LPS High School AU

By heroscuties

14.4K 634 530

Join 7 friends as they venture through the world, known as high school. There will be action, comedy, romance... More

Weekend Plans
Extra Credit
Have Courage!
The New Girl
Can I Tell You a Secret?
The Story Of My Life
Always be Together
¡Sí Se Puede!
Pitch Purrfect
Pretend it's OK
Sweet Pepper
Sweet Pepper (2)
How to Spend a Saturday Morning
Bet (Part 2)
Fake Dating Pt.1
Cardboard- The Aftermath
Chez Paris
Strike II
Strike OUT
To Serve and Protect
Superstar I
call me when the party's over
Say What?
Just Roll With It
Double Date
Be Alright
Getting So Close
Something New
Just Fine
The Solution?
The Experience
Sneaking In
Sounds Like A Challenge
Pre-Game Jitters
Good Game
Author's Note
Gonna Get Better?
A Possible Rival?
Nerves With a Hint of Mango
Daggers and Draggers

The Lead

77 5 8
By heroscuties

Russell Ferguson was a lot of things. Serious, attentive, caring, grumpy, maybe a bit cynical (in which he still had no idea why people described him that way), but mainly serious.

Okay, Sunil. Just because some of my plans are far more elaborate than others doesn't make it creepy at all!

But Russell Ferguson was not dumb.

He furrowed his brows as he and Sunil sat on the parade's bleachers, idly watching Pepper pacing back and forth on the sidewalk. She was deep in thought.

In all fairness, he too would be doing the same thing if he was ever thinking hard about something, but this was Pepper. What was she so worried about?

"It doesn't make any sense..." Pepper said as she continued pacing around, "It really doesn't make any sense..."

"Ugh, it really doesn't make any sense if you're not telling us anything." Sunil rolled his eyes as he looked down at his phone, currently reading through some texts. Russell however, crossed his arms, fully aware that Pepper was only thinking of how they saw Captain and Mitzi together earlier.

"Pepper, I think you're taking this situation a bit too dramatically." He said, "they're just two friends hanging out on this beautiful Saturday morning, wanting to enjoy a parade. What's so wrong with that?"

"What's wrong?" Pepper scoffed, "I never said there was anything wrong with that!" She glanced up at him, "What makes you say that, huh?"

"Nothing!" Russell sheepishly grinned, "it's just so weird seeing you like this! No offense.."

"Taken. Badly." Pepper fake gasped as she clutched her heart. "You really are cynical, dude."

"Wha- who told you THAT?!" Russell scoffed, Sunil merely whistling as he blindly scrolled through his phone.

"Whatever. What am I even doing? What are WE doing just sitting around doing NOTHING?" Pepper chuckled, a bit too forcefully, "Let's go and get some food!"

"Now?" Sunil looked up, "But half of the booths aren't even open yet."

"So? We'll look for one that is!" Pepper climbed up the bleachers, "What do you guys want? Tacos? Nachos? Or those cool looking gyros we passed by earlier? Or-"

"Churros." Russell said.


"I'm craving some churros right now, and I think there was a perfectly good stand back there." Russell smirked. "I mean, unless you DON'T want to head back that direction, then I completely understand!"

Sunil, looking up from his phone, glanced between the two, now a bit more interested in the conversation.

Pepper glared at him, "does it HAVE to be churros?"

"What's wrong with a simple churro?" Russell raised a brow, his smile widening, "they're not THAT bad. Unless you have a PROBLEM with churros-"

"Ugh, I know what you're trying to do." Proper crossed her arms, "and it's not gonna work!"

"Is it not?" Russell chuckled, "then why is Sunil already on his way over there?"

"Wha-" Pepper wildly turned her head, her eyes scanning for the tall, blue haired boy, and indeed, he was already making his way over there, still looking at his phone.

"Well, we might as well follow him." Russell stood up, "unless you're too scared to even face the captain again?"

"Mention the captain one more time, and I will cram a churro down your throat." Pepper poked his chest before descending down the bleachers.

Russell rolled his eyes as he followed her down. Girls are so weird.

"Hmm... what about him?"

Zoe, Minka and Vinnie stood in the corner of the warehouse, leaning against a couple of large boxes. They had begun exploring the place for a while, but realized that there wasn't really much going on at the moment, so they got bored. However, Zoe suggested that they rate the dancers and models that consecutively passed by them, to pass the time.

"He's actually kind of cute though." Zoe chuckled as a tall male model walked by, wearing sweats and a t shirt. "Well, aside from that ridiculous outfit."

"Eh. I'll give him a 6 at most." Minka shrugged.

"7 tops." Vinnie agreed, his eyes wandering around, until someone else caught his attention. "Ooh! What about that guy over there?"

The three looked over to a younger looking male, modeling a feathered outfit. Presumably a dancer.

"Now that's something." Zoe beamed.

"A 6 at most. Maybe a 6.5..." Minka shrugged again.

"Ugh, Minka, you're giving everyone the same score!" Zoe rolled her eyes. "Isn't there anyone here above a 7?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with Minks on this one." Vinnie crossed his arms, "That guy isn't that cute.."

"Not helping..." Zoe narrowed her eyes.

"Anyways, don't you already have a boyfriend, Zoe?" Minka raised a brow, "Why are YOU rating these guys?"

"First of all, this was MY idea." Zoe huffed, "second, I just thought it would fun!"

"I guess." Minka looked back at the people walking around, "but none of these guys really are my type."

"Oh, so what IS your type then?" Zoe smirked, "orange haired dorks who organize for a living?"

Vinnie grinned as Minka felt her cheeks redden. She couldn't help but smile, "Quit joking around, Zoe..."

Her eyes blindly wandered around until they suddenly stopped. Zoe and Vinnie noticed the sudden silence that fell before the warehouse. Only the sound of footsteps could be heard as a door suddenly swung open, revealing a very familiar face. A man with jet black hair, clothes mainly consisting of feathers in the shade of burgundy, and of course, a glittering appearance as a whole, entered the vicinity. People muttered amongst themselves as Vinnie gasped, immediately gripping Minka's arm.

"That's him!" He whispered to the other girls, "that's the Ramon!"

"Wait, really?" Minka gaped, "Is that really him?"

"That outfit leaves me with so many questions.." Zoe shrugged.

Minka furrowed her brows. This was the guy Russell wanted more info on. But he looked so...flashy. Kind of like an open book. What kind of things did this guy have to hide?

"Dude, do you think we'll get to meet him?" Vinnie raised a brow as the man walked along the warehouse. Most of the people watched in awe as the famous celebrity invaded the warehouse space, carrying only a large, black briefcase.

"Doubt it." Zoe shrugged. Just look at him, strutting like he owns the place." She rolled her eyes, "let's just go see something else."

"Yeah I guess so." Vinnie agreed, "Ooh! Let's go see if Bruce's parade float is here!" He suddenly grinned, "We HAVE to see it before it leaves!"

"Ugh, fine..." Zoe sighed, "That IS why we came here to begin with..." She said as she and Vinnie began walking out of the warehouse.

"Okay cool! You coming, Minks?" Vinnie turned back to his pink haired friend, who was not paying him any mind. Her eyes were still glued at Ramon's direction, but were no longer looking at him.

Minka noticed as Ramon began talking to one of the judges, a new person loomed behind the man. It was a boy, about her age. He peered into view, a clipboard in hand. He slightly resembled the latter. He had a pair of glasses on, his hair covered with a small fedora, and an anxious expression on his face. He was quickly jotting some things down as Ramon continued talking. If Minka didn't know any better, she'd say that this was Ramon's assistant.

But something just didn't look right...

"Uh...Minka?" Vinnie called out again.

"A 10."

"Huh?" Vinnie raised a brow.

"I found my 10." Minka looked back at him, a mischievous grin planted on her face. Her gaze landed back on the boy.

Perhaps this was the information she was looking for.

"Him?" Zoe scoffed, "Not to be ridiculous but...really?"

"This warehouse is FILLED with models and dancers and stuff, and you choose the NERD?" Vinnie chuckled, "You really DO have a type."

"N-No! It's not like that!" Minka huffed, her cheeks slightly reddening at the thought, "It's just...maybe this dude is the key into finding out more about this Ramon guy. I mean look at him!" Minka gestured to the boy, who was now walking away.

"Well, if you're going to fawn over that dork then okay." Zoe smirked, "just let me know when you scare him off."

"What? You think I can't talk to a boy without scaring them off?" Minka frowned.

"It's not that!" Zoe rolled her eyes, "No offense, darling, but when was the last time you talked to someone new without scaring them off?"

Minka darted her eyes at Zoe, not at all amused.

"Fine! You'll see. Minka has her ways." She pointed at herself.

"Please don't refer to yourself in third person." Zoe rolled her eyes.

"I'll befriend this guy so hard, he'll like me for sure!" Minka grinned, "We'll be good friends by the end of the day! I know it!"

"Cool. Good luck with that." Vinnie gave her a thumbs up as the three parted their separate ways.

As Zoe and Vinnie walked away, Minka's eyes wildly began looking for the boy. Making friends was never hard for her, but her spunky personality always seemed to throw people off at times. But this time will be different! She will gain his trust! She will make a new friend today! She will...

Find the boy leaning on the mezzanine floor of the warehouse.

Bingo. She grinned as she looked up. This was definitely her chance. With no one else on the balcony, they could have a nice, long chat...

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