The Boy Next Door.

By 1D_fanfic123

46K 2.1K 717

Mia is a ordinary 21 year old girl who still lives at home with her mum and dad. Her best friend (Victoria) w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Final Chapter.

Chapter 9

768 43 19
By 1D_fanfic123

Mia's Pov.

Here I am, sitting in Harry's kitchen with tears rolling down my face. I don't even know why I am crying...well I do but nobody knows, well somebody does and that somebody is Victoria and I can't believe she hasn't even thought to phone. My mum and dad know but they won't talk about it, in fact I don't even want to talk about it.

Harry's kitchen is a twin on mine except of course the furniture is different, not too much though. Looking around, I can't actually believe how clean his house is. I know the mess in the living room is from Buddy but if that mess wasn't there it would be spotless!

"Here, I have even put some mini marshmallows on top." He smiles handing me a hot chocolate.

"Thank you." I smile, well as much as I can anyway.

"So are you going to tell me what is wrong?" He takes a seat next to me at the kitchen counter.

"I don't really want to talk about it." I refuse. It is true, it haunts me every day and especially on the anniversary of that day and shamefully today is the anniversary.

"Okay I'm not going to force it out of you but promise me one thing." Harry takes a sip out of his cup.

"What's that?" I look up to him.

"I know you aren't telling me all because we don't normally get along, but when you find enough trust in me. Will you tell me then?" Harry lays his eyes on me and I feel under a whole lot of pressure.

"It's not that I don't trust you, I'm not saying because it kills me to talk about it and plus there is only one person who knows except my family." A massif lump has grown in my throat and it just won't seem to go. I just want to burst into tears and cry into Harry's chest. As much as me and Harry don't get along, I feel something for him and I don't know what. He seems the type of person who would comfort me even if I did tell him one of my deepest secrets.

"Is it James?" He bites down on his lip.

"What do you mean 'is it James?'" What does he actually mean?

"Is James the only person who knows about it except for your family." Why does this even matter?

"No of course not, why would James know. In fact why would I even tell him?" James and myself might be friends but I don't know him well enough to tell him.

"Because you're dating him of course." As the words leave Harry's mouth, I burst out laughing and I can't help but spit my drink out.

"What's so funny?" Harry is now looking at me really weird.

"Me and James are not dating, he is my friend and will only ever be a friend." I laugh.

"Don't lie, you are dating him. I've seen the way he looks at you and e treats you with respect why wouldn't you like him." What made did Harry even think this?

"Yes he may treat me with respect and be a complete gentleman but James...well James has a boyfriend." I can't stop laughing.

"What?" Harry chokes on his drink.

"Yeah James is gay." I'm still crying but now it is from laughing. If I'm honest I always thought James was straight it was only the other day in Costa that he told me that he wasn't. I would have never of guessed otherwise.

"Now that is what you call a fucked up mistake." Harry runs his hand through his brown curly locks with his face full of confusion.

"Yes a very big one. And plus even if James was straight I would not date him, he is too prim and proper for me. I like a man with a little more history to them." I state telling the truth. I'm not going to lie, James is good looking and really nice but he is too good. He can never do anything wrong and is sooo perfect. He is funny, but aren't all gays? I don't have anything against people who like the opposite sex, in fact I think there nicer than straight people. As long as their happy that is all that matters.

"You look so confused." I shake my head looking at Harry.

"Well yeah wouldn't you be if you had just been told that a boy who you thought was straight was gay?" Harry puts his arms out.

"Well yeah I suppose I would be." I shrug trying to stop myself from laughing, I have laughed for way too long.

"Does James fancy me then?" Harry smirks.

"What would make you even think that." I ask.

"Well everyone fancies me, and I have me pretty harsh to James and he is always nice to me so he must fancy me." Harry licks his bottom lip.

"You are full of yourself." I swat his arm.

"You love it." He laughs.

"Well I suppose it is funny." I reply.

"At least I put a smile on your face." He looks down at my lips.

"Yes, yes you did. Thank you." I nod.

"You really don't have to thank me, I will have to make you smile more often." His eyes meet mine.

"Would be nice from arguing all the time." It is true I don't want to have to argue with him, I like Harry in this mood he is funny and entertaining.

"Yeah sorry for that, I just wake up in a bad mood some days. Plus you are annoying so you can't really blame me." He jokes.

"Oii I am not the annoying one because you are." I joke back.

"Oh is that so." He raises his eyebrows.

"Yes." I try and act serious but can't help the smile that is braking through my lips.

We sit for a little long at the kitchen counter having a laugh and joking around with each other, it actually has been really funny and Harry still can't stop laughing from finding out that James is gay. He isn't being horrible about it just in shock and can't really believe me.

"Well we best go and clean that mess up now." I stand.

"Nope, we will go and watch a film like I said." Harry also stands.

"No you said you would make us a hot chocolate and watch a film until I was happy, I'm not happy." I smirk.

"I don't care, watching a film sounds good so that is what we will do." He grabs my hand and leads me upstairs. His hand on mine feels so right and I don't want him to let go, but I know he feels nothing for me he is only doing it to take me upstairs to watch a film.

"This is my room in my house." I walk in looking around his room. I basically know my way around this house because it is set out the exact same way as mine well that is down to them being twin houses. I've spent most of my life in this room from staying over at Victoria's, so I just feel as if I'm at home.

Harry is so tidy and clean I would have never suspected that, meaning with all the parties he has I was expecting a big mess and bottles of liquor spilled everywhere. Well one message that I have learnt today is never judge a book by its cover.

Harry's Pov.

What the actual fuck? Mia and James aren't dating they are just friends. James is gay? Wow I would have never of thought that. I can't believe I actually thought that they was dating, but I'm so happy to hear that their not I can't even explain. Here I am now, with Mia in my bedroom god I would love to take her on that bed right, one step at a time Harry, one step at a time.

"What do you want to watch." I look over my left shoulder to Mia.

"Anything but nothing upsetting." Mia stands in the corner.

"Okay I will choose, and Mia take a seat I don't bite." Nodding my head towards the bed Mia soon sits on the edge.

As I start to look through all of my dvds, I get stuck on what to choose. I don't know Mia's taste on films. What can I choose that I know she will like.

"No horrors." I hear Mia say.

"Why? Are you scared?" I look at her grinning.

"Yes they are terrifying, I don't see the point in why they have to be made. One day they will give somebody a heart attack and I have a feeling that person will be me!" I laugh at her over exaggeration.

After a while of looking through the stack I finally decide on TED, it is funny and quite a good film so that will do.

Putting the film into the dvd player, I then make my way back over to the bed and lie back against the head rest. Looking over to Mia, I notice that she is still sitting on the edge of the bed. I wish she would feel more comfortable around me. I want her to lie close to me, I want to feel her lips on mine, I want her breath to make the hairs at the back of my neck stand, I just want her.

"Mia, lie down your back will begin to hurt if you carry on sitting like that." I say.

"Okay." Mia blushes a little as she scoots herself backwards to lie next to me.


The film is close to the end and Mia hasn't stopped giggling all the way through. I haven't made it obvious, but I haven't been able to take my eyes off her, she just amazes me. I've took no notice towards the film, because I've been watching Mia. Okay it must sound creepy but I can't help it.

"Don't tell me you are crying." I look down at Mia and laugh. We are now at the part of the film where TED has basically died on the table. I find it funny not upsetting and it is obvious that TED will come back to life...because it just is.

"I don't even know why it is sad, I've watched it so many times and not cried before. Today I'm just so emotional." She carries on crying. It is true, she has had tears in her eyes all day even when she was laughing I could still tell that she had sadness behind her deep glossy brown eyes. I wish she would tell me what is wrong, I want to be able to comfort her.

"Come here." I reach my arms out and drag her in closer. She seems surprised by my actions but doesn't question it, instead just wraps herself into a ball close to my chest as I cradle her in my arms. A few sobs escape he mouth but she stays silent.

"Mia, there is something wrong and I know it. Please tell me." I say.

"I can't." I feel her shake her head on my chest.

"Why can't you?" I question.

"Because you will judge me." Mia glances up and stares at the time that shines on the ceiling from my clock.

"I would never do that, please tel..." I get cut off.

"Shit I have to go and pick up Max, I'm going to be late." Mia quickly stands to her feet.

"Mia wait! I will come with you." I chase after her like a dog after a bone.

"It is quite a walk, I will most likely have to run. I will be faster on my own." She shouts running down the stairs but I'm quick enough to catch up to her.

"I will drive you there, calm down." I grab her arm to make her stop running.

Catching her breath, she slightly nods her head in agreement. We walk out to where the car is parked on the drive and hop into it.

"Thank you Harry." She looks at me as I start the engine.

"No need to thank me ba...Mia." I can't believe I was just about to call her babe. Why am I such a dick?

"I will give you the petrol money." Mia leans forwards to get her purse but I put my hand on hers to stop her.

"Mia stop panicking, I don't want your money." Taking my hand back I place it on the gear stick.

"Are you sure?" She questions.

"Yes." I say and mean it.


"Thanks for the lift there and back Harry, I will just let Max in the house and give him some tea then I will come back over and then help you clean." Mia points at me as in to say 'don't argue'.

"Fine what ever you say." I roll my eyes, I will most likely have it all cleaned up by the time she comes over.

"Okay see you in a bit." She smiles walking into her house with Max. I watch her walking into the house, until I decide that is time for me to actually get out of the car and make my way inside to clean up the mess that little mut did. I can't really complain about the dog to be honest because it got Mia over to my house, he can eat the full fucking house if it means having Mia near me again.

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