As luck would have it (bondi...

By abistarxoxo

1M 9.2K 1.9K

Jorja Trini is a 22 year old, part time lifeguard from Britain who has dreamed of working at Bondi Beach for... More

As luck would have it (bondi rescue fanfic)
The Best News!
Video Chat
Bondi Beach
The Boys
Nightmares and Confessions
Maroubra Beach
Second Day
Bruises In The Morning
First Hot Day
The Accident
Please Wake Up...
Hello Boys
Bra Boys
Day Back
First Resus
Fake Drowning
The Afternoon Rush
Big Wave Surfing
Bondi Rescue
Pervert On Bondi
Tamarama Training
Revenge On Kerrbox
Christmas Shopping
Christmas Day- Part 1
Christmas Day- Part 2
Christmas Day- Part 3
Christmas Day-Part 4
riding with Jesse-part 1
riding with Jesse-part 2
bodies off the rocks
new years day can't be.....
help me
koby's visit
hottest day
training for the challenge
bluebottles attack
babies on bondi
Australia day
the lifeguard challenge
surfing ours
getting ready for surfentag
dolphins in the bay
2 truths 1 lie
my little secret
telling the lifeguards
seriously, was everyone betting!
watching back the clips
Bacon and eggs
teach me to surf
you really should leave me alone
MBK modelling
I don't know if I can go through this again
maroubra nightmares
Guilty or not guilty
quiet day antics
snake on the beach
Logie Preparation
First hangout
The Logies
best dressed?
water spinal
birthday girl
Concert with lifeguards
8 years ago today
thief on the beach
second hangout
telling the world
Mad Monday
everything was perfect
you mean that?
midnight walk
I miss you
I'm still with Jesse
Hello Mum
Together at last
Back where I belong
Go the Rabbitohs!
hospital visits
um, I've done a Jesse....
Birthday Boy
Birthday Boy- part 2
The morning after
cliff fall
Shark bait
Punch up
What do I do!
No longer a lifeguard
Fan mail
Don't do it....
Festival of the winds
The Talk
Dead or Alive?
Lifeguard Fitness Test
What is it?
The Results
Lifeguard sportsman's day
Happy birthday Maxi!
One year anniversary
The past can haunt you..
I've changed.....
Tower visits
Lifeguard WAG's
The Proposal
Save her!!
Movie night
Girls day out
Are you joking!?
Couple's day
fangirling a little here!
My Queen!
Bondi's back alright!
oh my....
only at ikea
plan a wedding in a day
Wedding dress shopping
A day to remember...
Thank you
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2

I predict a riot!

5.3K 53 2
By abistarxoxo

The next day was unusually hot for spring, When we got to bondi there was a good crowd already due to the heat.

" get ready guys, its gonna be a long one" Deano said when we got into the tower. It was Me, Jesse, Deano, Harrison, Quinno, Max ashford, Brad and Kailan on today. I was at the middle south with Jesse for the morning where most of the crowds were but luckily we had the clubbies today!

We drove down in the Rhino and took our position, almost straight away Harrison came over the radio " tower to blue rhino get down to backpackers, backup needed down there"

" alright mate" I replied as Jesse speeded through the crowds to backpackers rip. I pulled my top off as we drove, pulling up I saw Brad and Quinno holding onto 5 people who all seemed to be panicking. I grabbed the board and ran in, I grabbed 2 of the lighter patients whilst quinno took the slightly heavier man. We got them all to shore safely.

" I know you don't want to hear this, but the safe swimming area is up  between the flags" I said to the group. They walked off red faced back to the towels as I jumped back in the rhino and Jesse drove us back to our post. Out the corner of my eye I saw someone raise their hand out in the rip

" gotta go babe" I said jumping out the rhino, grabbing the board and dragging it into the water. I paddled quickly over to the woman. When I got to her I knew she would need oxygen she was coughing up a lot of water. I pulled her onto the board but as I turned around to paddle in, someone grabbed the end of my board preventing me from getting in. I looked back to see 3 boys, they looked to be about 19/20

" help I'm drowning!" one of them gasped splashing around in the water whilst the other 2 men laughed, they were clearly pretending to drown.

" don't f**k around, this woman needs oxygen!" I exclaimed in anger pushing his hand off the board with my feet and paddling in quickly. I got the woman to shore and helped her to the back of the rhino where I put the oxygen mask on her.

" are you feeling alright now?" I asked after she'd been on the mask for about a minute

" yeah" she said nodding her head

I looked up to see that the men were still pretending to drown, they had made kalian go over to them on the Jet ski and give them a ride in. When they walked onto shore they walked away from us further towards south end, over to a large group of about 20 men who all were causing disruption, they had loud music playing and were swearing and yelling. After the woman left I radioed Harrison in the tower

" hey mate, there's a group down near us who are causing disruption and before a few members were pretending to drown whilst I bought someone in, what should we do about them, a few people next to them have given us some looks as if to say can you do something about them, any ideas?" I said

" yeah, kick em' off the beach, if their causing that much disruption they need to be moved on, your in luck actually, If you look to your left there's 2 mounted coppers, go ask them for help" Harrison said. I looked down to south end and, true to his word, by the waters edge there was two mounted police officers on two bay horses who had come down to help with the abnormally large crowd for spring.

" I'll be two seconds babe" I said to Jesse before jogging down the beach, past the group, to the horses. " hello, I'm Jorja, I was wondering if you could do us a huge favour?"

" sure thing ma'am" the policeman said

" you see that large group of men over there who are playing music loudly, could you kick them off the beach for us. They have been causing disruption and it seems to be upsetting the people around them. A few members also have been pretending to drown when swimming" I explained " so I was wondering if you could get them off the beach please?"

" definitely, so that group of 30 over there?" he pointed subtly

" yep"

" I'll just call in some of the other officers" The policeman said reaching for his radio and calling in some of the ground officers. As he did that I reached out and stroked one of the horses muzzles. " right their on their way down now, because its such a large group and a public place, the more officers the better to be honest" he smiled

" thanks so much, I better get back now but thank you" I smiled before jogging back to Jesse, passing the group I noticed them swigging something out of a brown paper bag. Probably booze.

We had to go up to 2nd ramp to monitor the middle of the beach and do a quick sweep of that end. Over the radio I suddenly heard

" JORJA!, your time to shine!" Deano suddenly yelled over the radio from south end.

" what do you mean?" I asked suddenly very confused. We pulled up by the wall to listen properly

" Look behind you!"

we twisted in out seats. Then we saw what he meant!

From where we were on the beach me and Jesse could see that the group of men were fighting with the cops, a small riot had broken out within the group but that wasn't what Deano was talking about! Galloping up the beach was one of the police horses, it was riderless and galloping through the crowds in a panic! The main concern was that it would crash into a member of the public, that could be deadly!

" oh shit!" I gasped trying to work out what to do " right stay in front of it!" I yelled to Jesse as he started driving. The horse was now up by the wall and was approaching the rhino from behind, " turn it sideways!" I exclaimed as Jesse turned the rhino side on blocking its path slightly, it could still escape to the side but it slowed the horse down. I jumped out and stood so the horse was running towards me, I lifted my hands in the air as the horse began to get closer

" wooaaahhh" I said loudly trying to slow the horse from a distance " steaaaadddyyyy" I soothed. It had slowed to a canter now but was still coming towards us. The horse got closer and just as it passed me, I reached out and grabbed the reins, I pulled with all my might and managed to pull him in a circle around me. After a few circles I managed to pull him to a stop " good boy, steady" I said walking him around. I glanced over to Jesse who just looked shocked.

" you never fail to amaze me" he laughed

A crowd had gathered around us " Jesse can you get everyone back please" I said quietly, he nodded and began clearing the crowd. I walked the horse over to the wall and just petted him until Jesse came back " just hold him for a sec whilst I check his legs" I said handing the reins to Jesse, he took them and stood close to the horses head, he rubbed and patted the horses head and neck as I went round checking the legs for any cuts. After the final leg I came back upto the horses head

" nothing abnormal there" I looked back to the group and saw that they had just about got the situation under control. I looked to Jesse then the horse, then back to Jesse " better take him back hey" I smiled

" you want to ride him back to them don't you?" he smirked

" yeah I really do" I laughed, the horse was calm now and was dozing off under Jesse's pats and strokes. 

" come on I'll give you a boost" he sighed, I went to the side of the horse and bent my leg, Jesse put his hand on my knee and as I jumped his supported me up. I swung my leg over and sat down gently in the saddle

" shit this is high!" I laughed, the horse was about 17/18hh and I was only used to small horses. I didn't have a riding hat or boots so I was riding with no hat, thongs on and in shorts and a lifeguard shirt. I gathered up the reins " see you in a bit" I laughed turning the horse around and beginning the walk back down to south end. I stuck close to the wall as there was less people up away from the water. I had to ride past the tower and as I did the windows opened and Harrisons and Brads heads popped out

" hey boys" I laughed as they filmed me on their phones. I nudged the horse into a trot and trotted down to the group of policemen, I rode over to the policeman who had been riding the horse  about 5 minutes before!

" thank you" the policeman said as I jumped off

" what happened?" I asked

" one of the blokes grabbed my foot and pulled me off when it all kicked off, I think one of them hit olly on the leg when I was pulled off making him spook, he's not a fully trained policehorse yet, he's still in training so that's why he spooked and bolted" He explained

" yeah he came galloping up through the crowds towards north end, my main concern was him crashing into a member of the public but we caught him! I checked him over but theres no cuts on his legs or anything, He's a good little horse" I laughed stroking him again " so what happening now with the group?"

" They have been taken into custody and will be questioned at the station, a few of them seem to be under the influence so that's why they attacked some of the officers and caused a riot, but it will be all good now"

" oh that's great!" I smiled " well I best be off but thanks so much for dealing with them and I hope your ok as well. Thanks Officer, bye olly!" I shook the cops hand and gave Olly a final pat before walking the long journey back to the rhino. After finally getting back to the Rhino I sat down with a sigh

" just a normal bondi day!" Jesse laughed before getting up and running in for a swimmer. I looked at my phone, it was only 10am!

By the end of the day I had done about 30 rescues and we were all up in the tower whilst Marbles and Quinno were getting the flags. I opened twitter to see I was tagged in a video. I followed the link to youtube,. I clicked play to see that someone had filmed me and Jesse catching the horse, it started filming when we pulled the rhino to the side and caught Olly, it then showed me walking him round, checking his legs and Jesse stroking him. The video ended after I mounted up and rode off. I scrolled down to the comments and saw some pretty funny ones .

' oh my god this is porn for horse riding Jesse lovers!!!'

' soooooooo hot! OMG when the horse rests his head in Jesses chest!, I WANT TO BE THAT HORSE!!!!'

' I didn't no Simba rode!! and Jesse seems to like horses as well!'

' guys is no one commenting on that little smile that Jorja and Jesse give each other, there sooooo cute together!!!! #Jesra! '

' Jesse+ horse = me in a dribbling wreck on the floor'

' wait why was there even a horse on bondi in the first place!'

On instagram Harrison, Brad and Jesse had tagged me in videos, brad and harrisons were ones of me riding past the tower and Jesse was one of me riding away from him. the first few seconds were basically my back and Olly's arse but then Jesse turned the camera to face him and said " riding with no hat, thongs on and in shorts....... don't try that at home kids!.. my girls a experienced rider!" he said jokingly before the video cut. he also had a picture of him and Ollys head, and you could see me in the background bending down to check his legs, except my arse was in the air facing the camera!  All the comments were pretty similar to the youtube video apart from the picture one which mainly consisted of comments like

' haha photobombing by Jorja!'

' or is it photoBUMing !'

' stop now -_- '

' OH MY GOD JESSE AND A HORSE!!! yep my ovaries have gone!'

Just another average day at Bondi!

yes i know this is pretty unrealistic but fuck it! i needed something! also updates are going to be every 2 days from now on until after my exams :P will avoid cliffhangers if i can ;)

51,836 reads! :OOOOOO XD thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu soooooo much!!!! xxxxxxxxx

love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

if you have any ideas comment them below :) xxxxx

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