A sweet Bully Vs A Teasing Bu...

By FanInfernoNethy

115K 2.4K 3.1K

Aphmau is known as the sweet bully. She's nice and very sweet with a witty personality but nevertheless the c... More

Sweet and Nice
The Challenge
The Crown of the King
Double Detention
Chapter: Read!
Detention Time
You've got a guest!
You really don't care about me
Winter Holiday's Misplans
Irene The Matron
A little taken back
Fragile Potatoe
Winter Holiday Begins!
The Ice Queen Chamber
New Year's Candy Disaster
You Might Have Noticed...
For a little Meiw- I mean Human
The Cute Potato
Aphmau and her partner
The New Divine Warriors
Rules for it...
Let's Play MURDER!!!
A Tutor
How to use your calculator 101
Math, Studies and more of that
Aaron's P.O.V
Studying and Sports
Lock, Locked, Lockers
At a party...
A re-encounter
Let's have a talk
Spring Break
Bloody Murderer in the house
A Friend...
Back 2 School
I can miss you too
The Hero
Tested Comadary
Author Note
This Scumb world
A revival
His Girlfriend
The new Michi
One more time
Couples fight, right?
Author Note
Let it go
Let it go
A follower
Let you go
Final words
It's about time!


1.5K 41 43
By FanInfernoNethy

Aphmau's P.O.V

It came to a stop at the music room. I didn't know, should I open the door? Or try to find a better hiding place?

The guitar play was like nothing I ever heard, soft, magical, beautiful and yet still powerful.

I kept listening as the cords went high for some moments then abruptly became low, whomever was playing it was playing it with emotions, not planned at all.

The footsteps of the Pizza tribe was back behind me.

"We checked the gynasium and found the cat one."

"Where's the pizza then?!"

"She... it was gone by the time we arrived."

"A moment of silence for the lost pizza."

They were behind me! I panicked again and brusted inside the music room forgetting about the music. I slammed the door behind me shut and tried to find a place

"What the-?! Aph!"

I quickly shushed whoever was talking.

"Please just for a moment."

I pressed myself against the door and listened as they reacted to my actions.

"That might be the Raven one."


Few seconds later and their footsteps have perished along the hallway.

"Thank you so much- AARON?!" I shushed myself again by clamping my hands over my mouth.

He sat in the middle of the room with a guitar at his laps and glaring at me. His eyes looked watery, almost as if he was crying but... was he? His hair too, looked a bit messy than earlier.

"What?" He asked after a while.

"Thanks for taking me in." I said and settled myself down next to the board.

"I didn't take you in." He said through grinted teeth.

"Well, I settle myself in. And no thank you."

He rolled his eyes as I put the bottle of popsi down.

"At least I should get a reward for keeping you in here and not telling the pizza hunters about your place."

"Excuse me?" I turned around to face him.

"Yes, you are excuse."

"No! I meant, what do you mean?"

"This is my lunch spot, and you are invading. I could kick you out of here like a dog but I'm doing you a favor. At least, I should get something." He eyed the pizza.

Seriously?! Okay, so I have two options here: 1) be greedy and let the hunters take my whole pizza or 2) give one slice out of the four to Aaron.

I sighed heavily before reluctantly cutting a slice. He smiled through the whole process as I grunted.

"Take it." I handed it to him.

"Where's my second part?"

"What second part?"

"I give you the place and you give me half of your pizza."

I knew arguing any further is pointless so I sliced the second part and handed it to him.

"Fine now?!" I asked furious.

He kept it on his lunch box and closed it.

"Why did you ask for it if you're not going to eat it?"

"Just to annoy you."

There was a brief moment of silence for my volcano to erupt.

"THEN GIVE ME MY PIZZA!" I stood up and straightly went to his throat.

He dodged me easily making me stumble over the set of instruments behind.


"AARON, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU!" I stood up again, sprinting to him as he dodged again with a swirl and sitting on his chair.

"And you are not going to like what's going to happen to you if I tell them where you are."

I stopped in my tracks, hands frozen over his neck. I sighed and sat back down, drinking my popsi to cool off as he smiled on his chair, fixing the cords of the guitar.

"Heh, stupid potato."

"What was that?" He said something I didn't quite catch.


I drank the whole bottle and threw it on the trash can.

"Yesh!" I silently partied for the perfect throw.

My eyelids suddenly became heavy as I struggled to keep them open. Well, that's what happen when you drink cold popsi over an open a/c.

"So you play the guitar?" I asked Aaron to distract myself from sleeping.


I rolled my eyes and tried to face him.

"Why do you lie?" I asked with a sly smile indicating that I already know.

"Fiiine, I play the guitar."

"It was a beautiful piece. Why do you hide the talent?"

His face became stoned for a moment then relaxed.

"Because I don't think it's a talent fitting for me."

"Really?" I asked, actually interested, "I mean, your play was really beautiful!"

A hint of pink blush painted on his cheeks. Realising what I said, heat rose up to my own face, probably making me look like a tomato.

"No, I meant- I just loved the play cause it was beautiful to hear. I don't listen to guitarists that much but the way you played it was like nothing I've heard before."

A brief silence took over the room, before he mumbled something I couldn't catch.

"I hope others also feel the same way."

"What was that?" I asked.


I also realised that he says 'Nothing' a lot.

"It's not nothing." I said suddenly, making him look up from his guitar. "It can never be nothing, you need to stop saying nothing cause it's always important."

He was dumbfounded, well couldn't blame him but I'm speaking the truth.

"No matter what you say, small or big, it's never "nothing"" I quoted the nothing in the air.

He smiled to that, making my heart skip a beat and blush like crazy.

"Thanks Aphmau." He said, now his eyes sparkling and somehow that made me happy.

Our eyes interlocked as my heart pace picked up abnormally. If I couldn't confirm it any further then I must be stupid, but I really really like Aaron. But will I ever, tell him that? Nah.

"Now what did you say?" I asked trying to break the tension.

"I just don't think other werewolf- I mean people would agree with you."

"No! I mean, your play was so beautiful I can't even imagine or mimic it anymore. Why do you think people wouldn't agree? Haters gotta hate." I said smiling big to my own words.

"I'll note that down potato."

I rolled my eyes, making him chuckle, and went back to eating down my pizza.

After a while, Aaron was on his guitar, playing another song I couldn't tell but I'm sure it isn't in any music notes.

"Aph! Aph! Break is over."

"Already?!" I whined, "No, play more! Encore! Encore!"

He gave a light laugh, "I appreciate you liking my music, but we have classes to attend."


He gave me a hand to get up and I took it. I dusted the bread crumbs off my pants and tried to clean up.

"Let me help in that." Aaron bent next to me picking up the stuff too.

'Accidently' our finger tips touched each other and we pulled away.

WTH?! You always touch him when you fight, you even took his hand to get up and now what happened? Your fingertips only touched not much, and that can make electric raise through your whole body?!

I tried to erase the thoughts out of my mind, quickly resuming cleaning up.

"We have to get to class."


"Hey, Aphmau-Senpai were you able to eat your pizza peacefully?"

We are the gates, school time passed like a blink.

Now I've got to process what happened with me today. Heck, what am I talking about?

I completely forgot when I was in the zone that Aaron was being nice to me with no insults or anything... that is the weirdest thing in history. Well in my side, I was happy but what was up with him?

I've never seen him like-

"Hey Aphmau-Senpai! Earth to Aphmau-Senpai!"

Oh yea' since school is over, we're now heading home in the front gates.

"Yes Kawaï-Chan?"

"Aphmau, you've been daydreaming since after the break time. What happened?"

"Nothing." I said with a little delight sigh.

"Wo! Aphmau, did a boy get into your life or something?" Katelyn asked with wiggled eyebrow and nudging me on the side.

I jumped away... maybe a little too far.

"Am I right?!" Katelyn asked even more excited.

"N-No. No, now let's go home." I rushed passing them quickly.

Honestly, who ever is the author of my life should end my day by now because I'm so exhausted and all I need is to crash on my bed tonight. Nothing more.

Laurence's P.O.V

I was walking with Garroth after gym.

"Do you think that Aphmau has a boy she's seeing?"

I almost choked in air  before giving Garroth the most bizzare and hardest glare I can manage.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" I practically yelled making everyone in the closet room look at us. "Sorry." I quickly muttered, making everyone go back to their business.

"Wow brother, calm down. I was asking only, what if?"

"And why would you want to presume that?"

So what? Aphmau has been acting a little strange the last three days but Al least she is happy now.

Her eyes are glowing so beautiful like golden ores... okay I should stop.

"I mean, I'm happy that she is more... radiant than usual but that cause seems to be a person , not an object."

"Garroth, Garroth, Garroth." I repeated, giving him a side hug while going outside.

"If Aphmau has 'a boy'" I emphasized the word boy before continuing, "then it would be either me or you. No one we know would like her as much as we do."

"Yes but," he pulled away from my hug, "Aphmau has a free will. She can choose whoever she wants, we must understand that. Also, we are just friends for now."

"I know, I also know that brother. And that will change in a matter of time."

"Tell me that." Garroth said annoyed, but my mind is set.

We're just leaving her take a break, and when she is ready, I'll hit off like a truck and she'll be falling head over heels to me before she knows it, I have it all planned in my imagination.

We packed our books from our lockers since spring break is around the corner, after that we went out to meet with the others.

At the gates, Katelyn was asking Aphmau something that popped her out of her daydream.

"Wo! Aphmau, did a boy get into your life or something?" Katelyn asked Aphmau.

In response, she just said "N-no. No, now let's go home." And quickly rushed passing everyone, not even saying goodbye and most importantly to me! Okay, she didn't have to say goodbye to me but there's a big problem coming.

"Garroth!" I whispered/yelled at him and he came. We said out our goodbyes to the girls and headed out different ways.


How can he be so relaxed after what we just heard?!

"How can you be so relaxed after that?!"

I was freaking out and for the love of brotherhood, he wasn't even concerned?!

"I told you already, there might be that possibility." He said, so relaxed that I might just try to throw him on the street for that.

"But if there's that possibility, then How? No one we know can win her heart... Only if... Dante!"

Dante, who was walking next to travis, turned to me.


"Don't you what me! You know why Aphmau is so happy!" I strangled him while giving him a death glare.

"W-what? I don't... Air!"

"Man, cut it off!" Garroth, pulled me away from Dante who was grasping for air. "If Aphmau is happy, we should be happy for her. As her friends we should support her and her desicions."

"Whatever." I grunted and walked away.

I still think Aphmau should be mine but if she has someone who can make her that radiant, as Garroth would say, just by seeing him then I guess I should be happy.

Anyways, after that we closed the topic but I have one suspect in my mind. I highly doubt that Aph will be related to him but still, she cares about him more than us so...

Garroth's P.O.V

Like Laurence, I'm a bit worried that Aph is seeing someone else and I'm a tiny, just tiny bit jealous but whoever is he, he better be worthy cause I'm trying so hard here to move on from my feelings.


I did it! Thanks guys so much for waiting for me.

I had school and life and... I don't know actually I was just emotionally exhausted and lacking of motivation.

R/P: But you already have the story planned.

Me: Yea, but it takes motivation to write!

I really needed the break (even though it's unannounced) but now I'm back baby! And I'm better than ever, Summer break is here and next year Imma a senior! I couldn't be any happier!


I didn't watch the episode yet cause I was writing this but is it really happening?!

And also Aphmau played guess who with Aaron! <3 This is amazing!!

Other than that, how have you been doing guys? Hope you all are enjoying summer other than that

Till next time my friends


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