FATE'S GAME | | BTS FF (18+)

By ishifictions

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We all need to accept our fate More



262 40 78
By ishifictions


"Oh damn! What are they doing here?" I hissed. "They'll find out about us if we answer the door - we should just pretend no one's home!"

"But what if they don't believe you? They know you're here," Taehyung muttered, his face pale as he looked through the peephole again. "They can see your car still in the driveway!"

I looked around frantically for a place to hide Taehyung, but there was no good place to disguise the tall man. I sighed in frustration and reluctantly made up my mind.

"How about you jump from the window?" I suggested and we both stared down and then I gave him an awkward chuckle. "You can't, right? This will only kill you" He nods. "Of course I'm not spiderman who can jump from 13th floor"

I bit my lower lip feeling frustrated. 

"Right, that would be a terrible idea," I sighed. The constant ringing was starting to wear me down, and I was getting increasingly anxious. I could hear them calling my name from the other side of the door, and I was running out of time.

Finally, I heard them  starting to sound impatient and angry. "Look, we know you're home," I could hear Jin oppa saying through the door. "Come on, just open the goddamn door!"

I looked beside me and frowned when I didn't find tae, where di--i saw him hiding under the table. “Do you think you've a size of an insect? “ I ask while looking at him with a done face. He shook his head and stepped out. 

"What do we do?" I whispered, feeling increasingly scared.

Taehyung squeezed my hand again. "Just don't answer the door. "

I shook my head. "No, they'll know something is up.” I replied. “We should just ignore them... they'll get tired of ringing the doorbell eventually." 

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, look at it from their perspective. Would you just give up if your friend kept ignoring you?"

He sighed. “Just listen to me” He took my wrist. “ God listening to you has always been dum–” He glares while turning his face. I gave him a smile. “Bolo ji” (Just say) . He sighed and we again stood in the Hall. 

Why are we even hiding all of this? But again this is not the time I can question taehyung about this. "How about you hide in my room, they'll surely not barge in there " I suggested to him. 

"Yeah, it's probably our best bet right now." He whispered to me, his voice filled with anxiety. "You better hurry though - they'll only be polite for so long."

Taehyung nodded and ran upstairs to my room while I stayed in front of the door, trying to stall for time. I could hear them ringing the doorbell repeatedly, but they hadn't tried to barge in yet.

I quickly ran inside the kitchen and wet my hair to make it look like I just came out of the shower and finally decided to open the door.

Answering the door with wet hair, I tried my best to look innocent and shocked. "Oh, hey guys! I wasn't expecting anyone," I said, fidgeting slightly, my heart racing beneath my rib cage.

Jin oppa looked at me with scepticism written all over his face. "Girl you scared the shit out of me, I got worried when you didn't open the door and also not answering the phone " I bit my lower lip feeling bad to lie to him again. "I was in the shower oppa!! “

"Shower? At this hour?" Jin oppa asked, raising an eyebrow. I noticed the other members exchanging glances behind him. I felt myself getting more anxious as they scrutinised me. 

"You know how it is when you wake up in the morning, all sweaty and gross?" I lied quickly, trying to avoid their gaze.  Jin oppa shook his head with a disbelieving grin on his face.

"It's fine, we were just worried about you," Jimin said, trying to sound understanding. But I could tell jungkook was far from convinced, why is he looking at me like that ? "So, what have you been up to lately?" Jin oppa asked casually as they walked into the living room.

I sat down on the couch, trying to appear relaxed. "Oh, you know, just been busy with interviews and stuff," I replied nonchalantly. But inside, my heart was racing as I prayed they wouldn't ask any more questions or try to go to my room .

I had just gotten up from my seat when suddenly an unexpected sound caught everyone's attention. It seemed to come from the kitchen, but nobody could tell exactly where it came from.

Instantly, everyone's eyes were drawn to the kitchen, and their expressions looked both startled and confused. "What was that?" Jimin asked, his eyes wide with suspense.

I gulped as I realised that Taehyung must still be hiding in my room. Frantically, I stood up and tried to hide my reaction by yawning. "Oh, probably just the kitchen faucet or something. Nothing important." I suggested walking towards the kitchen to investigate.

Just then, another unexpected noise came from the kitchen - this time a loud crash. It sounded like something had fallen and hit the floor. It was followed by a few seconds of silence, and then I heard the sound of footsteps running.

"Was that coming from the kitchen?" Jungkook asked, looking at Jimin and Jin oppa in confusion.

This Taehyung is dead meat once they're gone. 

As I reached the kitchen, my heart was pounding wildly in my chest. It felt like everything was on the line and that one wrong move could blow my entire cover. Slowly, I opened the door and peeked inside.

To my relief, Taehyung wasn't there. The room was empty. Sighing with relief, I stepped inside and turned on the faucet. The sound of running water filled the silence as everyone watched me curiously.

The friends jumped up and cautiously made their way to the kitchen, their eyes scanned the room as they tried to figure out what had happened.

They spotted a broken dish on the floor, and their faces suddenly contorted into expressions of surprise and disbelief. "Was someone hiding in the kitchen?" Jimin asked, his eyes wide with shock.

They stepped into the kitchen and started searching the room for any signs of someone hiding. They checked every corner and behind all the cabinets and appliances, but there was no sign of anyone.

The kitchen was filled with an uneasy silence, and the friends began to look more and more puzzled. Finally, Jungkook spoke up, his voice filled with suspicion. "Was someone hiding in here?”

As they all searched the kitchen, I could see how confused they were by the strange situation. Jungkook seemed especially intrigued, his eyes gleaming with curiosity as he scrutinised every inch of the room for traces of someone hiding.

Finally, he stepped into the middle of the room and turned to the others with a serious expression on his face. "I'm sure someone was hiding in here," he said, his tone completely sure of himself.

Suddenly, I felt a wave of panic hit me as I realized that they were about to discover the truth about Taehyung. 

"Do you think it was a burglar?" Jimin asked, looking more amused than worried.

"It couldn't have been a burglar," Jungkook replied confidently. "If it was a burglar, they would have tried to steal something.”

"That's true..." Jimin agreed, and Jin oppa shook his head in agreement as well. "So if it wasn't a burglar, who could it have been?"

Jungkook took a step forward and looked straight into my eyes. "I think it was someone hiding from us…”

I felt my heart sink into my stomach as I saw Jungkook looking at me intently. The three of them were no longer focused on the strange noises, they were now all focused on me.

I felt the sweat start to trickle down my back as I tried to hold back my panic and think of a good excuse. I couldn't let them find out about Taehyung. 

"Why would someone hide from us?" Jin oppa asked, his eyes narrowing as he continued to stare at me. "We're their friends, after all."

"They must have had a good reason," Jungkook said, walking slowly towards me. "Maybe they were hiding something."

I swallowed nervously as I noticed him inching closer to me. "W-why would you think that?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"Well, I don't think there can be any other reason why someone would try to hide from us." Jungkook's face was inches away from mine now, his eyes studying me intently. "Unless, you were hiding something... or someone.?"

I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I realized what he was trying to ask me. He thinks that I'm hiding *someone* inside the house. I couldn't let him find out about Taehyung... I had to think of a good excuse quickly.

Before I could say anything, Jungkook caught me off guard and stepped even closer. "Are you hiding something from us, sweetheart?" He asked in a low and ominous tone.

"W-wha-" I was stunned into silence by Jungkook's sudden closeness, and now his eyes looked even more intimidating. 

Jin oppa finally spoke up, his voice filled with mild annoyance. "Come on, stop harassing her, Jungkook. She said it was nothing "

Jungkook ignored him and kept his eyes on me, his serious expression unchanged. "It doesn't sound like nothing to me”

I nervously tried to laugh it off. "Really, it's nothing serious."

“Okay” He stepped back and finally I could breathe. 

As I finished up in the kitchen, I couldn't shake off this strange feeling that something was off. Jungkook's gaze kept lingering on me, and every time our eyes met, my heart skipped a beat.

It seemed like every time I looked at Jungkook, he would be looking at me too. His eyes seemed to be filled with intense interest, and I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. Why did he keep staring at me like that?

As I went back to the living room, I saw everyone talking among themselves and laughing, but I couldn't help but feel like Jungkook was still watching me. I avoided his eyes whenever they met and tried to focus on the conversation instead. 

[A few hours later]

They were having a great time as they were all bantering and laughing. The conversation had shifted to a more personal level now, and everyone was sharing stories about their lives outside of Bangtan. Jungkook was mostly quiet and was listening attentively, but he would occasionally chime in with an anecdote or a comment. 

Though we were having a great time together, I couldn't help but be distracted by some strange thoughts in my head. I kept thinking about Taehyung, who was hiding in one of the rooms. I was worried about him. 

My worries grew as I noticed that time was passing quickly and they  were still having fun. So I decided to go and check on Taehyung.

I quietly left the living room and made my way towards the room where I had hidden Taehyung earlier. There was a faint sound from the other side of the door; it sounded like he was sleeping. 

I gently knocked on the door and kept my ears pressed against it to listen. "It's okay, Taehyung... they haven't caught us yet..." I whispered, trying to reassure myself as much as him.

I waited for a couple of seconds, but the only sound that came from the other side of the door was the faint sound of Taehyung's breathing. "Come on, we've gotten this far. Let's just stay calm and play it cool..." I whispered to myself.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door again, this time a little louder. I knew they were going to get suspicious if I stayed hidden too long, so I needed to hurry.

But I couldn't quite convince myself. I could hear them laughing and having fun just a few rooms away, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. My heart was beating rapidly as I turned the doorknob and quietly let myself in. 

To my relief, Taehyung was still asleep, his deep breathing slowly and rhythmically filling the room. I sighed a breath of relief and looked down at him softly.

As I observed him breathing peacefully in his sleep, my heart fluttered with the sudden realisation that he looked so incredibly cute and vulnerable. A wave of affection washed over me, and I couldn't help thinking that he was almost like a precious child that needed protecting from the world. 

I gently sat down next to him, caressing his hair and stroking his cheek. It felt so comforting to be close to him, as if I were protecting him from all the dangers of the world. 

My fingers ran through his soft hair, and my hand brushed against his soft cheek. His skin felt like silk under my touch, and I couldn't help but notice how peaceful and relaxed he looked.

Just as I was starting to slip into a pleasant trance, my thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of the door opening. I quickly pulled my hand away, and my heart sped up in my chest.

I looked up to see Jungkook staring at me from the doorway. His expression was amused but also filled with curiosity. "What are you doing here, Ishita?" He asked curiously.

 I mumbled hastily, feeling my face heat up with embarrassment. “ I came in here because... I wanted to relax for a while... just alone... away from the others..."

Jungkook looked at me for a few moments, his expression changing from suspicion to curiosity. "Ah, so you came in here because you wanted some alone time?"

"Yeah, that's right..." I said hastily, trying to keep my voice calm and steady. "I just... I just wanted some time to myself, you know?"

Jungkook let out a thoughtful sigh as he stared at me for a few moments. "Makes sense... no one would suspect anything if they saw you sneaking into the room like that," he muttered to himself as he stepped closer to me.

"Yeah, that's right..." I muttered again, feeling more and more nervous with each step he took towards me. 

Jungkook kept getting closer and closer, until he was just a few inches away from me. I could feel his warm breath against my skin, and his eyes were gazing at me intensely. 

It felt like time stood still as the two of us stared at each other, and I could feel my heart pounding rapidly in my chest.

The two of us stood there for a while, locked in a tense moment of silence. Jungkook's eyes were still staring deeply at me, and my heart was pounding out of my chest. 

Finally, he spoke up, keeping his eyes locked on mine. "Can I ask you something?”

"Sure..." I whispered faintly, feeling my heart race with excitement as his intense gaze locked with mine.

Jungkook took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, as if collecting his thoughts. "Can I ask you something personal?”

I swallowed hard, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement as he asked me his question. "Of course..." I murmured quietly, feeling all my senses tingling with anticipation. 

Jungkook's eyes never left mine, and his voice was barely a whisper as he asked his question. "Do you have a boyfriend?”

My heart skipped a beat as he asked me his question. "Um... no..." My vocal cords felt like they were freezing up from sheer nervousness, and I could feel an intense heat rising in my cheeks. I still can't believe I have to lie to him. 

Jungkook's eyes narrowed as he studied my reaction closely, and I could see his mouth curl into a sly grin. "So you're single?"

I cleared my throat nervously and tried to keep my embarrassment at bay. "Y-yes... technically, I am s-single at the moment." 

Jungkook let out a mischievous chuckle and leaned in closely, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "So, are you implying that you would be open to something more?"

I swallowed again, feeling a flurry of emotions and thoughts racing through my mind. I couldn't deny that there was a certain attraction between us, but I couldn't help but be reminded of Taehyung. 

Jungkook's eyes were locked on me, still swirling with amusement. He was practically daring me to say yes, and I could tell that he wanted me to say yes.

I hesitated for a brief moment, my thoughts clouded by my guilt and the thought of Taehyung.

As I tried to form a response, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest with excitement and nerves. 

When he saw me hesitate, Jungkook smirked, his eyes shimmering with amusement. "So, what do you say, Sweetheart?”

Just then, I heard a voice coming from the hall outside our room. "Ishita! Where are you?" It was Jimin’s voice, and I realised at once that he was looking for me.

I hurriedly pushed Jungkook away and scurried out of the room. I couldn't stay there any longer; I had to find a way to end this conversation before the others found out about Taehyung.

As soon as I was out of the room, I saw Jimin waiting for me in the hall. "There you are, Ishita!" A faint hint of annoyance tinted his voice, and I could tell he was annoyed that I had left the living room without telling the others where I was going.

"Sorry, I just had to use the bathroom..." As I said, I quickly tried to come up with a lie to cover up the reason for my absence. 

Jimin frowned slightly at my response, but he let it go and moved on to what he really wanted to say. "We need to go now, it's already so late. “

Jimin's tone shifted, and a sudden wave of relief washed over me at his suggestion. He was right; it was late, and we should get going now. I don't have to deal with this lie situation anymore . 

I nodded and agreed with his suggestion. "Yeah, you're right.”

As we walked to the door, Jin oppa turned to me. He leaned in and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me close. "I'm sorry if I sounded annoyed earlier, but I was just worried about you."

"Yeah, I know." I smiled and squeezed Jin’s arms as he hugged me. "Don't worry, I understand."

His embrace felt like a warm hug from an older brother, and I felt a rush of affection flooding through my body. I couldn't help but feel comforted and protected in his embrace.

"There's nothing to be worried about, I promise," I mumbled softly, trying to reassure him.

Jimin smiled as he hugged me tightly, his strong arms holding me closely. I could feel his warmth radiating through his embrace, and I couldn’t help but feel a surge of brotherly affection for him.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was watching us from a distance, a smirk on his face. His smug smirk was unnerving, and I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. 

As the members filed out of the apartment, my heart felt like it was in my throat. I closed the door behind them and leaned against it for a moment, trying to catch my breath.

I didn't wait a second and quickly ran to my room. I looked inside the closet and he was still asleep, should I make him sleep on bed? That's more comfortable. 

I struggled a bit as I lifted him up and set him down on the bed. His body was heavier than I expected and I had to try my best to carry his weight while also being as gentle and careful as possible.

Once I had him in a comfortable sleeping position on the bed, I took a deep breath and relaxed a little. He looked so peaceful and comfortable. I smiled unknowingly. 

"After all the chaos just happened, I need ice cream" I mumbled and went down stairs in the kitchen.

I stepped into the kitchen, feeling my heart ease up a bit as I entered the calm space. The faint scent of vanilla permeated the air, and the soft glow of the cabinets gave off a pleasant atmosphere. 

I walked over to the freezer and opened it up, peering inside for the flavours of ice cream available. I felt my mood lighten a little as I saw the wide selections available.

The wide selection of ice cream offerings made me feel like a kid in a candy store, and I couldn't help but feel giddy and enthusiastic as I looked them over. There were flavors to make anyone's mouth water: chocolate chip cookie dough, mint chocolate chip, cookie and cream, vanilla bean, strawberry, mango, and a variety of other tasty combinations.

I took my time examining each of the ice cream offerings, carefully deciding which one to pick out.

I eventually settled on a classic combination of chocolate and vanilla, and after taking the tub out of the freezer, I set it down on the kitchen counter and opened it up.

I took out my spoon and dipped it into the cold, creamy texture of the ice cream. The soft scoop felt heavenly as it glided off the spoon, offering a delightful blend of sweet and salty flavours. I took a delicate few bites of it and savoured the taste, relishing in the smooth, rich texture.

After taking a few bites of it, I decided to sit down at the kitchen table, feeling satisfied and content. I could already feel the effects of the ice cream calming my nerves and soothing my frazzled mind.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. My heart skipped a beat as I knew who it was—Taehyung.

“I always wondered if you ate ice cream as slowly and sensually as you did everything else.”  His eyes never left mine as he stepped closer. I didn't say anything, just kept aside. “You're awake”

“I was all awake the moment jungkook and you had your little conversation” I gulped as I thought he was sleeping.

 “When you know I  don't like you being around the other guys, still you dare to be a bad girl?” He says while trapping me between his arms. I thought to be bold and immediately encircled my arms around his neck. 

“Sometimes I wanna be bad girl just so you angry fuck me”


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!! 

Well hehe how it ended is quite you know lol but remember I'm innocent. 

Little spoiler ~

"Spread your legs,"

Lmao 😂

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