The Boy Next Door.

By 1D_fanfic123

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Mia is a ordinary 21 year old girl who still lives at home with her mum and dad. Her best friend (Victoria) w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Final Chapter.

Chapter 5

837 51 10
By 1D_fanfic123

Mia's Pov.

I’m sat in my office, glooming over being trapped inside on a gorgeous hot day. There’s everyone else out in this wonderful weather, sunbathing on the beach and swimming in the sea. But no not me, I’m sat here with a laptop laying on the desk in front of me waiting to be opened up to do some work. I feel strange because I haven’t even started on any work which is not like me, I’m normally the type of girl who will come into work and start on my project straight away. I’m not sure what is wrong with me, but the one thing I do know is that I don’t like the feeling I feel right now.

Danny hasn’t turned into work today, he phoned in sick but rumour has it that he has gone to some big ass concert. Lucky for some. We are so busy with typing work up at this time of year I don’t see how Danny thinks it is okay to just take days of work when he feels like it. It makes me angry, well I think it’s just because I’m jealous. I envy people who can just take time of work when they feel like it because I can’t do it all because my farther is my boss. I would do anything for a brake, just a little get away somewhere, where I would have no troubles. I could live a normal young adulthood life, just like everyone else my age does. Most go out clubbing, causing trouble and just spend time with their closets friends, but the only place I have to come each weekday is this boring old office. Well I shouldn’t complain that much because this office has the best views of the entire place meaning it is placed on top floor, but it still doesn’t make me feel happy.

I’m dragged from my deep thoughts as I notice the office door slide open hardly making a noise. Standing at the door is Harry. He is wearing black skinny jeans and a black v-neck T-shirt which exposes most of his tattoos that are scattered down his arms, plus the two sparrows that appear on his chest.

He makes his way over towards his desk and slugs down in his seat without saying a single word to me. I’m not saying that Harry has to talk to me but a simple ‘Hello’ or ‘Good morning’ would have been nice. Whilst his computer is starting up, Harry stays glaring out of the window. I don’t really blame him because the views are pretty unspoken for and very unique.

I glance up to the clock on the wall which reads 9:30, I’m quite took back that Harry has made it into work on time. I would have took Harry to be a person that would always be late but I suppose he has proven me wrong.

  For a change Harry has not once looked at me, in fact I don’t think he has even noticed my presence in the room. He mustn’t be feeling too well meaning he hasn’t said or done anything to wind me up, unless he has just decided not to ever talk to me again? I’m not sure.

I wonder if he is acting like this because of our little disagreement yesterday, well I didn’t really do much he was the one who started on me for no reason. It crossed my mind a few times in the night because it is really bugging me about why Harry is acting so harsh towards me. I know we never got off on the right foot but his attitude does not seem to change, and he is always a miserable old sod.

“Just leave me alone Mia and don’t talk to me.” The words that left Harry’s mouth last night start to torture me even more. Can somebody please tell me what I have done so bad to get so much hate from one lad…well the boy who lives next door.

Should I speak to him first? Should I try and start a conversation with him? Maybe just a little ‘Hiya’ will do or something like that anyway.

“Morning Harry.” I speak.

Harry removes his stare from the window and looks at me with an evil stare. He doesn’t move much, only his eyes look at me the rest of his body stays still just like he is paralyzed, it’s kind of freaking me out.

After a few moments of silent he finally opens his mouth to talk.

“What do you want?” He spits.

“I just thought I would make some sort of conversation.” I shrug not really knowing what else to say.

  “Well didn’t you listen to me yesterday? I told you not to talk to me again and when I say stuff I actually mean them.” He moves his eyes to glare back out of the window.

I’m quite taken back again by his choice of harsh words. I don’t know what to say or what to do. How am I supposed to spend the rest of the day in a office with somebody who hates me and will have nothing to do with me? It will be so awkward, I don’t even have Danny here to talk to.


Finally it is time to go home after a long boring day. Harry has still not said a word to me but the only time I did get some reaction from him was in the lunch room when he couldn’t stop staring at me which kind of freaked me out. All through lunch I could feel his eyes burning into me and I didn’t know where to look, even Kelsey who is the receptionist could feel the tension between us. But after lunch we of course had to go back to the office and that’s where he sat and stared out of the window again not looking at me once.

No matter what I try and think about, I just can’t get Harry of my mind, he is just so different and strange. I want to confront him about his problem with me but I don’t have guts too. He has never done anything to hurt me but he really does scare me, and I’m not a person to be scared off to quickly but which Harry it is a completely different game. Every movement he does is strange but can catch everyone’s attention, well maybe only mine?

Meaning the way he has been acting towards me, I’ve been trapped in a bubble of just thinking about him all day. I know it might sound wrong thinking about someone who annoys me but I can’t help it and I don’t know why. Since the second I met him, I’ve wanted to know more about him. With most new people I meet, I keep sort of tell their background or what type of person they are like. The first thing that helps me figure people out is their personalities, but with Harry I can’t even figure out his mood never mind personality.

“Mia!” My fathers deep voice catches my attention.

“What? Sorry.” I shake my head.

“I really do wish you would take more notice and listen to what me and your mother have to say.” He grumbles tightening his seat belt.

“Sorry I was just thinking that’s all.” I reply.

“Thinking about what, because it sure as hell isn’t about work.” His voice gets a little more rough.

“What is that supposed to mean.” I ask.

“Well Mia, if you haven’t forgotten I’m your boss…” Yeah dad who could I ever forget? It’s not like you remind me every day of my life! “and because I’m your boos everything you do in the office gets reported back to me at the end of the day.” He stops.

“Dad I don’t see what are you are trying to prove because I haven’t done anything.” I shrug.

“That is it Mia! You have done absolutely nothing over the past couple of days. After taking you under my wing as one of my best workers you are letting me down Mia and I am not impressed the least little bit. You always have been a very hard worker and your work has been top notch, but just lately your work is not the same…you’re not the same.” He complains keeping his eyes on the road.

I feel my chest tighten from his deep meaningful words. I would normally argue against him but this time I know I can’t because for once my dad is actually talking the truth and I can’t deny it. It is true I have changed, not just over the last couple of days but over the last couple of years.

I know why I have changed, it is because of my mum and dad. I use to always be happy and always smiling but it all changed when mum and dad changed. It all started when they got their new jobs and became their own bosses, I lost my connection with the both of them and I have just never seemed to regain it. Now we never have family time, never sit and eat together, dam we hardly can even have a full conversation. I have never really thought much of it until recently, because I always had Victoria there for me. Victoria was my stone brick wall to keep me standing up tall on my feet, but now she is gone I’m nothing and just fall flat on my face to the cold concrete floor. Since she has gone, it has gave me time ti realise how much I counted and depended on her but now it is just me against the big whole wide world.

“See this is what I mean, you zone out and don’t talk.” My farther cuts across my thoughts.

 “I do talk.” I defend but I actually don’t, well not unless I’m forced too.

“Don’t lie Mia, what is bothering you? Come on you can tell me.” He says as we pull into our drive way and turning the ignition off.

For a moment I can’t help but help myself but glance over to Harry’s drive way to see if he has arrived home yet, but his big black range rover is nowhere to be seen. Where could he be? Or where could he have gone? I'm not saying I know how Harry's life style but it is normally pretty simple, he gets home from work and parties all night. That is it nothing more to it just partying and getting bladdered. He never normally goes out. Come on Mia stop thinking and actually talk for once!

“I know I can talk to you dad, but literally there is nothing wrong with me well there is but nothing to worry about. I just miss Victoria that’s all.” I lie.

I think my dad notices that I’m lying meaning I am the worst person in this world to lie but thankfully he decides against questioning me which I am very grateful for. I have lost the connection to talk to my dad and tell him anything like I always use to, so I can’t just sit here in a car with him a blub out all of my feelings like a little child. I know I can just ring Victoria but the truth is, I’m sick of having to be the one who has to ring her, she never rings me and never texts me first. The only time she will text me is if I text her first but otherwise I don’t think she would talk to me. I have a funny feeling that she is seeing a boy because last year when she started dating a boy she seemed to change with me and started to ignore me. It makes me feel like I’m not wanted by her or she only uses me for when she is bored and has nobody else to talk to, I feel as I’m the last option on her list. I could be completely wrong but I just can’t get them thoughts out of my head. The only way I will find out is if I don’t text or ring her and see how long it takes for her to get in contact with me. I just want to give up with everyone and everything. I know James is always here for me because he showed me that yesterday, but then again I don’t really want to put pressure on James by giving him all my problems to deal with.

When I hear the car door slam, that is when I notice my dad has gotten out of the car and has made his way into the house and left me all alone in the car. Maybe I should get out and do something to stop all of these thoughts. Maybe a walk would help? Or just do what I normally do which is locking myself in my room and fall asleep listening to music. Yeah I think I might go for the second option it sounds better and my body clock is use to it.

Wow my mind has stopped thinking today and I really don't like it!

I drag my slumped body out of the car and make my way into the house, but for one last time as I reach the door I turn on my heels to look for Harry’s car once more.

“Where is he?” 

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