The Boy Next Door.

Autorstwa 1D_fanfic123

46K 2.1K 717

Mia is a ordinary 21 year old girl who still lives at home with her mum and dad. Her best friend (Victoria) w... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Final Chapter.

Chapter 46

458 22 4
Autorstwa 1D_fanfic123

Mia’s Pov.

Harry. Harry is standing right in front of my seated body with his eyes gazing down at me. What is he doing here? Why is he is?

“Mia.” He repeats.

“What are you doing here?” I don’t know whether I’m full of anger or shock. Maybe a mixture of the both?

“What is he doing here?” I ask Victoria and Niall meaning Harry isn’t going to answer me.

“You need to talk things through.” Niall speaks.

“So you’re telling me that this is a set up? I trusted you and you said it would be a quiet night in and that we just would relax.” Standing to my feet, I look to Victoria who moves closer to Niall.

“Mia.” Harry reaches out to grab my arm.

“Don’t even think about touching me Harry!” Snatching back I glare at the three of them.

Victoria and Niall are just standing there looking at one another not really knowing what to do. Harry is just gazing at me in shock. So I’m guessing Harry didn’t have a clue about this. Well he could of and is just acting surprised that I’m actually here? Thinking of which…why the hell am I still standing here?

Looking back and forth between the lot of them, I run for the door. The door just seems to be screaming the word ‘escape’ at me. I don’t want to be standing in this room like a random creature that nobody has seen before. I hate being stared at and that is what Harry was doing.

I can’t actually explain how I feel. I could start of by saying I feel sick, confused, betrayed, stupid, a fool. How could Victoria lie to me? Why didn’t she just tell me that Harry was going to be at her house? Well I suppose if she had of told me I would have ran a mile just like I’m doing now. I’m already on the street running just like I have seen the most terrifying thing ever. I’m running to get away…to get away from Harry. I still go through hurt every day for what he said to me and how he told me to leave. Do I believe that it was the drink talking…maybe but if it was why didn’t he come and apologise? I know that I have had my phone turned off since leaving him and that it was the first time turning it on to text Max less than five minutes ago.

Do I run home? I don’t even know where to go. I don’t have anybody I know who lives around here. My phone is running out of charge so I can’t ring anybody. I fi go home surly that’s where Victoria and Niall will lead Harry to find me. I don’t want to be found by him. I just want to keep running.

“Watch it love.” A young man stops me in my tracks meaning that I nearly run into him. He must be around twenty four, twenty five at the most.

“S-sorry.” My voice crack. When did I even start crying?

“Whoa it’s alright love. Are you okay?” He looks in my eyes.

“N-no. Y-yes. No. I don’t even know anymore.” I sob. Why am I even crying to a random stranger in the street? I have never met him before. What am I actually doing?

“Well you’re clearly not okay because you are crying. Come on let’s go and sit in this café.” The young man points to the small building to our right.

I don’t reply but just stare at it nodding. He put his hand on the top half of my back and slightly encourages me to walk into the café. Why is he being so polite? He won’t even want to talk to me after I tell him how mess up I am. He will run a mile.

“Come on sit down.” He pulls a chair out and I take a seat.

“Do you want a drink lovie?” He asks.

I shake my head. I’m not thirsty and I’m certainly don’t have the guts to stomach anything at the moment.

“Right that’s okay. Let me just tell my co-workers that I’m just taking a break.” He smiles.

So I’m guessing that he works here. How could I have not seen him wearing that bright red apron? Please don’t tell me that I’m losing my sight as well as losing my mind! He obviously goes to the gym often from his body which is very well built. I don’t think that I have ever met somebody so polite just from running into him in the street. We need more people like this in the world. Normally if you ran into somebody they would push you back or give some horrible comment. It’s such a shame to say that we only have a few nice people in this world nowadays. We need more.

My attention gets drawn back to reality as he takes a seat opposite me.

“So what is your name beautiful?” He asks. Beautiful? I wish I felt that way!

“M-mia.” I stutter through my sobs.

Why am I even still crying? I really need to get a hold of myself. I can’t break down just from seeing Harry. That just shows how pathetic I am!

“A beautiful name to suite a beautiful girl. Well my name is Jack. Maybe the name tag gives it away a little.” He slightly laughs looking down to the small tag pinned to his apron.

“I didn’t even notice sorry.” I sniff.

“So what’s wrong? You’re really upset. I hate seeing people cry.” His eyes search my face for answers.

“It’s a long story.” Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes. The only thing running through my mind is Harry. If he came in here, he would most likely pull Jack from his seat and throw him across the room. Harry wouldn’t realise that Jack is being polite and nice to me.

“Try me. I have all day. I’m all ears.” He teases. I have to be honest that Jack is quite a good looker and it shines through that he loves to joke. At least he is a happy chap.

“Yes and so am I so move.” I jump at the sound of Harry’s voice.

“S-sorry man. She looked upset so I thought that I would just try and cheer her up.” Jack stutters looking up to Harry.

“Well that’s my job.” Harry clenches his jaw.

“Harry just leave!” I try and say in a harsh voice but it comes out as a cry.

“Mia you don’t mean that just listen to me. Please just hear me out.” Harry is now standing behind Jacks chair waiting for him to move.

“No you got me into this state. I don’t even want to be by you Harry.” Once again I’m not crying.

“Ay love don’t cry.” Jacks hand goes to wipe a tear away but is suddenly hit away by Harry’s.

“Don’t you have a job to do?” Harry sneers at Jack.

Jack looks to me basically asking if he should leave me or not.

“Mia give me five minutes.” Harry begs.

“Please.” He adds. Wow Harry with manners is completely different.

Nodding towards Jack he soon stands from his seat allowing Harry to sit down. Harry is just so perfect. The way his hair is pushed from his forehead is so attractive and he is out of breath. I’m guessing that he ran after me then?

“Babe.” He rashes for my hand which is lay on the table but I put it down on my lap.

“Don’t call me that.” I look down.

“I’m sorry Mia. I’m truly sorry.” No you’re not Harry. Don’t lie to me.

“Yeah sure.” I huff.

“I am. Those things that I said that night weren’t true and never will be true. Fucking hell I can’t even remember what I said to you so that shows that I didn’t mean it. I don’t want you to leave me. You are everything I want Mia nothing else.” His fingers push my chin up so my eyes meet his.

Looking away, I notice Jack staring.

“Are you okay?” He mouths.

Gently nodding, Harry turs his back as Jack turns around.

“Can we go back to yours? I can’t talk to you in here not with everyone around. Especially that snake.” Harry is referring to Jack.

“He is not as much a snake as you are!” Did I really just say that out loud? Bloody hell I really don’t help myself.

“You don’t mean that. You’re just angry with me. I know you are.” Harry glares.

“You don’t know what I do and don’t mean.”

“Mia stop being so awkward. Just let’s go back to yours and we can talk there. We can talk properly with no interruptions.” Harry looks behind his shoulder at Jack.

“I like it here. People are nice to me.” I don’t know what I’m actually getting at here.

“Stop taking it out on me, just lets go back to yours and then we can talk. And he is not being nice. He is just flirting with you. Even I can see that and I’m not clever like you are.” Harry’s face has now softened.

“So what if he is flirting. It wouldn’t matter because I’m single. He is a nice guy and polite, kind.” Maybe I am just trying to make Harry feel the hurt that I feel. Being rejected is a horrible feeling.

“Shut up Mia you’re not single at all because you have me.” Okay now Harry’s face is no longer soft.

“I don’t though do I? You finished things if you remember. You told me that you don’t need me and to get out of your house. You don’t trust me. You accused me for having an affair with Max’s teacher for god sake.” I’m now looking back at Harry.

“That’s it though Mia, I don’t remember. I remember fuck all and I need you to believe me that I never meant a single word that left my fucking mouth that night. I do trust you and no I do not think that you were having an affair with Max’s head of year. I would never think that of you.” Why do I just want to be in his arms?

“Why did you say it then Harry? Surly if you never meant it you wouldn’t have said it!” The lump in my throat feels as if it is choking me. I can’t swallow it down at all.

“I don’t know why I said it. I was just angry for being kicked out of the office for sticking up for Max. No one tried to stop me from getting sent out. You all just let that dickhead of a teacher kick me out. I was just going to teach Cody a lesson and show him what it was like to be scared.” That still isn’t a good enough answer for me.

“I sat in silence because I told you before we went into the school to be quiet and not say a word to Cody but you didn’t listen so you deserved to get kicked out.” As much as I wanted his support that day he shouldn’t have done what he did so that’s it!

“Are you kidding me, I just wanted to help Max. Why can’t you see that Mia?” He questions.

“Because I can’t.”

“For the love of god can we just go back to yours to talk? I feel as if everyone is staring at us.” He asks the question again.

“I’m going back to mine yes. I don’t care where you go though.” Am I being a little too harsh on him? Well after the way he treated me…no I don’t think that I am.

“Don’t do this Mia.” He runs his hands through his hair.

“Bye Harry.” I look once more before pushing the chair back and standing up.

“Mia.” He grabs my arm.

“No like I said before don’t touch me.” I pull back and I see Jacks eyes on me.

To reassure Jack I give him a little smile and nod to ease him.

“Let me come back to yours.” Harry sighs.

“No I will not let you come back to mine. Don’t even think about following me either Harry!” I sternly talk.

“What if I do?” He cockily replies.

“Well I’m warning you not to.” I spit. I don’t actually know what I would do if he followed me back. I’m just trying to act tough just like I promised dad I would be.

“I want you to hurt just like I’m hurting. Just leave me alone because it’s over Harry.” Of course I don’t mean that sentence which just left my mouth because Harry means everything to me.

I have to try and stand my ground to show him that he can’t just hurt me and then get away with it easily like I just said to him, I want him to fell the hurt which I’m feeling.

Harry is taken back by my words as he sits in silence looking up to me. Wow a silent Harry now that is a surprise to me just like the polite Harry is.

Turning on my heels I head for the door give another little a smile to Jack t let him know that I’m okay. I will have to come and see Jack again to thank him for being so nice.

“For fuck sake.” Harry pushes the table with force out of anger.

I just shake my head as I make my way for the door to exit. I really hope that he doesn’t follow me because I need some time to think and just to have my own space.


I'm back from my holiday now, so back to normal updating now. Every two days :)

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