Broken Pieces - Finding Way T...

By Hritu04

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Well think of a husband and wife who have everything. Family, daughter, job, money and house. But Naina and A... More

You gotta read this!
Author's Note
Author's Note
Author's Note


1.4K 80 4
By Hritu04

As time passed, it was four o'clock in the evening.After Archana was done with the housework, she was busy in weaving a muffler for her granddaughter and Pratap had gone to pick up their granddaughter from the school. At the same time, Naina who was getting ready to go back home was stopped by none other than her colleague Arthi. Arthi was a free spirited, open minded and a bit crazy person. She was of same age as Naina. A bit taller than her, tan skinned, shoulder length hairs, black eyes with the neverending smile on her face. If Naina was being called weird, then she even more weirder. Not in the same way though. Her class was always lively and fun. The children loved her so much that other teachers were not so happy with that. But then Naina was also one of the favourite teachers of students. Though Arthi couldn't become her best friend, she was the only person who talked with Naina without feeling awkward. As everyone knew that Naina wasn't much of a welcoming person. But Arthi was totally different. She didn't pay heed to any rumours. Because she knew Naina wasn't someone who would hurt anyone. It's just that she was a difficult person according to her.

"Hey! Naina, ready to leave?" She asked while signing the attendance register. Naina was waiting for her chance to sign.

"Yes" she replied.

"Well, how are going? I mean you had told that your Scooty had gone nuts!" Arthi spoke making no sense and then laughed at her own choice of words hoping to lighten up the air. But seeing Naina nonresponsive, she spoke again.

"I mean, that it has to be sent to garage right? You said it wasn't starting, so?"

"Yes. It is not starting.

And it is still not sent to garage." Naina sighed. She usually travelled by her Scooty. It was her who used to drop Nia everyday. But since the day her Scooty stopped working, with no choice she had to take lift from Aditya. More like she was forced to take lift from him. But one thing she couldn't understand that, why hasn't she given her Scooty for repairing yet? She had the number in her contact list. She could have called them and they would have picked it up, repair it and drop it off to her home. It was as simple as that. But she didn't.

Little did she knew that the reason behind her not starting her Scooty was none other than her husband, Aditya. Having enough of her ignorance, it was the only way for him be near her. The ride from her home to school was almost fourty minutes. These fourty minutes were precious for him. He could observe her. He could hear her voice which wasn't forced while talking to Nia. He could see how beautiful she looked everyday without any makeup. It's been a week since he had been dropping her off to school. But while going back to home, she would take a cab.

"Mind if I give you a lift?" Arthi asked, hoping Naina wouldn't deny her.

"Why, Arthi? Why are you doing this?" Without looking at her, Naina signed the register and walked out of the school building along with Arthi tagging behind her.

"What am I doing? I am just asking you wether I can drop you off or not" she said seeming innocent. They both were out of school premises, where the vehicles of the staff were parked.

Naina knew that Arthi was a good person. She was no harm to her. But this sudden affection was not something she was used to it from years.

"Don't look at me so innocently. The whole school knows me as stone hearted person. And never speak without having profession related topics. Then why are you so persistent about talking with me?

You greet me in the mornings, afternoons and evenings.

Each and everyday.

Even if I don't respond to you.


Don't you feel being mad at me for not responding back to you that you keep on doing the same thing everyday?" Deranged, Naina asked her.

"Exactly, then why are you being mad at me? Isn't it I who is supposed be mad at you? But look who is being scolded? Me, the poor innocent soul!" Arthi exaggerated.

"Drama queen!" Naina muttered looking at her which made Arthi laugh.

"That I am..... But the point is, the theoretical and practical experience suggests that a silent girl like you is very in need of a loud girl like me! So here I am.... In your service, ma'am!" Arthi bowed her head in a dramatical way. While Naina stood silently.

Straightening herself, Arthi stared at the woman standing in front of her. She knew that Naina was capable of showing emotions. It's just that she had locked all of her emotions somewhere in the dark place. All she wanted was to help her. She could see Naina drowning in her life. Her gaze softened. Holding her hands, Arthi made Naina to look at her.

"Look Naina, I know you are not a bad person. It's just that you might have been gone through something very wrong that changed you into this kind of person. I also know that you don't want any friends or any help from anyone. That doesn't change anything for me. I will keep doing what I do everyday. If this how you are, then so am I..... But all I am asking is to drop you. Is it too difficult to accept the offer, Huh?"

Naina stared at her. Not knowing what to say. She definitely didn't wanted to hurt her. 'it is just too difficult?' she asked herself. Turning to her left side, in the opposite direction of the main road stood the man she never expected to be there in the first place. Both saw eachother. He straightened himself upon seeing her. But Naina turned back to Arthi, grabbed her hand and walked towards Arthi's car.

"Fine, you can drop me'' she said hurriedly, not wanting for the person to come up to her. She would rather go with Arthi than him. She didn't knew what was he even doing here.

"Okay" Arthi was shocked after hearing her. If she wasn't wrong then just one minute ago she was in denial. Now all of a sudden she agreed just like that? What changed her mind?

As Arthi took her sweet time to start the engine once they were seated inside the car, Naina hissed at her.

"If you don't start driving now, I will go by myself"

"Okay, fine. I am starting okay. No wonder they say that you are weird. Just a minute ago you didn't wanted me to even talk to you, and now look who's in my car and ordering me?" Arthi moved out her car from the parking space and took a U-turn, passing through the path where the man was standing. The least he expected was to acknowledge his presence. As they passed through him, Naina stiffened which didn't go unnoticed by Arthi. Naina could see him standing at same spot looking in her direction through the rearview mirror. And so did Arthi.

After five minutes of silence, Arthi asked her softly.

"Who is he?"

Faking the obliviousness, she pretended not to know about whom she was speaking.

"The man who was standing there, Naina? Who was he?"

This time she was answered with only silence. Having enough of her silence, she tried the only option by which she could get answers for her questions. After passing through the signal, she took U-turn. Hoping this would work. Seeing her driving in the reverse direction, Naina asked nervously.

"Why did you take U-turn?"

"Why what's wrong? Last time I checked there was no one there right?"

"Arthi, please stop the car. I will -"

"You will what, Naina? Take a cab and run away?

Listen Naina, you have two more minutes to spill everything or else you know where I will be stopping the car"

Hearing the threat, she knew Arthi would do exactly as she said. It was no use of talking to her right now. It's not more than ten minutes. If she's not wrong, he must be still standing there rooted to the spot. The last thing she wanted was to be with him. So gave into her.

"He is Aditya. My husband." She whispered but loud enough for Arthi to hear.

The second these words were left from Naina's mouth, Arthi took a left turn driving through the service road. She couldn't ask her the reason why she ignored him. It was her personal issues after all. For starters, she at least spoke something. That was a good sign for her. The rest of the ride, it was mostly Arthi who spoke about silly things which were actually to only make Naina comfortable. When they reached her home, Arthi stopped her car in front of the car.

Naina turned towards her and when she was about to speak, Arthi butted in stopping her from saying whatever she was going to.

"Listen Naina, if you are thinking that I must have been thinking why did you not meet your husband, then yes. I was. But I won't ask you anything. Because I know you are not ready yet. I confident about our new friendship that you will speak to me about it whenever you are ready to share. But you know I am always there. Even if you don't want to talk I can sit with you without talking. I swear!"

Sighing, she didn't know what to speak. Either Arthi was crazy or she is making her. Again when she parted her lips to speak, she was stopped by Arthi.

"I know what you are going to tell. Now that I have dropped you, you want to invite me inside right? I really appreciate it, but I will surely come the next time"

"Next time? There's not going to be next time!"

"Oh, so then you won't ignore your husband then?''


"Or, you are going to take cab again?"

"Are you crazy?"

"I am! Everyone is"

Not wanting hear any of her nonsense, she got down the car and walked inside her house. While Arthi drove off to her home.

As soon as Naina entered home, she received a tight hug from her daughter.

"Mumma, you are back!"

"Yes, sweetheart I am.

How was your day today?" She asked while placing her bag on the table and sat on the sofa along with Nia beside her.

"Mumma, you were right." She said

"About what?"

"Mumma, no one laughed at me or scolded me for painting the sky pink"

She smiled widely. And so did Naina, caressing her head.

"No one will ever change your sky Nia, no one" Naina spoke looking at her daughter not wanting her to go through any of the things which she had gone through. When Nia entered her life, the only thought came through her mind was not to let her become another Naina.

The evening was spent with playing Nia and helping her to do her homework and helping her mother-in-law to prepare dinner. It was thirty minutes past seven. While she was cutting the vegetables, she looked towards the main door. Aditya used to return by now. He was half an hour late. Was he late because of her? Is he angry? Of course he would be. Wondering all the reasons for him to not return yet, unaware of what she about to do was startled by Archana's loud voice.

"Naina! What are you doing?

Were you even looking at what you were doing or you were lost in your thoughts?

You were going to cut your finger! Look there"

Hearing her, she looked down to see her left hand holding the vegetable and in her right hand she held knife. Which she held just an inch above the pointing finger of her left hand. If not for her, Naina would have surely cut her finger today.

"I am sorry, mom. I don't know how- I -"

"It's alright. But next time please, focus on what you are doing Naina. It's for your sake I am telling" she told holding her hand.

"Yes, mom"

"Now, go and sit. Almost everything is ready. I will do cut these and saute it. You take a rest for a while. Seems like you're tired today."

"Humm" nodding her head, she walked to the hall where Nia was reciting poem to her grandfather animatedly. She stood there and stared at them while also glancing every now and then towards the door. She was afraid of the outcome for stunt she pulled out near her school.


Thank you for reading the chapter!
The day will end very soon 😅
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Edited - 11 June 2021

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