The Boy Next Door.

By 1D_fanfic123

46K 2.1K 717

Mia is a ordinary 21 year old girl who still lives at home with her mum and dad. Her best friend (Victoria) w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Final Chapter.

Chapter 56

417 17 8
By 1D_fanfic123

Harry’s Pov.

Fucking hell! What have I done so badly in life to be treated like this? Immy I could fucking kill her! Who does she think she is telling Mia that I kissed her? Of course I didn’t flipping kiss Immy! I wouldn’t even dream on doing that to Mia. I wish that Mia would have listened to me so that I could have explained to her how twister and fucked up Immy is. Why does Mia always run at the first sign of drama? Why doesn’t she just sit and listen?

What am I doing right now? Well I’m sat outside of Mia’s house waiting for her return. I don’t have a clue where Mia is at this second of time and to make matters worse she will not answer the fucking phone to me! I need her to hear my side of the story and for to believe me. Why does she believe somebody she has never met before? I’m the one telling the truth. I’m the one she knows the most and I’m the one she should believe and trust!

I’ve left her so many messages, why can’t she reply to one just so I know that she is okay? Does she like putting me through this worry of where she is and who she is with? Is she safe? These are the fucking reasons I have to be with her so that I know that she is safe! I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her, they would have to get through me first!

Why the hell did I listen to her and leave her to be alone. I should have waited and forced her to get into the fucking car. What was I thinking about leaving her like that? Why do I let my temper get the best of me? Come on Mia when the fuck are you coming home?

What if she is with another man right now getting her own back? Well there’s nothing to get her own back for because everything that Immy said is a lie. No of course Mia wouldn’t be with anyone else…see I can trust her. Why can’t she trust me?

Maybe I should have just told her the truth about Immy being there straight away and explained what kind of person Immy is. She wouldn’t have believed Immy then! I know she wouldn’t have.

Hell I don’t even know if Mia has found a way to get home yet! I felt bad leaving her but she gave me now choice, plus I came straight here so that when she finally does get home I will be here to see her.

For the first time in a while my phone buzzes.

Praying that this is Mia I lean over and rashly grab it of the dash bored.

To Harry.

My plan worked ey ;) You know where I am when you have made the right decision to come back to me. I’m not sorry for lying because I have to admit that it was kind of funny seeing the expression on Mia’s face. Love ya babe <3

Immy xxx

From: Unknown.

Did she really have to go and piss my off even more? I can’t even reply to an unknown number! How can she be so horrible towards Mia when she doesn’t know her? Mia doesn’t deserve this and neither do I really. Hang on. How the fuck did Immy get my number? She must know somebody that I know who is giving her information and I need to find out who.

I’ve already spoken to Niall about everything and as usual he has told me to ‘Keep calm.’ Well that is easier said than done let me tell you that now. If I were the old Harry I would have gone and drowned my sorrows in the local pub but I haven’t doesn’t that prove that I’m actually telling the truth about my feelings for Mia.

Call me stupid, dumb or young but honestly love Mia. I have never wanted to protect or be with anyone more than I do with Mia. I have never felt so strongly towards anyone before until I met her.

Running my fingers through my hair, I let out a deep sigh which doesn’t help with my frustration. Somehow, someway I need to explain to Mia what kind of sick, twisted bitch Immy and what she is set out to do.

Mia’s Pov.

Hurt is a very meaningful word but right now it is a word that I mean very much. How could Harry have kissed another girl? I thought he loved me? I suppose I have fallen for the wrong guy again!

“Mia do you want to talk about it? I’m not going to make you.” James sits next to me on his sofa.

James has brought me back to his house. He did offer to take me back to mine but I’m sure that is where Harry would have gone first. Unless he has ran around to be with Immy. She did offer him to go back to her tent. I feel bad making James travel the long journey to pick me up but I had no one else to turn too because Victoria doesn’t drive.

Victoria doesn’t yet know about Harry and I. If I’m honest I don’t really know explain it to her?

“Mia you need to talk.” James wraps his arm around my shoulders.

“I don’t k-know what to say?” I turn to him.

James obviously knows that something is wrong but he doesn’t know what exactly is wrong.

“I’m guessing it’s Harry.” Wow even hearing his name feels as if somebody had grabbed a knife and stabbed it through my heart.

“Yes it is.” I give a slight nod.

“Thought so.” He smiles. “So what has the fairy done this time?”

“He k-kissed another girl. One of his ex’s.” I can’t even get that thought into my head.

“O my god. What a bitch.” James lifts his hand to his mouth in shock but it is so gay.

“Can I see a little smile there?” James points to the corners of my mouth.

“Only you can pick me up when I’m feeling down James.” No matter how upset I am, whether I’m crying or not but he can still make me smile.

“That’s what friends are for right. Come on tell me more.” He ushers me to speak.

“Well that’s all I know. I got told that he kissed her.” I shrug. It’s true. As soon as I got told I flipped as usual. A part of me wished that I had stayed and listened to what Harry had to say but I freaked. I just wanted to run and keep running without ever looking back.

“Who exactly told you this?” James asks.

“Immy his ex. She stood by the car and told me. Harry tried to deny it but of course he would deny it.” I sniffle.

“So his ex…told you that he kissed her.” James says.

“Yes. How could he James? I loved him and he let me down.” I’m trying so hard to hold my tears back right now!

“Babe don’t get me wrong but if this Immy girl said it and she is made out to be his ex, she could be lying?” Now this has crossed my mind before, but it’s the fact that Harry wanted to leave straight away so he must have done something wrong. Now I think about it…he turned pail because he was guilty.

“I don’t know James. Sorry for messing you around like this today. Everything has just gone wrong and I hate it.” A sob breaks loose.

“You never mess me about. You know that I’m always here for you babe. Do you want to go home now? By all means you can stay here for as long as you want but you can’t hide away for ever because take my word for it…it only makes matter a whole lot worse.” James looks at me.

“I know but he is going to be outside of the house waiting. I just know it.” I sigh. “Do you think that he has been using me as his tag along?”

“Hunny of course not. No! I know that you can’t see this right now but Harry loves you and I can see it just by the way he looks at you. I don’t believe a word what Immy has said because I can’t imagine Harry doing that to you. Okay Harry may not have the best reputation but he has changed since being with you. Don’t jump into breaking up with Harry. You need to hear him out because I actually think that he is telling the truth and I bet you never listened to what he had to say did you?” James asks.

“No I didn’t but I couldn’t stand to be near him any longer.” I shake my head.

“I can understand. It must have been a shock to you.”

“It was.” I nod. “Do you really think that he was telling the truth?”

“Yes. I’m not trying to say that I’m some kind of relationship mender but I know love when I see it.” James holds my hand.

“I don’t know.” Looking down, my lip begins to quiver.

“Don’t cry again. I will not have that. I like to see a happy Mia.” James cups my chin to look up to him.

“I’m trying not to.” I admit.

“I know what you could do.” He smiles.

“What’s that?” Anything to help me right now would be great.

“Take him on the Jeremy Kyle show, get him a lie detector you will soon know the truth. Damn I love that show.” James flaps his hand over.

I have to admit James and his gay actions make me laugh even though I’m really not in the mood to be laughing right now.

“Or you could just turn gay like I did. It saves the hassle.” He laughs.

“I will have a think about those choices James.” I joke.

“So what are you going to do? If you want to go home I will stay with you tonight so that you are not on your own.” James offers.

“No I will be fine. Please could you take me home?” I ask.

“Come on then.” James stands. “You have to promise to let me know all of the gossip though. You know that I like a good story line.” James laughs.

“I promise. Thank you James.” I hug him.                 

“There’s no need to thank me.” He hugs tightly back.


Turning down the road to my house, the first thing I notice is Harry big, black Range Rover parked outside.

“James stop.” I grab his arm.

Okay maybe that was a little dangerous meaning he was driving but the road isn’t busy soo?

“What? What’s wrong? Oh my god what have I hit?” He slams on the breaks and over reacts as usual.

“You’ve hit nothing.” I laugh.

“Oh thank god for that. Don’t do stuff like that to me you will put me into an early grave.” He places his hand on his heart and which makes me laugh a little more. “So what is it?” He asks.

“It’s Harry. He is parked outside my house. I feel sick what am I meant to do.” My throat is so dry.

“You will not do a thing. You will go home and face him. Okay if you don’t want to talk to him tonight, drag it out until tomorrow.” James smiles.

“Can you drop me off here please? I will walk to the house from here.” I state.

“Yes of course. Good luck Mia. Remember what I said.” He looks to me.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“Hear him out. There are two sides to every story.” He seriously says.

Deep down I know that James is right but I don’t really want to believe it just yet. I get stuck in my stubborn ways.

Giving James another hug, I get out of the car and make my way down the road.

It doesn’t take long for Harry to notice me and jump out of his car.

“Mia.” He jogs up to my but I stop him.

“Leave me alone Harry.” I walk straight past him.

“Don’t be like this. Please listen to me.” He begs.

As soon as he says that it remind me of James said.

‘Hear him out. There are two sides to every story.’

I truly want to listen to Harry but tonight it is just too sudden, too rushed and too soon.

“Where have you been?” He questions.

“Out.” I again walk past him.

“Mia will you please just stop and listen to me.” He stands in front of me.

I take a moment to myself to think without making contact with him.

“No.” I look down to the floor.

“Babe.” The ahirs stand on the back of my neck as he touches my cheek.

“No Harry leave me alone.” I dodge past him and walk to the door of my house.

“Can I come in?” He stands on the doorstep.

“Nope.” Slamming the door, I fall against it the other side with tears rolling down my face.

Tucking my knees tightly to my chest I sob.

“Mia I’m not leaving here until you let me in to talk to you!” Harry shouts louder enough for me to hear in side of the house.

“Well you will be waiting a long time.” I shout back.


Please read.

Hello everyone, thank you all once again for voting and commenting because it really means a lot to me! But I would like to give a special big thank you to my special friend AmyStyles2199 She has made a wonderful trailer for this book and I love it <3 It is amazing and she is so crateful and I can’t thank her enough! I’ve watched it soo many times already.

Please go and follow her account AmyStyles2199.  Read her amazing story Poison Ivy.

Please watch the trailer: -

Thank you x

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