As luck would have it (bondi...

By abistarxoxo

1M 9.2K 1.9K

Jorja Trini is a 22 year old, part time lifeguard from Britain who has dreamed of working at Bondi Beach for... More

As luck would have it (bondi rescue fanfic)
The Best News!
Video Chat
Bondi Beach
The Boys
Nightmares and Confessions
Maroubra Beach
Second Day
Bruises In The Morning
The Accident
Please Wake Up...
Hello Boys
Bra Boys
Day Back
First Resus
Fake Drowning
The Afternoon Rush
Big Wave Surfing
Bondi Rescue
Pervert On Bondi
Tamarama Training
Revenge On Kerrbox
Christmas Shopping
Christmas Day- Part 1
Christmas Day- Part 2
Christmas Day- Part 3
Christmas Day-Part 4
riding with Jesse-part 1
riding with Jesse-part 2
bodies off the rocks
new years day can't be.....
help me
koby's visit
hottest day
training for the challenge
bluebottles attack
babies on bondi
Australia day
the lifeguard challenge
surfing ours
getting ready for surfentag
dolphins in the bay
2 truths 1 lie
my little secret
telling the lifeguards
seriously, was everyone betting!
watching back the clips
Bacon and eggs
teach me to surf
you really should leave me alone
MBK modelling
I don't know if I can go through this again
maroubra nightmares
Guilty or not guilty
quiet day antics
snake on the beach
Logie Preparation
First hangout
The Logies
best dressed?
water spinal
birthday girl
Concert with lifeguards
8 years ago today
thief on the beach
second hangout
telling the world
Mad Monday
everything was perfect
you mean that?
midnight walk
I miss you
I'm still with Jesse
Hello Mum
Together at last
Back where I belong
Go the Rabbitohs!
hospital visits
um, I've done a Jesse....
Birthday Boy
Birthday Boy- part 2
The morning after
cliff fall
Shark bait
Punch up
What do I do!
No longer a lifeguard
Fan mail
Don't do it....
Festival of the winds
The Talk
Dead or Alive?
Lifeguard Fitness Test
What is it?
The Results
Lifeguard sportsman's day
Happy birthday Maxi!
One year anniversary
I predict a riot!
The past can haunt you..
I've changed.....
Tower visits
Lifeguard WAG's
The Proposal
Save her!!
Movie night
Girls day out
Are you joking!?
Couple's day
fangirling a little here!
My Queen!
Bondi's back alright!
oh my....
only at ikea
plan a wedding in a day
Wedding dress shopping
A day to remember...
Thank you
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2

First Hot Day

10.7K 78 13
By abistarxoxo

I walked out the tower with Jake, we were going to patrol down north end where it would be busy but less dangerous, I looked back to see Jesse watching me walk away, " I'll be fine!" I  shouted "Don't worry"   He nodded and walked back into the tower, Mouse and Gonzo followed us out, they were going to go down south end in the rhino whilst me and Jake to the other one to the north. Azza and Matt dee were patrolling the  middle set of flags, whilst Jesse and Harries stayed in the tower.

I walked out with Jake to the tunnel and got in the rhino, before we left Gonzo came and gave me another hug  "Dont hurt yourself ok" he whispered in my ear, I was getting on great with Gonzo, he felt like my protective big brother and I loved that  " I'll be fine, anyway north end is usually quite calm!"  I reasurred him. Letting go he stood and walked away to the rhino behind us, I waved at him before Jake drove off, taking us down north end.

We pulled up inbetween the flags and watched people jump into the water, the beach was getting busier by the second as the temperature soared. Looking out over the water I noticed a swimmer walk into the water, swimming east she began to head into the small rip, sitting up I said to Jake

"You gotta a good chance of heading in soon" pointing at the swimmer, he jumped out the buggy and grabbed the board, I radioed the tower, " Jake's just going in now"      

"Ok darlin' just keep an eye on the water, he will be back in soon" Harries replied 

I watched Jake paddle out and pick up the lady, luckily it was a easy rescue, they were on there way back in when I noticed somebody out the corner of my eye waving their arms above water, they had dropped of the sandbank and were beginning to panic. Jake was still a far way from shore when I made my decision, I grabbed the radio "Going in Harries!" I shouted down the radio before stripping off my shirt and shorts and grabbing the rescue board by the flags, I heard cries of " be careful!" from both Harries and Jesse over the radio.

 I grabbed the board and ran into the water, leaping on I paddled out as quickly as I could, my bruises were hurting me but I ignored them, I reached the man quickly, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the board, I let him catch his breath before saying "Jump on , lie on your stomach" he rolled on to the board. I turned the board around to catch a wave in. I got back to shallow waters and the man rolled off and thanked me before walking off quickly, clearly embarrassed, I realised at that point that was my first proper rescue!  I walked back up to the rhino, " great job Jorja!" Jake smiled.

"Thanks" I said smiling back at him, I placed the board back by the flags and sat back in the buggy, Jesse came on over the radio " well done both of you great job".

Me and Jake sat in the buggy for a few more hours, my bruises were hurting but I didn't tell anyone, I would often catch people staring at me if I stood up from the rhino, women would look at me with sympathy, obviously understanding what happened. I did 3 rescues whilst Jake did 5 as he didn't want me hurting myself even more. At 11:00 Jesse came on the radio "Me and Harries are coming down there now, so you lot can have your lunch break, you're also taking the next tower shift"

We waited a few minutes until Harries and Jesse arrived, " Great job on that rescue"  Jesse said as I gave him a quick hug, " How your bruises doing?"  he asked

"Oh they're fine" I lied

"Really?" he asked, I looked up into his blue eyes and he knew right then that I was lying. He leant forward and whispered softly in my ear, "You don't have to stay you know, I'm sure the guys will understand, believe me they're amazed you even came in!"

" I want to though, it's great down here when its busy!" I laughed

Jesse frowned at me "Ok but seriously stop when you're in pain, you and Jake are on the tower shift now anyway which usually is quiet"

I nodded in agreement and me and Jake began to walk up to the tower, when we arrived we found Azza and Matt Dee sitting there on their lunch break.

"Hey guys" matt said " how was it down there?"

"Quiet actually only 8 rescues" I said whilst I grabbed my lunch, me and Jake sat and talked with Matt and Azza before they needed to head down to south end as Gonzo and Mouse were coming up for lunch. As they headed off, Gonzo and Mouse arrived. walking over, Gonzo came and sat next to me,     " You alright?" he asked

"I'm completely fine, don't worry" I said giving him a nudge,  "How was it down south end with the black cloud?!" I laughed.

" Ah mate it was mayhem down there, I pulled in about 20 people and one spewed on me, another kicked me in the chest and 2 peoples pants fell down" Mouse said shuddering. We all laughed at his struggle before I resumed my position, facing the water.

The afternoon was pretty quiet actually, for the first hot day of the year, me and Jake spent the rest of the afternoon in the tower and there were only rescues, no dramatic first aids or other dramas. I was beginning to think the job was quite easy! It was 6:30pm and nearly pack up time when I heard a knock at the door, when I opened it I was greeted by the site of a surfer who had his nose smashed in by another board, great! I thought to myself. Letting the man in, I sat him on the bed and began to clean him up, bandaging his face up, I told him to head down to the hospital as the wound would need stitches for sure.

I went and sat by Jake " I was literally just thinking to myself, hey this is easy!" I laughed to him.

 "Nahh Bondi always finds a way to make you work!". The boys soon began to filter back into the tower and I headed out with Mouse to collect the flags. We were on the rhino heading to south end when Harries burst onto the radio.

 "Get to south corner NOW! There's a lady in the rip" we hurtled down to south corner "She's also nude!" I heard Harries exclaim. I looked at Mouse to see he was smirking slightly, taking matters into my own hands I quickly began to strip off.

 Mouse looked at me "what you doin', I'm doing this one!" he yelled over the engine

"Oh no you're not, It will be better for her if a LADY picks her up!" I already knew how embarrassed she would feel, we arrived at the south end " Get a towel or something ready!" I shouted to Mouse as I ran in, when I got to her she looked up, relieved to see a woman. She rolled onto the board and I was relieved to see she had bikini bottoms on, as I paddled to shore I saw Mouse standing there with her towel outstretched, we got back to shore and she went and grabbed the towel off Mouse  before walking off red faced.

" I wanted to do that" Mouse pouted at me.

"You perve" I laughed at him before slapping him with my shirt, laughing we headed back up to the tower.

* Later on *

I stood in front of the mirror in my bathroom examining my bruises. They were still prominent and fresh on my skin, every handprint and finger visible all over my flesh. Shuddering at the memory, I was scared to sleep alone after everything that had happened. I walked into Jesse's room  and slid under the covers, whispering night I felt his arms slide over my body and his minty breath on my neck as he whispered night back to me .

*Jesse's POV*

She didn't say anything as she walked into my room, I looked up and immediately knew she was still traumatised from the night before. She slid in under the covers and whispered "night Jesse" .

 Turning off the light, I rolled closer to her and slid my arms over her waist, whispering " Night Jorja".

 In my head I added to my words. "Goodnight my beautiful Jorja "


I'm sorry this is so fricking bad guys, I was really struggling for ideas, comment some below please!! thank you xoxo


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