The Boy Next Door.

By 1D_fanfic123

46K 2.1K 717

Mia is a ordinary 21 year old girl who still lives at home with her mum and dad. Her best friend (Victoria) w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Final Chapter.

Chapter 44

516 23 5
By 1D_fanfic123

Max's Pov.

Mia and I have not long moved into our new house. It didn't take that long for all of the papers to fall through and I'm much happier living here than where we used to live. It all seems so new and fresh. Dad didn't take that much convincing for me to move in with Mia. It's not like he will never see me again, I've only moved an hour away. The house we wanted in Dewsbury we couldn't get fast because it was a slow proses. So we're near Victoria's and Niall's house. Of course at first he was like no which is understandable. But then I said who would look after me if Mum is being taken into care and he would be always working anyway. I think that is the thing that made him agree in the end.

*Ring. Ring. Ring.*

My phone vibrates in my hand. Harry.

"Hello." I answer.

"Max is everything okay? You haven't called or picked up the phone to me for two days. I've been going out of my fucking mind." Well hello to you too Harry!

"Yes everything is fine. We're settled in our new home and we're both okay. Stop worrying." He literally hasn't stopped ringing me. What part of 'I can't answer because Mia is around' doesn't Harry get?

"What's the excuse for not answering to me for two days? It's killed me Max. I thought something serious was up." Harry sighs.

"The same excuse I have all of the time. Mia was around and wouldn't leave me side." I sarcastically reply.

"Alright just try and contact me every day yeah?"

"Well I suppose I will have too."

"So how is she?" Harry asks.


"Mia. Who else would I be talking about?" Harry points out the obvious.

"Oh yeah she's okay...I suppose." I really wish that she were. I know that Mia is only putting a front up when she is with me but I have heard her crying at night when she is alone in her bedroom. It kills me.

"What do you mean you suppose?" He questions.

"Well how do think she is Harry? It's only been two weeks since you ended it with her and our mum kicking her out." Do I really have to spell it out to him?

"No don't say it like that. I didn't end it with her. It was a mistake that I can't even remember." Yeah you keep saying that.

"She's hurt Harry."

"I know Max. I want to make it up to her but you won't tell me where the hell you are or live." Harry's voice rises a little.

"For her own good." Sticking up for myself, I lie back on my bed.

"Right. Sorry for shouting. I just miss her and I'm worried that's all. Where is she now if she isn't with you?" He is much calmer now.

"She has gone to the cinema with her friend." As the words leave my mouth I realise that I could have re-fraised that.

"What the fuck do you mean she is at the cinema with a 'friend'? I'm telling you now Max that 'friend' better not be a boy. This better not be a fucking date because I will kill him!" Now he is no longer calm. I know he would take that in a wrong way.

"No she is not on a date and the last time I seen Victoria she was defiantly still a girl so unless she has had a sex change overnight without anyone knowing she is still a girl." For god sake this man.

"So she is with Victoria?" He questions.

"Yes Harry only Victoria. Unless they have made new friends there." It is quite funny to wind Harry up actually.

"Shut up!" He groans.

"I'm joking okay?" I don't want him going all moody on me now.

"You better be. Can you just tell me where you are?" He asks the same question that I have been very familiar with.

"No because I know you will fly around here straight away." I'm not stupid.

"I just want to see her Max."

"I know you do but let me sort it." I have no clue what I'm going to do.

"How long is it going to take for you to sort it? Hang on why am I even listening to a lad who is younger than me?"

"Because I'm wiser and without me being here right now you wouldn't have a clue how Mia is." I correct him.

"Good point. So how long?" What is he talking about now?

"What do you mean how long?" He confuses me sometimes.

"How long is it going to be until you let me come and see her."

"Soon." I don't particular know when Mia is going to be up for it.

"How long is soon?"

"How many questions?"

"Just answer me Max!"

"Pretty soon." I answer.

"It better be. I'm beginning to lose patience...fuck that I have already lost it." He sighs.

"Just leave it with me." I say.

"Alright I will give you a day to come up with something otherwise I will come and find you." He speaks.

"And how will you do that?" I would love to know.

"I don't know but I will. I'll track your phone or something." He jokes.

"Wow stalker much." I joke back and as we both laugh.

"Okay I will leave it with you. A day Max that's all you're getting."

"Yeah whatever." I roll my eyes before he hangs up.

I feel like I'm in dept. He is giving me a day to think of something that's all. Wow he can be pretty pushy at times but I still have to laugh at him. I can see how much he loves Mia and I know it is killing them both being apart but Mia keeps saying that she wants to get over him but a can't tell Harry that she says that. I know that Mia doesn't mean it. She is just trying to ac tough like he is easy to get over but I wasn't born yesterday. I know what goes on in the big wide world.

"Hey Max. I'm back." Mia shouts up the stairs bringing me from my thoughts.

"I'm up here." I shout back. Within a minute Mia is standing at my bedroom door.

"Are you okay?" Mia politely asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. Hang on...have you been crying again?" I look into her watery eyes.

"No...yes but I'm okay. It was the film you know what I'm like." Yeah and I know when you are lying too.

"Ah okay. Do you want a hug?" It seems like a hugging moment okay? She looks so worn out and tired. She has had no colour in her cheeks for a long while now and from having no sleep she also has rings of black underneath her big, bright brown eyes.

She doesn't say anything just walks over and wraps her arms around my, pulling me tightly to her body. I know that she want to cry but it crying to hold it in.

"It's okay to cry you know." I say.

"I know." She whispers as her voice cracks. How can I see her going through this pain any longer? It is killing me. Maybe I am not doing the right thing by keeping Harry away? Maybe I'm making situations worse? I don't know what the right thing to do at the moment is but I have to come up with a plan and fast. One day that's all I have. One day!

Harry's Pov.

I've hardly been eating or drinking and I feel like shit! I can't sleep at night and I can't get Mia of my mind. No matter what I try and do, she is always the first thing on my mind. Yes I still feel like a prick for saying those things to her even thought that I can't remember. I do believe that I said them though because she wouldn't have gone if I never. If this is where drinking gets me, I'm sticking to orange juice in the future!

I miss her so much. The house is so quiet and depressing. I haven't laughed or smiled for over two weeks and the only thing that I keeping me sane right now is Max allowing me to talk to him. But when he doesn't answer to me, that really does piss me off. I know that he obviously doesn't carry his phone around with him all of the time but two days...two fucking days I he didn't answer. It was driving me crazy.

He has told me to leave it with him and that he will sort it. Well he better had! I can't go much longer without her being with me.

Turning the tv, my attention gets drawn by a knock at the door. Well several knocks at the door.

Mia. It could be Mia.

Rushing to my feet, I to the front door.

"Mi...Niall." I swing the door open to Niall standing there.

"Sorry to disappoint mate." He shrugs.

"It's alright. Come in." I walk away from the door to walk back into the lounge.

"No offence but you look like shit." Niall sits facing me.

"None taken." Well thanks for that.

"I heard about you and Mia. That was a pretty dumb ass move you made with her." Niall points out.

"I know. I don't need to be told." I run my fingers over my hair.

"Well were having a party tomorrow night and you're coming. It's nothing big just getting a few of us around to mine. We all need a good catch up." Niall talks.

"No I'm not up to it." Shaking my head, my stomach rumbles.

"Shut up your coming home with me tonight. I'm not leaving you on your own like this. You can follow me back to mine in your car and stay a few days. The party is tomorrow and I will drag you there if I have to. It is only going to be Me, you, Liam, Louis and Zayn and probably a couple of others not many though."

"No I don't want to." I moan.

"I'm not taking no for an answer. You are coming." Niall gives me a serious look.

"Fine but I'm not drinking because look where drinking got me last time. It left me lonely." I'm a sucker for feeling sorry for myself.

"You don't have to drink. I'm not going to force you." Niall laughs.

"Good. So let me get this right. You have travelled an hour just to come and invite me to a party that I don't even want to go to?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Pretty much and I was just checking up on you too. After everything that has happened I thought you could do with a friend." Niall smiles a little.

"Oh well cheers...I suppose." I try and smile but badly fail. I told you that I can't smile without Mia being around here. She is the only reason why I smile because she gives me a reason to but without her there's nothing at all.

"Go and pack some clothes and get in the shower to freshen up." He says.

"Oi you cheeky git I had a shower this morning." Which is the truth.

"Well you look like shit like have said before. You need to freshen up just go. I'm going to have a coffee because I'm not up to driving back yet." Niall stands.

"Alright give me half an hour then I should be ready. You know where everything is in the kitchen it is not like you haven't been here before. Just help yourself and good luck in searching the cupboards for food because I haven't been shopping since she left." I shrug. I haven't felt like eating so what is the point in going food shopping if I'm not going to eat it.

"Don't tell me that...well it's not like I stopped at Maccies on the way here but that is not the point you should still have food in." Niall jokes.

"I can't believe how much you eat." I joke...well to be honest it is not really a joke because he never stops eating. Niall loves his food but he doesn't put weight on at all.

"I love my food." He laughs before walking into the kitchen.

Well I best go and get ready then.

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