A sweet Bully Vs A Teasing Bu...

By FanInfernoNethy

115K 2.4K 3.1K

Aphmau is known as the sweet bully. She's nice and very sweet with a witty personality but nevertheless the c... More

Sweet and Nice
The Challenge
The Crown of the King
Double Detention
Chapter: Read!
Detention Time
You've got a guest!
You really don't care about me
Winter Holiday's Misplans
Irene The Matron
A little taken back
Fragile Potatoe
Winter Holiday Begins!
The Ice Queen Chamber
New Year's Candy Disaster
You Might Have Noticed...
For a little Meiw- I mean Human
The Cute Potato
Aphmau and her partner
The New Divine Warriors
Rules for it...
Let's Play MURDER!!!
A Tutor
How to use your calculator 101
Math, Studies and more of that
Aaron's P.O.V
Studying and Sports
Lock, Locked, Lockers
At a party...
A re-encounter
Let's have a talk
Spring Break
Bloody Murderer in the house
A Friend...
Back 2 School
I can miss you too
The Hero
Tested Comadary
Author Note
This Scumb world
A revival
His Girlfriend
The new Michi
One more time
Author Note
Let it go
Let it go
A follower
Let you go
Final words
It's about time!

Couples fight, right?

1.4K 34 20
By FanInfernoNethy

Aphmau's P.O.V

I could barely wait for the end of the day that all the lessons went in a blur. I jumped in my seat a couple of times in class and got a scowl from the teacher, but nevertheless I'm so excited!

When the final bell rang, I was already racing down the corridors.

"Aphmau! Wait a moment!" Katelyn called behind me.

I stopped impatiently jogging in my place, I turned around to see her walking up to me with her bag hung loosely around her shoulders.

"Hurry up! I've got to go!" I whined.

"Stay in one place will ya? Geez, you've been high since the morning." She rolled her eyes and sprinted to me, "Where is this taking place even? Exams are next week and you should focused on your exams but no! Instead you're trying to get in a fight with none other than your boyfriend! Like for pete's sake, exams are just around the corner-"

She went on lecturing me about how I should start to be more responsible cause Senior year isn't as fanstacies project and what not.

"And do you know what happens when a university rejects you?! You fail! You-"

I cut her off my stopping in my tracks and taking a sharp turn to face her.

"Worry about later, later. When now becomes later we worry about it but now, let's worry about now."

She blinked several times trying to process what I said but my impatience was nagy so I yanked her away to the football field.

"He should be there by now!" I exclaimed.

I heard Katelyn chuckle beside me but remain silent.

On the couple last feet, I sprinted to the doors and pushed them open.

Students filled the benches, talking to one another in hushed voices that all became still upon seeing me enter.

Excitement stang in my veins as adrenaline flooded my system; everyone was staring at me but my eyes were locked at the midnight orbs staring at me from all the way across the grounds.

 I threw my bag off my sleeves and sprinted to the stadium.

"It shouldn't have took you that long." He smirked.

"Just you wait, I'm going to end you!"

Ross came between us, wearing a light blue T-shirt and washed jeans, something unusual than his costume.

"Keep it down, now you fight after I say go. Ready?" He said in an exhausted tone.

"Are you okay Ross?" I asked a bit concerned.

"Yeah, a bit exhausted from the exams." He gave me a half smile.

"Wait, you go to this school?!"

"No, I'm actually from an adjacent school, only a couple of blocks away."

I nodded in comprehension.

"Okay, Ready?" He presumed.

A big smile marked on my face as Aaron smirked.


My legs widened in a ready stance and Aaron's hands balled into fists as he readied himself.


He swung his fist towards me and I quickly jumped back, evading his attack.

That's how it started. Before I had time to balance my footing, Aaron attacked again, landing a hit on my shoulders.

The hit threw me off guard, I fell on my back on the ground. Quickly, I moved out of the way of another hit that was about to hit home on my face.

"Told ya, I'm not going to go easy on you." He said smiling.

I squirmed on the ground and stood up, when my vision fixed in position, Aaron was ready charging at me.

With a swirl, I moved out the way and from behind, I punched him on his back.

He fell on his stomach on the ground. I quickly mounted on him, putting all my weight on him with a neck lock.

He surprised me when he threw me down and stood up on his two feet, looking at me from under his lashes with an already victorious smirk.

"Do you think you weight that much?"


I rolled on the ground and tried to stand up but his feet threw me back on the grass' field.

His kick was pretty strong, my side hurt as I tried to stand up again but no time to lament!

Before I can try to stand up, Aaron fist came in my view almost hitting my back but I rolled away in time.

I stood up again, ready to swing my fists bit Aaron was no where intron of me.


I turned around just in time to receive a punch on my cheek. I stumbled backwards and fell, darn it! When my vision focused again, I launched myself at Aaron, who was playfully playing on one feet, looking at me amusingly.

My fists punched the air when I realised that Aaron was already gone; a strong hit from behind threw me on the ground, knocking all air of me.

When my eyes decided to wrk again, Aaron's fist came in view.

I rolled around in time. I was about to sigh in relief but a huge weight placed itself on my back before I can stand up.


"Not like it when it's on the reverse right?" He whispered on my ears.

With all this dirt on my body and the now intense pain on my side, his voice still managed to raised goosebumps on my skin.

With all my might, I tried pushing myself up but it all aimed to be pointless. He was impossible to move.

I gave up and slumped under his crushing weight.

"Is this giving up?!" Ross voice rang in me, breaking me back to reality.

The crowd's voice was all cheering. The voice was so high, I'm surprised that during this whole fight I haven't heard it.

A lot of people were screaming, screaming at me to get back up, to fight.

I closed my eyes.

"In the count of three, Aphmau losses the match!"

"3!" The crowd counted.

Trying to concentrate, I inhaled deeply then exhaled.


I can do this... I can do this! I'll do this!


With all my might, I pushed myself up. Taking Aaron by surprise, he fell off me but his legs were still entangled with mine.

I pulled my legs away and turned on my knees.

"No I don't!" I yelled then hit a weak point between his shoulders.

He yelled in pain and tried to use his hands to stand up but his right arms fell like a limb.

"What have you done?!" He asked frantically.

"I studied some tips or two about human weak points." I smirked.

He struggled on one hand and stood up. I charged forward, thinking that this was my chance to attack.

He moved out of my way, his arm fell on his side like the paralyzed limb it was.

He tried to swing at me with his other good arms but I swiftly caught it.

"There's always a second chance." I murmured and twisted it.

He cried as I turned his around and hit his other weak point. I quickly kicked his knees from the back.

His legs failed and he fell.

With a loud thud, the mighty Aaron fell on the ground.

I smiled in triumph, looking at my accomplishment as Aaron tried to stand up but his arms failing him.




"Aphmau is... the winner?" It came out as a question but Aaron didn't move.

The crowd went wild, some people were screaming and shouting happy calls but I was all but focused on Aaron.

He stayed unmoving...

"Aaron..." Cautiously, I bent down and poked him.


I started panicking and when I moved him over, he was unconscious.


Maybe I was being stupid, or maybe my brain decided that triggering such memory was really necessary at the moment instead of action, tears blinded my vision as sharp flashbacks of the previous incident came back.

This time... I'm the one who hit him, not a monster.

"Aaron, please stay... I'm sorry, please I'm sorry; I didn't mean to hurt you that bad..."

"Aph!" Katelyn's voice made me realize that I was still in the football stadium of our school and not the Nether.

"Get up, let's take him to the nurse." She tugged her hand under my arm and picked me up on my feet.

"But.. but Aaron, he's-" I hicupped.

"He's just unconscious, probably couldn't deal with all the damage you've done. Let's get him to the nurse!"

She rounded him and picked his legs up, waiting for me to pick his upper part.

After a couple of sniffs and wiping my blurt vision, I tugged my arms under his arms and we picked him up.

My brain was frantic, the memory in front on my vision played over and over again, waiting for me to break down and just scream that he's dead. Between carrying him to the nurse room and the questions she asked of what happened to him then shunning us out, my brain was in havoc to even speak.

He's not dead, this isn't the nether, and you are the one who dealt the damage here, not a monster... does that make me a monster?

Without realising, tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"Aph..." Katelyn called in a whisper.

I sighed and wiped my tears away.

"Come, the nurse wants us."

I followed her in the room and behind the curtain that Aaron and the nurse were. Katelyn entered pushing the curtain and I followed suit.

"Now you ladies are in big time trouble if don't get a clear answer as to who did this!"

I noticed Katelyn looking at me from my spherical vision but I stayed unresponsive.

"Well, it was a spare match between Aph and Aaron that... went bad."

"Gone bad?! This is absurd!" She exclaimed.

Her sharp gaze shift to me, "Aphmau, dear, what have you done to him?" She asked.

Fresh tears stung my eyes again as I bit my lower lip to fight it back.

"I... I tried to use a new thing I learnt." I murmured.

I can tell she was trying her best to remain patient but her anger was leaking.

"Which is?!"

"Weak points."

"Do you have any ideas of what you have done?! His bone structure is different, these weak point only work for humans! You're lucky it wasn't that deep."

"What do you mean?" Katelyn asked.

"She hit the wrong points, his body dealt with some sort of change recently and such damage could have paralyzed him temporally for a really long time."

I gasped, what?! Is she being serious? They are weak point, I didn't try to paralyzed him...

"He'll wake up soon, stay here and later closed the doors and give the keys back."

She stood up and got out of the little curtain.

I sat down beside Aaron in the chair.

"I'll get you some water." Katelyn said and went out.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered.

He was right in the end, it really wasn't worth it maybe. I wanted that but not this. I don't want Aaron almost paralyzed forever because of me, I didn't want to hurt him that badly.

I stretched my hand to hold his. His eyes started to open, his eyelids started to flutter open.

My heart skipped a beat in worry and excitement.


First word!


Second word...

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

Am I okay?! The question is are you okay?!

I realised that I wasn't actually talking so I jumped in joy and hugged him with my tears running down my cheek.

"I'm so sorry Aaron! I didn't mean to hurt you that badly!" I cried.

"My ears..." He complained.

I drew back and cleared my eyes again.

"Hey, it's okay Aph. I'm here and nothing happened. I'm fine, you're fine; and you won, fair and square." He smiled.

I chuckled and smiled, even tho with this reassuring smile, my heart won't stop knocking against my ribs.

"I've brought the wa- oh would you look at that?" Katelyn entered the room with Kawaii-Chan behind her.

"Oh my Irene, Katelyn-Sama! You probably ruined a ship moment!" Kawaii-Chan stretched.

"How could I have known?!" She complained while handing the water bottles to me and Aaron, one respectively to each.

I wanted to get back to my chair but Aaron's hold tightened around my waist, holding me down.

"Aaron!" I hissed.

"Stay..." He pouted cutely.

My heart tore for two now, as much as it was comforting sitting next to him like this but we both need to get, first cleaned up cause we both stink, and second home.

"We need to get cleaned up and go home." I whispered/hissed.

"I don't care, I just want you." He hissed back, his hold tightening further.

I smiled and removed his laced arms from around me and tugged away from him. The sadness that filled his eyes was evident so I gave him a small kiss on the forehead.

"You're dirty." I stated.


My attention snapped back to the girls in the room; oops. I forgot that we weren't alone.

Kawaii-Chan had her phone out and smiling on it while Katelyn rolled her eyes.

"Let's go to the locker room for you to get cleaned up."


Nethy here!

Been quite a while... how's everyone? Hope life has been good with ya...

That just shows how I'm trying to fill in XD

Was the waited fight scene good? I don't know I mean I tried... I'm still trying to find every way to improve.

Anyways, I managed to write this between exams. I did my SAT around 5 days ago and final should round up next week for winter vacation.

How about you? I'd love to hear from someone, are your winter vacation on the corner?

I really hope you enjoyed reading and till next time my friends <3


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