FATE'S GAME | | BTS FF (18+)

By ishifictions

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We all need to accept our fate More



371 47 141
By ishifictions



I don't understand what goes wrong and all of a sudden that moody man starts acting all cold back again? I finally thought he is getting comfortable around me or maybe start seeing me as a friend but look at him avoiding me and also he was the one who told me to address him as tae but now again he's back with that stupid term sunbaenim.

Anyways I don't have time for someone who takes me as nothing. Does he think I'm a door with which he can do whatever he wants? One day he'll open it softly and then the next second he'll close it with a thud. I'm so disappointed this time . He doesn't  even realize his actions hurts me so much.

Ishita come back on your track and read the script for the show, you're supposed to interview Felix tomorrow, also Miss Sneha doesn't like mistakes. Putting my focus on the papers I was holding, I shrugged off all the thoughts about that khadoos aadmi (grumpy man) .

I raised my head when I heard knock on my door , Jin oppa standing at the door frame with his hands tugged inside his pockets smiles at me. " Can I come in? " With a laugh I nod and he crawled on the bed. "Do you have show tomorrow? " Turning the pages of the questions which I'm supposed to ask in the interview,I hummed in response to him. " I'm coming with you! " Keeping the papers aside I faced him. "There's no need oppa I'll be fine besides Manager Sam is going to be with me. " He shook his head.

"I'm coming with you that's it. " That's so weird of him, why would he wa---wait a mischievous grin appears on my face and he looks at me with raised brows. "Why are you looking at me like that? " Ignoring his words I finally asked. "Do you like manager Sam? " His eyes widened . "WHAT? NO!!! " Looking at his reaction I don't think  he's lying .

"But you do like someone. " 
I'm sure otherwise why would he want to come with me where he doesn't even have any work? "You're just over thinking everything, I'm coming to support my little sister. " Rolling my eyes I picked up the script cause I know he's hiding it .


Finally we're at the set of car show. I immediately bowed when I saw Felix, he smiles and bowed as well . "Start with the telecast" We heard our grumpy producer. I have never seen a grumpy woman like her. She's so much like a robotic person always checking time on her watch and doesn't waste a second on anything. My shoot is about four hours so there's no way it'll cross even a second that's how mechanically this woman works. Anyways I don't wanna get scolded.

I took the driver's seat and wearing my seatbelt checked on Felix and he was all set as well. Seeing the thumbs up from camera man igniting the engine finally I started with the interview. "Hey Felix it's so good to have you as guest on this show " The man gives his angelic smile and even waved at the camera, some fangirls are definitely going to die out there.

Thinking of fan girl, it's been a while I talked to my friends, when did my life got so much hectic? "So Felix do you know me? " The man shook his head being embarrassed but that should be me who should be embarassed. "I'm really sorry but I don't. " The Australian accent damn! "Anyways can't blame you but I'm actually Ishita from India " His eyes widened. "I could tell you're not from Korea but then to not sound rude I didn't ask. "

That's so sweet of him. The talk show continued and finally we were near to its end . "So let's end this drive with one last question, So how is like being idol? Is it easy job? How do you manage things? " He nods and takes time to think.

" I can't say everything is easy. Like whenever I'm learning something new . " I nod and he continues, " I find it really hard at the start and always this thought crosses in my head, ah why am I so slow? Why is it so hard for me to learn? "He looks at me for a moment and then continued. " Honestly I've accepted myself as a slow learner because I'm cautious and I want to get things done correctly the way I wanted to , I just need to do things my way but through my pace, you know what I mean? " I nod totally understanding his words. His words might look so simple to everyone but they don't know deep meaning it has behind it, there are lot of people who instead of try again and again they simply give up but if things take time be patient surely you'll get the desired results.

"I can tell you're really patient person Felix. " He smiles, the sunlight falling on him makes his freckles shine. Beautiful!!



Last time if I admired someone so much it must be me, myself but today I can't move my gaze away from this woman. I wonder how her smile must be? She's really a lot serious about her work which is a good trait but little fun is no harm. Taking deep breath I finally decided to step into lioness den.

I mean how long I'm gonna just sit and admire her? Man up seokjin and ask her for coffee. I quickly marched to her when I saw her collecting her stuff.
"Hey " My voice came out really low, where is the confidence I was so proud of while ago? "Do you need something? " Yes I do and it's you, how much I wish to say this to her in front of her face but little steps are better for every relationship to build up.

"You've been working so hard, how about I treat you to coffee?" She looks up and meeting her serious gaze almost made me gulp. "I really appreciate your offer Mr Kim but I'm busy. " With that she walked away leaving me dumbfounded. Did she just rejected the offer of coffee from world wide handsome Jin? Like for real?

"Oppa what are you thinking so deeply? " I heard Ishita, who is looking at me with confused face . I shook my head. "It's nothing. " She nods and then I noticed her manager is along with her as well. "Do you want to grab something to eat on the way? " She quickly nods with a wide grin. Food is something she can't resist, I guess all the maknae of group didn't get food in their previous life so at present they have a black hole inside.


Today I had a appointment to visit my physiotherapist, honestly I never kept track of my appointments but ever since I got to know Jyo is going to be my physiotherapist, this just makes me excited.

It's been quite few years since I moved to Seoul from Daegu and we lost touch. But now I'm finally gonna catch up about everything. But again is she still dating him? What if she's already ma-married? The man who never stutters but this woman made me stutter even in my head.

Knocking at the door I looked at her from the small glass window on the gate, she nods and I stepped inside her cabin. "From what I heard you never come to your sessions on time but what a miracle to see you on perfect timing this time? " I chuckled and didn't say anything. "What made this change Mr Min Yoongi? " You happened ,the only answer to my unspoken words is you.

"Don't tease me just start with the therapy " She scoffs. "Sure sir " I frowned. "Hey you can call me Yoongi or maybe your favorite nickname yoongles" She nods, why do I feel like something is wrong? Last time too she acted weird. She isn't someone so silent but a lot talkative but here I'm the one who's starting conversation.

She won't tell me just right away I guess I need to pay hospital bribe to increase my sessions with her. This is the only way I can meet her often and find out about the reason behind that silence .


I was working out in gym not really but glancing back at these two from the mirror more . Jungkook training her for vocals by running her on treadmill. It helps to stabilize vocals. He really wants her to be successful artist. In the evening we have vocal round between the members, I have noticed her practising day and night, she deserves to win and I hope she does.

Picking up my hand towel and water bottle I walked out of the gym, you need to start distancing yourself taehyung. Don't even look at her but admiring her secretly isn't wrong, it has no harm.


The evening is here and all the teams are gathered already excited for the battle. They actually got same song and were given specific parts to sing. So it's kind of like group singing maybe to check group vocal stability as well.

Company does that to check whose vocals outshines and then they decide the main vocalist., for now Ishita and Seyeon are considered as visuals in the group. Yera is the rapper and whilst they all are main dancers, well agree on the point of them all being main as they really dance well.

Ishita looks nervous I can clearly see it, she always scratches tips of her nails when she's anxious or trying to hold herself she always does that. I want to go and support her but I can't. All of a sudden she smiled and looking in the direction she's looking at I saw jungkook standing there with a banner.

You can do this, believe yourself.

Sighing I focused on my phone I don't know if I'll look at them, my heart won't be able to take it.

Manager Sam took the stage to start the competition. "Good evening everyone, I hope you all are doing well, without further discussion let's start with the task we all are actually gathered for. " We clapped and 1..2...3 performance begins.

It's actually old song from girl group girl generation. They all are doing fabulous but it all depends on the public voting, and for that Ishita is quite favorite of all. Well her smile is enough to steal millions of heart.

Performance came to an end and now we were waiting for the public votes to be analysed. And after a minute the screen shows a name which I knew it's gonna be her "Once again we got her as winner ,Ishita!! how does it feel? " She smiles . "It feels good but for me I guess we all are winners as the vocals of my members were outstanding."

Everyone started clapping and when my gaze went to jungkook he wasn't even clapping but admiring her without blinking. He had a smile on his face, a very wide smile which was full of adoration and proud.

I was better in denial, this feeling hurts God, I didn't even get to confess and now I can never .


It felt like I'm on circle of round of events in my life and we're back to days of ignorance and cold hearted behavior. Once again everyone congratulated me but the person I actually want to be appreciated from is not even meeting his eyes with me.

What went wrong all of a sudden?

I kept  my hair pin on the desk and massaged my head a little, not really feeling anything good but stressed about everything. Opening the door to take out hair oil my gaze stopped at the letter, it's been a while I received them .

Congratulations on your win! I am so proud of you , you worked really hard and you deserve it. So never try to hide that happiness or suppress it just because you feel like your group members gonna feel bad. No! In a group we all appreciate each other's achievements.

Unknowingly tears dwelled up in my eyes, only if you knew how my members are then you wouldn't be saying this. I don't know if this letter gave me comfort or pain? I feel weird, I think I should just distract myself, dishes! let's do dishes Ishita.

Walking to the kitchen I started doing the dishes to take off my mind from certain things which includes a big KIM TAEHYUNG as the main character, his behavior is bothering me so much.. Girl no thoughts, don't do it, you need to throw this stress.

Finishing off with dishes I moved to cleaning the kitchen counter then to the living room's centre table along with Dusting off the couches. All of  a sudden I felt a grip on wrist and in a fraction of second someone pulled me into hug .

"If something is stressing you then come and talk to me, engaging yourself in work won't give you comfort but just a distraction for a while. " But your words surely did jungkook. I didn't even knew I needed this hug. Without saying a word I just hugged him feeling the warmth I was in need so much.

Separating from the hug, he gave me his beautiful smile and wiped off my tears, "What's wrong? You should be actually happy after winning. " Now what excuse do I give to him? "Nothing just umm it's nothing I was just overwhelmed. " He chuckles and ruffled my hair which I guess he loves to do that cause he never misses a chance.


After washing dishes one more time I was finished with the work, well dinner was still pending when I did dishes before but anyways washing some before just helped me make the task easy.

We were all gathered in the living room, busy in mobile phones. "This rhyme is so cute" I heard Niki and he starts playing it. Looks like a kindergarten poem.

I was about to focus on my phone but my gaze went to him and I noticed him zoning out, all of a sudden he stood up and walked outside. Should I check on him? But what if he actually wants to be alone? "Okay kids just sleep now, we need to practice for our last performance, the finale is already near " Jin oppa says while picking up his diary and phone. Everyone nodded to him. "Hey let's go " I heard jungkook. "I'll come in few minutes, you go and sleep. " He nods and walked away.


Stepping out of the house with two cups of hot chocolate I saw him sitting outside with his head hung low. Today he's not looking at the moon. "Moon looks pretty" Hearing me he raised his head but my eyes widened when I saw tears in them. But pointing out them would make things awkward or maybe he'll run away from conversation.

"It's cold out today right? " I say while placing the cup on the table, "It's not that cold to have two cups of hot chocolate" I smiled finally hearing him speak to me. "I think you're right. " With that I brought the cup in front of him , for a second he stared at it but then finally took it. Picking up my cup I sipped onto my hot chocolate. "I don't know if you feel comfortable to talk to me but I'm a good listener. " Maybe he'll open up.

There was few minutes of silence, both of us didn't say anything.

"The song that Niki played , my g-grandma used to sing a lot to me " One thing I know for sure is his love for his grandmother. He must be missing her a lot. Looking up at the sky I say "Do you see that brightest star? " He raised his head and hummed. "She's there looking down at the star she raised " He turned his head to face me and found me already looking at him.

"Do you think I'm a star? " He asks, "Well everyone thinks you're a star. " He shook his head and once again repeat his words. "I'm asking do you think I'm a star? " Now who's gonna tell him that you're a whole galaxy to me. It just takes a second for me to look into those orbs and I see my whole world. Only if you could hear the words screaming inside my heart while thinking about you, you would know how much I adore you.

"Of course in everyone's eyes you're a star " He sighed. "Not everyone but tell me about you."I gave him a smile " Yeah I do think you're a star " A faint smile appears on him.


"If I'm star to you can you be moon to my scars? " I unknowingly said and looking at her reaction realization hits me. "Huh? " How can you be so careless? I shook my head and stood up to leave "It's nothing " She nods still looking at me with questioning gaze. I know she wants me to sit here and talk but I don't think that's a good call.

"Thanks for the hot chocolate, you're good at it " She nods with a smile and took another sip from her cup. Her words actually comforted me but I don't want to get attached to this forbidden comfort, this warmth is for someone else not me.

I walked away and finally decided to drift into slumber, knowing very well I'm not gonna get any sleep but still laying down at least gives rest to the muscles. Coming inside my gaze landed at the blanket,  I should give this to her otherwise she'll be sick sitting out there , the breeze is cold tonight.

I guess it was a bad idea the moment I stepped out I saw her giggling with jungkook, both of them sitting together with one blanket around them. I clutched on the blanket when I saw him taking the sip from the same cup as her and she isn't saying anything to him?

Turning I walked inside, throwing the blanket away, I pulled covers on myself to sleep.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Vote and comment 💗


He swirls my body and within fraction of second pulls me closer to him, trailing his fingers over my hands he places a kiss on my exposed back. My eyes widened but to maintain professionalism I need to act all okay. What's going on inside his head? What if anyone notice it on camera?

Maintaining my poker face I continued to focus on my steps but looks like this man has death wish today. He pulled me really closer to him almost making our nose tips touch each other's. I can feel our breathing getting mixed together.

Lifting his hand he trails his finger on my face which wasn't the part of our choreo, his eyes looks so intimidating right now.
"What the hell are you doing jungkook? " I whispered yelled at him but  he just took my hand  and kissed the back of it. My whole body is reacting because of his touch but this performance is literally airing and he's the member of Bangtan doesn't he know eagle eyes of army? They won't leave me or maybe also him after seeing these actions of him. I don't want to be the reason he gets hate .

"What am I doing? " I'm getting pissed seeing that smirk but I don't know what I'm angry about is that smirk or the effect it has on me?

Well to me this promo is exciting, do tell your opinion!!

I was just checking dark mode yesterday but just look at this. This looks so pretty right?

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