"Stop being a prick man, I don't know what is going on with you but just shut up and let it drop." He positions himself.

"What did you just call me?" Is he really trying to push my buttons because at this moment in time he really shouldn't!

"What is your problem? Stop staring at me!" He looks at me.

"You started this." I scoff.

"Are you starting on me?" He crosses his arm. What a dickhead.

"Well it looks like I have no option does it." I move closer.

"You need you chill out." He stands to his feet. He is a few inches smaller than me.

Standing so close, the only thing heard is deep breaths. His and mine.

"You're not going to hurt me." I hear him mumble.

That's it.

Within seconds, I grab the collar of his shirt, pinning him up against the wall.

No I don't know his background. I don't know his story and I especially don't know why he is here. Could he be going through the same as me? I actually don't give a shit. He is here and he is annoying me.

If Mia was here she would be telling me to stop. Don't hurt him. She would be telling me that he is probably just as upset as I am. That's the problem though Mia isn't fucking here! I need her to be here. I need her to calm me down and tell me everything is going to be okay.

"Harry." The waiting room door bursts open. I don't look back.

"Harry let go of him." Mia's mum runs up to me, grabbing my hands and pulling.

I freeze staring at this man. What am I doing?

"Mate I'm so...sorry." I gulp, releasing my grip.

He stumbles back, catching his balance.

The guy doesn't say a thing, but nods.

"Harry, come here." Mia's mum pulls me into a hug.

"What if I lose them Sue?" Out of nowhere I cry.

"Shh don't talk like that." I feel her head shake against my shoulder. I can hear the tone of sadness in her voice.

"We tried to get here as fast as we could Harry. What have the doctors said so far? Why aren't you with Mia?" Malcom, Mia's dad asks.

"If I was aloud with her, I would be by her fucking side." I again freak moments later realising it isn't her father's fault.

"Sorry...I'm just worried about them both." I apologise.

"It's alright Harry. We all are." Malcom rests his hand on my shoulder.

"I would do anything to swap places with her right now. I don't know what they are doing to her because the bastards won't let me know anything! I should be by her side, comforting her. Right now I don't have a fucking clue where she is in the hospital." Anger, rage and upset is swirling inside me, making me feel nauseous.

"Harry sit down." Mia's mum, walks me towards a seat.

"I promised to take care of her but now she could be losing her life." My hands fly in the air. I know the guy from before is staring in my direction but I don't have the energy to argue with him right now.

"What exactly has they said about Mia and the baby?" Sue asks.

"There's a ninety percent chance of her losing out baby because its three months early but there's also a high risk of losing Mia from her body going into meltdown and shock. It's not good for her or something. I don't know they use posh bloody words that nobody understands!" I know that Sue and Malcom are upset but putting on a brave face. I don't know how though because I'm a mess.

Everything has just gone too fast. It feels like moments ago I was in the airport with Mia saying bye to Sammie-Jo, then suddenly I saw paramedics running towards us and then Mia was gone. That's what put my anger on boil...when the little bastards wouldn't let me in the ambulance with Mia form the airport. I had to follow in the car.

I saw Mia for a few seconds when I arrived to the hospital, but she was stone cold out of it. I whispered 'everything will be okay.' I don't know whether she could hear me or not but I hope that she could. Then she was gone if she vanished into thin air.

They wouldn't let me follow them through the emergency doors, it was I fight but they somehow managed to hold me back. So they place me is this stupid, sickly yellow waiting room. It's small and depressing.

"So what are they doing with her now?" Sue asks. If I knew that, I would be a genius.

Harry stay calm, it's not their fault. They are only concerned about their daughter.

Taking a deep breath in and out, I reply.

"I'm not sure."

"Are they delivering the baby?" Malcom wonders.

"They best fucking not be. Not without me there." I shake my head in disapproval of that thought.

We all stay for a little longer, before the door opens. Our heads shoot up.

"Mr..."The nurse looks down to her papers. "Davidson. Mr Davidson." She smiles. The guy from before jumps up, hope high in his eyes.

"Is she okay?" He asks.

"She fine." As the words leave the nurses mouth, relief flushes through his face.

"Can I see her?" He asks.

"Follow me sir." The nurse heads out of the waiting room.

I look up to him, a part of me feeling sorry for this guy. I was in the wrong for starting on him the way I did.

"Oi." I shout across the room. He turns on his heals to face me.

"Good luck mate." I nod. Mia would be proud of me right now.

"You too man." He nods back before chasing after the nurse.

I don't mean this in a spiteful way but I wanted that nurse to be for me, to tell me my two babies were fine. I need some reassurance here right now!

The door opens again.

"Mr Styles?" The nurse searches, the three of us sitting here.

"Yes. That's me. Is Mia okay? Can I see her? Fuck please just say something." I stand.

"Mia is...Mia is in a stable condition. Her progress is good."

"...and our baby?" I push wanting to know what else the nurse has to say.

"Mr Styles your baby will be born today. At this moment, there is a lot of pressure on her heart, weakening it. Your baby is three months early sir, I'm sorry to say we don't know what the outcome is going to be." The nurse explains.

I collapse back into my chair, is if I've just been knocked down by a champion league heavy weight boxer. We could be leaving with or without our baby girl? The baby girl I would do anything to protect. My baby girl that I already love so much.

"Oh no." Mia's mum gasps, a tear rolling down her face. Malcom comforts her.

"I know this is very bad news, but we hope that the positives come out of this as always. Mia has made a choice to try and give birth naturally but we are only giving so long before rushing her in for a caesarean section." The nurse jots notes down on the file resting in her arms.

"What? Can I see her? I need to be with her." Out of nowhere, I gain a spark that allows me to stand back to my feet, even though I still feel crushed inside.

"Yes I came to get you sir, come this way." The nurse exits, expecting me to follow.

As I'm about to walk, I realise I haven't even took a moment to take Mia's parents thoughts into my consideration.

"Shit sorry." I run my fingers through my hair. "She's your daughter." I point to them."

Malcom looks at Sue and they smile at one another. What's going on?

Malcom stands.

"She's my little girl but I trust you to go and take care of her now. Don't think negative. You're going to become a daddy today to a little girl of your own. This is a big responsibility for me to give my daughters care up for someone else to take care of, but you gained my trust. Go. Go and be great, promise not to leave her side." A tear runs down Malcom's face, as he taps me on the shoulder.

Fuck now that was deep.

"No I won't. I promise. Thank you." I'm stunned not knowing what to say.

"Quick, go. She needs you. They both need you." He smiles, pushing me out of the door.

I run to catch up with the nurse.

I gained Malcom's trust, bloody hell. I didn't think people even liked me never mind trust me.

"In here." She opens the door.

Mia's Pov.

Memory loss? Black outs? I'm not sure what is happening with me.

There are no words to describe the pain in my stomach right now. I don't know where I am. I'm alone and scared. Harry is nowhere to be seen. I seem to recall the doctors telling him he couldn't follow me but I then blacked out again.

I can hear muffling in the background, doctors and nurses whispering to each other about me. I don't like it. I'm scared. I want Harry.

I've been in this theatre room for over thirty minutes and I'm now cold and in a whole lot more pain. I don't know what is going on with my body right now.

"What's happening? What happened to me?" I ask the nurse by the side of me, taking blood form my cannula. When did they put that in my arm?

"You're having your baby Miss Taylor." She doesn't look me in the eyes.

"What? No I can't be! I still have three months to go." I freak, trying to stand.

"Miss. Please slay still. This is a very dangerous method. We need you to stay as calm and relaxed as you can be, not just for your baby girl's life but also for yours too." She gently pushes my shoulder back down so that I lay on the bed.

"What? I'm losing my baby?" A tear rolls down my cheek.

She doesn't reply but stays concentrated on the cannula, carefully drawing blood from my arm.

This must be bad, very bad.

"Where's Harry?" I ask.

"In the waiting room." She replies, still now looking at me.

"I want him here." I cry.

"He isn't allowed access in here. As soon as you are in the birth control room someone will go and fetch him for you." She gives a quick smile.

I rest back, gritting my teeth in pain.

I want him now though!

"How's my baby?" I worry, sitting back up.

"I'll let the doctors talk to you first. I will go and get one now." She finishes up and walks off.

I would like to be updated more if I'm honest, I'm alone and I don't have clue what is going on? This causes stress so how the hell am I supposed to relax with not being able to know anything.

A transporter walks up to my bed?

What is he doing?

"Love, I'm here to take you to your birthing room. Please lay still." He gives a friendly smile, making the bed jerk as he takes the break off it.

I don't reply with words, only a small nod to my head.

At least I will be able to be with Harry now. I will no longer be I pain alone.

We soon arrive to a middle sized room. I'm imported inside where I'm greeted by a doctor.

"Please can you tell me what is going on?" I cry as soon as I see him.

Why am I crying again? Pain? Upset? Worry? I don't know.

"Ay Miss, please don't cry. Relax." The doctor walks up to my bed side.

"How can I relax when I've been told that I could lose my baby girl and also my own life is at risk? I got took from my boyfriend and I'm in tremendous pain! Could you relax if you were me?" I say through my achy, gritted teeth.

"Please just calm down miss. You getting yourself worked up won't be any help. I'm here to explain everything to you." The calmness of my doctor relaxes me.

I take a deep breath in and out, nodding my head.

"I've been looking through the test results and at this moment in time, everything is looking good. Yes I'm not going to lie but there is a big risk of your baby not making it alive, but right now she is calm and her heart beat is settled. When you were first rushed in, your baby's heart beat was weak...very weak." He looks down.

"What do you mean very weak?" I wonder, a tear running down my face.

"If your baby girl is born alive, there's a chance she may have brain damage but we won't be sure until she is out. Now the decision is up to you." He says.

"What decision?" I ask him.

"You can have a normal birth in here, meaning you and the baby's heart beat is stable or you can go straight to the caesarean section room for an emergency." The doctor right a note down on his file.

"I don't...know. What should I do?" I want to do what's for the best.

"Well as you will know that a normal birth is the best possible way but if your's or the baby's heart beat weakens, we will have to rush you down to the caesarean section room." I feel sick and dizzy.

"Okay, I'll try myself first." Another tear rolls down my cheek. The plan was for me do have a water birth but now I think I'm too weak to get down in the tub.

"Good. We best get things started then." He smiles, closing my files.

"Can my boyfriend come in here now...please?" I politely ask.

"Your nurse has gone to fetch him already, he shouldn't be too long. Your midwife is also on her way to the hospital. I'll be popping in and out to keep a close eye on you." The doctor makes his way to the door before exiting the room.

My baby girl could be still born or have brain damage? No. This can't happen.

"Mia." Harry charges into the room, running to my bed side.

"Harry." I lock my arms around his neck, sobbing.

"Shh its okay baby, I'm here now." He hugs tighter.

The hug is really hurting me but I don't ever want to let go.

"I was so's my entire fault. I'm so...sorry." I cry more.

Harry pulls back. His eyes search my face.

"Mia shut up. No none of this is your fault! Don't say that. If our baby is born healthy or with an illness we will love her and protect her." He looks mortified that I blame myself. I don't know why I blame myself? I just feel that it is my fault.

"But her being born with brain damage isn't the only worry Harry, she could be dea..."

"Don't say that Mia. No." He cuts across.

"I'm sorry. This is my punishment." I stare, gulping.

"Punishment? What exactly for?"

"Ben." Is all I say, a salty tear running into my mouth.

Harry inhales deeps, running his fingers through his hair.

"Mia please. This isn't your fault neither was what happened to Ben. Please stop saying this." His deep, sparkly eyes meet mine.


Harry suddenly moves closer, connecting our keep me quiet?

"I've missed you. You've had me so fucking worried." His big hands grip my face.

"I've been so scared. Everything is happening too fast. I wish everything would just..." I scream in pain.

"Mia!" Worry shoots across Harry's face, as he grabs my hand.

"It hurts." I cry even more.

"You're doing great babe. Keep going. You're so strong and I'm so proud of you." He kisses my forehead.

"I love you Harry."

He smiles, a tear rolling from his eye.

"Don't cry! You will make me worse." I swat his arm.

"I'm just happy to be here with you right now. I'm the luckiest man on earth. Just you wait. We will get out of here with our beautiful baby girl, get married and become a strong family. Nothing will break us apart and we will do whatever we want to do. As long as I'm with you and this little one..." He gently rubs my stomach. "I don't care what we do. You're all that matters to me and our little princess."

"Stop it. You're making me cry more." I smile a little, still in pain.

"I just want you to know how much I love you Mia and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Harry's hand rubs the piece of hair that is dangling across my eyes away.


Harry's Pov.

Mia has now pulled herself together and is no longer in pain. She decided to have an epidural to stop the pain. I'm glad she decided that because now I know she isn't in pain or suffering. It kills me to see her crying like that! I would do anything to take the pain away. At least she is more relaxed now.

She maybe is just a little grouchy and tired...not the normal Mia I'm used to seeing but also entertaining.

"I well want a McDonalds you know?" I'm sitting in the chair, besides her bed.

"Harry if all you is going to do is talk about food when you know I can't eat, you can get out." She mumbles. See grouchy.

"Calm your tits." I laugh. I find her funny.

"My tits are calm." She crosses her arms.

I stand up, moving down the bed a little, slightly bending over.

"Shell I see if I can see the head." I smirk.

The palm of Mia's hand meets my head.

"You dare. You stay up here at all times!" She demands.

"I love winding you up." I lean over, pecking her lips.

"Well right now whilst I'm in labour is not the right time to be winding me up. Now sit back up here." She pats my chair.

"You love it really."

"No I really don't." Her eyes narrow.

"Why are you still being grouchy, you're not in pain." I grin.

"Harry it doesn't work like that! I still ache all over and I'm uncomfortable and then I turn to have you moaning something down my ear every second." Mia complains.

"I wish I was moaning something down your ear, I haven't done that for a long while." I smirk as she swats my arm.

"Is that supposed to be a joke?" She raises her eyebrow.

"Okay okay...but I don't know how much longer I can keep my hands off you." Winking, I soon laugh. "And can you stop hitting me. I'm sure this is relationship abuse."

"If you carry on winding me up, I will be sure to show you what the hell relationship abuse is." I laugh at her choice of words. She's pretty funny in this mood.

I pout, pretending that she has upset me. I mope my head on the edge of her pillow, my face a few inches away from Mia's. She takes no notice looking straight ahead.

Knowing she's taking to attention to me, I blow her face.

Mia's eyes close as she inhales and exhales.

"And can I help you?" She turns to me, are faces brushing off one another.

"Nope, I'm just resting." I smirk, shaking my head.

"Do you have to have your face this close to me?" Her eyebrows rise. I try not to laugh.

"Just keeping a close eye on you." I shrug, snuggling closer. I don't think I can get any closer even if I tried. Her breath is fanning across my face, as mine does hers.

Mia breaths in and out again, and then laughs?

"What's so funny? Am I missing the joke?" I ask to why she is laughing.

"You're just unbelievable." She giggles.

"Why?" I lift my head, looking at her red, sweet lips.

"I'm in pain. You're annoying me but still make me laugh." She bursts out a smile. "I try and keep a straight face then the next thing I feel is you blowing my face."

"I'm just being me." I run my tongue over my bottom lip, looking at her.

"No you are just being pure annoying." She grins, stroking my cheek with her soft fingers.

I move in, connecting our lips.

"Harry." She laughs, pushing my face.

"What?" I giggle, kissing down her neck.

"Stop. The nurses keep coming in and out." She pushes my head again.

"I don't give a shit about them." I leave a trail down her neck.

"Well I do, so stop." She laughs.

"Okay, I'll respect your wishes for now." I wink, pecking her lips for one last time.

I know she is upset, fuck so am I! I'm trying to take her mind off everything but I know it's hard. I just want to see her smiling. Her smile is the reason for me smiling. So when Mia cries, you can only imagine how I feel. It hurts so fucking much.

"Are you sure you don't want me to check if I can see her head?" I look to Mia, my cheeks rising.

"No! I'm one hundred percent sure." She puts a serious face on. I know she wants to laugh.

"Okay I was just checking. I hope you know that I'm not happy for other people seeing down there, that's my job."

"Stop being disgusting." She scoots up the bed, propping herself up.

"Are you uncomfortable?" I ask with concern.

"Very." She nods.

"Do you want a massage?" A massage is always the way forward right?

"It depends on where you are thinking and if you are being serious." Mia replies.

"I don't know what you're talking about Miss Mia Ann-Leigh. I'm a very caring gentleman." I smirk.

"You and that bloody smirk." She swats my arm...again.

"So do you want a massage?" I repeat my question.

"Yes please." Mia nods, turning her back to me.

I pull up close behind her, as I massage around her shoulders to release the pressure building in her body.

"That's perfect." She smiles, relaxing her head back to look at me.

"Only the best for my girl." I leave a kiss on her forehead.


"Mia you are doing great." The nurse and midwife encourage Mia.

"No I can't anymore." Mia is shattered and breathless.

"Yes you can baby. Come on." My hand is blue from Mia's tight grip.

I didn't realise how strong she was until now and it fucking hurts!

Mia forces another push, letting a deep scream out.

"No more. No." She nods her head, tears streaming down her face.

"Mia one more push on the count of three." The midwife says.

"I can't." Mia refuses.

"You can. Come on, one more and then we can be holding our baby girl." I kiss her knuckles.


On three, Mia urges a massif push also another scream.

"She's out. Well done." The midwife smiles.

"She should be crying. Why isn't she crying?" Mia panics hysterically.

"Take her over to the unit." My baby gets passed to another nurse.

My baby girl looks blue and limp...lifeless.

I feel a sharp pain shooting through my chest, as I hold onto Mia tightly.

"Harry." She screams, making me shudder.

"It will be okay." I stroke her head as it hides in my chest.

Please just a scream...murmur...cry...anything?

A scream  shortly fills the room and I sigh with relief.

My baby girl is okay. 


(Edited on the 08.05.2015)

I can't believe that this one has came to an end. I know in my recent chapters I was talking about beginning a sequel which I did begin but shamefully realised that I have no time to update any more whilst I'm going through exams. So please stick with me as there will be an epilogue to this.

Once the epilogue has been updated, my sequel book 'The Next Step' will be deleted as there isn't many chapters yet.

I hope that you enjoyed this? And the song goes perfectly with this chapter <3

Thank you all so much.

Please Vote and Comment <3

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