The Boy Next Door.

By 1D_fanfic123

46K 2.1K 717

Mia is a ordinary 21 year old girl who still lives at home with her mum and dad. Her best friend (Victoria) w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Final Chapter.

Chapter 81

129 12 8
By 1D_fanfic123

There’s an author’s note at the end of this chapter. It is very important that you all read it because I need everyone’s opinion. Thank you.

Harry’s Pov.

“So is everything okay?” I urge to know the answer.

The doctor rubs the little plastic stick around Mia’s smooth stomach once more, smiling. Smiling is a good ding right?

“I’m happy to announce that you have a wonderful, healthy baby growing inside you Misses Taylor.” The doctor pulls the stick away.

“So with all the panic everything is okay?” I squeeze Mia’s hand.

“Yes it is Mr Styles.” A slight nod to his head reassures me.

I feel the relief being lifted up off my shoulders, letting me breathe. Everything is okay. Everything is going to be okay.

“So then, I would now advise that you rest a lot after the last day or two Mia. You will need to be keeping Harry on his toes.” The doctor takes off his gloves, walking over to the sink.

“She does anyway.” I laugh as she swats my arm.

“Oi.” She laughs.

“I know that you both have already refused this offer but I have to ask again anyway because it is rules that I have to follow, but do you want to know the sex of the baby?” He asks.

Looking to Mia with a huge smile upon my face, warmth loving feeling rushes through my body.

“I’ll give you both a few moments to think about it.” The doctor adds before walking out of the room.

We both wait for the door to shut before speaking.

“So do you?” Mia asks.

“It’s not just up to me. It’s your choice as well.” I lift her hand up, kissing it.

“A part of me wants to wait until the day I give birth but another part of me wants to find out now because if it’s a girl I would love to have everything pink but if it is a boy obviously I would love to have everything blue. I want everything to be perfect for when we leave the hospital. I mean I know that we could wait for the surprise and just pain the room cream and beige but…”

“You want to know.” I grin.

“Basically.” She nods. “Do you?”

“I don’t think I could wait any longer. When we first got offered I didn’t want to know at all, but now being given the second chance…I want to know.” I beam.

“Me too.” She agrees.

“If you still want it to be a surprise to everyone else for a while, we can keep it between ourselves?” That should be pretty simple to do.

“That’s a good idea actually.” Mia stops by a sound of tapping at the door.

Mia and I watch the door open, as a small nurse wearing blue walks into the room.

“Hello Dr Howls got called onto an emergency but he quickly explained to me that you may want to know the sex of your baby. Is that right?” She questions.

“That’s correct. Yes.” Mia smiles back. Why is she putting a posh accent on? Mia does not have a posh accent.

“So shell we get started then. I bet you’re dead exited.” I bet this is the usual things that nurses have to say. In fact I bet they are sick of saying the same thing all of the time.

“I can’t want.” Mia takes my hand again, grinning her little head off.

The nurse has no need to lift Mia’s top back up meaning it stayed up after the first time, goose bumps covering it from the cold air in the room.

“I just need to add some more gel.” The nurse leans over and grabs a small bottle, squeezing it so that a form of gel falls out onto Mia’s stomach.

Mia giggles.

“Sorry I know that it’s cold.” The nurse smudges it around.

“It’s okay.” Mia wriggles a little.

“She’s just ticklish.” I add, remembering last night.

I have to admit that I am tired because I hardly slept last night. I lied to Mia by telling her that I fell asleep with her on the sofa but I never. I couldn’t! Too many things were pecking at my head, keeping me awake, not letting me wrest. I’m happy Mia got back off to sleep though, it’s important that she keeps herself well for her own wellbeing and our baby.

“Come on little one.” The nurse sweetly says, tapping different parts of Mia’s stomach.

As the seconds tick past, my body tenses full of excitement? Excitement I never thought I would ever feel.

“Right okay.” She murmurs to herself.

This is it. This is the moment.  I don’t care if it is a boy or a girl, I just want to know. How can I feel so much love for somebody who isn’t even on this earth yet? It’s such a strange fucking feeling!

“Come on tell us.” I urge.

“Well I’m happy to announce that you are both expect a perfectly well baby…” She pauses looking up to the screen one last time.

Don’t fucking make us wait any longer.

“Girl.” The nurse finally finishes her sentence.

Wow a beautiful baby girl. I’m going to have a little girl…well I’m not having her because that’s Mia’s job but I’m becoming a father to a little girl. She will be our little girl and I’ll make sure nobody will ever hurt her. I will be her Daddy who will also be her best friend. I’ll never leave her alone. I’ll never leave her to cry. If anyone upsets her…I’m telling you now they better kill themselves before I find them.

“Oh my god.” Mia squeals, clapping her hands. “That’s amazing.”

“Congratulations to you both.” The nurse wipes around Mia’s stomach with dry tissue, before pulling her top down.

“Thank you.” I say.

“Harry I can’t wait. We’re having a baby girl.” Mia beams.

“That’s wonderful babe. I have two girls ruling me now.” I smirk, pecking the side of her cheek.

“You’re going to be amazing.” Mia hugs me.

“Well I’m pleased that you are both happy and I’m sure that you will both be amazing parents. You are free to go now, and I’m sure you will have your next check-up can booked.”

“Yes we do. It’s next month thank you again.” Mia says.

“Yeah thanks.” I smile at the nurse getting one back in return.

As Mia and I stand, we hug one another embracing every moment. The feeling in the air is happy and giddy. I’ve never been so exited!

I’m going to become a parent in less than no time. I’ll have a small life to take into my own and protect her. I can’t wait.

“Harry we’re having a baby girl. I can’t believe it.” Mia wraps her arms around my neck as we get out of the hospital.

“You best believe it.” I smirk, looking into her eyes.

“It’s so unreal but amazing at the same time.” She says.

“Tell me about it.” I rest my forehead against hers.

“I can’t wait to move into yours in a couple pf days. We can buy pink paint and make her room fit for a princess.”

“Mia no stop. It isn’t my place.” I scrunch my eyebrows.

“What do you mean?” She asks.

“It’s our place.” I grin. I didn’t like her saying ‘your’ as in the house is just mine. It’s ours.

“Oh.” She blushes. “I didn’t think.”

“I know you didn’t. But it is our home for our family. Okay?”

“Okay.” She nods.

“Good. Come on I need to pop and see Niall. He asked me to go and see him before.” I don’t know what he has to tell me but it won’t be that important. It never is.

Half of the time he could just tell me everything over the phone but no he likes to talk to me face to face.

“It’s going to be so hard to keep this quiet. I just want to tell everyone but I also want it to be a surprise for everyone too.” Mia talks as we walk towards the car park.

“We will be able to keep it as long as we can.”

“Hopefully. Harry where is the car parked?”

“Over there.” I point.

“Oh yeah.”

We walk over to the car, getting in. I can’t help but think soon there will be a baby carrier in here, with our little baby girl lying in it. She will love her Daddy’s car.

“I don’t think I will be able to wait until the nine months to be over you know?” I laugh.

“Well it’s less than nine months now and what do you expect to do, just to pull her out?” Mia jokingly says.

“If I have to. You know that I’m a very inpatient man Miss Leigh.” I rev up the engine.

“Yes I learnt that one not long after meeting you.” She belts up. “By the way I prefer Mrs Styles.”

“Oh do you really now? How do you know that I want to share my name with you?”

“From the day you asked me to marry you.” She playfully fires back.

 “I’ve already told you I only asked you just because you needed Style to your name.” I smirk.

“Oh bloody hell. Not this one again.” Mia bursts out laughing.

“Oh yes.” I wink as I look through the mirrors to reverse out of the small space.

“Just drive Harry.” Mia giggles. I love hearing her laugh, it always makes me smile. I think that’s why I like to make her laugh because when she does, it automatically makes me smile or laugh…either on I’m happy with.

“If you say so.”


Getting out of the car, we walk down hand in hand to the door of Niall’s and Victoria’s house. After knocking we don’t have to wait long before the door flies open.

“Fucking hell mate. I want you to tell me everything is a lie but from the cuts on your face I’m guessing everything is true.” Niall’s eyes burn into my face, staring at the cuts and bruises.

“Hiya mate. How are you doing? Yeah I’m doing fine, are you?” I sarcastically say the sentence I would have much rather heard from Niall just then.

“Sorry I heard about it and freaked. I didn’t want to ask you over the phone because I wanted to speak to you properly. Come in. You need to fill me in on everything.” Niall invites Mia and me inside.

“I don’t know whether you’re just being nosey or actually bothered about me right now.” I roll my eyes. I’m used to Niall.

“Come on you know I care but I also want to know what the fuck has gone on with Damien. So you are going to sit there and explain everything. Oh and by the way Mia, Victoria is upstairs if you want to go up. She is in a mood so I’d much appreciate it if you got her out of it.” Niall’s Irish twang always makes me laugh when he talks.

“I’m guessing that’s my cue to leave then.” Mia laughs.

“No babe you don’t have to.” I still have a hold of her hand.

“I would rather go upstairs and find out what is wrong with Victoria than sit down here and listen to you explaining over last night again. I don’t think I want to hear it all. It’s too soon.” She smiles, pushing my hair back.

“Wait. What? Mia you were there. What the fuck were you doing there? If it is true about him having a gun you could have got shot. Please tell me this is some sick joke and none of this shit it true.” Niall’s face looks full of confusion.

“I wish I could say that it is all a lie but I can’t. I didn’t want Mia to be there but he was, I can’t go back now even though I wish I fucking could. Trust me mate it is a long story.” I relax back in the chair.

“Here’s a cuppa.” Niall hands me a cup. “You best start explaining then.”

“I’m off.” Mia shortly disappears out of the room.

Here we go again.

“What happened last night mate?” Niall asks, his eyes burning on me.

“The worst of what you could think. The usual Damien shit.” I scoff.

“Worse than last time?” Niall wonders.

“Yeah a hell of a lot worse. I think it made it worse with Mia being there and everything. I can assure you that I never want that to happen again.”

“When you say Mia was there. Why was she there? I’m not being funny but shouldn’t you be protecting her now not throwing danger in her way. Don’t take it in a bad way but what else should I think Harry?” Is Niall trying to say that it’s my fault Mia was there? He better not be fucking blaming me, I swear to go if he is I’ll flip.

“Are you saying that it was my own fault?”

“Calm the hell down. No. I just want to know why Mia was there when she shouldn’t have been. Anything could have happened. You fucking know how dangerous Damien can be!” Yeah he doesn’t have to remind me.

“I know. I didn’t think she would come after me but obviously she did. I should have known better but when I found out that he had been hurting Sammie-Jo it set off a firework inside of me. I just wanted to explode there and then. Sammie-Jo went to fetch Mia, not me. I didn’t even know about it. You know that I would kill myself to save Mia.”

“Yeah sorry man I should know you well enough. I know how much you think of Mia.” His voice is lower and calmer than before.

“Exactly so don’t think that again.”

“No I won’t.” He shakes his head. “So what happened then?”

“Everything just blew up all at once. It didn’t really bother me until I saw him touch Mia that really wasn’t okay with me. His threats didn’t scare me and they never will. In a way I’m kind of glad Mia was there because she kept me calm, otherwise I think I would have literally killed him. His stupid little smirks do my head in, I’m so fucking glad that he is banged up now.”

“How do you know that he hasn’t been released on bail? That can happen at any moment.” Niall shrugs.

  “There was too many witnesses mate, even the police saw him. Also he was on his last warning so he blew it for himself really. They won’t let him go for a long time now. I’m not going to let it bother me, he deserves what he gets. He is mentally disturbed but doesn’t deserve any help because he is a prick.” I take a sip of my drink.

“I can’t get over that he actually got his stupid little gun out. He could have killed himself.”

“He should have.” I reach over the table for a biscuit.

“Yeah life would be easier.” Niall agrees.

“Ay I bet Damien’s ‘gang’ are shitting themselves.” I mention, taking the piss out of the word gang.

“Oh yeah the big gang.” Niall surrenders.

“The whole lot of them are pathetic.”

“Harry what if they come after you now though?” Niall says.

I have to admit that this has crossed my mind but it hasn’t bothered me that much because they are nothing without Damien. They wouldn’t even think of taking me on. I know too many people.

“Naa they wouldn’t think about it. It would be too dangerous for them. They will stay well away. They wouldn’t risk getting caught now. But saying that Damien has probably dropped then in it to the police. Damien won’t go down alone.” I reply just as the girls walk into the kitchen.

“You out of your mood yet babe.” Niall smirks towards Victoria.

Her face drops and tension builds in the air. Looking to Mia, I see her biting own on her lip, stopping her from laughing.

“Niall for fuck sake! I wasn’t in a mood until you kept saying I was in a mood. You really are pissing me off today.” Victoria furiously shakes her head.

“Wrong time of the month.” Niall whispers loud enough for Victoria to hear him.

“Actually no it bloody isn’t. The only problem around here right now is you.” She swats him over the head with the tea towel.

Now I don’t know if they are playing or arguing. I laugh anyway.

“Well at least my girls are happy anyway.” I pull Mia onto my lap, smiling.

Her face straightens. Oh fuck. It’s been less than two hours and I have already slipped up.I can’t keep my mouth shut for two bloody minutes.

“Wait what do you mean girls?” Niall’s eyebrows rise.

“Nothing.” I shake my head, trying to weaken my smile.        

“Oh my god are you having a baby girl? You are I can fucking tell.” Victoria beams at Mia.

I look to Mia, and burst out laughing.

“Big gob.” She gently hits my chest.

“Well it was meant to be a surprise but Harold here can’t keep anything to himself.” Mia laughs.

“When did you find out?” Victoria screeches.

“This morning actually. Just before we came here.” Mia answers her.

“That’s amazing. I’m so happy for you both. Congratulations. We need a party. We need to celebrate.” She claps.

“Yeah congrats mate.” Niall taps my shoulder.

“You have two girls to rule you around now.” Niall adds.

“That’s exactly what I said…but I couldn’t be happier.” I nuzzle Mia’s neck.

“You’ve turned out to be a right cringy bastard.” Niall laughs.

“Tell me about it.” Mia giggles.

“Ay don’t comaplin…” I get cut off by my mobile ringing.

Mia jumps up as she is sitting on the pocket of where my phone it.

Who could this be? It better not be the police because I really can’t be bothered with any interviews today.

Pulling it out of my pocket, I don’t take the time to look at the callers ID.

“Hello?” I answer.

“H..arry? Pl..please can you come and get m…me.” Sammie-Jo’s sobbing voice sounds down the phone.


Please read:-

Hey guys. I just wanted to thank everyone once again for your reads and votes on this story , also your comments.

I just wanted to let you know that there are only three chapters left of this book now because every story has story come to an end. I might write a prologue but I’m still making my mind up about that.

A few people have asked me to write ‘The Boy Next Door 2’ (Obviously it wouldn’t be called that but yeah you get what I mean. I want to know if anybody would read it if I did decide to write it. Do you want this story to carry on in another book or just a brand new book and story line?

Your comments really matter to me with this because I need to know everyone’s opinion so that it will help me out.

Thank you.

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