The Boy Next Door.

By 1D_fanfic123

46K 2.1K 717

Mia is a ordinary 21 year old girl who still lives at home with her mum and dad. Her best friend (Victoria) w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Final Chapter.

Chapter 38

597 21 2
By 1D_fanfic123

Harry's Pov.

"Who the fuck is knocking at the door this early in the morning?" I groan looking over to the clock which read 08:20 on it. Well it is not that early but Mia and I planned to have a lie in today meaning we had no reason to be up!

"I'll go and see." Mia goes to get out of the bed but I pull her arm back.

"No you won't. You don't know who is out there. I will go." I slide of the bed, slipping my joggers over my boxers.

I swear down it better not be and cold callers because I will tell them to piss off. I don't have time for people like them because they try and sell me a load of crap which is no use to me in life! If it is them why the hell are they knocking on my door this early?

I make my way down the stairs and to the front door. I look through the stained glass which gives and appearance of two small bodies.

"Who the fuck?" I scratch my head trying to figure out who it could be before opening the door.

"Hey Harry sorry it is early but I've left my house keys at home so I'm basically locked out." Max smiles a little.

"Urm it is alright. Shouldn't you be at school?" I'm sure that Max told Mia that he was going to school today. It is definitely Tuesday right? Yeah it is!

"Well when we got to school the gates were closed and we didn't know that it was a teachers training day today. So we couldn't go back to his because nobody is in so we came here." Max explains pointing to his small friend.

"Oh that's fine. Come on in you will both freeze standing there." Inviting them in, they follow me into the lounge.

"This is Kian by the way and Kian well this is Harry." Max introduces Kian and I.

"Alright mate." I nod to him.

"Hi." He blushes.

Stretching I rub the lingering sleep out of my eyes also yawning.

"Sorry to wake you." Max sweet voice sounds.

"It's no problem man." Yes I'm shattered but Max is a part of Mia which makes him a part of me so I will always have time for him.

They both make themselves comfortable on the sofa whilst I try and wake up.

"So where's Mia?" Max asks.

Shit what can I say? I can't say that she is in my bed because he still doesn't know about us.

"Mia well she the spare bedroom." Nice work there you dickhead. Why am I so bad at lying?

"Oh right. Is she still..." Max gets cut off.

"Max?" Mia sounds shocked as she walks into the lounge.

"Teachers training day, I forgot about it." Max says. Why do I have a funny feeling about this?

"Why are you both so muddy?" She eyes both of the boys up and down.

"We..." Max begins but looks to Kian. Something is definitely not right.

"We played football in the park on the way here, and because it is rainy the fields were full of mud." Kian speaks a sentence for the first time since being here.

"What have I told you both about getting your uniforms muddy?" Mia tuts.

"Sorry." Max rolls his eyes as Kian looks to the floor.

I know that Max is football mad because he never shuts up about it but something is telling me that these are lying. I shouldn't have that feeling because I should believe them but I don't.

"Did you have a good sleep in the spare room?" I make my last two words loud and clear trying to make it obvious to Mia.

"Spare room?" She gives me a puzzled look.

Not making it obvious I look over to Max trying to give her a hint.

"Yes the spare room." I nod widening my eyes. Come on Mia don't make a fool out of me now. Please get what I am hinting at.

"Oh yeah, it was nice." She smiles and I look away so that I don't make her laugh.

"So you both didn't fall asleep on the sofas...well that makes a change." Max mocks.

"Shut up the sofa is comfy." I laugh.

"Yeah. Well I normally fall asleep on the floor so I wouldn't really know." He shrugs.

"Mia meaning there is no school. Can Mia come over to mums and stay the day because I have been at his all weekend." Max looks to Mia.

"Well I can't see why not because mum and dad our out. Just don't make a mess." She firmly says.

"We won't. Can I have a house key please?" Max cheekily grins.

"It's upstairs in Harry's room in my handbag. Go and get it." Did Mia really just say that? Fucking hell!

Shooting a glare over to her, it functions what she just said.

"No I Harry's spare room...on the landing...the spare one." This girl only makes things worse because if Max says he will go and get it he will soon realise that her bag and clothes are all across my bedroom floor.

"I will go and get it." I stand straight form my leaning position.

"I will be fine to go, I'm sure I will find it." Max obliges. Don't do this mate.

"No it is fine, you know what girls are like for hiding things. I think I know where about she put it. I will only be a second." I race up the stairs before giving Max a chance to.

Running up to my room, I rout through Mia's bag until I find the key. I soon make my way back down the stairs and hand the key to Max.

"Thank Harry. So we will see you sometime later then." Max and Kian stand to their feet.

"Yeah see you later." Mia perks.

"Max." Stopping him in his tracks, he looks up to me.

"What?" He asked confusingly.

"If your mum and dad come back home, you know that you can come over here okay." I know that he doesn't like to be alone with them. I don't think Max knows yet about Mia and their mother arguing the other day.

"Thank Harry it means a lot." He smiles walking off out of the door.

After the door closes, I turn to face Mia.

"You dumb ass." I shake my head laughing.

"I forgot okay. You confused me at first by saying the spare bedroom." She also laughs.

"Trust you to drop us both in it." I laugh a little more.

"I'm still tired okay. I couldn't think straight." She holds her hands up to surrender.

"Come here." I hold my arms out for her to walk into as she does so.

"You make me laugh." I kiss her head.

We hug for a little longer before breaking it.

"Mia?" I look down to her.

"Yeah?" She replies.

"Don't get me wrong about this...but I have a funny feeling that Max and Kian wasn't telling the truth." I look down.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"I'm not sure, but I just sense that something is not right but I don't know." I look at her.

"Max doesn't normally lie, we will just have to keep a close eyes that's all." She fakes a smile.

"I'm not trying to say that he is lying but something isn't right and I know it." I carry on.

"Harry it is fine. It is probably everything with mum and dad." She looks into the distance.

"Probably. I'm sure that everything is fine don't worry." The last thing I want to do is cause Mia any worry, I will just have try and figure this one out on my own!

Mia's Pov.

Harry has jumped into the shower and I'm making breakfast for the both of us. I've been thinking quite a lot now since Harry applying that something is wrong with Max. If there is why would Max lie to me? He has never lied before and now I just can't seem to get him of my mind. What if there is something wrong with him? What if he needs help? What if he is scared?

Trying to keep my concentration on what I am cooking, I move the bacon around the pan hearing it sizzle. After it has cooked I butter some bread and make Harry and I some bacon sandwiches.

"Something smells nice." Harry walks up behind me kissing the side of my neck.

"Here you go." I hand him his plate.

We both sit at the table as Harry tucks into his sandwich. Honestly I really don't feel like eating now that I have the worry of Max on my shoulders. Is he lying? If so, what would he be lying about?

He seemed a little curious before when I was asking him questions and at some points Kian answered for him. Now I think about it, Max did seem suspicious before. I hope that he is not being naughty in school. I don't want him to grow up with trouble behind his back twenty for seven.

"Are you okay?" Harry looks over his newspaper to me.

"Yeah." Faking a smile, I try and swallow the food down but my stomach rejects.

"Why aren't you eating then?" Harry places his paper down on the table to see me fully.

"I'm not hungry." Shoving my plate away, I take a sip of my orange juice.

"What are you worrying about?" He looks concerned.

"N-nothing." I blush.

"Tell me." He grabs my hand from across the table, running circles with his smooth long thumb.

"Really Har..." He cuts me off.

"Is it Max? I knew that I shouldn't have said anything." He wonders.

"A little, I just hope that he isn't in any trouble that's all." I try and smile again.

"Don't worry we will find out what it is. Please don't let it get to you." Giving me a sympathetic look I close my eyes and let out a deep breath.

"Okay." I nod.

"Good." He smiles.

"Do you want this?" I offer him my sandwich.

"Babe you can't just not eat." He sighs looking me in the eyes.

"I'm just not hungry. I promise I will eat something later." I say trying to convince him.

"You better." He smiles.

"I will." I stand putting my glass in the sink. Even though I can't get Max out of my mind, I'm trying not to worry about it. There's nothing saying that there is a problem and we could have the complete wrong end of the stick. Well I hope we do anyway!

"Where do you want to go today?" Harry asks.

"Anywhere. You need some food in, so how about we go and get some shopping?" I reply.

"Sounds good to me." He bites down on his bottom lip showing that he is thinking about the idea.


"Put this in." Harry hands me a box of sweets to put in the trolley.

"Oh and these." Also he passed me a bag of crisps.

"Harry." I laugh looking into he trolley filled with junk food. I swear down that is all he has put in the trolley since walking around. Literally I don't think there is any healthy food in it at all.

"What I like food." He shrugs putting more things into the trolley.

"Yeah I can tell." I laugh again as I push the trolley down the aisle.

We carry on shopping for a while longer making sure we have enough supplies for the week. I have managed to convince Harry to put some normal food into the trolley so that we can actually eat a meal not just living of junk. As much as I like the idea of living of junk, I also know I will get very fat.

"You ready to go home babe?" He looks at me shutting the car door. We have just packed all of the shopping into the boot.

"Yeah. Well we kind of need to because of the frozen food." I buckle my seatbelt.

"Home it is then." He starts the engine and I laugh.

"What are you chuckling at?" He looks towards me.

"I can't believe we got told off by riding on the trolleys at our age." Yes it is true, Harry and I got hyped up and decided to ride the trolleys down the aisle. We ended up getting told off and he said that we need to act our ages otherwise we would be asked to leave.

"They need to live a life. We obviously know how to travel down aisles in style." He smirks setting his eyes back on the road.

"Of course we do." I chuckle thinking about how we looked going down the aisles on the trolley.

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