The Boy Next Door.

By 1D_fanfic123

46K 2.1K 717

Mia is a ordinary 21 year old girl who still lives at home with her mum and dad. Her best friend (Victoria) w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Final Chapter.

Chapter 37

571 21 2
By 1D_fanfic123

Mia's Pov.

Slowly opening my eyes, I close them tight again. The room is spinning and everything is fuzzy. My head feels as if an elephant is running around in it.

"Ah sleeping beauty is finally awake." I open my eyes again to the beautiful sound of Harry's voice.

"What time is it?" I groan.

"Nearly twelve." I see him smile through my squinted eyes.

"I feel sick and my head is hurting." Complaining, I try and sit myself up but realise that it is too much of an effort so I slump back down into my pillow.

"Well I can see that you're not used to hangovers." Harry mocks. I go to swat his arm but I also realise that it is also an effort to even do that.

The whole of my body is aching and I feel as if I am on deaths door. I'm not too good with feeling ill, I never have been!

"Aren't you feeling ill because I recall you drinking a lot more than I did?" I ask in the laziest voice ever.

"Nope not at all, I'm used to drinking now. It doesn't affect me no more." Harry pushes the hair off my forehead.

"How long have you been awake?" It's just now that I have realised I'm naked and memories of last night come flooding back to me.

"Not too long. Niall and Victoria are still asleep." Harry states pulling the bed cover over our bare bodies.

"Last night was good baby." He smirks putting pecks of kisses around my shoulder.

"Yes it was." I agree smiling at the thought.

"You can be a dirty bugger at times." The smirk rises as he looks my in the eyes.

"I can't believe you f...fin..." Choking trying to say the word, I blush.

"What that I fingered you in a club." Harry laughs.

"Oh, my god you can't just say things like that Harry." This time I do manage to swat his arm even though it does use all of the energy that I have.

"Well it is true and you allowed me to do it and admit you enjoyed every second of it." Harry moves in closer.

Staying silent I just smile shaking my head.

"Admit it." He smirks once again.

"Admit what?" My brain can't even function right now.

"You enjoyed it." He pecks my lips.

"Be quiet Styles." Resting my forehead against his, I smile against his lips.

"You also gave me plenty of pleasure too." How many time this guy smirks in one day is unbelievable.

"I'm glad I did." I honestly can't remember all of last night.

Harry stands up from the bed and pulls his boxers up, covering the most private parts of his beautiful body. Harry walks over to the set of draws, scrambling through them. Watching him for a while I begin to wonder what the hell he is doing.

"Harry what have you lost?" I ask, finally having enough energy to sit myself up.

It seems that Harry hasn't heard me meaning he has not replied. He routs through the draws for a little longer. Should he be going through somebody else's draws? Isn't it a little rude?

"Finally!" Harry turns on his heels to face me, whilst holding up a small whit box.

"What's that?" I curiously ask.

"Paracetemol, they work wonders for hangovers trust me." Harry smiles before walking toward me.

He takes a seat next to me on the bed. He then takes out two small rounded tablets out of the box before handing me a glass of water from the bedside table.

"Here take these. The faster they get into your system, the faster they will kick in." Harry says as I gulp down the tablets one after the other.

"What would I do without you?" Handing back the glass of water, I smile.

"I'm just the best." He jokes.

"Yes you are." As the cold, clammy air surrounds my bare body, a shudder runs through me from head to foot.

"Are you cold babe?" Harry looks down at me.

"Yeah a little." I nod pulling the quilt over my arms.

"Maybe you should get dressed, and then maybe you won't feel as cold." Harry mocks.

"I'm too tired." I moan.

Deciding then to actually get some clothes on, I jump out of bed and walk over to the bag which has my clothes in. I just slip on something simple and light so that I'm comfortable. It doesn't take me long before I make my way back to the bed and lie with Harry.

We lie in silence for a while. It's not an awkward silence, just nice and peaceful.

"Time to wake up sleepy heads." Niall's strong Irish voice sounds from the other side of the bedroom door.

He slightly taps it before opening. If he was just going to open it, why the hell knock in the first place?

"We were awake before you mate." Harry beams.

"Oh never heard you man." Niall replies.

"Do you have a hangover?" Harry asks Niall.

"Na not me. Victoria does though." Niall replies chuckling to himself.

"So does Mia." Harry smirks looking down at me.

"Wow you look pretty rough." Niall laughs even more.

"Shut up, I'm not used to all of this drinking." I cover my face with the nearest pillow.

"She feels as if she is dying. I will never hear the end of this one." Harry says and I swat his arm.

"Ouch!" He complains as if it hurt. Come on, I could never hurt him if I tried.

"Do you guys want to go out for some brunch?" Niall chirps.

"Brunch. I haven't heard that one for a while." I state.

"Mia if you don't know what it means, it basically means breakfast running into lunch." Is Harry really going to be this sarcastic with me?

"Be quiet! Of course I know what brunch means Harry." Rolling my eyes, I laugh.

"God do you two ever stop flirting?" Niall raises a brow and I blush.

"God I know, Mia is all over me constantly. She is the biggest flirt I know." Harry jokes back.

"I am not a flirt. You're a man slag." I join in.

"Oh really now." Harry smirks looking at me.

"Yes." Trying to keep a straight face, I fail by letting a smile creep upon my lips.

"Says you who let me urm...fing..." I know what he is going to say.

"Stop." I warn him.

"She let you do what?" Why the hell is Niall so nosy?

"Are you going to take it back that I'm a man slag?" Harry looks at me.

I have too otherwise I know that he will tell Niall what happened in the club last night...what I let him do to me. I'm not going to lie because I did enjoy it but it was disgusting now that I sit and think about it.

"Fine you are not a man slag." I laugh.

"And I'm the best." Harry has the proudest look on his face right now.

"And you're the best." I trace his words.

"And nobody can ever be better than me for you." Harry is enjoying every minute of this I can tell.

"Nobody can ever be better than you for me." Laughing a little I look down.

"And..." Harry goes to carry on.

"Okay Styles that is enough. You have proved your point." He would have took it too far if I never had of stopped him.

"You love it." He teases.

"Mate that is cringy." I completely forgot that Niall was still here.

"So can we get back to the point without going of track this time?" Niall groans.

"And what's that." Harry sits up from his sloping position.

"Doesn't anybody ever listen to me? I just want an answer if you want breakfast or not." Now I remember.

Harry looks over to me and I shrug not really knowing what to say. In all honestly no I don't want to go for breakfast because I feel really sick, but I know if I don't go Harry wont and I don't want to wreck it for everyone else.

"No mate, I think we will have a coffee and the head off." Harry replies. I'm actually kind of glad from his answer because I feel like utter shit.

"Alright then, I will go and get the kettle on whilst you get some clothes on for once." Niall looks Harry up and down. Harry is just laying on top of the bed sheets I his boxers not giving a care to the world. He definitely is not shy.

With that Niall closes the door, excusing himself from the room.

Those tablets must have worked because I feel a little better...well my head isn't spinning as much now meaning I can actually see straight. I still feel really sick but I'll live I suppose.

Harry gets himself dressed whilst I quickly tidy around the room and making the bed. I like to leave thing just as I found them.

We make our way down the stairs to be greeted by Niall and Victoria at the kitchen table. Laughing I take a seat. I'm laughing because of the way Victoria is sitting. Half of her body is lay across the top of the table. Her head is rested on her arms as she lets out a groan ever so often. Her face is so pale...well except for the black stripes of mascara marked on her face from last night. I thought that I looked rough but Victoria definitely looks offence.

"Mia do you want a coffee too?" Niall offers.

"No thanks. I will just stick to the water." I pick up the jug of cold water which is placed on the table mat. Pouring it into the glass I shortly gulp it down before pouring another one and repeating the proses.

We stay seated for a while around the table talking as normal and about how good last night were. I do have to admit that we all had a good laugh last night, everyone got along and Victoria and I got along just as old times. I thought that it would have been awkward but it wasn't, not at all! We talked about our past and brought up funny memories that we have both shared with one another, sharing them with the boys and they shared their memories with us too. I found it nice listening to a part of Harry's past because I don't really know that much, he likes to keep himself to himself and doesn't really tell me anything about his past. Even though all I heard of the boys last night were the stories of them getting into all sorts of trouble but like I said before it was still nice to hear those stories it made me laugh most of the time.

"Right come on babe. We best be off." Harry takes the last sip of coffee from his cup before placing it gently on the table.

"Okay, I'm ready when you are." I smile at him.

"Don't leave it too long, come and see us again soon." Niall says.

"Yeah of course mate. Give it a couple of weeks and then we will come and see you again." Harry slowly nods.

"Yeah that's fine, just call and let me know." Niall agrees.

We all make our way to the front door.

Victoria and I hug.

"I'm still sorry for not contacting and ignoring you hun. I will never do it again. I promise." She whispers into my ear.

"It's okay let's just forget it and get past it." I smile even though she can't see me.

I don't ever want to fall out with Victoria again. She is a very close friend of mine and always will be. Hopefully now we won't fall out again and regain our friendship and put it back on track.

"Are you ready babe?" Harry's voice pulls Victoria and I out of our tight hug.

"Yeah let's go." I smile giving a quick hug to Niall before exiting the house.

As we set of in the car, we wave to Victoria and Niall as we leave.

"Giving a hug to Niall I see." Harry jokes.

"Stop being jealous." I gently hit his leg as we both laugh.

"There's no need to be jealous because you're mine anyway so I can have all the hugs I want." He smirks whilst keeping an eye on the road.

Harry calling me his puts a smile upon my face and I look out of the window as he places his hand on top of mine as we hit the motorway which is jam packed with traffic jams. The joys!

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