LPS High School AU

De heroscuties

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Join 7 friends as they venture through the world, known as high school. There will be action, comedy, romance... Mai multe

Weekend Plans
Extra Credit
Have Courage!
The New Girl
Can I Tell You a Secret?
The Story Of My Life
Always be Together
¡Sí Se Puede!
Pitch Purrfect
Pretend it's OK
Sweet Pepper
Sweet Pepper (2)
How to Spend a Saturday Morning
Bet (Part 2)
Fake Dating Pt.1
Cardboard- The Aftermath
Chez Paris
Strike II
Strike OUT
To Serve and Protect
Superstar I
call me when the party's over
Say What?
Just Roll With It
Double Date
Be Alright
Getting So Close
Something New
Just Fine
The Solution?
The Experience
Sneaking In
The Lead
Sounds Like A Challenge
Pre-Game Jitters
Good Game
Author's Note
Gonna Get Better?
A Possible Rival?
Nerves With a Hint of Mango
Daggers and Draggers


118 9 9
De heroscuties

"Ugh, It's been 5 minutes! Where the heck am I walking?!"

Pepper groaned as she continued to pace around the dark and empty hallways of the school. She had already tried calling Penny Ling and Zoe, but neither answered. Zoe was probably busy anyways, but she wasn't sure why Penny Ling wasn't answering...

"Stupid dark hallway..." She grumbled under her breath as she shone her phone's flashlight for what seemed like the millionth time around the hall. Pepper felt like she was getting nowhere! "I know this school like the back of my head, how can I not find..." However, as she was about to turn away, something different came up. Her light revealed a couple of stairs.

"Finally!" She grinned as she carefully made her way over to them, beginning to descend down the set of stairs. As she slowly walked down however, the sound of a door shutting emitted in the air once more, sending chills down her spine.

"Okay...walk fast. Got it!"

Pepper walked faster, the only thing that could be heard were the sound of her flats descending down the long set of stairs. She no longer heard the sound of her friends or the movie they were watching. A relief on her behalf, but the only thing keeping her on her feet was the fact that someone else could still be inside the school...


"I'm not too late, aren't I?!" Russell quickly burst through a door, having quickly opened it to find Zoe, who was sitting on a chair. It was a dressing room, many outfits on display, a vanity filled with makeup, and of course, a large mirror. She glanced up at him, a surprised expression on her face.

"Uh..." He glanced around.

"Darling, where have you been?!" She quickly stood up, discarding her phone, "We thought you weren't gonna show!"

"Blame the traffic for that." He rolled his eyes. After what had seemed like hours, his dad had finally managed to find a way out of the heavy traffic. However, his focus soon turned back at the lack of people in the room. "Anyways, where is everyone?" He looked around the small dressing room, he and Zoe being the only ones inside.

"Oliver and the others are already setting up in the next room over. But wait till you see the lineup!" She happily took his arms and quickly pulled him over to the rack filled with clothes. "Just look at all of these choices! Business must really be booming if they're coming out with all these clothes!" She stood back as she grinned to herself.

Russell went up to the rack, beginning to browse through the many selections.

"Wow! These are really good!" He smiled, continuing to go through every outfit, "I mean it! There's just so much variety! And ooh, is that denim I see?" He grabbed one of the jackets from the rack, a blue denim jacket with a multitude of buttons everywhere. It was decorated with sparkles from the sleeves up to the pockets.

"That one definitely speaks to you!" Zoe sheepishly grinned, "buuuut the sparkles aren't exactly necessary."

"Yeah I guess you're right." He shrugged as he put it back in the rack. "How long do we have to wait?"

As Zoe was about to respond, the door swung open once more, a man with jet black hair and a camera hanging around his neck waltzed in. "Wait no longer! I, Oliver St. Oliver am ready!" He announced, waving his arms around in exaggeration. He looked over at the two teens, a wide grin on his face, "Now, who's ready to make some magic?"

Zoe grinned wildly as she followed Oliver back outside. Russell stood still, taking a deep breath.

"Well, it's now or never..."


"This is it! The climax to the movie!"

Sunil whispered as he and Vinnie continued to clutch onto each other. However, now everyone sat on the floor, all sitting really close to the screen. The movie had gotten so much more intense, and also scarier, so everyone was on the edge of their seats, anticipating what was yet to come.

"Dude, we've never gotten past the middle. How do we know what to expect?!" Vinnie whispered back, feeling his hands tremble in fear.

"I-It's called suspense, Vinnie bo Binnie!" Buttercream explained, shaking just as much as he was.

"Shh! QUIET!" Sugar Sprinkles hissed as the group all looked back at the screen.

In film, the sound of lockers opening and closing could be heard, a person muttering number after number. It went on like this for another minute, until the person suddenly stopped, his hand resting on the locker before him.

"Locker 240, the last one." His voice echoed in the room, "This has to be the one!"

"No! DON'T OPEN IT!" Vinnie and Sunil cried out.

"Are you sure this is the one?" A feminine voice asked.

"We've checked every other damn locker in this hotel! This HAS to be it!" The man replied, his hand reaching out for the handle. The locker did not have a lock, so it was very much free to open.

"Richard, wait!" The woman cried out, "What if we see something we didn't want to see?"

"Babe, no matter what happens, there's something I want you to know.." The man let go of the locker and cupped his hand under the woman's chin, pulling her close to him. "No matter what happens, I just want you to know that you are my world. A world without you means nothing to me."

"Oh, Richard." The woman replied.

Penny Ling gasped, "Oh! He's so brave!" She sighed lovingly as the two characters shared a kiss.

"Ugh, just get on with the locker already!" Shivers gagged, "we want to see what's inside!"

"NO WE DON'T!" Sunil and Vinnie cried out in unison.

"Now, to see what's inside." The main character announced as his hand reached back for the locker's handle. Sunil and Vinnie felt their hearts drop as a click sound was heard, meaning that the locker was about to open.

Everyone's eyes were glued to the screen, waiting for the locker to be fully exposed. The door was slowly opening, as the sound of the woman gasping could be heard.

However, as soon as the man swung the locker door open, a loud crash sound was heard, and the screen turned black. Not only did the screen turn black, but the projector turned off, and all of the lights inside the room as well.

Everyone in the room screamed at the sudden power outage, Penny Ling, Buttercream and Shivers all holding onto each other. Sunil and Vinnie were the most freaked out, both now taking shelter under the table.

"I KNEW IT! IT IS REAL!" Sunil shrieked as he pulled Vinnie close.

"I TOLD YOU GUYS!" Vinnie exclaimed.

"What happened?!" Penny whimpered, "Why did everything turn off?!"

"Guys, relax!" Sugar Sprinkles smiled, "I think I know what happened."

"Yeah, the banshee is ANGRY!" Shivered exclaimed as he cowered in fear.

Sugar Sprinkles stood up as she walked over to the laptop, no longer displaying the movie.

"Huh...looks like there's no signal." She said.

"Oh no! This is the END!" Sunil wailed.

"Wait! Do you hear something?" Penny perked up, Buttercream and Shivers doing the same. It was dead silent for a moment, but in an instant, the sound of screaming and hollering could be heard from a distance, all in unison and growing closer.

"THE BANSHEE FROM LOCKER 240 HAS FOUND US!" Sunil and Vinnie exclaimed as everyone began screaming again.

"Okay! How about we sit down and have a couple of snacks?" Sugar Sprinkles looked at her friends under the tables, "I think you all need a cupcake!" She walked over to the tray of food, using her phone as a flashlight.

"Uh, actually, I think I may have finished them all..." Vinnie shuddered.

"Nah, I'm sure I made plenty of..." Sugar Sprinkles' phone shone at the tray, and as expected, it was completely empty, save for some crumbs. The girl said nothing as the only sound heard was the one of her phone clattering to the ground.

"Sugar Sprinkles?" Buttercream called out, not being able to see her in the dark.

The girl said nothing for a moment, until she let out a loud shrill that filled the entire room.


Pepper jumped at the sudden power outage, having heard screams coming from across the hallway. It took a second for her to remember that the formal was also taking place this very night. Her eyes widened as she realized something. If the power went out inside the school, it meant that it also went out in the gym, where many students were enjoying themselves...Were.

"Oh my god, the power went out..." She felt a grin form on her face, "the stupid power went out!" She chuckled, "everyone's freaking out!" Pepper felt herself starting to laugh, "This is rich!" All she did was laugh for a moment, probably a bit too loudly as her laughter echoed the hallways of Downtown City High.

"Oh man oh man! Wait till the others hear-..." She paused for a moment, "The others...." her eyes widened again, remembering that a majority of her friends were here, right now, now also part of this sudden power outage.

"Oh crap, the others!" She gasped as she remembered who was among those who were watching the movie. Penny Ling.

"Ugh, now I gotta go back!" Pepper turned around and shone her phone back to the staircases. As she was about to take a step, she suddenly paused.

But what about Captain Cuddles? She thought to herself, he's probably waiting for me! Or worse, worried! But the others...they're probably freaking out by now!

Pepper groaned as she thought for a moment. Who should she go and look for? She hadn't seen Captain Cuddles all night, and she was worried she might upset him if she never shows up. But what about her friends? Sure, Sugar Sprinkles was with them, but Pepper remembered how the girl would get whenever someone finished the last cupcake with extra sprinkles, which she saw Vinnie completely devour not too long ago...

But the Captain...

To be completely honest, she had been hoping to spend some time alone with him. She wasn't going to admit it to anyone, but she had been so excited for tonight. The only reason she slipped away from the movie early was just to go and see if he was already at the gym. She had asked Mitzi to keep an eye out for him...

Mitzi! Pepper remembered as she looked though her phone. She completely forgot that the girl was also going to the formal. The comedian quickly dialed her number as she put the phone on speaker, waiting for her friend to pick up.

"Hello?" Her voice rang.

"Mitzi! Is everything okay over there?" Pepper asked, "I saw that the power went out!"

"Oh, everything's just...peachy..." The girl huffed in reply.

Pepper couldn't help but grin, "and by 'peachy,' do you mean bad?..."

"Listen for yourself..." It was quiet for a moment, but through the receiver, all Pepper heard were the screams of students, all exclaiming many different things. She winced at how loud they were, swearing that she heard a few familiar faces among the shrills, mainly the Biskits...

"Wanna FaceTime me so I can see everyone?" Pepper joked.

"Now is not the time for jokes!" Mitzi scoffed, "There's nothing we can do but wait, so I suggest you wait until the power is back on."

Well, that helped Pepper narrow down her choices. Speaking of the Captain... "So...you haven't seen Captain Cuddles around, haven't ya?"

"Oh, you mean the cute French student you told me was your date tonight?" Mitzi chuckled.

"I never said that.." Pepper rolled her eyes.

"I mean, I swore I saw him here a moment ago, but I don't see him now.." Mitzi muttered, "But I'll go and look for him. I'll let you know if anything happens."

"Cool. Thanks, Mitzi." Pepper sighed as she ended the phone call. Seeing that everything at the formal was under control...well...sort of...Pepper decided that the best thing to do now was make sure her friends were okay.

"Okay guys, I'm coming!" She huffed as she went back up the stairs once more.


"Okay okay! Can you repeat that all again for me? I didn't catch it the first time."

Minka currently leaned against a wall, sitting on the floor. She was currently on the phone, the device laid out on her knees. It was currently on speaker, Sunil on the other line.

"Minka, we are all in DANGER!" Sunil's voice shrilled through the other line, "the BANSHEE is HERE in Downtown City! Can you not see that this is SERIOUS?!"

"I thought Russell was the serious one!" Minka blinked.

"How are you NOT freaking out?!" Vinnie's voice came into the line.

"Uh..why would I be freaking out?" She questioned, "there's nothing to be freaking out about!"

"Oh, so the fact that the power is out is NOT freaking you out?!" Sunil asked.

"The power isn't out..." She replied, "every light is working here!"

The line stayed silent for a moment, until Sunil and Vinnie both let out a gasp.

"That means the banshee has yet to strike Tres Blasé Magazine!" Sunil exclaimed.

"Sunil, there is NO banshee! Just me!" Minka rolled her eyes, "besides, I haven't seen anything weird today! Well, except for Tangier, but that's besides the point!"

"Not yet..." Sunil whispered, "You better be careful!"

"And you all need to just take a deep breath and calm down!" Minka huffed, "Sunil, listen. Just take a deep breath..."

However, Minka was met with the sound of more screams and hollering, mainly Sunil. She winced at how loud they surprisingly were.

"NO! I said calm, not LOUD!" She exclaimed, "UGH, Sunil, listen to me!" She grabbed the phone, however, no one seemed to listen, "Sunil? Hello?...HELLO?" She rolled her eyes, until she noticed that he had ended the phone call.

"Ugh, why did he even call in the first place?" She huffed, putting her phone away. Minka sighed. Not only was she annoyed, but a bit tired. The girl had already searched just about every floor, but no Zoe! If only she hadn't forgotten what floor she was going to be in.

"Wait a minute...Tangier said he was going to the 9th floor!" She gasped, "but I already checked there..." Minka stood up, "Eh, checking again won't hurt!" She looked at the staircases.

"Ugh, but my legs are killing me! But I'm not going on that scary elevator!" She muttered as she made her way back to the stairs. However, as soon as she stepped foot into the room, all of the lights around her suddenly began to flicker, making the girl perk up in surprise.

"Huh?" She quickly looked around, no one else around. Now a bit nervous, she quickly went back to the wall she was once sitting by, the lights continuing to flicker.

No no no! Not now! Minka panicked as she gasped.

"Hello?" She called out, "Is anyone here?" Minka looked around the empty hallway, finding no one else in sight.

What if Sunil is right? No. There's no banshee! She quickly shook her head. "W-Well, it's not like the power can just go out!"

Finally, the lights decided to give out and turn off completely.

Minka yelped at the now sudden darkness surrounding her, every light now out.

"Ah! Okay okay! Don't panic! Don't panic....don't panic...don't panic..." She started taking her own advice and began taking slow, deep breaths. However, the fact that it was now so dark didn't exactly make it better...

"Don't panic! DON'T PANIC!" She exclaimed as she fiddled around for her phone, deciding that maybe calling Sunil back was a good idea.. However, her eyes widened when she looked at her phone's screen. It had turned off.

"Curse these dark hallways!" Pepper muttered as she finally managed to go back up to the second floor. The sound of her friends screaming could still be heard from throughout the building, their shrills becoming louder with each step she took.

"Guys? Penny Ling? Buttercream? Where are you guys!?" Pepper called out as she continued walking, her lace quickening with each sound she heard.

"Sunil? Vinnie? Answer your phones!" She exclaimed, using her device to shine her way around the hallway.

"Ugh, why did you guys have to be here?! It's so dark, and cold...and dark..." Pepper faltered. Okay, so maybe it did start getting a bit chillier, but she shook her head. Penny Ling was her main concern.

"Look, if this all turns out to be some dirty trick, I won't forgive you!" She called out. Maybe someone will come out.

"Come on! You guys are being silly! It's not like the banshee could just put a hand on my shoulder!"

As soon as those words were spoken, Pepper felt a sudden touch on her skin, a hand having found its way on her bare shoulder.

"BANSHEE!" Pepper cried out as she quickly turned around, raising a fist and punching whatever had touched her.

"Ow!" A voice cried out as the sound of a thud was heard dropping to the floor. Pepper was quick to shine her light at whatever had touched her, but her face quickly changed as she realized what she had just punched.

"Oh my gosh...Captain Cuddles?!" Pepper's eyes widened in horror.

On the floor sat Captain Cuddles, who rubbing his arm. His face was currently wincing in pain from the impact, the Parisian finally looking up. His facial expression quickly changed from a painful one to one in pure awe. The sight of Pepper in a pretty purple dress had really caught him off guard...

"My, you look wonderful..."

Pepper felt her cheeks redden at the sudden compliment as she quickly shook her head, helping him up. "I'm so so sorry! I didn't know it was you, and I thought it was some creep, and I didn't mean to punch you again and.."

"Pepper, please! There is no need to apologize!" He merely chuckled, holding the hand that had helped him back up. "I am just glad that you're okay is all. I was beginning to worry that perhaps you were in danger of some sort."

"Me? Pshh no way!" Pepper sheepishly giggled, "I'm fine! Totally fine!"

But my friends definitely aren't! She quickly reminded herself as she looked around, "Actually, how did you even come in anyways? It's kinda hard to find your way inside with this lack of light."

"Ah, there was a door downstairs." He simply shrugged. "I figured it would lead me inside, yes?"

"Oh...yeah that makes sense, I think.." Pepper raised a brow, "listen, now that you're here, do ya think you can help me? Some of my friends are still in here, and I'm kinda trying to remember where they were.."

"Of course! Anything for you!" He quickly nodded, "where are they?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out..." She sighed.

"Well, we can always look around? With the two of us, we will surely find them much quicker." He smiled.

Pepper couldn't help but grin in return. Why did he have to be so cute? The suit and tie he was wearing definitely wasn't making her red cheeks calm down. "Y-Yeah. Right! Let's go!" She quickly took him by the hand and began leading him down the hallway, where she swore she heard her friends.

"Oh, I can't believe it! We were already halfway through the shoot, and the power suddenly decides to go out?!"

Zoe huffed as she and Russell walked through the dark hallway, Russell holding a large flashlight in his hand. A bright, yellow light shone through the hallway, the two walking through.

"Zoe, I'm sure they could just reschedule the rest of the shoot! We got plenty done already anyways!" Russell rolled his eyes, "Fortunately, we got to change back. Some of those outfits were a bit uncomfortable..."

"Lighten up, darling!" Zoe shook her head, "Most of those outfits were designed by major fashion designers! I'd watch it if I were you."

"I'm terrified.." he sarcastically replied as he suddenly paused, "wait, didn't we already go down this hall?"

"Like three times. Did you not notice the first time?" Zoe rolled her eyes. Russell looked up at her in shock.

"What?! Why didn't you say anything?!" Russell exclaimed.

"Well excuse me! Do you think it's that easy to see with the power out?! I don't think so!" Zoe scoffed.

"Okay okay! Look, all we have to do is look for the stairs and we're out of here! No big deal!" Russell sighed as he looked around.

"Yeah yeah, it's not like we're forgetting something!" Zoe crossed her arms, "Well, maybe a brain..."

"What was that?" He frowned.

"Nothing!" She quickly said, "now hurry up and get us out of here! I'm starting to get some weird vibe..." The fashionista muttered.

The two continued to walk along the hallway, still unsure of where they were going. Silence filled the air as both looked around for anything different. Zoe hummed to herself as Russell sighed. He was annoyed at how long it was taking for them to find a simple set of stairs. The sooner they found them, the sooner he'd be out of here, doing something more productive...

"Seriously, whose idea was it to leave it up to the photographer to find the generator? I think we should have helped him." Russell finally said.

"Darling. He knows the building way more than we do! Just leave it to him!" Zoe said.

"Well if he knows the building so well, why didn't we just ask him to LEAD US OUT?!" He suddenly exclaimed. Zoe frowned at his sudden outburst.

"Russell! We can handle it ourselves! You're the smart one. How is finding a set of stairs so hard?" Zoe swiped the flashlight from his hands, "Fine, if you won't do it, I'll do it myself." She began walking ahead.

"That's not what I-... GAH!" Russell huffed as he quickly paced after her. "You know, a third set of eyes would be really useful right about now! Maybe we can still go back and fetch the photographer! Or even better, maybe we can find Cairo!"

"Darling, like I said, we're fine on our own!" Zoe rolled her eyes, "We have my fabulous senses, your dorky little brain, and Minka's..."

The thought made Zoe pause. The girl suddenly stopped walking as Russell accidentally bumped into her, "oof! Hey, why did you stop?"

Zoe did not reply as her eyes widened in realization. Minka was still in the building. She never showed up to the 12th floor, meaning she was probably still somewhere in the building, alone, in the dark, probably scared.

"Oh no...oh no oh no oh no.." Zoe muttered, not moving an inch, thoughts running through her head.

"Zoe? What's going on?" Russell stood in front of her, confused as to why she stopped. "Is everything okay?"

"Russell." Zoe merely said, "Promise me you won't get mad at what I'm about to tell you."

"Zoe, you're freaking me out." He said.

"Promise!" She hissed, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, "because what I'm about to tell you might freak you out just a bit!"

"A BIT?! I'm already freaked out! What can possibly freak me out more?!" He exclaimed.

Zoe paused for a moment before continuing, "So....Minka might be here....somewhere....I don't know where?" She nervously grinned.

Russell said nothing as Zoe let go of him, hoping to get some kind of reaction. However, the boy said nothing for a moment, looking away into the dark hallway. Zoe nervously shifted as she raised a finger, about to add something else. However, Russell snapped.


Zoe nervously laughed, "Surprised?"

Russell wasn't having it. "You're telling me that Minka, who is, by the way, not the biggest fan of enclosed spaces, is somewhere in this building alone, cold, and possibly in DANGER?! Are you talking about THAT Minka?!" He looked back, his eyes widening in fear.

"I don't think anyone's in real danger, darling!" Zoe nervously smiled.

"How is she here?! I mean, WHY is she here?! Zoe, WHY? Why why WHY?!" He exclaimed.

"Darling, you promised you wouldn't get mad!" Zoe huffed.

"Zoe, how can I NOT be mad?! Minka is somewhere in here, possibly just as scared as I am! Zoe, we have to go look for her, now!"

Russell was about to book it, but felt an arm tug his sweater before he could take another step, "Russell! You need to calm down!"

"Calm down?! This is Minka we're talking about!" He said, "If something happens to her, I'd never forgive myself for it!" His nerves intensified, "This is all my fault! This was a bad idea! Why are we here? Why did the power just have to go out?! Why did we-"

"RUSSELL!" Zoe yelled, shaking him, "CALM. DOWN!" She glared.

The boy nervously sighed as he looked away from Zoe, "Sorry...I kinda snapped there..."

"Kinda?" She let go of him once more as she crossed her arms, "You are a total mess."

"I know..." He said.

"But also very worried, and I understand," Zoe sighed, "it was my fault for letting her out of my sight to begin with." She put an arm on his shoulder, "Don't worry, we'll find her! Just use that dorky brain of yours, and soon, we'll all be laughing about this!"

Russell said nothing for a moment, merely looking up at Zoe. Soon, he gave her a small smile, "You're right." He nodded, "Let's just take things slowly and search the halls for any sign of stairs!" Zoe handed him back the flashlight.

"See? Now we're talking!" Zoe encouraged, "and soon, we'll find Minka and get out of here!"

"Right!" Russell felt himself smile. Maybe things weren't going so bad after all.

However, his thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of a door handle, jiggling just a few inches ahead of them. Suddenly, the door started to pound loudly, startling the two teens. They both quickly looked at each other and walked up to the door.

"What do you think it is?" Zoe asked.

"I don't know, but it sounds urgent." Russell pondered.

Zoe thought for a moment. "Should we open it?"

"What is this, Sunil and Vinnie's horror movie?" Russell rolled his eyes, "of course we open it!"

Zoe groaned as she grabbed the handle, slowly opening the door. Russell shone the light inside the room. It turned out to be a storage closet. However, what they saw inside shocked them both.


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