As luck would have it (bondi...

By abistarxoxo

1M 9.1K 1.9K

Jorja Trini is a 22 year old, part time lifeguard from Britain who has dreamed of working at Bondi Beach for... More

As luck would have it (bondi rescue fanfic)
The Best News!
Video Chat
Bondi Beach
The Boys
Nightmares and Confessions
Maroubra Beach
Second Day
Bruises In The Morning
First Hot Day
The Accident
Please Wake Up...
Hello Boys
Bra Boys
Day Back
First Resus
Fake Drowning
The Afternoon Rush
Big Wave Surfing
Bondi Rescue
Pervert On Bondi
Tamarama Training
Revenge On Kerrbox
Christmas Shopping
Christmas Day- Part 1
Christmas Day- Part 2
Christmas Day- Part 3
Christmas Day-Part 4
riding with Jesse-part 1
riding with Jesse-part 2
bodies off the rocks
new years day can't be.....
help me
koby's visit
hottest day
training for the challenge
bluebottles attack
babies on bondi
Australia day
the lifeguard challenge
surfing ours
getting ready for surfentag
dolphins in the bay
2 truths 1 lie
my little secret
telling the lifeguards
seriously, was everyone betting!
watching back the clips
Bacon and eggs
teach me to surf
you really should leave me alone
MBK modelling
I don't know if I can go through this again
maroubra nightmares
Guilty or not guilty
quiet day antics
snake on the beach
Logie Preparation
First hangout
The Logies
best dressed?
water spinal
birthday girl
Concert with lifeguards
8 years ago today
thief on the beach
second hangout
telling the world
Mad Monday
everything was perfect
you mean that?
midnight walk
I miss you
I'm still with Jesse
Hello Mum
Together at last
Back where I belong
Go the Rabbitohs!
hospital visits
um, I've done a Jesse....
Birthday Boy
Birthday Boy- part 2
The morning after
cliff fall
Shark bait
Punch up
What do I do!
No longer a lifeguard
Fan mail
Don't do it....
Festival of the winds
The Talk
Dead or Alive?
Lifeguard Fitness Test
What is it?
The Results
Lifeguard sportsman's day
Happy birthday Maxi!
One year anniversary
I predict a riot!
The past can haunt you..
I've changed.....
Tower visits
Lifeguard WAG's
The Proposal
Save her!!
Movie night
Girls day out
Are you joking!?
Couple's day
fangirling a little here!
My Queen!
Bondi's back alright!
oh my....
only at ikea
Wedding dress shopping
A day to remember...
Thank you
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2

plan a wedding in a day

4.2K 47 22
By abistarxoxo

"I think we should probably start planning the wedding babe" I said to Jesse that morning, we were on the sofa together " I mean, If we want a summer wedding the spaces are probably going quickly"

" reckon we can plan a wedding in a day" he laughed

" we can try" I smiled leaning over and pulling the laptop up from the now fixed coffee table. I shuffled closer to Jesse and placed the laptop on my legs and turned it on.

" so what exactly is it we're gonna need" Jesse asked

" um,  I don't know" I admitted " I'm sure google will have answers" I said typing what do I need for a wedding into google. I clicked on the first result and it gave us a timeline of things to do

" 16 months before!" we both gasped, this site said we should be planning 16 months ahead! we were looking at 4-5 months!

" scrap that" I clicked off the page and went onto a different site which gave us a list of things needed.  " a place for the ceremony and reception, suits for you and your best man and ushers, dress for me and bridesmaids if I have one, Photographer, Entertainers or bands, Caterer, Florist, Wedding Transport, Hair and Beauty, Stylist, Wedding Cake , Shoes and Accessories, Wedding Lingerie ,Venue Decoration/Chair Covers" I read out the list " well half of that I wont need"

" what sort of wedding do you want though?" Jesse asked

" I don't mind, what ever you want, A really causal, informal one would be great though" I said " It would be a lot cheaper as well"

" yeah it would" Jesse said, however he looked like he had no idea what I was really talking about!

" location wise any preferences?" I asked

" beach or near a beach, I'm guessing that's going for both of us"

" yep, is there anything around maroubra that is suitable?" I asked Jesse

" um, oh there is south maroubra surf life saving club, they have the Kelly lounge and a place called horizons, have a look"

I typed it into google and the site came up, " wow" was the first thing I said , the place was stunning. The horizons location was beautiful. It was a private location at the south end of maroubra beach. The surf club with the Kelly lounge was just up the beach from up it. I read the description out loud to Jesse " Horizons at south maroubra is a magnificent and stand alone function venue with a sense of peacefulness and serenity. The venue is totally separate and stand alone facility to the lifesaving club with totally separate facilities. It is arguably the biggest and most attractive coastal function venue in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, seating up to 250 guests or 300 plus standing. The room offers sweeping ocean views with spectacular rolling surf and full views of Maroubra Beach plus the lush surrounding headland and parkland on both sides of the venue. we pride ourselves on being able to offer the whole wedding experience including a personal wedding planner, and a wide variety of services including creative catering, spectacular photographic opportunities, all of your floral requirements, celebrants, spectacular range of wedding cakes and everything required to produce the most important event of your life ensuring your wedding day will be all that you imagine. ..... wow!"

I began scrolling through the pictures , it was a truly beautiful place

" oh, yeah I have been there before, we had a meet up there once, cant remember what for, nice place, before we got in there though" Jesse admitted , I'm guessing it was a bra boys piss up! " do you want to arrange a look around?" he asked

" If that's ok?, I'll ring them now" I said picking up my phone and dialling the number. It rung 3 times before someone picked up

" hello Horizons organiser how may I help you?" a peppy female voice came over the speaker

" Hi there, My name is Jorja trini, I was just looking at the Horizons at south maroubra wedding location, I was wondering if there was a chance me and my fiancé could come and view the location sometime soon?"

" hang on my love let me check the book" she said ,I heard rustling on the end of the phone before she spoke up again " we actually have a time for you to come and check it out today if you wanted to?, at 2 oclock"

" That would be perfect" I said after looking to Jesse for confirmation

" well in that case I'll meet you outside at 2 o clock"

" I'll see you there, thank you bye" I said hanging up " well, this is easier than we thought!"

*2 Oclock*

" wow" I gasped 

Me and Jesse were stood outside the building waiting for the organiser, the place was beautiful! There was a large carpark and then a small walk up to the private building. There was a beautiful view of maroubra beach and the whole place was super private.

" helloooo!" a cheerful voice came echoing through the quiet air around us. We turned around to see a woman dressed in a smart shift dress and heels " I'm Kelly and you are ohmigod!"

" Hiya, I'm Jorja and this is ..."

" Jesse! hi huge fan!, why I didn't clock it was you two over the phone I don't know!" she laughed shaking our hands " right shall we get started then?" Kelly lead us to the door and pulled out some keys and unlocking the  door. We walked inside  and Kelly talked us through the building. " so this is the entrance hallway, there's a little cloakroom just off there for bags and stuff" we glanced into the room, it was quite large and had loads of hooks and cupboards for everyone's stuff. It was all painted white all around us. It gave the place a cool feel. I intertwined my fingers with Jesse and we followed Kelly down into the main room.

" wow!"  

" this here is the main dining room and sitting area which leads out onto the balcony, its beautiful right?" she smiled watching our reactions. Beautiful wasn't the right word to describe it, stunning would have been better!

There was a large room which was divided up into sections. There was a huge dining are with tables out already

" the tables can be rearranged into any position you want, horseshoe , top table anything like that. Over there is the sitting area where guest can sit and relax, maybe even watch the dancing!" she giggled

Next to the seating area was a good sized dance floor for everyone, with space for DJ decks at the front. But the part that sold it for me was the double doors that lead out onto the huge balcony overlooking the sea. It stretched the length of the building and had little tables out for drinks. There was a private path way leading down to a secluded corner of the beach, it would be perfect for photos. Kelly then took us back inside

" over there is a kitchen were the caterers work, the could thing with this package is we can provide caterers if you desire. now if you follow me up here....." Kelly lead us to a door which when opened showed a staircase. We walked up it to see a large room leading into a small bathroom. It had a few tables and a view of the sea.

" this is where the bride can get ready on the day. We made this as we found it calms the bride when she is able to see exactly what's going on and it means the bride is also more likely to arrive on time! "  she laughed " sooo, what do you think?"

" I absolutely love it!" I gasped as we walked back down stairs into the sitting area " its perfect, the location, size , everything!, what about you Jesse?" I asked

" I love it to, the beach being so close as well is perfect" he smiled giving my hand a squeeze. We sat down and Kelly pulled out files on everything

" so to hire the location for a day and night is $900, you will have to come and clean up the next day just to get rid of excess rubbish. The price also included the caterers and me as a wedding planner" she handed us leaflets " I'll leave you two alone to discuss it " she smiled before disappearing out onto the balcony

I turned to Jesse " what do you think?"

" I love it but its a huge chunk out of our budget, although it does come with the caterers" he said. Me and Jesse had decided earlier that our budget was only small if we wanted a good honeymoon and this was a large chunk out of it

" it is so beautiful though, and if we got someone to come out here and perform the service it would be amazing. I think we should go for it, I'd rather have a fabulous location than something like decorations or napkins which aren't a necessity. But I think if any opportunity's for money come up, like a sponsorship or big prize money surf competition, we should take it, no questions about it"  I smiled " agreed?"

" agreed?" Jesse smiled back kissing my cheek. Kelly came back in

" so? have you made a decision?" she asked

" we are going to take it, we were wondering though, is there a possibility we could have someone come out here to do the service here?" I asked

" oh definitely, we have lots of registrars who will come out"

" then we will definitely take it!"

" yay!" she squealed " is there a certain date you would like?"   she asked pulling out a diary full of dates

" anytime in march would be lovely" Jesse said

" hmmm lets see" she flicked through the pages " ah ha , I have some dates in march free, I have the 17th and then the 21st, 22nd and 23rd? the 23rd has free places before hand so if nobody takes those dates before hand it would mean the place would be free early in the morning for those panicking brides" she laughed " its also a Saturday so it would mean more guests could make it"

" well I think the 23rd is a good one then" I said to Jesse who nodded

" and if any of the boys are working they could come down after, so the 23rd of march then"

" we'll have that one please" I grinned from ear to ear, we had taken the first step towards the wedding. We had the date and location, now just for the rest of the wedding!

sorry this is so shit!

also a hugggeeee thank you to some people who helped me massively last week, In case you didn't hear , my smut story was found and leaked round school by a complete and utter c*nt who took the time out his miserable little life to make a profile so he could see it and take pictures then tweet about it before denying the whole thing to my face. I have the tweets you little cu*t. So yeah I had to delete the smut which is why its not there , but yeah a huge thank you to

georgiaforpresident for promising to kick his arse , cheers hun      ;)                                     Rathbone princess for offering some great advice :)                                                         TeambondiRescue ( who is now Charl0tteeex) for being the first to message me with support    Sweets_ for giving me some great advice :)                                                                                            and then everyone else for understanding and vowing to kick his arse ;) at the end of the day over 120 people GLOBALLY hate him for doing that so yeah FUCK YOU ____!

126,380 READS! WHAAATTT! thank you so muchhhhh!

can we also talk about Sherlock...... tell me you watch it ;)

I maybe starting a new story , not a bondi fanfic but a horse/love story for all those horse lovers out there. I've been missing mine a lot recently so I may write about them :)

right I love you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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