A sweet Bully Vs A Teasing Bu...

By FanInfernoNethy

115K 2.4K 3.1K

Aphmau is known as the sweet bully. She's nice and very sweet with a witty personality but nevertheless the c... More

Sweet and Nice
The Challenge
The Crown of the King
Double Detention
Chapter: Read!
Detention Time
You've got a guest!
You really don't care about me
Winter Holiday's Misplans
Irene The Matron
A little taken back
Fragile Potatoe
Winter Holiday Begins!
The Ice Queen Chamber
New Year's Candy Disaster
You Might Have Noticed...
For a little Meiw- I mean Human
The Cute Potato
The New Divine Warriors
Rules for it...
Let's Play MURDER!!!
A Tutor
How to use your calculator 101
Math, Studies and more of that
Aaron's P.O.V
Studying and Sports
Lock, Locked, Lockers
At a party...
A re-encounter
Let's have a talk
Spring Break
Bloody Murderer in the house
A Friend...
Back 2 School
I can miss you too
The Hero
Tested Comadary
Author Note
This Scumb world
A revival
His Girlfriend
The new Michi
One more time
Couples fight, right?
Author Note
Let it go
Let it go
A follower
Let you go
Final words
It's about time!

Aphmau and her partner

1.9K 40 33
By FanInfernoNethy

Aaron's P.O.V

I dragged the poor guy who fell unconcious during his beating session across the school with a knife.

I'm not a male version of a yandere simulator! I just decided to cut off the net that was covered with the evidence of my 'beating' and drag the boy to some corner in the school.
I put him straight against the pole of the light post and cut off the net.

"Why do I have to clean up after this?!" I groaned in frustration.

I was not supposed to clean up after a beating, but I guess this once I'll do it. I care about my future more than you could think, for a bully that is.
I dragged him to the bleachers and set him up there; I walked in the halls as I remembered I was supposed to eat lunch.

But I was stopped by Aphmau.

Not really stopped, I'm in the one who turned around and left after...
I walked down the stairs to the cafeteria to hear loud voices.

"You both have to clean for this mess made in the cafeteria!" Hyria's voice, I thought.

Before I could open the door, again, I saw Aphmau wearing a ninja outfit and following Travis with Katelyn.

What happened to her cute outfit? I asked myself as I, unconciously, followed her.

I saw her come to a quick stop in front of the staircase that led to the principal's office. I hid behind the wall, just in case.

She waited for a moment before proceeding and I followed behind. She twisted the door knob and entered the room.

What could she be doing in the principal's office?

My stomach growled as a signal that it wanted to eat but I ignored and followed after her.
The room was completely dark, only a buld hanging in the middle of the room lit it. Shad was standing next to Irene as I cautiously walked towards them.

I felt a presence beside when my shoulder brushed against someone's.

"Ah, Aaron," Said Shad in a calm voice as Irene also turned her head to meet me.

"We've been expecting you."

Earlier, a little while before the cafeteria incident...

Irene's P.O.V

"I'm tired of the classes Irene, get we get a break please?!"

Travis whined as Enki grabbed him by the collar.

"If you showed me you are able to go 'Demon mode' with your relic, then you would be free from any lesson."

"Really?!" Travis' emerald eyes shone brightly. "Okay!" He rubbed his hands together and started concentrating on his relic.

Everyone today are having their final lessons. Katelyn has mastered not to active her fire fist using her emotions; Garroth was able to summon his armor and shield without any trouble and he mastered all the extra strength he got. Laurence was able to teleport between dimensions and his studies of the Nether are still in progress.

But that only leaves to me and Shad.

"About time." Shad said as he stood next to me.

"Yea'" I smiled at his statement.

"Are we going to stick through this?" He asked.

I looked up to him in confusion as his shoulder brushed against mine, sending sparks in that area.

"Through what?"

He didn't look at my direction not nor did he answered; but we both know the answer.

"That was a little off Travis, you need to adjust between your warlord powers and the relic's powers." Enki scolded as Travis hung his head in disappointment. "But that doesn't mean you didn't graduate with the others." He said with a smile.

Travis' eyes sparked again, he pumped his fist in the air. "See Katelyn, and there you said I wouldn't graduate with you guys!"

He did the jazz hands as Katelyn tried hard to control her anger.

"Manfia, can I let my emotion at him now?" Katelyn growled, and Manfia laughed at both of them.

"Congratulation Travis." Garroth said as he appeared with his set up.

"That should get you more worked up Laurence, you haven't finished your report of the 'black lilac' flower in Nether." Kul'zak stated as Laurence was about to congratulate Travis.

"Are you serious?! There are pigmens literally everywhere near that area, I'm not going to take a suicide mission just for a report." Laurence exclaimed as he crossed his arms.

"You don't have to only be a wonderer, you'll make yourself weak and always backing your team-" He stopped himself mid way and blow out a breath upon seeing Laurence's confused look and Irene' s concerned reactions.

"What I meant to say is, you don't have to depend on others for protection of anything happens." He switched his voice to an authoritive one, "I want that report by next month." He said firmly.

"Fiiiine~" Laurence whined as he joined the others.

"Still thinking about that incident?" I asked Kul'Zak with a faint smile.

"We don't want the same thing to happen again." He laughed.

"Hey you guys!" I snapped my attention to Manfia, who was now laying on the couch. "Don't you think it's time we bring your pupils?" She asked with amusement in her tone.

"Yea, but you never told us who's Aphmau's partner?" Garroth asked.

I looked at Shad with the same amount of excitement. "We found a very suiting partner for her."

"If we do say so ourselves." Shad finished.

"Travis and Katelyn" I called, the both looked at me.

"I want to bring Aphmau to us."

"And her partner who shall stay unnamed?" Katelyn stood up.

"He'll come if he is the perfect suitor." Shad added with a smirk.

He came walked to my side and put my hand on his hand as our fingers interlocked.

"Everyone get ready!" Esmund called as the everyone got out.

Before Garroth could get out, Laurence reminded him to shut all the lights for dramatic effects leaving the middle one one.


"Yea," I answered in the dim-lighted dark.

"After this, are you still going to be with me?"

I was so taken back by his question, I mean our powers were the ones that attracted us from the beginning, after this we'll be living as normal human being. No feeling of attraction or magical repulsion.

And I never thought of it before, I mean I always liked -and still do- Shad when I got to know him, our powers was an excuse to be with him but what next?

"I-I want to." I said while blushing profoundly.

"You know Irene, I like you." He said it, so bluntly catching me off guard.

He-he likes me?! That was my first thought; and damn he beat me to it! I wanted to admit it first.

"You like me?" I asked almost in disbelief as my face was -I'm sure- beam red; but thanks to the room my face couldn't me seen.

He grabbed my arms and turned me around to face him, his eyes held something so unreadable but then again it was always like this. So unreadable, so unpredictable, he was always make things that would make my world go upside down, and that's what I liked about him. Everything.

"Always." Was his simple response. "And I'll always be there with you, with or without powers."

He wrapped his arms around me, bringing me to a hug. I was left stunned and dumbfounded; he liked me, he likes me, I still couldn't believe it. I stiffened in his arms but after a while I relaxed.

"I like you too Shad." Not love for now, I like him.

I don't know how I said it, was it that I was in his arms that gave me the courage to say it or was I just pissed that his beat me to it?
I don't know but I didn't care.
He lifted my chin to look at his black eyes, I didn't register what was happening but we both leaned towards each other.

We were just inches away, just inches away, until our lips met when we heard a loud, high pitched voice.

"I called for it! Who called for it?! I called for it! AAAAHHHHHH!" Katelyn shouted excitedly.

"Oh come on, you ruined their moment." Enki's voice came from the dark.

OMI, I buried my face onto my hands and squatted to never show my face again,  I wanted to crawl into a hole and die out of embarrassment. I never knew they were there to begin with!

Katelyn kept on shouting 'I called it' while the others just on on teasing me, NOT HELPING THE SITUATION IN HAND!

"Oh guys come on," Shad said; I lifted my head to look at him. He is such a kind soul, for not teasing me, "You wouldn't want to blame for trying to steal a kiss from her crush." He nudged my shoulder, making me blush and groan at the same time.

"As much as I'ld love to continue teasing Irene," began Katelyn, which earned her a glare from me, "Aphmau is one her way and she's right behind this door."

"Okay then. Good luck!" Esmund raised a thumbs up before all of them, again, disappear in the darkness of the room.

"There goes nothing." Said Shad beside me as he grabbed my shoulders to help me up.

Aphmau entered almost immediately after we stood up, so she had that goofy grin when she saw us.

"We've been expecting you." I said to her before she could say what she's thinking.

A shadowy figure came in and stood beside Aphmau, must be Aaron, I thought.

"Ah Aaron," said Shad so I shifted my gaze to him, "We've been expecting you."

Aphmau's P.O.V

I felt someone presence beside me when Shad claimed it to be Aaron. I whipped my head to see Aaron standing beside me.

"What the-?! When and why are you here?!" I growled at Aaron.

He just shrugged. "I saw you coming so I followed you, but looks like I'm invited."

I glared at him then shifted my attention back to Irene and Shad for their weird 'welcoming'.

"What's going on Irene?" I asked, "And what is he doing here?!" I referred to Aaron who folded his arms, smirking.

"I called the both of you here for something really important."

"Is it what I think it is?" I asked teasingly.

"Well, to be honest I saw it from a mile away Shad." Aaron said.

Irene frowned, her expression changed into a very serious one as she again speaking.

"This is serious guys, we called you for something that would change your life."

I gulped visibly; Irene was never this serious before, not that I saw it.

"Have you ever guys heard of the legends of 'Irene and the Divine warriors'?"

"That urban legends of magic?" Aaron mocked, "only these magic geeks kids who have no life would believe in such legends!" I elbowed him at the ribs and he winced.

"Yes Irene, we did. 'I' also read the story several times."

"Yes, but do you know the true tale? Or how it ends?"

This time Aaron kept his mouth shut because I elbowed him again before he would speak.

"Well, I never really read an end to the legends, they just said Lady Irene went into a hybernation while the other warriors stayed in the Irene dimension. But is everything okay Irene?"

She simply smiled and said, "That would make it a lot easier. Garroth, If you would please."

Garroth? The lights switched open and in front of me stood the whole crew. My friends and Irene's, all in front of me.

"What's going on?" Aaron is the one who asked this time.

"Take a seat the both of you." Kul'zak said.

"We have a long talk ahead of us."


Wo! Heya, Nethy here.

Oh, she certainly didn't forget about the early update. She is bound to give you another chapter within this week.

So Holidays are over and school is back. *sigh* Well, life wouldn't move forward without school so...

Nethy wants to thanks you for waiting for her cause certainly she's been really off but guess What?

She's got a new phone! Woohoo! That means she can write anywhere which will allow her to update more often.

So with all that aside the dish, Nethy has officially turned 15. Not that she's happy but growing up is also part of living.

Now for the real A/N, how the story for you guys so far? Those who have been to updates and new readers, Nethy hopes your enjoying reading her content.
Remember one time she said about a book she wrote coming out? It might come at the end of this month with a different title.

She doesn't want to give any promises but she hopes you would support and enjoy reading her book by the time it comes out.

So guys about the Irene scene, in McD it was made clear that Shad and Irene had a thing in the past but was clearly cut off because of a mistake Irene did. (And Nethy knows Aphmau is Irene but she deliberately chose to make into two characters.)

Though Nethy is an Aarmau supporter she thinks that Shad is a pretty cool dude in the past, before the shadow Lord and stuff. She knows the Irene x Shad scene is a little off but she promises Aarmau will be a lot better.

There are always those of you who are still in holiday so to you Nethy says enjoy your holiday, and to those in school hope you survive! (And also enjoy if you can.)

Till next time my friends :3



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