This I Promise You

By midnight_readerscave

241K 14.4K 1.7K

"You can try all you want to make him love you, Anika but he will never love you. Because he has given his he... More

Character aesthetic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Please Read
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 39

3.8K 261 41
By midnight_readerscave

Throughout the entire ride home Avy was silent. He held my hand caressing it with his thumb, but he was looking out of the window deep in his thoughts. I was confused about what happened in just a few seconds. "Avy, is everything alright?" He turned towards me and smiled.

"Yeah everything's fine baby."

"Then why are you so silent?" I asked, concerned. He leaned towards me, kissed my forehead and lingered there for a few minutes. He moved back and looked into my eyes. There was something in his that I couldn't pinpoint.

"There is nothing you need to worry about." He smiled and pulled me closer to his body. "Don't fret everything is okay." I sighed and nodded. Soon we reached the palace.

As we entered the living room Dadi and Maa were already standing there talking about something. As they heard our footsteps they turned towards us. "Oh you guys are back, we were waiting for you guys." Maa smiled. "How was your day?"

"It was good Maa." I grinned at her and looked at Avy, he had a sweet smile on his face. She placed her palm on my cheek and caressed.

"I'm so glad you had a good day. Now go and get ready, I'll send your dress to your room." I nodded and we made our way to our room.

I was finishing up my makeup when Avy walked into the room. I stopped what I was doing and turned to look at him. He looked so handsome in his pink and white sherwani. He smirked when he saw me and stood leaning against the closet door. I can't take my eyes off him. If Avy in suits is irresistible then Avy in traditional clothes will always top everything and anything. I gulped looking at the perfect specimen, I feel lucky that I get to call him my husband. "Take a picture baby, It will last longer." I snapped back from my thoughts and looked at him. I blushed as I got caught ogling at him.

I turned around and continued to do my make up which was hard. My hands started shaking as I could feel his burning gaze on my midriff. I gasped when I felt his chest on my back. I didn't even notice him coming to me. I didn't look up at him. I don't know why I'm feeling shy all of a sudden. I could feel my face getting hot. "Look at me." He rasped in my ear. His voice became deeper and huskier. I raised my head slowly and looked at him in the mirror.

"Why are you feeling shy?" He removed the loose strands from my face. I bit my lip and shook my head. "Then why aren't you looking into my eyes?" I shrugged as he moved my hair to one side. "Continue what you were doing." He commanded placing wet kisses in the column of my neck. I gasped when he sucked a particular spot. "Don't stop." He warned.

"Avy." I breathed. "We are going to be late, if you don't stop." He continued without listening to me. My breathing laboured. "Avy please." I whimpered. He stopped and looked at me with a satisfied smirk on his face. I raised an eyebrow at him. He shook his head and caressed my hair while running his hands on my neck.

"So what's my prize since you know we are matching and you challenged me to match with you, without knowing what you are going to wear." He murmured while continuing his assault on my neck.


"Seems like you have forgotten, baby. Remember you asked me to match with you. And look, we are matching." That's when I remembered I asked him to try and guess the colour of my dress and match with me.

"Oh, yes I remembered." I smiled sheepishly at him.

"So, what's the prize for me?" He caressed my arm and entwined our fingers together and brought them to his lips and kissed my hand.

"What do you want?" I whispered. He smirked.

"I will tell you when the time is right. Finish getting ready, I just have a phone call to make." He kissed my temple. I nodded and continued getting ready.

After I was done, I was looking at myself one last time in the mirror when I noticed something red on my neck upon closer inspection I knew it was hickey. He gave me a hickey again. I shook my head and took out my concealer and covered it.

"You done?" He walked into the room. I nodded and walked towards him. When he looked at me he cursed under his breath. "Do you have any idea how fucking beautiful you look." He caressed my hair. I smiled.

"Thank you. You don't look bad, yourself either." I stood on my toes and picked his lips. " Come on, let's go."

"Why did you cover the hickey?" He asked annoyed. "Everyone will be looking at what's mine and I don't like it." 

"You know I wasn't going to walk out with a hickey right?" I laughed at his expression. 

"I guess, come on." He sighed  as we walked hand in hand into the backyard where the ceremony was taking place. It was packed with people from both sides of the family. If this is the situation for just the Roka ceremony I can't imagine what it will be like during the wedding.

"Come on, I see Ekansh and Sachi over there." Avy pointed towards where they were standing.

We walked towards them, Ekansh and Sachi were talking to some other people and as soon as they saw us they excused themselves and started walking towards us. "Bhabhi, you look so pretty. I'm sure Kartavya Bhai is having a hard time keeping his hands to himself." Sachi teased with a playful smile.

"You look gorgeous Sachi." I gushed.

"Oh trust me, it is hard." Avy pulled me closer to him. I jabbed him in his stomach while Ekansh rolled his eyes. "What! Don't be jealous, Ekansh. If you had a wife like mine you would know." He smirked. Ekansh rolled his eyes again. "So what are so many people doing here? I thought only family was being invited to the Roka?" Avy asked.

"Oh you know just Chachi being her usual self she wants everyone to know her son is getting married." Ekansh murmured in a bored tone. "Come on, let's sit somewhere I'm not interested in small talk, people are starting to annoy me." We nodded and joined our family who were standing at the front. And soon the ceremony started

The ceremony was going without any hitch when Karthik walked in and stood beside us. Avy raised an eyebrow at him but he just smiled sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders. "Where were you?"

"I was sleeping and I just woke up." He rubbed his neck.

"Okay." He smiled at me and I nodded at him.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with that group?" Sachi questioned Karthik pointing at Bhabhi and Kavya who were glaring at Karthik.

He scowled at her when she raised her eyebrow at him, he sighed and looked at them. "I understood what we did was wrong and I apologised to Bhabhi and bhai in the morning." Sachi looked at him with a surprised expression. "What! Why are you looking at me like that? Yes I made a mistake, I realised and then apologised." Sachi sighed.

"Okay, good that you realised sooner. Come sit, why are you standing there?" She invited him to sit beside her. Soon the bride and groom exchange rings. They looked so in love and it was evident in their smiles and the way they looked at each other. Sachin kissed her forehead and looked into her eyes as if she was the only one and she hung up the moon and stars. I wanted that kind of unconditional love.

 Avy wrapped his arm around me while he was talking to Ekansh. I turned to look at him and suddenly I felt butterflies in my stomach, his smile lit up his whole face. I think something is wrong with my heart because it started beating at an abnormal rate. I knew I was falling for him, that too fast and hard and I don't know how to control it. I don't think I want to control it.

All I wanted to do these past two days was just look at him and his beautiful smile. I can't get enough of him. He is slowly becoming the most important person in my life. And that thought is crazy. I don't know if he feels the same or not. And I don't want to confess my feelings and make things awkward between us If he doesn't feel the same for me. I tightened my around his sighing. I looked away not waiting to get caught staring at him.

When I looked away I saw Komal Dadi andi Dadi looking at me with a knowing smile. I blushed realising I got caught swooning over my husband. I smiled at them while they just chuckled and continued whatever they were doing. I felt a hot breath on my ear. "I know you were looking at me, baby. Were you thinking about last night?" I gasped at his husky voice, my senses heightened with him being so close to me. Is this how it feels to be in love all consuming even the sound of their voice and their proximity makes you lose your senses.

"Avy." I whispered.

"Yes, baby." I looked at him and all I wanted to do was kiss those perfect pink lips. We were so lost in each other that everything around me faded and all I could see was him and his dazzling eyes. I could look into them forever and never get bored.

"Okay enough you guys, this not the place to eye fuck each other." I heard Sachi's teasing voice and pulled away from Avy and looked at her. Sachi, Ekansh, Mihir and Karthik were looking at us with similar smirks on their faces.

"You guys need to get a room. Don't traumatise us." Ekansh said dryly. I was blushing so hard oh god this the second time people caught me today. I chuckled nervously.

"Fuck off you all." Avy snapped. "Come let's get away from them, they are ruining my mood." He started walking away from them with me following him close behind. They all were hooting and whistling in our direction making everyone look at us. Oh god this is so embarrassing. Avy flipped them off and started pulling me into what looked like a pool house. As soon as the door shut behind us he pinned me against the door and pressed his lips against mine.

The kiss was urgent and demanding. He threaded his hands into my hair and angled my head. I pressed my body against his and held onto his taut shoulders standing on my tip toes. I kissed him with the same fervour as if this was our last day. Kissing him after realising that I love him is a lot different than before. This time feelings were involved which was making everything more intensified. I moved my hand to his face while he pulled me even closer to him by my waist. As the avalanche of emotions washed over me, we found solace in each other's embrace. Time lost all meaning as we held on tightly, as if afraid that this moment could slip away like a fleeting snowflake

"I have officially become addicted to you. Do you know how hard it was for me to sit there and not kiss you every few minutes? You look so fucking so beautiful." He breathed, breaking the kiss. Avy dropped his forehead on mine while I was still catching my breath. I licked my lips and controlled my breathing,

"I'm addicted to you too." I whispered.

"I can't seem to stop thinking about you. I can't look away from you. You are the first person that's come to my mind when I wake up. You're the last person I think about before going to sleep. You're always on my mind. I always want you with me." He confessed. My heart skipped a beat hearing him confess. His eyes held so many emotions that it was difficult to grasp which one to understand first.

"You look surprised, baby." He chuckled. Ofcourse I am, yes I know he liked me as much I liked him but I never thought his feelings ran this deeper. He kissed My forehead and hugged me tight, burying his face in my neck.

"Avy what's the matter?" He nuzzled my neck but remained silent. I brought my hand up and ran it in his hair. I didn't force him to speak. I know he will tell me when he is ready. He kissed my neck and pulled back.

"You mean so much to me that you have no idea." He sighed and started fixing my hair.

"You mean a lot to me too, you have no idea." I repeated his words, because he does. I don't think I felt a connection this deep with anyone else. I want him by my side all the time. Is it even possible to feel so much for a person in such a short time. I don't know but I like whatever is happening between us. "We have to go out." I reminded him. He sighed nodding.


Roka was successful. Everyone was happy, especially Sachin's mothers she was over the moon that her son is finally getting married. After the kiss Avy and I made out for a bit more and returned to where everyone was seated. After we returned the teasing became relentless. They would not stop even when Komal Dadi scolded them. Avy warned them too but they didn't stop. I guess that's what happens when you go off in the middle of a family event to make out.

It was 9pm when I was just returning from giving the jewellery to Maa, that she told me to bring. I was scrolling through my phone when someone called my name. I stopped frowning when I saw Mahira was standing at the balcony door which was in the middle separating our side from Maa and Paa side of rooms.

"I want to talk to you about something. Can we please talk?" My first instinct told me to tell her no and go back to my room where Avy was waiting for me. But since I'm a curious woman I went to talk to her. We both walked to the balcony and stood facing each other not talking. She was not talking, just staring at me. Having enough of the awkward silence. I broke it.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" I questioned.

"You're wasting time with him. He is not gonna love you. He is just pretending and He was always a person of morals so he is doing right by you." I sighed, why didn't this surprise me? I guessed she would talk some nonsense again. But Instead of stopping her I just let her continue. "You're going to be heart broken. When he comes back to me I know for sure he is going to leave you for me. It's just a matter of time. He will never completely accept you he is just doing his duty since you were forced upon him."

I rolled my eyes at her. Again with 'you were forced on him thing' when will they learn. I should have known she would come talk shit to me one day. But I didn't think that day would be today. Oh whatever, never too early or too late to show a bitch her place. "Mahira, I know perseverance is good and all but this is becoming unhealthy. You are living in some deluded world where everything is dandy. But this is reality, you have to accept it one way or another that he is mine. My husband, who wants nothing to do with you." Her face turned red as she started breathing hard. "And do you really think he was someone who could be forced?"

"You are the one who is living in a deluded world. Just because he is taking your side and doing all the right things doesn't mean he will truly ever want you. He will only love me and no one else." Her voice raised slightly.

"Mahira, I don't know who is giving you all these false hopes but they need to stop. Because this is not healthy. You need to accept the fact that you left him and what you had with him has been finished for two years now. I can understand you cannot accept that he has someone else in his life but that's the truth and the faster you accept it the faster you will heal and move on with your life. You may even find someone who will love you." I spoke calmly. "If you continue this path you are doing nothing but self destructing yourself."

"You just wait and see, he will leave you and come back to me. And then I will show you what Mahira can do."

"Oh but I have no intention of ever letting him go. I guess you have to grow old waiting for him to come back to you." I smirked.

"You-you, I will remember this." She hissed.

"Good night Mahira. I hope you get back to reality soon and find some self respect." I walked away from her without turning back. I don't get who gives her such confidence for all this bullshit and encourages her to still go after Avy. I hope that someone is not Bhabhi or Kavya because I'm losing my patience with them. As much I want to have a relationship with them and forget everything once they realise their mistake and apologise. I have no doubt I will cut them out of my life if they ever crossed the boundary and did something that will put my relationship with Avy in jeopardy. They will know the consequences of messing with me. 


Hey guys,

I'm back, I know this was supposed be updated yesterday but I was busy and wasn't able to upload so I decided to upload  now. Sorry wasn't able to keep my promise. Hope enjoy reading.

let me know what you think of this chapter.

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