The Untold Story

By Ohyeahx3

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When a girl from the present traveled back in time, another soul from the ancient world transmigrated into mo... More

✔️ Introduction
✔️S2.01_Who are you?
✔️S2.02_Can I trust you?
✔️S2.03_Out of reach
S2.08_A familiar face
S2.12_ Debt
S2.13_ Announcement + video -
S2.14_Dance lesson
S2.16_ Party
S2.17_ Unexpected
S2.19_ countryside
S2.20_ Ex-boyfriend
S2.23 Frustrated
S2.26_Matching puzzles - CV EEE
S.2.27_Crossway - CV EEE
S.2.28_Living the Nightmare
S2.30_Hospital - CV EEE
S2.33_Icy rain
S2.37_Unrepairable - CV EEE
S2.38_Confronting - CV
S2.40_The Stars ----***
S2.51_Jealousy -CV EEE
S2.50_Miss reporter - CV
S2.53_Home sweet Home - CV
S2.54_Back - CV
S2.55_Solved - CV EEE
S2.56_Returned - CV
S2.57_The Forgotten Girl - CV
Scarlet Heart Season 3
S3.01_Back in Time
S3.02_A New Start
S3.04_My Prince
S3.08_His Demeanour
S3.12_Meeting the Emperor
S3.13_Crown Prince
S3.15_A Guest
S3.16_Test it
S3.22_my apologise
S3.25_Fake it
S3.35_His Return
S3.39_Reading the stars
S3.43_Unwanted Husband
S3.44_A friend
S3.47_Please Remember
S3.50_His return
Deleted scene
Deleted Epilogue
Character name list 01🙇‍♀️🙇

S2.48_Fragrance - CV

472 26 7
By Ohyeahx3

Chapter 48

This perfume... It's not Hanna.

"Who are you?" Jieun asked.

The silence of no reply was lingering in the air, verifying her assumptions of the person to not be the one she thought of. Her eyes sting but it was more due to the embarrassment that she couldn't open her eyes. She knew it wasn't Hanna. Through unable to distinguish dream from reality you'll never mistake reality to be a dream. Never. How much Jieun wished this to be a dream, she knew the painful reality was slapped right in her face.

Still, a part of her hoped in the non-existing possibility that it was a dream. She bat down her lips only to feel the bitterness confirm by the pain in her lips. Heaving a breath Jieun grabbed the towel tightly.

"If your name doesn't start with H and end with A you better not speak," Jieun warned.

Though not being able to see, he couldn't help but smile by the thought of her sulky expression. Had she known he entered with the lights turned off maybe that would save him some pointers. Taking a backward step he left the darkroom.

"Ha Jin-ss-oh-my~" Hera's voice appeared and took on a weird turn.

"Hera? It's you?" Jieun said hopefully. Listen carefully she heard silent footsteps walking down the stairs.

Please say that it's you who are walking down the stairs. Jieun made her prayers.

"We are the only two left" awkwardness edged Hera's tone. Hera wished she hadn't accounted for this situation, being at the wrong place at the wrong time just had to be her specialty, she sighed deeply.

"Say it was Hanna" Jieun glued her eyes shut, wrinkling the skin between her eyebrows.

"Can't you just say it was?" Jieun pathetically pleaded.

"It was Hanna." Hera's lie couldn't even pass to fool a kid.

Jieun crouched her hand holding up in front of her face as if it could shield her from the embarrassment.

"I'm sorry" Hera squatted down beside her friend and patted Jieun's wet shoulder.

"You still have shampoo in your hair?" Hera said, attempting to change the topic.

"And eyes" Jieun murmured incoherently.

"It's going to sting, get your eyes rinsed"

"No, I prefer having my eyes closed. Actually I wouldn't mind closing from now on."

"Come on, we are young things like that happens."Hera consoled. Jieun cried mentally, sinking her head on her arms, that was wrapped around her knees.

"Who was it?" Jieun said under her sobs. But didn't even give time for Hera to answer.

"No don't tell me, I might really hide my life in the mountain if I ever find out"

"Let's get your eyes rinsed and get down for some barbecue" Hera comforted.

"Food is the cure for everything."

After changing and getting herself fixed, Jieun and Hera headed down to the barbecue that was held near the swimming pool. Jieun felt like everyone was sending her the judging eyes, her head automatically faced the ground as she walked.

"Hey, Moon!" Baekeun approached with a bright smile.

"and you" Baekeun sent Hera a cold stare, making her lift her brows and rolling her eyes. Turning back at Jieun, Baekeun notices how she was avoiding his eyes making him wonder if Hera had said something bad behind his back.

"Is... Something's wrong?" His voice unsteady.

"What's wrong? Nothing's wrong! Why do you think there is something wrong?!?!?"

"No-no-no" Baekeun raised his hands in surrender, Jieun took fast steps passing him, with Hera following her behind.

"Did I make it obvious?" Jieun whispered through gritted teeth.

"Not at all," Hera said in sarcasm.

"Over here!" Hanna waved afar, spotting the approaching girls

Hanna was sitting at the dinner table, wearing a white sleeveless dress. She patted the chair beside her, for the girls to take a seat. Jieun Hera and Jieun took the seat next to her. Jeongso slid a plate of grilled seafood on the table in front of the girls. Composing her position Jieun then took a closer look at the grilled delicacy Jeongso made.

When Jieun was about to grab a taste Jeongso then moved the plate from her to Hanna. While Hanna couldn't hide a smile Jieun's eyes were on Jeongso as sharp knives. Clearing her throat Hera took the initiative to pretend as if she was no more than a ghost at the scene. Suddenly Hanna stood up making gaining the attention of all three.

"Where are you going?" They spoke in unison, surprisingly in sync to the point it felt as it was practiced.

"Ehm..." Hanna looked suspicious at the three wondering what was going on. "I want to get a glass of water."

"I'll get the water," all three again spoke in sync. What was that awkward atmosphere why was everyone trying to make their leave?

"You sit down," Jeongso said.

"I'll get the water." Jeongso it in himself.

As he left, back was only a confused Hanna and two awkward girls.

"What's wrong with you?" Hanna turned at Jieun.

"What?" Jieun said in a monotone.

"Why is the atmosphere so awkward or is it just me?"

"It's just you," Jieun said, standing up she was also making her leave. Hanna didn't bother to stop her, nor did Hera intent to. Hanna felt slight bothered maybe there was something going on without her knowing. Something the three were aware of.

Jeongso returned with a cane of ice water and stacks of glass. Placing it on the table he then went back to the grill. Observing his expression Hanna noticed he seemed to be searching for something or someone.

"Where is-"

"She left!" Hanna said before Jeongso could finish his sentence. Though it hurt her pride she couldn't just play dim when he obviously was looking for Jieun.

"What?" Jeongso asked as if he didn't get her answer.

"Your fiancée left," Hanna said bitterly.

His eyes wandered around in wonder of where the bucket of living seafood went in the meantime he as he was getting the cane of water. Now that Jeongso realized Jieun was absent it kinda made sense.



After visiting the sea Jieun then walked along the beach. She walked with sand in her sandals, while hearing the sound of small waves disappearing as it reached the land. The leaf of the cocopalms swayed by the wind and so did her hair. Staring ahead of the stars she didn't notice her surroundings.

"AGRR!!!" Jieun exclaimed, faltering a few steps backward.

"You were the one bumping into me," Jun said in defense.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked.

Instinctively Jieun leaned closer to him making him a be the one taking backward steps.

"YA!" He distanced her by and arm length, with a stretching hand pressing against her forehead.

"What are you thinking?!?"

"Nothing! Never mind" She pushed his hand aside.

Despite saying that she didn't want to know who the person was, she was still so deadly curious. What was she hoping for while trying to sniff his scent?

"I can't smell anything besides seawater," She said, disappointment lingering the edge of her tone.

"If you open your eyes you would see the seawater too" Jun replied.

"Have you been walking out here the entire time?" Jieun asked hopefully.

"And why do I have to tell you?"

"Would it hurt to answer?.." Her tone angry, but what did she even expect? Making a turn she walked back the way she came without looking back at him.

"Hey, don't go around alone! You'll get lost!"

"Maybe I want to get lost!"

The sky suddenly lighted up, as the firework exploded with loud bangs.

Shocked and scared by the explosions her legs became weak and she sat down, curled up into a ball while hands blocked both her ears.

Her fist trembled against her ears while Jieun tried to find calm of herself.

"Hey!" He tried to overdue the noise by raising his voice as he approached.

He squatted down beside her.

"It's just firework-" He looked confused seeing her in this state, his hands hesitating lingered in the air, some inches away from her body.

With her eyes shut close, she didn't even notice his presence, her lip still trembled, mouthing inaudible sentence as she rocked back and fourth.

Hesitating in what he should do the fireworks suddenly stopped and he retreated his stretched arm.

"Ya!" He flickered her forehead making her flinch, falling down on her butt.

"EH!?!?!" She gasped for air, eyes opened wide in surprise.

"It's over." He said. standing up.

Realizing the danger was gone she let out a relieved sigh, her heart still raced in the state of after shock.

"Not getting up?" he asked looked down at her.

"Just leave" She muttered.

"Why? What about you?"

"I'll come later..."She said unevenly.

"Why not now?"

"Just because!" she said without budging an inch.

"Because what?!"

"BECAUSE I CAN'T STAND UP!" Her voice cracked in the end, making her determined tone appear weaker than she had hoped.

Her legs were still as jelly. Wobble and weak.

"What kind of bullshit -"

"That's why I told you to just leave!!"

"You....really can't walk?" He carefully choose his word.

"Just go." She said annoyed, facing the sand.

He squatted down with his back facing her.

"Get on." He said.

She glanced up seeing his slender back-view.

I seriously want to kick him right now.

"What are you pondering about? We don't have the whole night" He rushed.

She neglectingly wrapped both arms around him. He stood up without much difficulty and piggybacked her on his back.

Her body somehow relaxed by every step he took.

She took a deep inhale and breathed out in a long sigh.

"Someone might think you were carrying me." He scoffed.

"You're going to pant like a marathon in no time."

You were about to pass out, or else Jeongso wouldn't have carried me.

"Not gonna happen." He argued back.

"You did last time."

A/N: Why didn't I go with this one instead of making everything emotional and dramatic sad🙄

A deleted scene which I decided to include, hence the old note above.⬆️

A/N: I've changed the character's name, look at the chapter "Character name list 01" on the last page to see the changes.

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