You Do Not Kill Asmodeus. Now...

By TheValkyrie13

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In the world so greedy and so corrupt and where the weak dies and the strong lives to take what is there's, h... More

Asmodeus Character Information:
Prologue: We Bring Hell To These Abandoned World
Chapter 1: A Demon Lord's Awakening & Displacement
Author's Note: Explanation - The Evil Virtue of Asmodeus
Chapter 2: A Demon Lord Is In a WHAT?
Chapter 3: Asmodeus, the Demon Emperor of Tartarus
Chapter 4: Asmodeus, the Noble Demon
Chapter 5: The Ice General vs The Demon Emperor
🍋Chapter 6: Esdeath's Fall to Demonic Temptation
Chapter 7: The Number of Death - 13
Chapter 8: Death to the Capital
Chapter 9: Death of Night Raid
Thirteenth Character Information:
Chapter 10: The Mission of Death
Chapter 11: Demon Emperor and Death Incarnate
Chapter 12: Let Death Bring Eternal Damnation
Chapter 13: A Tour in the Rotten Empire
Chapter 14: The Equalizer of Death
Chapter 15: The Executioner's Horrifying Meeting With Death Itself
Chapter 16: A Slave of Death's Awakening
Chapter 17: Kali's Induction and the Meaning of Death
Chapter 18: Kali's Training and Meeting the Blindness of Justice
Chapter 19: Seryu's Journey of Self Reflection... IN HELL!
Chapter 20: Seryu's Acceptance of Revengeance
🍋Chapter 21: The Humiliation of Redemption
Chapter 22: The Vengeance in Possession & Symbiosis
Chapter 23: The Eyes of the God-Machine
🌶 Chapter 24: The Rescue from the Bloody Aristocratic Humiliation
Chapter 25: The Massacre of the Bloody Aristocrats
🍋Omake 1: Akame's Horrifying Humiliation & Pleasure with a Demon
Chapter 26: No Control for the Strongest
Chapter 27: The Wild Hunter Has Become the Weak Hunted
Omake 2: Meet the True Demon
🍋Chapter 28: The Deal & the New Relationship
Omake 3: The Invasion of Judgemental Apocalypse
Chapter 29: What Lovely Show of Strength
🍋Chapter 30: A Spear's Strong Attraction
Chapter 31: The General from Hell
🍋Chapter 32: Leone's Kidnapping and Torture
🍋Chapter 33: Leone's Acceptance and Threesome
Chapter 34: Replacement in Command and Training with Death
Chapter 35: Asmodeus' Reminiscent of his Past in YGGDRASIL
Zariel Character Information:
Dispater Character Information:
Dispater (The Iron City of Dis) Character Information:
Mammon Character Information:
Belial and Fierna Character Information:
Levistus Character Information:
Glasya Character Information:
Baalzebul Character Information:
Mephistopheles Character Information:
Chapter 36: The Yellow King's Inquisitive Pursuit
Chapter 37: The Hellish Horrors of War
Chapter 38: The Fallen Children Against the Five Bands
Omake 4: Zank and the Murder Room
Chapter 39: The Dark Haunter Strikes Again
🍋Chapter 40: A Lion's Share of the Fun
Chapter 41: The Demon Emperor's Champion
Chapter 42: The Champion of Hell vs Death Itself
Chapter 43: The Jaegers and the Seven Virtuous Champions
Chapter 44: The Sharing of Demonic Love
Chapter 45: A Hell Champion's Infiltration
Chapter 46: The Necessity of the Virtuous Champions
Chapter 47: The Lord of Dust's Inclusion
Chapter 48: The Supreme Lord's Next Plan
Chapter 49: The Hell Champion's Return
Chapter 50: The Awakening and the Preparation
Chapter 51: Dr. Stylish's Undignified Demise
Chapter 52: Death vs Extinction
Chapter 53: The God of Storm is Approaching
Omake 5: The Fatality of the Three Beasts

Omake 6: The Cost of An Alliance

161 6 0
By TheValkyrie13

Just want to make these Omake first because it's funny, okay? Anyway, let's get right in to these chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Akame ga Kill and Overlord (2012). They belong to their respective owners.



Scurrying past through the forests, a team from the Revolutionary Army are attempting on a mission in assassinating a corrupt noble from the Empire.

While these usually reserved for Night Raid in their specialty at assassinating corrupt members of the Empire, they are busy right now so instead, it is up to them to finally put an end to these corrupt noble and kill him.

As the team then approached what appears to be a camp, one of them used her binoculars to scrutinize even further on what she is seeing.

She appears to be a young woman with flowing pink hair and wearing a white shirt with a sleeveless long coat while wearing a short skirt and shoes while also carrying a weapon that is described as looking like a katana in hand.

She then lowered her binoculars as she look behind and said, "Alright, you all. I am Captain Sienna of these rebel squad and although we usually send Night Raid to do these type of mission, they are busy so we'll be the ones that will kill these scumbag and let them go to hell for all he deserves. You guys remember the plan. You, Faith?

Faith appears to be a young woman with long and messy brunette hair and wearing a uniform consisting of a long sleeved white shirt and long skirt while wearing black boots and carrying a rifle that she is carrying behind her.

"Yes, Captain..." Faith said with a nod as she grabbed her rifle and said, "I'll aim my rifle and assassinate the close command of the noble himself, thereby making sure that the whole mansion will be in full on panic as their morale plummet down below as well as forcing the noble into the open."

"Good job, Faith..." Sienna said with a nod before looking at another member and said, "And you, Isobel?"

Isobel appears to be another girl with long brunette hair, wearing a white dress and a black and yellow jacket while carrying a sword with an axe hand on the tip of it.

"Yes, Captain..." Isobel said, nodding as she then explain, "I have already rigged many traps around the mansion and if they ever escape, they will surely die from whatever I traps I have created and planted around the compound itself. I shall leave no survivors."

"Good, Isobel..." Sienna said before looking to another member and said, "And you, Willow?"

Willow appears to be another girl with long silver hair and an outfit such a leather black shirt to a cape to wearing a short blue skirt and knee high socks while also carrying dual pistols in hand.

"Already done, Captain..." Willow said to Sienna as she started to explain, "I have already poisoned the good supply and all guards and even our target will go delirious as they will be easy prey." She explained while twirling her pistols in hand.

"Good job, Willow..." Sienna thanked Willow before finally looking at the last member of her squadron.

Which she felt rather unnerved about, however, as she said, "Uh... What's your name again?"

The last member of their squadron is... out of place, actually, appearing to be a huge, muscular, heavily armoured knight with spikes, demonic horns and glowing red eyes while wielding two glowing axes on both his strong hands.

"I am Razuvious, Hell Knight of the Tartarus Empire, the Blades of Horror, the Bringer of Eternal Damnation and the Master of Gore, shall see to it that all sinners shall know only the pain and suffering as I shall burn their bodies, eat their flesh and tear their soul apart as I shall devour them in a never ending absolution of their suffering forever..." Razuvious introduced himself in his very deep and demonic voice.

"Uhm... can we like take..." Faith said nervously, "Take a five minute break, please?"

"You know, Faith? That's a great plan. I think I had the food for all of you guys. Uh... Ra-ra-razuvious..." Sienna said, trying to say names right, "Do you want something?"

"Do you serve the gore of the sinners prepared?" Razuvious said, still in his deep and dangerous voice.

"I have... uh... can meat balls count?" Sienna said, offering such a choice.

"..... That will suffice." Razuvious said before walking away, getting his break.

With Razuvious out of sight, the girls are then decided to discuss the 'elephant in the room'.

"Okay, can someone please tell me who the hell is he? What even is he, anyway?" Sienna said, sounding a little scared about a demonic towering knight that had been with them.

"Yeah, I think command had made an alliance with someone lately. Didn't think about it too much since if it means winning against the Empire, then that's good, I guess..." Isobel said, nodding before realizing something, "Now, that I think about it, I didn't actually realized we had that in our team. Go figure."

"Why didn't anyone tell me about Ra... Ra... Ra..." Sienna forgot how his name pronounced before sighing in defeat and said, "Whatever his name is."

"Don't look at us. I thought you invited him to our team. I don't even know why you don't realize that Razuvious is with us. I mean, look at him. Isn't he that wholly obvious, right now?" Willow said to her Captain.

"I was focusing on something, alright? Not my fault that I didn't seen the obvious when I'm busy." Sienna said, once again sighing in frustration.

"So, what now, Captain? Should we follow the plan?" Faith said as she readied her rifle in hand.

Before Sienna could respond, Razuvious finally comes to them, his foot stomping as he still wields his dual axes in hand and said, "Where are my meatballs?"

Before Sienna could answer, maybe came up with an excuse, Isobel beats her and said, "The asshole inside the mansion stole it."


And with that, Razuvious jump towards the mansion and the four girls watched as the Hell Knight singlehandedly invade the mansion, setting off a lot of explosions as the sounds of tortured and terrified screams ran amok.

Both Sienna, Faith, Isobel and Willow can only look at the carnage Razuvious had done as the mansion is going in flames as they saw numerous started flying out of the mansion itself.

"All that planning, for nothing." Sienna said in a sad and disappointed tone as Faith just pat her hand upon her back in assurance.

"At least my traps are put to good use. Nice spectacles, by the way." Isobel said as another explosion occurred.

"So..." Willow said in an unsure tone, "Mission success?"

She didn't get a response as everyone continue to watch Razuvious going all out against their target, leaving no mercy in his wake, all because he just wanted a meat ball.


Well, I guess here is the omake that you had to read about. My apologies but somebody here wants to do something seriously authentic and funny here.

Well, anyway...


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