FATE'S GAME | | BTS FF (18+)

By ishifictions

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We all need to accept our fate More



329 31 113
By ishifictions


I blinked my eyes multiple times feeling the water droplets on me. Opening my eyes I looked around and this place, what is this place? My hands and legs are tied and I'm getting soaked in this rain.

I began to struggle against my constraints, trying to break free, but the rope held strong. No matter how much I tried, it was no use. The rain came in heavier, soaking me to the bone and making it hard to breathe.

I tried getting up but failed miserably. The tying felt very professional. I tried yelling for the help of others, but the thick wooden walls blocked my voice from reaching out.

"How did I end up here, I was inside jungkook's car?"  Wait, is he okay? I'm definitely kidnapped but what about him?

I tried to remember the moments leading up to the kidnapping.

I was on a brunch with him. I remember he went back inside the restaurant to bring my bag whilst I was inside his car. Wait wait then was this masked man who knocked at the window of the car. He wanted to ask me for an address but then I..i..was hit by something and I don't remember afterwards.

I start having the chills run through my body as I come to the realization that I don't even know this masked man who kidnapped me. He might harm me once he is done doing whatever he wants with me. The thought made me very nervous.

I kept on trying to get free of this rope but each attempt only hurt my hands even further.

I started to feel dizzy from the repeated attempt to free myself from the ropes. My breathing became shallow. My hands were raw, the rope digging into my flesh and drawing blood every time I moved. The rain kept pouring, each drop making a thud as it hit my bare skin and added to the coldness that spread through me.

My situation was starting to look dire. No one knew where I was and I had no way to call for help. The thought was enough to send waves of fear crashing through me.

The rain continued to pour down and as my body grew weaker, I could feel the cold seeping deeper into my bones. I couldn't help but fear the worst. If I didn't get help soon, I might not make it out of this alive.

My eyes began to drift closed as I struggled against the restraints and attempted to call out for help one last time. As the darkness overcame me, my mind wandered back to Jungkook, hoping with all my heart that he was safe.

I was so close to the precipice of oblivion, and just before I lost every trace of self-awareness, I managed to form a single, fleeting thought. JK would find me, I was certain of it. If he's safe I'm sure he'll protect me.

Darkness envelops me, surrounding me in an eerie silence. I can hear the rain falling, the thunder rumbling in the distance.

Suddenly, there is movement. I can hear them. My body grows still, my breath held as I wait for what comes next. The footsteps get closer, the sound of boots on concrete echoing through the air.

A shadowy figure looms over my helpless body. I'm too tired to react, my mind slowly drifting away into sleep.

The footsteps circle around my body, moving in slow and deliberate motions. The figure stays out of my line of sight, keeping me in suspense.

As the footsteps continue to circle, I can feel my body growing even more weary. The exhaustion from my struggles is creeping up on me. The rain continues to pour down, the sound of it like white noise in my ears.

I closed my eyes, trying to brace myself for what was to come. The footsteps grew closer and closer, until finally, they came to a halt. The weight of his presence was undeniable now, and my body trembled slightly in fear.

As the footsteps stopped, I felt a hot breath in my ear. The smell was foul and the temperature of his breath burned my skin. I wanted to turn my head away, but my hands were tied and my body was numb. I could only wait helplessly for what was to come.

There was a long silence as he lingered, waiting for me to speak. I stayed still, too afraid to move. Finally, he spoke gently, his voice laced with malice.

"Don't be afraid".  I could hardly breathe, a cold chill running through my body. I stayed quiet, not daring to move. 

"I will give you very less painful death"  He stated firmly.  "Just close your eyes and I will take your life in seconds."

Fear paralyzed my body as I heard his words. I knew I shouldn't comply, I had to think of something, anything, to get out of this.

"Please, I don't want to die." I begged, tears filling my eyes. My voice trembled with fear.

His hand curled around my throat, his grip tightening every moment. My body started to shake and I felt myself choking under his grip.

"Then how about this, dear."  he continued, his voice softer now. "If you give yourself to me, I'll let you live.”

I was filled with terror at these words. The thought of giving myself to him just to survive filled me with revulsion, but the urge to live overwhelmed everything. I didn't want to die.

I could feel his hand start to loosen its grip. I began to hesitate, thinking about his words. If I gave myself to him.. then what would I have to do? "What do you mean by giving myself to you?" I asked nervously.

Suddenly I can feel his grip tightening around my throat once again. "So you refuse?" he asked, his voice dangerously quiet.

I wanted to speak but I couldn't get the words out, the grip was too tight. I could barely breathe and I was starting to panic. My eyes started to get blurry. I don't want to die but how can I live like this. I hate being powerless.

"Tell me the truth," he continued, "Will you let me exploit you or would you rather die?"

I looked straight into his eyes, trying not to show how terribly I'm scared. "I would rather die " He pushed me and start laughing.

"Now I know why that ruthless man love you so much " Who is he talking about? "You know what I just lost my wife because of him so now I'm going to make him suffer the same pain I went through" What the heck is he even saying? What his wife's death has to do something with me?

Suddenly he leaned towards me, his face just inches away from mine.

"And I'm going to start with you" His breath smelled like alcohol.

I'm trembling all over, frozen with fear. My body is numb but my heart is racing. I'm scared of what he might do to me. He's crazy, there's no telling what he could do.

He leaned in even closer and whispered into my ear. "Just say yes and I swear I'll let you go".

The smell of alcohol on his breath made me want to curl up and vomit. The thought of submitting to this disgusting man made my stomach churn. But the alternative—death—was too terrible to even contemplate.

I looked away from him, shaking my head vigorously. "I'll never let you have me", I replied.

His hand tightened around my throat again, his grip more savage this time. I could feel his breath on my neck and I could see the look of anger in his eyes. His face was flushed with rage, his expression full of hate and aggression.

"So brave like your lover " Lover? Taehyung? is he some obsessed fan of me or him? "Why are you doing this to me? " I managed to ask. but my breath hitched when I felt a knife placed near my abdomen.

"Revenge!! I want to see him suffer, I want to see how Terrible it feels to lose someone you love"  Why am k not getting anything? Is he drunk talking?

"I am going to make the both of you suffer the same way I've suffered" He hissed between clenched teeth. I could feel his rage pulsing through his body.

He grabbed me by my arm and yanked me close, his face inches from mine. I could feel the tip of the knife press harder against my skin, just inches from my stomach.

"Let the show begins" he growled, his grip tightening as he lifted me up in the air. He started walking with me still in his grasp. The tip of the knife pressed against my stomach, threatening to pierce my skin if I moved the slightest inch.

He brought me outside into the dark woods, taking me deep into the secluded area. My heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to stay conscious. I couldn't even scream for help, he might start stabbing me and i could die.

The darkness was overwhelming as we moved deeper into the woods. The only light came from the sliver of moon overhead and I couldn't see where he was taking me. The tip of the knife kept pressing harder into my stomach, reminding me with every second of what he was capable of.

I felt my heart pounding in my chest, the fear threatening to overwhelm me. "Where are you taking me?" I asked in a small voice as we made our way deeper into the woods.

“Just shut the fuck up”

I was shaking with fear as he dragged me further into the woods. We were surrounded by darkness, deep and dense. The trees loomed around us like silent sentinels, watching our every move.

The rain pouring on us made it even terrible as I was shivering to death.

The rain still continued to pour down as we walked deeper into the woods. The woods were dark and dense, making it difficult to see our way. As we went further, the trees loomed taller and thicker, as if they were protecting us from the rest of the world.

Finally, we stopped in front of a box made of glass. "What is this?" I asked, cautiously approaching it. The rain poured on us relentlessly, making my already drenched body even colder.

I tried to stay calm, but with the knife against my stomach, it was impossible to relax. I started trembling uncontrollably, knowing that any false move on my part could be disastrous.

The man seemed to be enjoying my fear. "This is a box of pleasure"  he said, reaching out to touch the glass. "Let me show you why it's called that."

I was about to speak but my words trailed off, my eyes widened when I felt him stabbing me.

The man grinned as he pushed me into the box, watching me as I struggled against the glass walls. "Now," he said, his voice low and menacing, "let's see what happens."

I saw him dialling someone's number. The pain in my abdomen was getting worse, is this my last day? I could feel myself growing weaker from the blood loss, and the pain was becoming almost unbearable.


The moment I stepped out of the restaurant my breath hitched  it felt like someone snatched oxygen from. I saw my car on fire.

My eyes widened with fear as I watched the flames spread rapidly.  I ran towards it. I tried to open the car door but it was stuck! I pulled harder, but the more I pulled, the more the flames grew. 

"If anything happened to sweetheart I won't be able to forgive myself" I felt myself choking on my words.

The heat was unbearable and the smoke was blinding.  I kept pulling on the door, but it wouldn't budge.  "Please let ishita be okay," I prayed.

My heart raced as I watched the flames, desperate for any sign of movement.  The fire became brighter and hotter, burning through the steel body.  I had to do something.

The smoke was getting thick and it was getting difficult to breathe.  I felt the heat burning my eyes and my skin.  I tried to take a deep breath, but the smoke was choking me.

"Sir please step back you'll hurt yourself" A stranger tried to pull me away.

"I have to save ishita! My love is inside" I shouted.

As I pulled on the car door again, something snapped inside me.  Nothing can take away ishita from me, not even this fire.

I grunted in pain as I pulled with every fiber of my being. But my heart sank and felt relief both at the same when I saw the car empty.

"Ishita?"  I called out, feeling the hope in my chest.

No answer.

A rush of emotions overwhelmed me - sadness, fear, relief.  But I didn't have time to process them.  I had to find her.

I stood up and started running around the car, searching for any sign of her.  My heart pounded in my chest and the smoke made it hard to see.

I tried to search every possible corner of the car, but my vision was blurred from the smoke.  I felt myself panicking as I started calling her name louder. 

All of a sudden it started raining as if even nature knows my pain. Please where are you?

I kept looking for her as the rain got heavier and my clothes got soaked and muddy.  I kept searching for any sign of her.  Then I received a call from unknown contact, I was about to decline but wait it could be her.

The rain was pouring down, I could barely see, my clothes were drenched and muddy, I was out of breath and couldn't think straight.  My stomach filled with knots and anxiety.  I was starting to lose hope until I heard her voice on the other side.

Ishita : A-are you al-alright?"

It was her, she's alive.

It was her, she's alive. But what's wrong with her voice?

Me : Swee–

She cut me off but her next words made me numb.

Ishita :  J.. jungkook I... I'm dying.. I... I.. lo..

The whole world stopped when she said that. My heart felt like it got numb, the world turned silent. My eyes grew wide and I wanted to shout or cry, I wanted to scream but all I could do was listen to her sweet voice.

She sounded so close and so frail, like she's about to fade away. "Don't leave me.. please," I whispered to the phone, "I can't live without you"

She was still talking but I was too lost in my emotions to even know what she's saying.

Ishita : I'm st--stabbed jungkook. I don't think I can ma--make it.



Just then I heard an evil laugh.

So hyuk : Now that's what the pleasure of the sound of crying  feels like.

My jaw clenched, I shouldn't have left me alive that day.

So hyuk : Well come if you can save her. Even I want to see you crying jeon!!

Me : Look if anything happened to her, I will not kill you but torture you to the extent that you'll beg me to kill you but I won't give you that relief.

I growled and quickly dialled my man's number to track the location and get me a car. Just hang on, Ishita, I will save you.

With a shaking hand, I put the phone away and started running. I had to find her, I had to save her. As I ran, the rain poured down harder, making it hard to see.

I could still hear her voice in my head, and the thought of losing her was unbearable. I kept running, desperately searching for any sign of her.

My man got the coordinates but the location was not accessible by road. It was on the mountain top.

The car drove like a bullet and within minutes we arrived at the location, my hands were trembling trying to control my emotions.  Jiwon and I jumped out of the car and ran inside the wood to find her, please please I can't afford to lose her.

"PLEASE GOD, LET ME SAVE HER". I kept praying and yelling.

The forest suddenly got eerie, but we didn't care. We kept running like crazy looking for ishita.  As I ran, my heart began to race and my breath became shallow.  My body felt heavy and I could feel the sweat on my back,  my mind was clouded with thoughts of her death.

I just prayed that I was not too late. I pushed the doubts and fears out of my mind, I couldn't think about anything except getting to her. 
Finally, I spotted something strange, a box of glass.

I took a few steps and my breath hitched when I saw her inside the glass box. She's unconscious, her eyes are closed no no!!!

I froze, my whole body was numb. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I wanted this to be a nightmare, it couldn't be real. I shook my head violently trying to convince myself it's a joke. But her body inside the glass box was real.

I ran up to the glass box and started banging the glass without caring about my hand bleeding, finally after few punches the glass finally broke.

I held her body close to me and shook it violently,  looking for signs that she's still alive.

That was when I felt her chest move, she was breathing!! I let out a huge gasp of relief and held her close to me. She was alive, she was breathing! I feel like my heartbeat is back to life.

I picked her up and held her in my arms,  "I'm here, I'm here" I whispered into her ear "don't you dare leave me."

She's still bleeding a lot, I need to reach hospital. My tears are not stopping and shock on the face of jiwon says it all he never imagined me this vulnerable.

I put her body inside the car and put some cloth on her wound to stop the bleeding. Jiwon was driving like a crazy trying to reach the hospital as fast as possible. Every minute feels like an eternity and every time the car slows down I get extremely anxious.

I keep looking at her face, she looks so peaceful like she's asleep.  I don't think she wants to wake up. But she has to fight. She cant die like this. She cant leave me like this. I cant survive without her.

I breath for her, she's the reason I wake up everyday with a smile because I'm thankful for making it alive to see the beautiful creation of good.

Every time I blink, my heart skips a beat. I get this feeling that she's slipping away with each breathe I take. I need her to fight back. I need her to wake up. If she leaves me, my world would crumble. I don't think I would survive another day without her.

“Please... please... don't leave me,  sweetheart. I'm nothing without you. Please don't die... please…” I mumbled while pulling her close and placing her kiss on her forehead. “Drive fast jiwon!!” I said getting impatiently.

"We're almost at the hospital, hang in there." Jiwon replies back, trying to sound reassuring. I nod nervously and keep holding her body close to mine.

Her face looks pale and her breath has become shallower. I press her hand and beg her to stay alive. I can't lose her like this, I can't survive without her. "Don't leave me, please," I whisper into her ear. "I won't be able to survive without you. Please, will buy you anything you want, take you to your favorite places but don't leave me"

"We've reached the hospital" Jiwon says quietly.
As I lay her body down on a stretcher, the doctors took her to the emergency ward while they examine her wound. I try to keep myself calm but my heart is beating out of my chest.

I sat outside feeling helpless. "Boss please get your hand treated" I started at my hand covered with blood but I feel no pain, all I feel right now is my heart clenching seeing her stabbed. My clothes have her blood on it. "I won't get any treatment unless I know she's okay " I said in cold tone.

The doctor came out to see me, holding her charts on her hand. My heart raced while my whole body felt like it's about to freeze on fear. I look straight into her eyes and wait for her to tell me that she'll survive.

The doctor kept looking at me but I couldn't take it, I was shaking in fear. "Speak, please... is she going to make it?"

The doctor takes a deep breath and looks at me, "she has lost a lot of blood. We can't say anything until we stop the bleeding and perform the surgery, just pray it all goes well."

The words are still ringing my ears, pray, pray? I started shaking furiously, the cold sweat dripping down my forehead, my heart beating out of my chest.

I need her to live, I need her to live.. I want to pray, but I'm scared of what the future holds for me if she doesn't make it.

I immediately took out my gun and pointed at doctor "Look if doesn't come out live from that surgery, I will kill every doctor involved in the operation"  I threatened her but I just can't accept the statement she just said.

The doctor's eyes got wide , she gulped looking at the gun,this hospital is owned by dad and I know they can't really disobey me., "Sir, even I need her to be alive, but we are not gods and we can't ensure results. And now kindly put the gun down".

I couldn't believe that this doctor wasn't even concerned about her life when mine is on the line. I tightened my grip on the gun and pointed it at her chest, "I'll shoot you if anything happens to her",  my voice was cold and firm.

The doctor was scared, but she knew she didn't have any other choice. She knew I won't shoot her but she also felt that I would ruin her career if she didn't save her.

"I understand, but we are trying everything" the doctor kept insisting, i could see the fear in her eyes but still can't believe she's not even thinking for an alternate solution in case she doesn't make it.

"Shut up!!" I yelled and cocked the gun. "I'll be outside this ward and I won't move an inch from here till she comes out alive!”

I walked outside waiting for the surgery to go successful. I looked at the reflection of myself in the glass window and I look like a mess.

The hours went by as I kept standing outside the operation room, my head is spinning with worry and my hands shake every few seconds.

I kept watching the clock tick the seconds. I have never been this helpless before. I have never felt this vulnerable before.

The doctor came out to see me with the charts on her hand again, my body froze trying to control my breathing. It must be some good news, my body felt numb with anticipation.

"The operation went well but she hasn't woken up yet, once she does we will observe her behavior. It should take few hours before she opens her eyes" The doctor replied, trying to sound reassuring.

My body immediately relaxed and I sighed a deep breath of relief. But the doctor also adds that it would take few days for her to make a complete recovery and that she has to remain in hospital until that.

The doctor told me to go to my house and take some rest since I've been here for more than 12 hours already. But I can't stop myself from being next to her side, how can I sleep comfortably while she is sleeping in the hospital? So I took the blanket from the hospital and sat next to her bed. My heart still drops to see her surrounded all these machines.

I sit in a chair next to her bed watching her every breath, every movement.
I keep holding her hand, I cannot stop myself from doing this. Every once in a while my eyes start getting teary but the thought that she is alive and breathing keeps me sane and strong. I keep glancing at the clock waiting for the next update or for her to wake up.

The hours go by and my body and mind are exhausted but I don't want to leave the bed even for a second, she needs me.

Her hand is the only thing that gives me comfort right now. It's like holding my soul for dear life.

The hours pass and the nurses keep rotating, I can't even tell day and night apart anymore. The fatigue hit me so hard that I'm getting numb physically and mentally. I'm completely broken down at this point.

The next day comes and I'm still there watching her every breath, her hand feels a bit warmer today and her breathing is calmer and more steady than yesterday. This must be a good sign, but I can't stop myself from worrying. I'm scared that she won't recover quickly, I'm desperate to talk to her again.

My hands are starting to get numb and my mind is filled with fear and anxiety. I haven't eaten anything for two days and my body needs food, but I cant leave her.

“Boss you should eat something, look at yo–” Seeing my glare his voice immediately vanished in air.

The thought of leaving her for even a minute makes my heart sink, I can't leave her all by herself. Her life and my happiness are intertwined. I can't leave her. I need to be by her side, make sure she's healing up properly and doesn't lose focus on getting better.

Slowly I notice her eyes starting to open, her body is still and there is no movement but her eyes are now looking at the ceiling. I take both my hands and cover my mouth to hold my tears, I dont want her to see me in such a weak desperate state. When she turns her eyes towards me, I can see the fear in her eyes.

She tries to speak but her voice comes out barely a whisper. I try to contain myself but my body is shaking badly, I go to her side and hold her hand between my hands.

"He..he said he...wi--will kill me .." she whispers, her voice cracking and her eyes tear up from the pain. I quickly lean in holding her and hug her tight, her body is shaking and I feel her tears dropping on top of my face.

"Shhh sweet heart, I'm here I'll never leave you alone,No one can kill you unless I'm breathing on this planet" I say and kiss her forehead, trying to calm her down. She leans on my chest and I wrap her in my arms, making sure I hold her really tight.

"Don't leave me alone" she whispers, her body still shaking from the pain and stress she's been through. Her hold on my arm and waist tightens and her tears won't stop dropping from her eyes.

I caress her hair and try to hold her tight as her breathing starts calming down. "I won't dear, I'm not going to leave your side " I say with a trembling voice.

The sight of her being in a state of fear and weakness breaks my heart, all I want is to see her smile again.


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