The Boy Next Door.

By 1D_fanfic123

46K 2.1K 717

Mia is a ordinary 21 year old girl who still lives at home with her mum and dad. Her best friend (Victoria) w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Final Chapter.

Chapter 17

705 35 8
By 1D_fanfic123

Max's Pov.

Sitting here, staring at a lifeless Mia is very rare for me and I don't like it. I want my sister back to seeing her with Harry again, just to see her smiling again. Mia hasn't been happy for a long time but I can just see the smile that appears on her face when she is with Harry. I can tell they like each other but none of them will admit it. I know Mia wont because she is too stubborn and always puts up a hard front, but I know the real her.

Harry has let me come into the room first, but I really wish that he would have been aloud in here with me. I was terrified coming through the door because I had no idea of what sight I would see lying before my eyes

I was expecting to see more blood around Mia's face from the deep cut, but there is nothing at all. The nurses have done a pretty good job of cleaning the mess up, and I know I'm no doctor or anything but I think that the doctors have done a neat job of stitching the cut up. I'm not too sure on what stitches they used but at least it is tidier then I thought it would have been.

I am still really angry at my mum and dad. They still have not answered their phones! The both of them should be home by now meaning it is getting really late. Why the hell haven't they even wondered where Mia and I are? That shows how much attention they actually pay towards the both of us. I have not texts or missed calls, but when they check their phones they would have had plenty from me! I know dad was at a meeting today but surly to god he could have checked his phone at least once. I know that I shouldn't be thinking like this but just say if the worst had of happened to Mia, they wouldn't even know about it! How can their jobs be more important than their children? They haven't always been this way...always working. We always had family time and spent days out but since the full trauma they go to work to escape, I know they do.

The room is silent, a silence what I don't like. All I can hear is a machine beeping every now and then.

"Come on Mia you need to get well again. I need my sister back, how will I cope with mum and dad alone?" I laugh a little trying to lighten my mood but it doesn't really do much. Whilst I am on the subject, I actually don't know how I am going to cope with my mum and dad without Mia there. They both drive Mia and I crazy and that is why I stay in my room out of the way.

"Harry is here you know. He has not left since he has got here, he is a good friend you know that right?" I know I am only speaking to myself but hopefully she can hear me even though she is not replying.

"If you are wondering where mum and dad is, I truthfully don't know myself but I have been trying to get a hold of them all day. When I go out of the room, I am going to try and ring them again. If they don't answer, I think my best bet is to go home and tell them. Mia I promise I will be back here tomorrow, I won't leave you alone for long. I know you will probably moan at me for not going to school, but you are more important to me than school." I'm not speaking too loud because I know that the doctor won't be happy if I wake her, but my tone of voice is just loud enough for her to her me...that is if she can.

"Well I suppose I best let Harry come in and sit with you for a bit because I know that he can't wait to see you. Don't worry though. I will just be sat right outside of your door. If you need or want me, just tell Harry to come and get me. That is if you need me of course but I'm sure you will be okay with Harry around." I stand from my chair which is placed by the side of her hospital bed.

"I love you Mia." I whisper waking to open the door.

"Is she okay?" Harry quickly stands to his feet, meeting me.

"Yes, well I think so. She is still asleep if that counts." I shrug.

"Okay, do you mind if I go in now." He politely asks.

"Why are you even asking me?" I laugh.

"Cheers." He nods.

"Harry. Wait." I stop him from walking.

"Yeah?" He looks confused.

"Can I please your phone to try my mum and dad one more time? I would use mine but it has ran out of charge." I ask.

"Yeah sure you can mate." He passes me the phone so straight away I dial the numbers.


After trying multiple of times, I finally give up when I reach the voicemails. From how many times I've heard their voicemails today, I swear down that I know them of by heart.

"Still no luck?" Harry asks as I pass him the phone back.

"Nope, they are pathetic!" I shake my head.

"Max it is getting late, you should go home. Your mum and dad should at least be at home at this time of night." Harry says.

"I hate leaving Mia though." I look towards the door.

"I won't leave her side all night." Harry looks at me.

"What? Really?" I'm shocked by his words.

"Yeah, I won't be leaving here until at least I know she is getting better. Max you need your sleep, so go home, freshen up and come back in the morning or whenever." Harry suggests.

"Harry I really owe you one." I smile.

"No you don't." He shakes his head.

"Wait how will you get home?" He questions.

"I will walk. It isn't that far if you really think about it." It will be around twenty-five minutes.

"No I can't let you walk, if Mia finds out she would kill me. You know that Mia won't let you walk anywhere on you own." Yeah he has a point.

"I will get a taxi or something." I say.

"No those taxi drivers are right creeps. I will call Louis to come and get you. You know the guy that you met the other morning, the one who took you to school." Yes I remember Louis quite well.

"Yes he is funny, are you sure he wouldn't mind?" I don't want to be a pain to anyone.

"Of course not, he lives around here so by the time that you have made it to the front of the hospital he should be there."

"Okay, so I will see you in the morning then." I reply.

"Yeah you will, I promise not to leave her."

"Thanks again Harry." I'm more relaxed now that I know Mia won't be on her own all night.

"Don't thank me, it is no problem. See you tomorrow Max." He scruffs my hair up, just like Mia.

"Bye Harry." I say and make my way down the corridor.

Harry's Pov.

Finally it is my time to go and sit in with Mia. I have waited for this for so long. I couldn't rush Max because it is his sister for god sake, but I am just glad it is now my turn.

Walking into the small hospital room, I notice Mia fast asleep which I was already expecting. Her small, frail body is just lay underneath the covers with no movement to it at all. She is just so relaxed. The room would be pitch black if it wasn't for the machines lightening it up. She has wires coming out of her hand and into the machine that gives a bleep every so often. The corridor lights have now been turned off, so there is no more light appearing through the cracks in the blinds.

"Max has gone now Mia, but don't worry I won't leave your side all night." I say staring at her.

"Trust you to end up in here ey. I'm sure you will be on full recovery soon though." I take a breath.

"The doctors have said that you need plenty of rest, so I'm guessing you will just have to sit and watch films for a few weeks. I have plenty of films if you want to borrow any? Or maybe you could just come over to mine and we will watch them together like we have done in the past." I just want her to be with me.

Okay maybe it is now my time to be quiet. If I carry on speaking it will wake her, and then I will be kicked out of her room!

How can such a good person deserve this? She is always there helping others, always leaving herself to last. She never thinks of herself first, as long as everyone else is okay then so is Mia.

*Beep, beep, beep*

There goes the annoying machine again. It does not shut up.

*Beep, beep, beep*

There we go again!

*Beep, beep, beep*

For fuck sake! Okay it is not a loud noise but enough to drive anybody sitting in silence crazy. It is the most irritating noise going, also a piercing noise too.

Maybe I should tell somebody just in case there is something wrong with her or her machines?

Quietly standing to my feet, I make my way over to her door.

Wow! I have never seen a hospital corridor so empty and I've never heard one so quiet either. It is pretty dark from having no lights on, but just enough light for you to see where about you are going. There is pounding alarms coming from the distance to alert nurse and doctors that there is an emergency I suppose.

"Can I help you sir?" I jump from hearing a voice behind me. I have never been called sir before, but since being in this place I have at least been called it eight times already.

"Yes with my girl friend Mia." Well done Harry!

"Mia Taylor?" She questions.

"Yes." I nod.

"How can I help?" She smiles.

"Well a machine hasn't stopped beeping so I wondered if there was something wrong. So I just thought I would come and tell somebody." I shrug.

"I'm sure she is fine. Don't panic, but I will come and check her out just to put your mind at rest." She laughs a little. Good I think she best go and check Mia!

We walk back into Mia's room and the nurse walking over to the bleeping machine.

"What's wrong with it? Is she okay?" I whisper.

"Yes it is just letting you know that the drip needs to be changed because it has nearly run out." The woman replies.

"So don't you think you best change it?" I question raising my eyebrows. I may be coming across cocky but I'm not being funny, if the drip needs changing fucking change it!

"Yes I will go and get one now." She whispers with a little attitude. Bitch!

"Good!" I bite down own my lip and return my stare back to Mia who still looks so peaceful.

A few minutes later, the nurse soon returns with another drip bad full of medication.

She reaches up and places it onto the peg to let it hand before connecting it to Mia's cannula in her hand.

"Don't wake her." I sarcastically say meaning that is all I have been told.

She doesn't reply, instead just looks up at me with a stare that could kill.

"How long does she need that in for?" I ask.

"Well this one will go a lot faster than the last one did, so it should be around eight hours." The nurse finally stands letting go of Mia's hand.

"Oh." I reply as I watch her wrap something around Mia's arm.

"What is that?" I wonder.

"You really like to ask questions don't you?" She says turning on a different machine.

"Just curious." I shrug.

"It is a blood pressure machine. I'm shocked you don't know what one is already." Is she taking the piss with me?

"Well I don't do hospitals." I look back at Mia whilst the nurse finishes whatever she is doing.

"Sir..." She begins.

"Harry. It is Harry!" Being called sir reminds me of being posh or back in school. I hate it.

"Harry, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She mutters.

"Fuck off." I spit.

"We have already gone against the rules and let you into see Mia." She carries on.

"I don't care." I pull a face.

"I will have to ask you to leave once more otherwise I will have to call security." She is making the anger boil inside of me.

"I have done fuck all wrong. All I have done is sat here keeping her company. Listen if this is about me being sarcastic towards you earlier, I'm sorry okay just don't kick me out." I look at her.

"This is nothing to do with you being sarcastic towards me." She laughs. "It is just rules that we all have to follow."

"Is there any other suggestions?" I do not want to leave Mia and plus I promised Max that I wouldn't leave her side.

"Okay, I'll let you stay out side of her room instead of telling you to go home. That is the best I can do." She shrugs.

"Fine I will do that. Just give me a few seconds on my own with her please." I ask.

"Of course, but don't be too long." She walks out.

I'm so angry but I know that she is doing her job and she had no choice but she still takes the piss.

"Mia, the bitch of a nurse has told me I have to go out to leave you to sleep. I will only be just outside of the door and I will keep checking in on you. I won't leave you here alone, I promise." I can't help myself but lean over to plant a kiss on her forehead.

From my touch, he body moves a little and she gives out a quiet grumble before turning to her side and falling back to sleep.

So I guess it is just me on my own sitting on crappy hard back chairs for tonight then.

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