The Boy Next Door.

By 1D_fanfic123

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Mia is a ordinary 21 year old girl who still lives at home with her mum and dad. Her best friend (Victoria) w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Final Chapter.

Chapter 12

777 37 6
By 1D_fanfic123

Harry's Pov.

(The next morning.)

My head is pounding and I feel as sick as a pig. I really shouldn't have drank that much last night. I am just so angry at Mia for allowing Danny to take her out again. I bet she forgave him and they are playing happy boyfriend and girlfriend again in the office today. I feel a little bad for slamming the door in her face, but after how nice I was with her yesterday, when she said 'Yes' about going with Danny, I just felt like I had a knife stabbed through my heart.

I wish that I didn't have to go into work today, but I can't call in again and not go I will soon get the sack otherwise. If only I went into work yesterday, I could of wagged today off.

Putting on my regular skinny jeans and T-shirt, I soon make my way out of the house and off to work as much to my dislike.


Walking into the office, I notice Danny staring at Mia with piercing eyes. If looks could kill, trust me Mia would be dead from the way he is looking. Mia looks so uncomfortable just gulping staring at her laptop screen. Okay well it is obvious that they didn't make up last night. Hang on... why am I so stupid? Mia told me that the next time she sees Danny, she is going to tell him that there was no chance of them two getting back together. How could I have been so pathetic to storm in the house and slam the door in her face. I should have been there to still comfort her whenever she needed. I really need to stop getting on my high horse every time Mia is near or talks about a boy. I will never be able to win her over otherwise.

"Morning." I nod to them both to cut out the silence.

Nobody replies, they don't even turn to look at me. Okay Mia must definitely be pissed off with me, I don't really blame her. I would be acting the exact same with her if she had of slammed the door in my face and completely ignored me. I do, do some regretful things sometimes. I can't help it though, I just have a very short temper so when things don't go my way, as you can tell I just flip out because that is all I have ever done.

I wonder if Mia will still come to lunch with me like she said she would the next time that we are in work? Okay with the mood she is in now I guess she won't. I need to find a way of talking to her without Danny in the room.

"Danny." I say and he shoots his head to look at me.

"What?" He spits.

"You have blocked Jacks car in, and he told me to ask you to move so that he could get out." I lie. Well he has blocked Jacks car in but he is at a meeting all day down in Cardiff so jack doesn't need to move his car anywhere. It was the best thing I could think of okay? Give me a break.

"For fuck sake." He stands and exits the room.

Well somebody didn't get it last night." I say loud enough for him to hear me. Mia can't help but laugh. I couldn't help myself, I had to say it.

"Shut the fuck up Harry." I hear Danny shout back.

"Oh so you do make a noise." I look at Mia who is trying to stop herself from laughing.

She ignores me and carries on typing.

"Don't ignore me Mia." I walk over and sit on her desk but she doesn't even flinch.

"Fine then." I lean over and knock down the laptop screen.

"Harry there was unsaved work on that!" Mia screams.

"Don't pull your hair out; I only put it to sleep. When you lift the lid back up you work will still be there." I laugh.

"You aren't even funny." She gives me a serious look.

"Well why won't you talk to me?" I lean in closer so that she can't lift the lid of her laptop back up.

"I'm leaving you alone like you asked me too." She looks away.

"I didn't mean it. I was angry." I say.

"You obviously do mean it though because that is not the first time you have said it to me." She still doesn't look at me.

"I don't! When I get angry I speak without speaking." That is the truth.

"What did I do to make you so angry?" She asks.

Well now how can I say this with her guessing that I like her. I have to really think about this because if I mess up, then I'm screwed and she will know and never talk to me again. How can I put this into a sentence without being cheesy. Dam! Why do girls have to wonder and ask so many questions all of the time?

"Well I thought that you were going to forgive him and I didn't want you being upset again." That wasn't too bad was it?

"So instead of just talking to me about it, you choose a different option and decide to slam the door in my face. Yeah?" Wow Mia is hot on the ball today.

"That was a mistake. God most things I do in my life are a mistake. I'm sorry I was just caring." Maybe I shouldn't have said the 'caring' part at the end.

"Ha you caring." She sarcastically replies.

"I do have a heart you know." Mia finally looks at me as I reach for her hand and put it palm down to my chest so she can feel the beating.

"Now that is cheesy." A smile finally cracks from her lips.

"Made you smile though." I look at her hand still resting on my chest even though I have taken my hand of hers.

"Harry I have done something bad, and it is my fault why Danny is so mad with you." Mia takes her hand away and gazes out of the window.

"Why? What have you done?" I tilt my head. I thought the reason why Danny was in a mood is because Mia turned him down and told him the truth that she will never take him back. That is if she did tell him that of course.

"Well I lied and I don't even know why but it was the best thing I could think of at the time." She blushes.

"Mia, what have you done?" I repeat my last sentence.

"When Danny called around to pick me up that is when I told him that it was over and I would never take him back. He wouldn't believe me and he kept trying to kiss me and I would refuse him until he got more pushy, I was getting a little scared when he was taking no for an answer." I automatically clench my fist and jaw grinding my teeth together as anger builds inside of me. "And when he was leaning into try and kiss me again I thought of you and I told him that I was dating you. I'm sorry Harry I just didn't know what else to do. I panicked and now he actually thinks that we are dating and he will take it out on you, I don't know what made me say it I just wanted him to get away from me." A tear escapes her eyes. Why is she crying? What she has just said has made my day.

"Mia it is okay. I understand why you did it, you just wanted him away from you. I don't care that you said that we was dating, as long as he is not going to annoy you anymore I don't give a shit what you said." I put my arm around her and pull her close.

"Really?" She looks up.

"Yeah I've never been surer." I nod with a smile plastered across my face.

"What made him believe me about us dating more is when he seen me in your car with you yesterday afternoon." Mia adds.

Just for her to think for a moment that we were dating makes me happy. Meaning she thought of me maybe she does like me?

"Well maybe we should keep him believing us." I say without thinking.

"W-what are you trying to say?" Mia lifts her head to look at me.

"Let's act like we are dating in front of Danny." Now that was a quick recovery.

"Wouldn't that be tight?" This girl worries too much.

"Exactly. You don't think that Jack actually needed Danny to move his car do you?" I smirk.

"You are joking me right." Mia looks amused.

"I just wanted to talk to you without him here." I shrug.

"That is cute babe." Mia gives me a look to warn me Danny has just walked back in.

Now this is where all the fun begins.

Walking back over to my desk, I feel the happiest person alive. I know that we are only pretending to be together in front of Danny just to make him leave Mia alone, but that will do for me for now. Maybe if we get a little closer I will pick up the balls to finally ask he rout, but not now it is too soon and I bet she would just say no anyway.

Mia's Pov.

I can't believe Harry and I are both pretending to be dating, if only it was actually true. I want to tell him how I feel but he doesn't feel the same back.

I didn't like last night one little bit, when the doorbell rang, I just knew that it was Danny. I don't like upsetting people but I couldn't have him believing that he a chance with me when after he cheated I wouldn't go near him ever again.


"Hey baby, are you ready to go out." Danny smirked leaning on the doorway.

"Not really know, I need to talk to you." I looked up at him and his smirk soon disappeared.

"I best come in then." He pushed his way past me.

Danny took a seat on the couch and patted the empty space next to him telling me to sit there. I sat on the edge just like I did with Harry the day I first went and sat on his bed.

"Come closer." He dragged me to his body against my will.

"Danny we really need to talk." I looked at him.

"Shhh." He placed his finger against my most. "Just kiss me." He leaned in but I leaned back. I didn't want to kiss him.

"No I need to tell you something." I said.

"I know you're going to tell me that you love me, well I love you too." He leaned in again making it harder for me to move.

"Get off me I don't want to kiss you." I gritted my teeth trying to show anger but he surly didn't care less as he rubbed his body closer to mine.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kiss you." I didn't know what to say all I could think about were Harry; I wanted him to come over and save me. So that is when I thought I would make up a big lie.

"I'm dating Harry!" I screamed in her face and his stupid little grin soon disappeared.

*End of flashback*

The rest of it just consisted us arguing and Danny questioning me until Danny stormed out of my house. He was just being pathetic and it was doing my head in. Danny has to remember that he was the one who cheated on me, he is the one ended it between us.

"Mia are you still up for coming around to mine tonight, we will cuddle and watch films yeah?" Harry looks at me and I'm trying and keep and straight face. I can't actually believe that Harry is going through with this

"Yeah sounds good." I nod trying not to give Harry eye contact because I know if I look into his eyes I will burst out laughing. Loudly sighing, Danny shakes his head and gets back to work and Harry looks pretty impressed with himself.


Finally it is time to go home and I am ready for it. I can't wait to collapse on my bed and close my eyes.

"Do you want a lift home?" Harry walks past whispering in my ear.

"I have to walk and pick up Max but thanks for the offer." I smile.

"How about we go and pick up Max and then I take you home." He laughs.

"Are you sure?" I look at Harry who towers over me as I am sitting down.

"Stop with the questions and meet me in the car in a bit." He smirks walking out of the office.

I just need to save my work and then I will be ready to pack up and go home.


"We still up for the dvd thing tonight?" Harry asks. When he said in the office I just thought that he was joking to wind up Danny, I didn't think that he actually meant it.

"Yeah why not, I have nothing better to do." I can't help but smile like a child opening presents on Christmas morning. Bloody hell Mia calm down! He only asked you do go and watch a dvd with him that is nothing big at all.

Driving home, Harry turns up the radio and we both have a sing along to the songs that come on, I actually feel realxed and happy for a change. If only life would stay like this forever.

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