This I Promise You

By midnight_readerscave

241K 14.4K 1.7K

"You can try all you want to make him love you, Anika but he will never love you. Because he has given his he... More

Character aesthetic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Please Read
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 48

2.6K 215 25
By midnight_readerscave

"Why can't you leave me the fuck alone?" I yelled into my phone as soon as I answered the call for the nth time this day. Why can't she take a fucking hint. I'm tired of her bullshit. Even after warning and blocking several numbers she is still contacting me.

"I told you already I can't. I know I made a mistake of not telling you about Neel but I was scared. Why can't you see it from my perspective for once." She pleaded. "I'm in danger Kartavya, why don't you understand. I'm not lying, Neel is threatening to kill me. Please I have no one else I could ask for. Please."

"How many times are you going to tell me the same old sob story and how many time should I tell you I don't give a fuck." I gritted. Fuck! Why can't she just disappear from my life.

"Is this because of her? Are you so blinded by her that you can't see how much you are hurting me and how my life is in danger? You are my whole world Kartavya and I can't bear that you are so cold and unfeeling towards my pain like this.." She cried. I closed my eyes in frustration. "Why can't we meet once only once and listen to what I have to say? I can even show you all his threatening texts. He said since I'm no use to him he is planning to kill me soon." Having enough of her bullshit I snapped.

"Should have thought that before getting involved with someone like Neel. You made your choices, and now you have to deal with the consequences. Don't drag me into your mess." I hissed.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and then she spoke with a shaky voice, "I know I messed up, Kartavya. But I'm scared and desperate. Please, just meet me once, hear me out, and then you can decide whether to help me or not. There is no one who can help me other than you, you are my last option from this hell." She sobbed.

I sighed heavily, feeling a mix of anger, frustration, and a tinge of sympathy. Despite everything, there was history between us. But I had to be firm. "Listen, I don't owe you anything. We're done, and you need to move on. Deal with your problems on your own. I can't fix this for you."

She started sobbing uncontrollably, her voice cracking as she said, "I never meant for things to turn out this way. Please, Kartavya, I promise I'll disappear from your life after this. I just need one chance to explain." Shaking my head I hung up the phone. I sighed and stared at my phone for a few moments before throwing it onto the bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Kartavya, stop sulking, your wife will be back tomorrow. You've been like this since the day you left her at her grandparents house. God, it's like watching a sad puppy who has been kicked." Maa teased, while the rest of my family laughed at my expense. I rolled my eyes. It was Sunday night and we were having dinner and Ani was away for two days . God knows how I survived these two days without her. Good thing she will be back tomorrow.

"I'm not sulking." I muttered concentrating on my food. Damn I got so used to her that a few days without her feels like eternity. Even though we talked on the phone and texted non stop but still I wanted her with me in front of my eyes, in my arms, I wanted to kiss her. I could easily go to her but I didn't want to interrupt her when she was with her family. I sighed.

"You sure are not." Bhai muttered with a stupid smirk on his face. I narrowed his eyes on him.

"We'll see how you will be when Bhabhi goes to her parents house in a few months." That wiped off his smirk instantly and it was my turn to smirk. Soon the conversation shifted to Bhabhi's pregnancy and her going to her parents house.


Monday's are fucking annoying, why is there so much work, I've been swamped with meeting all morning but the only god thing about today is that my wife will be back. I planned to pick her up from her workplace and have a nice dinner before we head back home. Maybe I can take her to a nice restaurant to have dinner or taker her to  the penthouse and cook her something like our first date or we could order pizza and watch her favourite movies. There are so many options–

Knock Knock.

"Come in." I called out. The door opened and a wary looking Mihir walked inside. He placed a few files on my desk and sat down opposite me. "What's wrong?" I asked. He sighed.

"Bhai as you said we investigated about Mahira and what she was telling. And Bhai she is telling the truth, he is threatening her and I don't understand why. Our PI Marshal followed them as per your instruction and they met at Mahira's house, he saw Neel physically assaulting her and he choked her until she lost consciousness." Mihir said with concern etched on his features as he passed me his iPad to look. "If he doesn't need her, why not just let her go. Why torture her like this?" I frowned, is that why she hasn't called me after that call yesterday. I thought she was done after I hung up on her yesterday evening.

My eyes widened at the scene. It was CCTV footage of Neel and Mahira in her garden. Neel was smacking her around pretty hard and pulling her hair as he yelled at her about something. Mahira just kept shaking her head he smacked her one more time and she fell on to the ground. He pulled her up and pinned her against a tree and started choking her, Mahira started struggling and after a few moments she lost consciousness and fell to the ground and hit her head. "Fuck! What the actual fuck is happening. Is she alright?"

"Yes I guess, She was admitted to the hospital by one of the servants in her home, she stayed the whole night and she was discharged this morning." He ran a hand down his face. "She had a busted lip, a whole lot of bruises and concussion from hitting her head when she fell."

"Where are her parents why didn't they call the cops or something."

"Bhai her parents are not home they are on a business trip." I ran hand down my face in frustration.

"Why is he doing this? Weren't they together just a few weeks ago? Didn't they like plot something against me not long ago? " I said, confused. "They were thick as thieves and out to destroy my business and marriage."

"Bhai as you said Neel thought he could get to you again like all those years ago with Mahira's help and when you clearly didn't he must know that you are over her and now she is no use to him so he takes out his frustration on her." I contemplated what Mihir said. It must be true because after the warning I gave her in Udaipur, he knew I'm over and couldn't get to me using her.

When I didn't say anything Mihir reclined in his chair, fixing his gaze on me. His eyes seemed to bore into mine, as if trying to read my thoughts. Finally, breaking the silence, I admitted, "I guess that is the reason."

He tilted his head, a curious expression on his face. I could tell he was analysing me, trying to gauge my intentions. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned, my brow furrowing slightly.

Mihir's next question was direct and probing, "What are you going to do, Bhai? Are you going to help her?"

I leaned back in my chair, a heavy sigh escaping me. The dilemma was real, and the decision wasn't an easy one. I contemplated my options, well aware of the kind of person Neel was. He was ruthless, a true monster who exploited others without remorse. Ani's revelations about his dark past only added to my conviction that Neel wouldn't spare anything or anyone to achieve his goals. Now, it seemed that Mahira was his latest target.

I looked at Mihir, my expression grave. "Neel is a bastard, there's no doubt about that. He's capable of anything. He uses people and then discards them once he's broken them," I began, my voice laced with frustration and concern.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Mahira is in danger. Neel won't stop until he's achieved his twisted satisfaction," I continued, my jaw clenched. "I can't let him destroy her life like he's done to so many others. "

Mihir's gaze never wavered, and I knew he was waiting for my decision. After a brief pause, I met his gaze firmly. "Maybe we could help her. Not directly but we can make things move faster with Neel, what do you say?" Mihir nodded deep in thought.

"Okay Bhai as you say." He said

"We have to plan this meticulously. I don't want any mistakes. I want him gone from our life forever. Most importantly I don't want him anywhere near Ani. If we take him down then he will automatically be gone from Mahira's life as well. On top of that she promised that if I help her she will leave us alone. So let's get rid of both of them once and for all."

"Are you sure Bhai? Do you want to get involved?" He voiced his concerns.

"Yes Mihir, I'm sure it is a known fact that I don't like Mahira and would do anything to keep her out of my life and moreover I just want her gone, not dead. And that will happen if we don't do anything about it. No one deserves to be treated that way." Mihir nodded understanding on his features. "Now did Marshall send information he found about Shreya?"

"He did Bhai, and he said he would come meet you tomorrow." I nodded and took the file he was passing me from his hand. As I skimmed through I read about all the important details about the assault. Rage burned through me as I kept reading and saw red. How can a person be such a cruel bastard and again why am I surprised this is Neel after all. I threw the file on my table and ran a hand down my face.

"Mihir, arrange a meeting for me."


"So we had to go to the Oberoi Resorts today to check everything out and you know who was present there?" Ani quipped as we were having dinner in one of her favourite restaurants. I raised my eyebrow and looked at her. "Neel." I know that, I also know that he did not approach her. Good for him if he did I would have broken his jaw. "You don't look surprised, so you know huh?" I shrugged.

She frowned and looked at me with worry etched on her face. "What's the matter? You've been so quiet since you picked me up." I reached across the table and interlaced her fingers with mine.

"Nothing is wrong, just thinking about work." I said lamely. She tilted her head, I know she can see through my bullshit from a mile away but she doesn't say anything and continues eating. She released her hand from mine and reached for her drink. "Ani." I called. She hummed, concentrating on her food. She places her drink on the table.

"I've told you this many times, if you don't want to tell me something just say so, you don't have to lie." She murmured, finally looking at me. I sighed. "It's okay you don't have to tell me everything but just don't lie. Tell me it's none of my concern and I will not talk about it again."

"Baby, I just don't want you to worry, it has nothing to do with me not wanting to tell you. I want to tell you everything but I just thought maybe I can handle it without burdening you." I tried to make her understand. I hate lying to her, I want to tell her everything.

"I can understand that Avy but I really don't like it when you lie. I want to help you, I want to be there for you and share whatever you are going through." She placed her hand on mine and squeezed. I nodded, I have to tell her if I'm going to help Mahira. She smiled and we had a nice time after that.


"I missed you so much." I murmured against Ani's neck as I slowly untied the sash of her robe. We were finally back home. Staying away from her was so hard. She leaned her head against me. She is just in her underwear beneath her robe. "Have I told you how hot you are and you take my breath away." I moved my hand up and cupped her breast. Her nipples pebbled as I ran my thumb on her nipple.

"You have but I wouldn't mind you telling me again." She gasped as I twisted her nipple. I skimmed my teeth against her neck sucking her skin until I knew there would be a mark. I turned her around and captured her lips in a bruising kiss. She wrapped her hands around my neck and stood on her tiptoes. I grunted at her sweet taste. However many times I kiss her it's always like the first time. I could kiss her forever and never get enough of her. We broke the kiss, both of us breathing hard.

She cupped my face with a serene smile on her face. "I missed you." I kissed her one more time running my lips along my jaw down to her neck. I sucked on her pulse making her moan out loud. I pushed the rob off her shoulders as she started unbuttoning my shirt. I lifted her and made her sit on her vanity as she wrapped her legs around my waist. She pushed my shirt off and ran her hand down my torso. I took her breast into my mouth and started sucking while kneading the other. Her little gasps and moans are driving me crazy. "Avy I want you." She whimpered.

I unbuckled my pants and pushed my trousers and boxer brief down and kicked them aside. I removed Ani's panties and threw them aside. "I love you." I kissed her and thrust into her in one go. She gasped which I captured in my mouth. I rolled my hips slowly pulling out and slammed back into her. She arched her back as her mouth hangs open. I pulled out until only my crown stayed inside her. "You feel so good baby. I'm completely obsessed with you."

Ani held me close as I continued thrusting into her. Her hips jerked with my every thrust responding to my each thrust. "Fuck, your so responsive." I murmured against her lips as I kissed and continued licking her along her collar bone. She trembled in my arms as she clenched against me.

"Avy I'm close. I'm going to cum." She panted, I moved my hand to her pussy and flicked her clit. Ani jerked, tightening her legs around my hips. I pinched her clit one more time as her orgasm washed over her while she moaned my name. My thrust turned harder faster almost animalistic with few final thrust. I emptied myself inside her. Ani placed her head on my chest which was beating fast. After staying a few for a few minutes like that I picked her up and walked towards our bed and laid her down as I crawled on top of her.

When I started kissing her breast she pulled me up to her and whispered. "I need a few seconds to catch my breath." I chuckled and kissed her nose.

As we laid in each other arms after I thoroughly fucked her and exhausted her. Ani was recounting what all she did the two days she was away from. Whenever she talked about her family her whole face lit up and there was a certain spark in her. I frowned while here I was going crazy she didn't even miss me. Is it even okay If I said I was jealous of her family. "What's the matter?" She asked when she noticed my expression.

"It looked like you didn't miss me at all." I huffed, not looking at her. She placed a hand on my cheek and turned my head to look at her looking at me with a teasing smile. When my scowl deepened she burst out laughing. Looking at her laugh, how can I be mad. I chuckled and pulled closer to me. "Stop laughing, how can you have so much fun with them anyway, your brother is not even that fun to be around." I said haughtily.

"Are you jealous of my brothers, Avy?" She's laughing at me. I rolled us around so she was under me.

"Yes, so what. I was so restless and miserable the whole weekend without you. I wanted to come there and take you away but then I didn't want to disturb your family time." I paused looking into her brown eyes which are almost black with desire. "Sometimes I feel like I want to kidnap and take you somewhere no one can distract you from me and I'm the only one who would have your attention." I dropped my forehead onto hers and closed my eyes. She placed her hand on my cheek and kissed me softly.

"You have my undivided attention Avy. Even though I was there physically, mentally I was here with you. I missed you every second I was away from you. I wasn't able to sleep in my own childhood bed. It felt empty without you. I am so used to sleeping in your arms that the bed felt so cold. You were never far away, always in the back of my mind wondering what you were doing. I wanted to call you so many times a day but didn't want to seem clingy so refrained from calling." I breathed out a revealed breath so I'm not the only one. She missed me just as much as I missed.

"Me too." I smiled at her, her expression mirroring mine. God I'm so glad she is back. We laid in comfortable silence basking in each other's presence.

"Avy." She called. I hummed, running my hand down her back. "Tell me what's bothering you?" She whispered hesitantly.

"It's about Mahira and Neel." She didn't look surprised as if she already knew it and waited patiently for me to continue. "Neel has been physically abusing Mahira since we returned from Udaipur. At first when she called asking me to meet her I thought she was just trying to get close to me but then She called me yesterday evening, she was sobbing and for some reason I asked Marshall my PI to investigate it." I paused and looked down at her to see her looking at me with a horrified expression. "She was telling the truth after all. After she ended the call Neel went to her house and he assaulted her. She had a concussion from the fall she took after he choked her." Ani gasped as she sat up.

"What is going on? Is she Okay? Didn't you tell me that she was still seeing him while we were in Udaipur and they were planning something against you."

"Yes she is okay." I sighed and sat up against the headboard. "I thought so too, but then again Neel is the kind of guy who only wants something or someone if they are of any use to him. Just like Mahira, she was useful to him till he could antagonise me. But since she doesn't affect me now he has no use of her so I guess he is done with her."

"But Avy if he is done with her why can't he just let her go."

"Even after knowing what he did to Shreya you still ask that question baby." The light in her eyes dimmed when she heard her friend's name. I caressed her cheek. "It's okay, come here." I embraced her in my arms. "Don't worry Ani, he is going to pay for what he did to her and others. When I'm done with him there won't be anything left of him. He will rot in hell."

"So how are you planning to help Mahira?"

"I'm not specifically helping her, per say. I will just fasten my process of taking care of Neel, if he is out of the picture she is safe and It will help her but I don't want to have any contact with her."

"Just be careful Avy, he is an evil person and would do anything to get what he wants."

"I will, I will. Don't worry." She nodded, kissing my jaw.


Hey guys,

How are you guys? 

What do you think of Mahira?

What about Neel?

Hope you enjoy reading.

Let me know what you think of this Chapter.


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