The Untold Story

By Ohyeahx3

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When a girl from the present traveled back in time, another soul from the ancient world transmigrated into mo... More

✔️ Introduction
✔️S2.01_Who are you?
✔️S2.02_Can I trust you?
✔️S2.03_Out of reach
S2.08_A familiar face
S2.12_ Debt
S2.13_ Announcement + video -
S2.14_Dance lesson
S2.16_ Party
S2.17_ Unexpected
S2.19_ countryside
S2.20_ Ex-boyfriend
S2.23 Frustrated
S2.26_Matching puzzles - CV EEE
S.2.27_Crossway - CV EEE
S.2.28_Living the Nightmare
S2.30_Hospital - CV EEE
S2.33_Icy rain
S2.37_Unrepairable - CV EEE
S2.38_Confronting - CV
S2.40_The Stars ----***
S2.48_Fragrance - CV
S2.51_Jealousy -CV EEE
S2.50_Miss reporter - CV
S2.53_Home sweet Home - CV
S2.54_Back - CV
S2.55_Solved - CV EEE
S2.56_Returned - CV
S2.57_The Forgotten Girl - CV
Scarlet Heart Season 3
S3.01_Back in Time
S3.04_My Prince
S3.08_His Demeanour
S3.12_Meeting the Emperor
S3.13_Crown Prince
S3.15_A Guest
S3.16_Test it
S3.22_my apologise
S3.25_Fake it
S3.35_His Return
S3.39_Reading the stars
S3.43_Unwanted Husband
S3.44_A friend
S3.47_Please Remember
S3.50_His return
Deleted scene
Deleted Epilogue
Character name list 01🙇‍♀️🙇

S3.02_A New Start

597 23 6
By Ohyeahx3

Chapter 2 - A New start

Though Soo more than anything wanted this to be reality and not a dream, a voice at the deepest corner of her mind as a wicked truth told her not to take this as light as it seems. Like, when had anything ever been to her favor? Yet this was another chance, and she wouldn't waste it on dwelling in the gloomy mood.

Trying to push away the pessimistic thoughts Soo took a round in the garden that had fallen into the color of faded green. Realising that she wasn't the only one the garden Soo her feet stopped without her realising. Accompanying Soo, Chaeryeong as well stopped up, admiring the couple of the lady and the eight prince stroll through the garden as newly married couple.

Absorbed in her thoughts Soo didn't take her eyes of them, but of different feeling than of what Ha Jin felt when she looked at this scene. Occupying her body Ha Jin would look at the couple, but her eyes laid on the handsome prince. The real Ha Jin didn't felt the bond to Myunghee, as she was no different from a stranger that just happened to be her cousin, at that time.

The real Ha Jin was scared and confused, she didn't let Myunghee into her chamber, only when the eight prince broke the door and broke the wall of fear was Ha Jin able to get grip of herself and come over her shock.

Soo was different. She remembered everything, including Myunghee,  including the first love that was never meant to be. With no excuse of memory-loss, the prince didn't have the chance to get near her, hence nothing had happened between Soo and Wook.

Soo spaced out for quite good time, to the extend of not noticing the presence of the domineering princess coming to her sphere.

"This is disrespectful," The spiteful tone didn't hide in the words of the upright princess.

Soo turned in the direction of the voice, to the view of princess Yeonhwa coming with a court of servants just behind her heals. The dress of yellow rocked slight as she moved towards Soo with the expression that held so little emotions, that Soo knew it couldn't be any good. The inferior status made Chaeryeong step behind her master, as Soo greeted the princess.

"Princes Yeonhwa," Soo made an incline of her head. It wasn't the first time Soo was reminded of her inferior rank to the princess, reaching the point that it held no effect on her self-esteem any longer.

"You should not be looking at what a married couple is doing, I will deal with it harshly if it happens again. Although you are my sister-in-law's cousin. Do you understand?" Yeonhwa provided Soo a stare with intense mock. Soo used to ignore it, but more than anything Yeonhwa reminded her so badly about a girl, named Kang Hana, and for that reason sanity and rationality was completely gone when Soo faced Yeonhwa, mistaken Yeonhwa as her friend-enemy Hana.

"This isn't only meant for me since I'm not of royal blood right?" Her words took the princess to a mindblow state. Not in her wildest imagination had Soo ever dared to talk back to her. Yeonhwa blinked repeatingly with her lips parted for good seconds before the words formed at the tip of her tongue.

"Are you accusing me for unrightfully handling the household matter?" Yeonhwa asked in the disbelief.

"If the punishment is meant for me solely," Soo again spoke, causing Chaeryeong to broke into cold sweat. The maid was familiar with the scene of her lady being harassed, not of her confronting the bully.

"Of course this is meant for anyone, regardless who," Yeonhwa said, gaining her composure with a veiled expression, yet her hands was still clutched to the material of her dress, wrinkling the material in her grip.

"Even a princess of royal blood?" Yeonhwa's eyes flared while the crowd made a huge dive to the sea of silence, everyone but Soo, of course.

"What are you saying?" Yeonhwa said through a forced smile, posing an expression that send chills down one's spine.

"I mean while looking for other's mistake one might overlook their own."

Implicit, Yeonhwa as well is caught in the act of disrespect, how else would she know Soo was doing such imprudent act? In other words, Soo tossed the shame back with tenfold.

Before Yeonhwa could rebute, Soo bad her goodbye with an incline of her head, as Soo caught the glimpse of the eight prince's, Wook's, approaching them. By every means she wasn't going to let the dying flame rise from the ashes.

"You-" Yeonhwa burst out but by that Soo was already facing with her back to the princess metres away.

"What is the commotion?" Prince Wook asked.

"Nothing, big brother." Yeonhwa of course masked with a fake smile, she was too prideful to admit she was affected by the word of a mere wench of low status.

Fortunately, Soo had secured the distance to not turn back, as if she hadn't heard the prince's voice, although she had.

Behind Soo was the frightened Chaeryeong, who was shaking both mentally and physically. Seeing the complexed expression on Soo's face, Chaeryeong thought her lady was wary of the princess holding a grudge, but is was far that simple.

The scene unfolding just now simply confirmed what was only Soo's scariest nightmare. That things was repeating, and the result as well could turn out the same if nothing different happened.

Soo wasn't afraid of dying at the age of youth, she wasn't afraid of the torture that was more than vivid in her dreams. No, she was afraid to be mistaken and loved for one she wasn't. For being a replica of another girl, bounded in his deeper conscious, of being loved for her resembles and hurt by the exact same fact.

"Soo-ya," The tenderly voice snapped Soo out of her thoughts. Looking up from the ground Soo was welcomed with the caring expression of Myunghee. Putting on a reassuring smile, Soo approached the fragile woman.

"Eonni," Hooking her arms around Myunghee, as she walked beside her with careful steps.

"Is something wrong? You look troubled," Lines deepened in the pale face, while Soo returned with a headshake with a smile playing on her lips. Myunghee's suspicion didn't easily fade though. Chaeryeong looked like a body without a soul, the flickering eyes and the trembling hands was more of signalling that something was definitely wrong.

"Chaeryeong," Myunghee said, snapping the maid out of her thoughts.

"Y-yes my lady?" Chaeryeong stuttered in words.

"What's wrong with you two?" Myunghee said, shifting her gaze back and forth to Soo and Chaeryeong. While Chaeryeong was unable to perform a reliable act she chose to pour it out.

"It was princess Yeonhwa who started-"

"Chaeryeong!" Soo shook her head but too late.

"Princess Yeonhwa?" Myunghee's questioning eyes already laid on Soo.

"I might have offended Princess Yeonhwa earlier," Soo admitted with a guilty expression.

"It is no small matter my lady, the princess eyes was flaring with rage. You know how the princess is, Agasshi is really in big trouble!"

"Soo-ya, did the princess pick on you? Tell me the truth, I will talk to her on your behalf."

"Eonni, are you willing to help me?"

"Of course I'll stand up when your are unfairly treated, you are my little sister." The warm words was more than enough comfort, yet Soo boldly asked for more.

"Instead of speaking to the princess,  please go the temple with me... I wish to visit mother's grave. I miss her. A lot."

"Why haven't you told before?"

"I was afraid to burden you,"

"It's a good idea my lady, during the trip to the temple we could avoid the princess, upon the return hopefully the storm already passed by,"

Not only did Soo intend to avoid Yeonhwa, she wanted to avoid the fourth prince that soon would make a stay in this place, and maybe there was a little possibility that Soo could escape fate.

A/N: I'll ASAP fix the deleted scenes and post it as promised and- Thanks for reading! \^o^/

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