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By ihatemetabolism

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Author: weaving acridine Latest: Chapter 118 Extra Story Chinese name:《重回天灾囤货忙》织吖 In 2030, a torrential rain... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (1)
Chapter 19 (2) -20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (1)
Chapter 22 (2), 24
Chapter 22 (3) , 27
Chapter 22 (4)
Chapter 22 (5)
Chapter 22 (6)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (1)
Chapter 35 (2)
Chapter 36 (1)
Chapter 36 (2)
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 (1)
Chapter 42 (2)
Chapter 43 (1)
Chapter 43 (2)
Chapter 44 (1)
Chapter 44 (2)
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (1)
Chapter 49 (2)
Chapter 50 (1)
Chapter 50 (2)
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 (1)
Chapter 56 (2)
Chapter 57 (1)
Chapter 57 (2)
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63 (1)
Chapter 63 (2)
Chapter 64 (1)
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 (1)
Chapter 70 (1)
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76 (1)
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118

Chapter 51

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By ihatemetabolism


Returning to natural disasters and stockpiling


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 51

    When Father Yu came out, Yu Yuetong was eating.

    "Yueyue is back." A trace of embarrassment flashed across Yu's father's face, but he quickly covered it up with a forced calm.

    "Yeah." Yu Yuetong saw Aunt Yu coming out behind Father Yu with red and swollen eyes, and greeted him politely, "Auntie is here!" There was

    a large bowl of instant noodles in front of Yu Yuetong, tomato soup base with enoki mushroom and fat Beef slices, instant noodles and three slices of cheese, although she had already eaten at noon, she thought she could eat some more!

    Yu Yuetong ate seriously, and greeted Aunt Yu casually, but Father Yu didn't say that she was rude.

    Aunt Yu barely raised her head: "Sister-in-law, Ziyang is still waiting for me to go home and cook, so I will leave first." Aunt Yu's son is still in

    high school, and he started to go to class normally before the water was drained, and was delayed by the heavy rain. For a long time, there is naturally no such thing as winter vacation.

    It's just that high school students now have canteen subsidies, and those who can't go home to eat will not go home to eat. Aunt Yu's excuse can be said to be very clumsy.

    But no one broke.

    Yu Yuetong ate the deluxe version of instant noodles. Every mouthful of noodles was wrapped in thick sweet and sour sauce, as well as shredded cheese.

    A mouthful of noodles, followed by a big mouthful of meaty and tender beef, the mood is heavenly!

    After Aunt Yu left, Father Yu seemed to have something to say to Yu Yuetong, but Yu Yuetong didn't have that thoughtful thought.

    "An'an, Kangkang, go and get the car! Start working!"

    During the time when Yu Yuetong was not at home, the crops at home were well taken care of, but without the [hypnosis] cheating method, the output and results were not as good as before. exaggerate.

    But even so, there is still a lot to gain.

    Yu Yuetong is going to start with fruit, but now it is not suitable for fruit trees to bloom and bear fruit.

    It was minus ten degrees outside, and in order to save electricity, the heating temperature was turned on at twenty degrees.

    The temperature is not too warm, but you can get by with long sleeves and trousers.

    "Don't plant it anymore?" Yu's mother touched the trunk of the apple tree with some distress, and the rough bark left a very deep touch on her fingertips.

    "We should also give some time to rest and prune the branches so that we can grow more fruits next year." This

    year, the apples at home have yielded very good results, and they have produced more than 100 kilograms of fruit in half a year.

    Outdoors, it is not an exaggeration for an eight-year-old apple tree to bear 100 kilograms of fruit, but the old saplings bought by Yu Yuetong were overhauled and cut to fit them into the house.

    Although the "flower pot" is a "super-large" flower bed made of cement and waterproof layer, its depth and width are still limited.

    Yu Yuetong picked all the apples from the tree and asked Kang Kangla to put them in the kitchen.

    Most of the fruits in the past were stored in the refrigerator to keep fresh, but Yu Yuetong felt that there were already a lot of apples in the refrigerator, and it would be better to enrich the taste of the picked ones now with different patterns.

    "Let's tentatively decide on apple rings, apple crisps, apple pies, and dried apples."

    Yu Yuetong really likes diced apple crisps mixed with yogurt. Teeth enjoy it.

    The three apple trees picked a total of 80 catties of apples.

    Two kinds of crisp apples, one kind of floured apples, crisp apples are used to make apple crisps, dried apples and apple rings, and floured apples are used to make apple pies.

    However, before processing the apples, Yu Yuetong directly cut the crown of the apple tree that occupied several square ceilings, leaving only the trunk.

    Mother Yu looked so distressed: "Yueyue, can I survive next year like this?!"

    Apples are a good thing, and Mother Yu likes all the crops that can be produced continuously at home.

    She loves to eat apples, and there are always fruits hanging on the canopy. Mother Yu doesn't even open the refrigerator door, and picks the fruits directly. After picking, the sweet fruits are so delicious!

    "You can live, don't worry." Yu Yuetong did it on purpose, and the reason why the three apple trees kept bearing fruit was because she hypnotized her many times.

    The variation of plants in the outside world relies on the constant struggle against bad weather, and their tenacious vitality gives them the power to mutate and evolve. It is a choice of desperation.

    These plants in the Yu family have always enjoyed the best treatment, water, light, fertilizer, and mental hypnosis. Plants are more difficult to mutate than animals, but easier to mutate than humans.

    Yu Yuetong was worried that they would mutate, and reducing their vitality was the best choice.

    After the vitality is reduced, the good conditions are not reduced. Without the harsh environment, the fertilizer and water will only act on the restoration of vitality and results.

    "Yueyue, do you think there are any plants that can mutate in the direction of more yield and sweeter fruit?" Mama Yu knew the "supernatural power". Looking at the few beloved apple trees, she asked in a rather whimsical way.

    Mama Yu's idea can't be wrong. The direction of artificial cultivation has always been to cultivate high yield, good taste, high sweetness, and a more perfect sweet-sour ratio.

    The plan to increase the yield of mutated plants was a major national project from the beginning. Decades ago, hybrid rice solved the food crisis in country Z. Who can say that mutated plants are not the new "hybrid rice"?

    Countless agronomists and supernatural beings are researching day and night, and countless people are looking forward to the emergence of great mutant plants that can change the status quo.

    But until Yu Yuetong committed suicide, the mutated plants that could solve the food crisis were still not successfully researched.

    Yu Yuetong can probably guess one thing, after plants mutate, they have thoughts.

    Want to survive, want to become stronger!

    It is these that make them mutate, and these thoughts are also strengthened after mutating.

    It's like a girl who studied hard in an extremely harsh environment and finally got admitted to a prestigious university and is about to start a new life.

    Then you said to her, for the future of mankind, please give me a hundred treasures per child, and three children in two years, okay?

    It's not bad if the other party doesn't slap you to death!

    Not only do mutated plants not want to mutate with higher yields and better taste, on the contrary, they hardly bear fruit after mutating. Even lettuce, a vegetable that can be used all over the body, will become hard and unpalatable in order to protect itself.

    It's like eating a bitter and astringent dishcloth.

    No, to be precise, it was like eating a rag that was chewed repeatedly and found that it couldn't be chewed, so it was spit out.

    After getting used to the crunchy, fragrant and juicy lettuce, Yu Yuetong felt a little nauseous recalling the taste of the mutated greens.

    How on earth had she endured it before? !

    "Mom, don't think so much, just rely on luck!" Anyway, Yu Yuetong was determined not to let these plants mutate.

    "Yueyue, what should I do with these branches? Do you want to give them to the neighbors in the community?"

    The three trees cut out a lot of branches, and they piled up to form a hill.

    Yu Yuetong shook her head: "Apple cuttings are not worth it, and it takes four years to bear fruit."

    Yu's mother looked at these branches with some regret: "These can only be used as firewood     .


, Yu Yuetong suddenly remembered: "Mom, I remember that the second uncle's father-in-law contracted a mountain to grow oranges?"

    Yu's mother: "It's not one mountain, but three mountains, two mountains are oranges, and bayberry. A few years ago, I just planted a mountain of red bayberry, and I can see that it will bear fruit next year, but I didn't expect, oh..."

    The rain fell heavily, and all the fruit trees on the lower ground were drowned, but the higher ones were not spared. Although the rainy season lasts for one or two months, it is light rain. Such heavy rain has lasted for such a long time, and most of the tree roots have been soaked, and not many survive.     There are also animals fleeing for their lives and running up the mountain in a swarm. The bark of fruit trees is not as strong as that of wild ones. The fruit trees that were already struggling to survive were destroyed like this, and there were almost no fruit trees that could survive.     "Then what to do with the dead tree in their house?"     Yu's mother didn't quite understand why Yu Yuetong asked: "What else can I do with it, I can only dig it out and throw it away."     "Don't, don't throw it away!" Yu Yuetong said quickly, " Mom, contact your second uncle and tell us that we want it, and we will charge you one yuan per catty!" "     You have so much money that you have no place to spend it! Why do you buy those junk things?! They can't be used as furniture and can't be eaten. !"     Yu Yuetong looked at the income in the backstage of the live broadcast room, and although she never asked for a gift, there have always been local tyrants who are not short of money to give her gifts. Many people are not local rich, but in order to get familiar with each other, they will also give small gifts to them.     Yu Yuetong didn't know if she didn't look at it before, but now she took a look and found that there were more than 30 million!     Because it is an official live broadcast room, you only need to pay taxes to withdraw cash, and the money in Yu Yuetong's hands is not a lot.     With confidence, Yu Yuetong showed the proceeds from the backstage to Mama Yu, and said, "Buy it! Buy it and save it for firewood later." "     Although the power has been restored now, what about the future? We have a generator at home, but the electricity generated Confidential oil, what if the oil runs out?" Yu Yuetong still has a lot of oil in her space, but Yu's mother doesn't know it! Hearing what Yu Yuetong said, he panicked all of a sudden.     "That's the reason!" She looked at the fireplace that Yu Yuetong was planning to build. "Someday, ask your dad to change this fireplace from a decoration to a real one. Then if the electricity really cuts off, the whole family will be in danger." It won’t be cold to death.”     “However, one yuan per catty is still too expensive. Now the money is not waste paper, and it can still be of great use!”

    Mother Yu couldn't care less about the apple tree anymore, and hurried to make a phone call.

    There are many mountains and forests in Yucheng, and there are not many trees, but the trees on the mountains that were drowned by the water were recovered by the Forestry Bureau.

    The green trees on the road were also towed away by the environmental protection bureau after they died.

    Yu's mother thought this was quite normal before, but after Yu Yuetong said so, she turned around.

    It is still too much dependence on electricity.

    Once the air conditioner is turned on at home, I forget everything.

    Mama Yu made a few phone calls. During this time, her emotional intelligence has also improved. She didn't say that she wanted to collect trees, but said that the owner of the paper factory she knew wanted to buy wood, and the quality was not limited. Talk to her about this I happened to remember that my relatives had opened orchards, and the fertilizer and water would not flow into other people's fields. If this matter could be successfully matched, at least it would be to recover some losses for the other party.

    Uncle Yu's father-in-law was so happy that he couldn't hold his tongue from ear to ear, the family suffered a lot, let alone fifty cents a catty of rotten wood, if they asked for ten cents a catty, he would sell it!

    Yu's mother really couldn't bear to deceive her relatives: "His father-in-law, I think this is the case, you can save some, dry it and use it as firewood, and give the boss any more." "No, no, there are so many branches on the barren hills

    here Yes! Since the other party wants to make fruit paper towels, we don’t care if he is a gimmick or not, and we have to give it to the other party if they want it!”

    However, Uncle Yu’s father-in-law also had an idea in his heart. He knew a lot of people, and the land covered by many people was flooded , he is not greedy, harvesting fruit trees for 30 cents a catty, and giving his in-laws a little bit of money, he can earn more than 10 cents!

    Don't look at the numbers that sound small, but the trees are soaked in water and calm! Selling one car is enough for him to make a lot of money.

    But Yu Yuetong didn't bother to think about these things.

    Harvesting fruit trees is currently the cheapest and most cost-effective solution.

    It doesn't affect anything after the cedar trees are drowned. Naturally, the furniture company has a way to deal with it. The price is still not low.

    Does she have time to collect the messy bushes and tree trunks outside, but the orchard is different.

    A drowned tree cannot just be left to rot and mold, it must be dug out by the roots, otherwise it will affect the subsequent planting.

    Ready wood! Buying these woods is very cost-effective for Yu Yuetong, whether it is for burning or making puppet accessories. After all, it costs fifty cents a catty, and it's cheap to remove the water.

    Although the current money can still be used, it is worthless to buy other things.

    There are a lot of things in the house, Yu Yuetong asked the puppy to pull the branches to the living room where there is nothing else, so that it can be dried in the shade.

    And she was going to wash her hands and pick up the apples.

    "Dad, you made this all?" As soon as he entered the kitchen, Yu Yuetong found that all the apples that An Anla had brought had been cleaned and quickly cored them out.

    Sliced ​​slices, diced diced, neatly arranged in pots and pots.

    "How is it? My knife skills are not bad!" Father Yu looked proud with his back straightened.

    "It's okay." Yu Yuetong was quite satisfied when he saw that he had something to do, "Then you can stop by and deal with the branches in the living room. The leaves are rolled down and chopped into compost, the small branches are broken off and dried in the shade, and the big ones are tied up. Split vertically and speed up drying in the shade."

    "Okay, I'll pack up the apple cores and go." Now that supplies are tight, the apple cores that Yu's father made are not to mention clean, and almost no meat can be forgotten under the blade.

    There is a large pulverizer at home, which is specially used to crush these peels and leaves for composting.

    Apple cores like this are used to make enzymes, and the leaves of apple trees are used to mix soil to seal and decompose.

    Apple crisp and apple rings are easy to make.

    Apple crisp is simply diced apples laid out on a baking sheet and put in the oven.

    Apple rings are made by using a corer to remove the core and cut them into several pieces. They naturally form a donut-like shape, and they can be dried in a dryer.

    Dried apples and apple pies will be more troublesome.

    The dried apples made by Yu Yuetong are similar to dried sweet potatoes. They are steamed three times and baked three times. The dried apples look like honey on the outside and have some toughness when bitten, but the inside is soft and sweet that will "explode pulp".

    Apple pie is the apple pie at West Point. In addition to apples, it also needs flour, butter and milk.

    Yu Yuetong first steamed the apples divided into eight, and then started kneading the noodles.

    Mama Yu came to help after the phone call, and the dozens of catties of apples quickly became food reserves under the busy schedule.

    Apple pie is the most troublesome and complicated, but it takes the least time. After the oven is turned on, the fragrance of apples is almost transformed into substance with the heat, and it drills into the nose wave after wave, not to mention how delicious it is.

    Yu Yuetong immediately cut one, picked up a portion and tasted a million mouthfuls first. The outer skin is crispy, and the apple sandwich inside is soft and sweet. The sourness neutralizes the sweetness, refreshing and not greasy!

    Yu Yuetong put a portion on Yu's mother's mouth: "Mom, it's delicious, as expected of me! Try it!" "

    How can you praise yourself so much!" Yu's mother took a bite, and immediately said, "It's delicious As expected of my daughter!"


    Pulling apples and branches again, the two puppies, who had put in so much effort, were going to die from the smell, and they squatted obediently without ordering them. Fart. Ass is honest, but jiojio is so eager that he stomps on the ground non-stop.

    "Okay, okay, this is a reward for the puppies who are also working hard today!"

    Yu Yuetong took out the sugar-free and butter-free apple pie from the lower layer, and cut it in half, one for each dog.

    "It's very hot, isn't it? Then An Ankangkang goes to deliver something to his wife and grandfather first, okay? You can eat it when you come back!" The

    two puppies were a little reluctant to leave their beloved apple pie, but considering that Yu Yuetong always kept his promise, he would not For the sake of stealing their food, he still stood up.

    "Wow!" Need to increase the amount!

    "Okay, I'll add another apple wrapped with duck meat." Apples cut into finger thickness are wrapped with sliced ​​chicken and duck meat. It can be used as a snack and supplemented with crude fiber. It's great! Yu Yuetong naturally did not forget their part.

    Yu Yuetong doesn't like them to eat raw food. The duck wrapped with apples is baked in the oven for half an hour before the meat is dried. Although the meat and apples are not all crispy yet, they taste very fragrant.

    Seeing Yu Yuetong put the agreed snacks on the apple pie, the two puppies almost bounced around to do the task.

    "Wait back! I haven't brought the things yet!" Yu's mother took out their special small basket. The handle on it is convenient for the puppy to hold in his mouth, and then put the plate and apple pie on it.

    With more things in their mouths, the two puppies immediately became more stable and walked steadily.

    The two puppies are quite fond of this task of delivering food.

    Not only will Yu Yuetong give them "salary", but after sending them to the mission site, they will also be hugged and smacked a few times, and they will get new snacks in the praise of "good baby and good dog".

    Eat at both ends!

    Yu Yuetong wrapped all the apple pies in plastic wrap and put them in the space, and took them out whenever he wanted to eat them, which would save a lot of trouble.

    There are still a lot of fruit trees to be processed at home, but considering that it has taken a lot of time to process apples today, Yu Yuetong is going to use the vacated space after pruning the branches first.

    "Otherwise, the focus is on cucumbers, and these trees just serve as supports, allowing them to climb freely."

    Yu Yuetong thinks cucumbers are good, but the temperature is not suitable.

    People's resistance is cultivated. The end of the world is precarious. She can only guarantee the safety of her parents and family for a while. There is no portable space where people can grow and live. Yu Yuetong cannot let her family live in a greenhouse forever.

    So Yu Yuetong plans to gradually close down the greenhouse conditions at home.

    Man is a creature with very strong adaptability, as long as he is ruthless and resistant to cold and heat, he can be exercised!

    "Grow peas. Plant some peas, and some pea tips."

    It takes ninety days for green vegetables, but only a few days for pea tips to eat. The most important thing is to be able to harvest multiple crops. It is not a problem to cut seven or eight stubbles.

    During the previous rainstorm, the price of soy food was the highest.

    Beans are high-vegetable protein foods that can be eaten as meat or as vegetables.

    Add some water to soybeans and wait for a period of time to produce soybean sprouts; add water to red beans and wait for a period of time to produce soybean sprouts...

    soybeans, red beans and mung beans, these three kinds of beans are commonly eaten by families.

    There are also peas, but generally the ones that are eaten in the mouth are tender and tender fresh peas.

    Bean sprouts are vegetables, but if you really want to say it, it is not as good as pea tips.

    Pea tip not only has the multi-crop harvest of leeks, but also has the high nutrition of beans. Yu Yuetong pulled it from the drawer in the storage room, and the fifty catties of peas were almost gone.

    After all, when there was a shortage of vegetables in the neighborhood, the most popular item in Yu Yuetong's house was peas.

    "Oh, why is there only so much left?" Yu's family didn't worry about food, but after experiencing the rainstorm and waterlogging, the prices soared, and Yu's mother also suffered from a fear of insufficient supplies.

    "I have to grow more quickly. Her dad! Her dad! Are you alright? Hurry up, go and dig some more soil, our family has no soil for planting peas!

    " Buying soil, now that the water has receded, the soil has become a worthless thing that can be seen everywhere.

    Once things become worthless everywhere, no one will grab them. After the water receded, piles of sand were washed up all over the place. The property management company in the community closed down, and the owner had to discuss with himself to clean up the soil below. Now it was all piled up in the corner of the garden, and it was almost piled up into a mountain!

    The plants in the green belt of the community were all drowned without accident, and no one cleaned it at first. Later, someone started to grow vegetables below, which triggered a lot of people to turn the green belt into a vegetable garden, and it became clean today. Pure lush appearance.

    "Dig more to get up!" The elevator was the first to be repaired, but not many people use the elevator, and they are basically transporting furniture, building materials and various daily necessities.

    In the past, people used elevators to move large items, and they might be disgusted by others. Now every household uses elevators to move things, and everyone takes the stairs instead.

    Yu Yuetong already has a lot of experience in planting peas. Pour ten catties of peas into the water, scoop up the peas that float on top and cook them at night, and pick out the half-grained ones, the ones that are not full and the ones that don’t look good. Yes, the remaining ones are put aside, and then planted after the budding point emerges, which prevents the possibility of dead seeds rotting and moldy in the soil and contaminating other seeds.

    "Yueyue, go to rest, I'm here!" Yu's father brought the soil up, and then dug out a large iron pot from the utility room. The soil can't be used directly, and it needs to be fried after it is brought up.

    Does anyone know if there are viruses, bacteria and insect eggs in these soils? Although there are pesticides, physical heat is always the most effective.

    "Okay, then I'll go upstairs to see Shiwen Shiyu by the way."

    Zhou Shiwen's mother and son have lived here for a while, and Yu Yuetong didn't hear Yu's mother say that Uncle Yu came to make trouble, so presumably it didn't happen.

    "Cousin! Come and see! I have carried forward the great cause of the bamboo rat!"

    Zhou Shiyu was extremely excited when he saw Yu Yuetong, like a child who got a perfect score in the exam and wanted to show off, and dragged Yu Yuetong into the room.

    Zhou Shiwen and Zhou Shiyu didn't know bamboo rats, neither did Yu Yuetong. Zhou Yixuan recognized them from watching bamboo rat videos often.

    The Zhou Shiwen sisters were shocked and at a loss when they realized that more than half of the mice they raised were bamboo rats.

    But after only a moment of shock and confusion, the two children re-planned their future affairs.

    During the rat disaster, they killed many rats and stored them as dried meat. But they, like the vast majority, use it as an "insurance" that will never be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

    Eating rat meat is somewhat unimaginable for children who grew up in a peaceful era with abundant supplies.

    Rat breeding is just a bad idea to make yourself feel at ease in a desperate situation.

    When the accumulated water receded to the knee level, the school couldn't wait to announce the opening of the school year.

    As students, Zhou Shiwen and Zhou Shiyu are still good students, so naturally they don't know that knowledge is the reason to change their own destiny.

    Among the two options of mouse breeding and learning, only fools whose brains have been gnawed by mice will choose the former.

    But after finally raising the mouse, the two sisters were a little bit reluctant.

    The reason for the reluctance is also simple. The official has not closed the channel for the mouse to exchange supplies.

    When they were hesitating, they learned from Zhou Yixuan that more than half of the mice they raised were bamboo rats.

    These don't need to be too entangled and hesitant.

    Bamboo rats have been very popular in recent years, and their value has doubled. The most important thing is that they are not dirty!

    "Both of you go to school with peace of mind. Anyway, I can't find any job now, so leave these things to me!" Aunt Yu is going to raise all the little mice and send them to be exchanged for supplies. As for the bamboo rats, just take care of them keep!

    The little mice grow up fast, and now there are no more mice in the bathroom, only fat bamboo mice.

    The fertility of bamboo rats is not high. If they are kept well, they can only give birth to three or four litters a year, and the number of litters per litter is still small, ranging from 1 to 4. And he is also picky about his food. He does not eat meat or offal, but eats bamboo and ivory grass, vegetables and roots. He eats carefully and pickily.

    In order to reduce costs, and to raise these bamboo rats, the home of the mother and son has almost become a deep mountain!

    After seeing those bamboo rats, Yu Yuetong walked around their house again.

    Sweet potatoes are the most grown. After all, sweet potatoes are high-yielding. The tender sweet potato leaves can be eaten as vegetables, and the old sweet potato leaves and peeled off large skins are eaten by bamboo rats.

    Various vegetables were planted, and some ryegrass and bamboo were added.

    "I was afraid that the bamboo would be too strong, so I asked my uncle to help me make this tin box."

    The vitality of bamboo is indeed not to be underestimated. Yu Yuetong remembered that she had read a news before that the floor of the teachers' dormitory was broken by bamboo within a few days. ceiling.

    At that time, I watched it as a sand sculpture news, and I only thought it was interesting, but thinking of the mutated bamboo after the end of the world, Yu Yuetong's mood was not so good.

    Most of the growth of bamboo is to store energy underground. There is a sixth-grade mutant bamboo in Lincheng, which grows under the city center. No one has noticed it for several years, and its roots are all over Lincheng.

    Then, it only took a day for this sixth-level mutated bamboo to break through the ground, and the entire Lincheng was turned into a sea of ​​blood. Everyone was instantly pierced by the sharp bamboo, and they didn't even have the ability to resist.

    The supernatural being can resist it for a while, but only for a while. The ensuing exacerbated death pain made people collapse.

    Yu Yuetong couldn't help looking at that box of bamboo, and then his face changed.

    "Shiwen, take your sister and you. Mom out!"

    "What's wrong with cousin?" Zhou Shiwen didn't know what happened, but Yu Yuetong, as the person they trusted the most, obediently took her sister to look for the bamboo in the kitchen. The mother who cooks for the mice.

    Yu Yuetong called his boss Yan Annan: "Minister, I found a plant near my house that may soon mutate." The

    seriousness in Yan Annan's voice quickly turned into substance: "Are you sure?"

    Yu Yuetong conservatively Said: "Not very sure, but I think normal bamboo should not be able to penetrate the iron plate."

    Everything is expensive now, only scrap iron is cheap as hell.

    The iron plate Yu's father found was very thick, one centimeter thick. Such a thick iron plate, not to mention bamboo, even a crocodile would not be able to bite through it!

    Yan Annan said succinctly: "Evacuate the crowd, I will take people there immediately!"

    Although Yan Annan is the head of the Propaganda Department, the Propaganda Department actually consists of only two people, Yan Annan and Yu Yuetong.

    Yu Yuetong's only work related to "propaganda" is to expand the influence of the mental power training method, let alone Yan Annan, he is just a brick that needs to be moved.

    It's just that the current situation is still very peaceful. His powerful offensive ability has no effect, and he is currently working as a human-meat generator on the power grid to generate electricity!     Although he looks like a generator, but as one of the few second-level supernatural beings, he is also a highly aggressive supernatural being. Of course, he must lead the team to deal with mutant plants.     When it came to mutated plants, Yan Annan didn't dare to delay for a moment. He ordered two supernatural beings, one with water and one with electricity.     "What? Mutated plants! How could it be? This is only the first year of the end of the world? Is my memory wrong? Impossible! Even if my memory is wrong due to unstable technology, it is impossible for so many people to I remembered things wrong at the same time!"     The scientists of the Ability Research Institute were also shocked when they received the news.     "No, I have to see it with my own eyes!" From a scientist to a supernatural researcher, this is very difficult for the elderly with an average age of nearly 70, but it is very difficult for the scientists who are geniuses at any time. The transformation becomes fast.     Compared with those diehards abroad who said "Oh, don't make these jokes, how can there be supernatural powers in the world? If you want me to say that the end of science is theology", most of the scientists in country Z have ignored them. Sneering and sarcastic, he concentrated on studying supernatural powers, and concentrated on finding the last ray of life for human beings.     But what troubled them was that the ability appeared too short, and their memory was too little. Although they were "reborn" once, the experience of the previous life could not be brought back.

    What is more tragic than starting from scratch in the previous life is that they even have so few research objects.

    After all, supernatural beings appeared, but how precious are supernatural beings? How can those who can contribute to disaster relief still stay in the laboratory?

    Therefore, although the emergence of supernatural beings has been going on for a year, at present, supernatural scientists do not have any results that can be achieved.

    "This time, it might be a turning point!" The director of the Supernatural Research Institute said seriously, "This shows that the future is not fixed. Humans may not have won in the previous life, but as long as we work hard enough in this life, human beings will never lose." "

    The security team is ready, the sampling team is checking the instruments, everyone is moving! This is not bad news! This is just the starting point for human beings to take an important step!" After Yu Yuetong finished calling Yan Annan, the

    first Immediately contacted the relevant departments in Yucheng.

    It's just a "0" level plant that is about to mutate. If Yu Yuetong can't control it, she will really be laughed to death by [Ye Wang] who died in her hands.

    But on the surface, she is a first-level mid-level supernatural user, and she found out that the location is a residential building, so there must be a lot of procedures to go through.

    "What?! Gas leak?! It must be those damn rats!"

    "Hurry up! Don't get stuck here! Elderly and children with bad legs and feet take the elevator, adults don't make trouble, take the stairs, take the stairs, hurry up!"

    "Where is Yueyue? Shiwen, Yueyue, have you gone to see you?"

    "It's okay, I just called Yueyue, and she said that she has gone down and is waiting for us at the gate of the community!" "


    Noisy The voice came from outside, and after a while, when the outside became completely quiet, Yu Yuetong knew that the crowd had been evacuated.

    The fire department used the excuse of a gas pipe leak to evacuate the crowd. Not only the eleven buildings were emptied, but the entire community was also emptied.

    "How is the situation? Is the rate of mutation accelerating now?"

    Yan Annan brought people in, one of them was water, one was electricity, and the other was thunder, which looked very interesting.

    The abilities of electricity and thunder are a bit similar, but there are differences, but when combined with water, the power of all three can be more than doubled.

    Yu Yuetong could tell at a glance that the three of them were all from the army, and their cooperation and fighting strength were not bad.

    "I'm not sure, but my intuition tells me that it will only take a while." Yu Yuetong breathed a sigh of relief.

    "To be honest, my ability is more supportive, and I'm not even confident that I can control it." The

    existing intelligence related to the ability comes from the unknown "future".

    The above-mentioned attitude towards space has been "prophesied" is very vague, believe it, but not fully believe it.

    What if it is a black technology developed by scientists from other countries in the future to mislead them?

    Although there are those memories and spaces, the above pragmatic ideas are still realistic and ready to be dealt with with real experience.

    No, didn't the first discrepancy in the information appear? !

    According to future intelligence, the first ability appeared on animals.

    A vulture mutated, slaughtered hundreds of people, and evolved supernatural powers, becoming a disaster that terrified the whole world.

    "Yu Yuetong, you leave first." According to the information of "Future", most of the first-level mutated plants are very strong and have bloodthirsty characteristics. Once they mutate, they will strangle all living things around them.

    While talking, a white rhizome flew towards Yan Annan with soil.

    The author has something to say:

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