You Do Not Kill Asmodeus. Now...

By TheValkyrie13

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In the world so greedy and so corrupt and where the weak dies and the strong lives to take what is there's, h... More

Asmodeus Character Information:
Prologue: We Bring Hell To These Abandoned World
Chapter 1: A Demon Lord's Awakening & Displacement
Author's Note: Explanation - The Evil Virtue of Asmodeus
Chapter 2: A Demon Lord Is In a WHAT?
Chapter 3: Asmodeus, the Demon Emperor of Tartarus
Chapter 4: Asmodeus, the Noble Demon
Chapter 5: The Ice General vs The Demon Emperor
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 6: Esdeath's Fall to Demonic Temptation
Chapter 7: The Number of Death - 13
Chapter 8: Death to the Capital
Chapter 9: Death of Night Raid
Thirteenth Character Information:
Chapter 10: The Mission of Death
Chapter 11: Demon Emperor and Death Incarnate
Chapter 12: Let Death Bring Eternal Damnation
Chapter 13: A Tour in the Rotten Empire
Chapter 14: The Equalizer of Death
Chapter 15: The Executioner's Horrifying Meeting With Death Itself
Chapter 16: A Slave of Death's Awakening
Chapter 17: Kali's Induction and the Meaning of Death
Chapter 18: Kali's Training and Meeting the Blindness of Justice
Chapter 19: Seryu's Journey of Self Reflection... IN HELL!
Chapter 20: Seryu's Acceptance of Revengeance
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 21: The Humiliation of Redemption
Chapter 22: The Vengeance in Possession & Symbiosis
Chapter 23: The Eyes of the God-Machine
๐ŸŒถ Chapter 24: The Rescue from the Bloody Aristocratic Humiliation
Chapter 25: The Massacre of the Bloody Aristocrats
๐Ÿ‹Omake 1: Akame's Horrifying Humiliation & Pleasure with a Demon
Chapter 26: No Control for the Strongest
Chapter 27: The Wild Hunter Has Become the Weak Hunted
Omake 2: Meet the True Demon
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 28: The Deal & the New Relationship
Omake 3: The Invasion of Judgemental Apocalypse
Chapter 29: What Lovely Show of Strength
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 30: A Spear's Strong Attraction
Chapter 31: The General from Hell
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 32: Leone's Kidnapping and Torture
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 33: Leone's Acceptance and Threesome
Chapter 34: Replacement in Command and Training with Death
Chapter 35: Asmodeus' Reminiscent of his Past in YGGDRASIL
Zariel Character Information:
Dispater Character Information:
Dispater (The Iron City of Dis) Character Information:
Mammon Character Information:
Belial and Fierna Character Information:
Levistus Character Information:
Glasya Character Information:
Baalzebul Character Information:
Mephistopheles Character Information:
Chapter 36: The Yellow King's Inquisitive Pursuit
Chapter 37: The Hellish Horrors of War
Chapter 38: The Fallen Children Against the Five Bands
Omake 4: Zank and the Murder Room
Chapter 39: The Dark Haunter Strikes Again
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 40: A Lion's Share of the Fun
Chapter 42: The Champion of Hell vs Death Itself
Chapter 43: The Jaegers and the Seven Virtuous Champions
Chapter 44: The Sharing of Demonic Love
Chapter 45: A Hell Champion's Infiltration
Chapter 46: The Necessity of the Virtuous Champions
Chapter 47: The Lord of Dust's Inclusion
Chapter 48: The Supreme Lord's Next Plan
Chapter 49: The Hell Champion's Return
Chapter 50: The Awakening and the Preparation
Chapter 51: Dr. Stylish's Undignified Demise
Chapter 52: Death vs Extinction
Chapter 53: The God of Storm is Approaching
Omake 5: The Fatality of the Three Beasts
Omake 6: The Cost of An Alliance

Chapter 41: The Demon Emperor's Champion

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By TheValkyrie13

In this chapter, it is time to show off the main threat of both the Hierophant and the Kaiserliche Astartes and probably others as well and unlike when both Tatsumi and Bulat were all on a boat, these two are now at somewhere else and they will witness a battle that they will never experienced before.

Don't worry, though. Bulat will still survive thought not unscathed while Tatsumi, well I don't intend on leaving him becoming a still de-powered rookie so instead, if the title of the chapter are of any indication, Tatsumi will gained something much more.

Now, I know that I am basically giving special treatment to a protagonist of the anime and even giving him screen time despite the fact that he is a generic anime protagonist but the day when he inherit Tyrant from Bulat was the day he becomes a badass.

So, what if I intend on giving my idea to Tatsumi himself?

Quick question, though. Will Esdeath still love Tatsumi and when he gets into a tournament, is he willing to share her alongside Asmodeus?

For the most part, our main heroes are already proven to be capable of sin like killing, having sex and other stuff that are morally impure but despite this flaws, I don't exactly intend on caring of being heroic.

I already said that this is self-insert, power fantasy story where it is the author, which is me, escaping myself to reality to become this badass demonic magnificent bastard of a chad and this is just like Overlord (2012) where, let's be honest, you want to be in Ainz's shoes to be this uber powerful overlord who has many legions of loyal followers under his control, a lady that is as pretty as she is thirsty, right?

So, with that out of the way, let's get right in to the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Akame ga Kill and Overlord (2012). They belong to their respective owners.


Another day, another morning in the Empire as carriages are all driving towards their destination out of the Capital itself.

It looked to be a mansion and is much more grandstanding than a regular mansion that it could comes across as very well protected from any and all kinds of battles and wars with the building itself being safe from the aftermath.

Technically, that is nothing more than just a mere exaggeration but regardless....

Many people who all wearing their best outfits are all frolicking at the mansion as what can be described as a party had been done as they want to get inside to enjoy some kind of event in the mysterious mansion they were set upon.

As the crowd started to get close, gossips started to ran amok as they also started their discussion with each other.

"It is so good to finally be away from the Capital for a while. Getting away from those.... animals." One said with a shudder.

"Indeed. Honestly, the Empire is a lost cause if their rulers trust in that pig of a Prime Minister. The child is excusable but his parents. No excuses." One of them said with disappointment in his tone.

"And really, to think that our Empire has fallen to such a state of rampant corruption that it disgusts me. It is dangerous for my family to be there at all with those... criminals." One of them said in seething hatred at them.

"And who can we be protected by? The military is now at the backing of psychopaths and these Supreme Commander is nothing more than an unworthy and pathetic disappointment to the Empire. I mean, really. He expresses his hatred to the Empire's corruption and yet, didn't do anything about it. How such a boorish oaf like him becomes the strongest is beyond me." One of them said in an aghast tone.

"He is nothing more than a coward, that's what. We trusted him to do something about the Empire's problem and yet, all he can focus on is the Revolutionary Army because it is the greatest threat. Yeah, 'greatest threat' my ass." One of them said ruefully.

"If it weren't for Honest's connections or the fact one of us who doesn't sympathize with that pig get assassinated without warning, we wouldn't have done something about it. Which reminds me..." One of them said in a cautionary tone, "Are we truly safe here?"

The person one of the guests is speaking appears to be a woman of sort dressed in white with exposed upper body that showcase her well tone back, long white gloves with a decorative flowers, a mask of wings with a number of eyes looking around and of course, a very long black hair.

The woman wearing the multi-eyed mask showed off her fan as she covers her mouth and said, "I assure you, sir. The Hierophant's own estate is very well protected from any influence from the Prime Minister and the security are all top of the line. Just relax and enjoy your stay in The White Light Society."

"Yeah, I guess we should, huh?" He said in an unsure tone before saying, "I hope you are. I lost too many friends from either getting framed, executed or killed on the stop just because we don't owe our loyalty to the new regime. It sickens us that we would bow down to him like cowards, bringing shame to my family name."

"I understand, sir. Now, please enjoy yourself here. Let the stars be the only thing you can only think of." The woman said as she touched his forehead as the guest started to look dazed for a second.

"Why? Why would the stars.... I... I guess your right... I gotta stop building up the stress... Thank you, miss." The guest said as he returned to his remaining friends.

"It is always a pleasure, sir." The woman with a bow before she yelped as someone accidentally bump into her.

She looked to see a boy that is barely any older to be considered an adult with brunette hair and wearing the uniform of a butler outfit.

The boy shakes his head and looked at the woman in shock as he said, "Oh, uh, sorry. I didn't see you there. It is really crowded here."

"Oh, don't worry, young man." The woman assurance with a smile, "No harm done. It is pretty crowded for far too many guests being here. Do not worry, thought. If it is too hard, why don't you take a rest at the servants quarters."

"Thank you, miss..." The boy said, gladly to her, "Well, I better get going. Some chores to do, jobs like that." He said as he run off, probably doing his work.

The women then looked at the servant boy running as she then said, "Strange. Have I charmed that boy before?"

Meanwhile, with the 'servant' boy....

Tatsumi had been busy tugging on his bow tie as his sweat dropped in his head about the ongoing nature of his new mission.

To recap, Night Raid had gained a new mission and that is to eliminate the one who had made the Empire stronger and more difficult in the Revolutionary Army's attempt at resisting against its tyrannical corrupt rule and obvious connection to the Prime Minister Honest himself, the Hierophant.

A mysterious figure who's identity is hidden beneath their golden mask and heavily concealing robes, the Hierophant is one of the most enigmatic figure that Night Raid had given scarcely any information of at all.

Only that there wasn't any story or history behind the Hierophant or any attempts to dig more into whatever background in regards to the mysterious masked being.

All they know is that the Hierophant is responsible for not only the creation of the Kaiserliche Astartes but the introduction of other units of the Empire that has their name starts with 'Kaiserliche' especially the recent find of the Militarum, another form of super soldiers that are clearly more advanced and much disciplined than the regular soldiers of the Empire with highly technological weaponry as well.

And now, the mission was thought to finally end the Kaiserliche units of the Empire for good by eliminating the 'head' and while it won't be a permanent answer, it would still be a fruitful answer nonetheless.

And all they had to do was to infiltrate an event in a mansion located a little farther from the Capital where there is an event that is happening.

And the recruit is more or less frowning and sigh as he is forced to become a servant of the event ahead, even preparing to being treated like trash by some spoiled, arrogant, uppity, elitist, aristocratic nobles in the party.

Although, contrary to what he is expecting and his difficulty with the uniform aside-

'I'm honestly surprised that the people here act so.... nice?' Tatsumi thought in disbelief at the nobles he is interacting with in the party.

He expected some form of heinous acts of entertainment, a sick sense of debauchery or something so horrible that Tatsumi had prepared himself to restrain his emotion for whatever cruelty the nobles would be participating in.

And the training from Akame and the less said about the training with Mine by being an indentured servant to her, the better, would have prepared him for the situation at hand, even being told by Leone of all people to calm himself down and not suffer the same mistakes as she would do if she would enter the mission...

Tatsumi admits that all that training and pep talk was all for nothing as the guests are all... normal, perhaps?

Tatsumi watched as the guests are just doing their own business by talking to each other and laughing together and enjoying the dinner at the table.

They also show how polite they are to their servants as well and every last one of them all look so... so... human.

The fact that Tatsumi heard them expressing their disappointment, anger, sadness and criticism on the Empire, primarily in regards to the government's rampant corruption and tyrannical regime just showcase all of that and so much more.

Honestly, Tatsumi could admit that it was a breathe of fresh air from how many nobles they have killed who are all blatantly evil to the point of being mentally unwell, degenerate, scumbags or something like that.

It is really surprising, really.

"Yeah, me too, Tatsumi. Me too."

Tatsumi heard a voice and while he look around in confusion, he felt a tap on his shoulder and look to the side and, while he cannot see him, he does notice a reflection of a bulky silhouette in front of him.

The new recruit knows who these figure is.

"Yeah, me too, big bro. I mean, I kind of expected something awful when getting to this party, even prepared for something really disturbing like getting a lot of kids that are underage to the hall and mutilating them or making them eat their feces just for entertainment's sake." Tatsumi said with a shudder.

If he isn't invisible, he could barely want to gag at what Tatsumi describe, "Where did you even get that idea?"

"No reason. Just something that someone would be sick enough to create it and even more sick if someone would want to watch it." Tatsumi said with a shudder again, "But really, though, this nobles here seemed.... nice... and normal... and actually human or something... especially when they talk about something..."

"Indeed, Tatsumi. I would say that you shouldn't judge a book by their cover first since in regards towards Aria and her family. No offense." Bulat said in an apologetic tone.

Tatsumi just waved his hands that he isn't.

"But I think I know these people here and I know these people since during my days as a soldier." Bulat said fondly, "You see, Tatsumi. There are other nobles that aren't in league with what the Empire had become or even appreciate the new rules made the Prime Minister and had once been against him from the start that they want him killed, legal issues be damned."

Tatsumi listened to Bulat's explanation with awe and wonder before the Incursio user started to sigh.

"Unfortunately, Honest is far more connected than any of us had ever known and those that aren't in league with him, not appreciate him, respecting him, liking him or even sympathise with him and his views were all killed, tortured, publicly executed and murdered with both of them and their families as well on the spot and the complaints had pretty much died down since then." Bulat explained as Tatsumi looked in absolute horror at what he had just heard.

"But if that is the case, then why are they here? What is our target even doing to them?" Tatsumi had a horrifying realization and said, "What if this is all a trap and-"

"I don't know, Tatsumi but remember the mission, understand?" Bulat said in assurance to him.

Tatsumi started to calm down and said, "Right, right. Let's do this."

"Servants, servants, where is my drink? I have been waiting in this table for what felt like a day here." A pompous sounding voice is heard as one of the guests is making a ruckus.

Realizing that Tatsumi is still carrying the tray with the drink in tow, he then hurriedly get to the guest as he said, "Here is your drink, sir. My apologies."

"Apologies not accepted." The guest said rudely with a scoff, "You should be honoured to serve one such as I. An esteemed privilege member of society to your betters. Now then, off you trot for you servants to do the bidding of one such as us."

"Yes sir." Tatsumi said with a strained smile, gritted teeth and twitching eyebrow as he walked off away from the pompous rude guest.

As he is out of sight, Tatsumi then looked at Bulat again and said, "'Nice Nobles', huh?" He said sarcastically.

"Well, he must be a minority, right?" Bulat said in a placated tone.

As he frown at this, Tatsumi then heard what the pompous guest is speaking about, discussing something like many other nobles in the party does it.

"So, as I was saying-"

"We get it, already like a thousand times. You had having your authority being usurped by those nobles who are in league with the Prime Minister. Give us a break already."

"Nobles? Them? Don't make me laugh. Their criminals, I tell you. Criminals. Tell me, what kind of a self-respecting aristocrat of the proud Empire would act like animals. One who knows only to inflict pain and suffering and not upholding the perfects tenets of being a true noble and ruining our great Empire from the inside and out?" The pompous guest explained as Tatsumi is leaning closer to the gossip.

'This oughta be interesting.' Tatsumi thought on the whole story and exposition ahead.

"I tell you this. Honest and his ilk are nothing more than prisoners of the criminally insane and the degenerate mind of horrid upheaval. Surely you all know of the Empire's most infamous prison, correct?" The pompous guest asked.

"Prison? More like a sewer? The Shunning Grounds as it was called. A place to where it imprisoned the worst of the worst of humanity has to offer in the Empire and cut off from the contact with the surface itself. I noticed." One of the guests described it.

"Exactly. It is a place for the worst criminals imaginable to be sent there. One who are insane, cruel, psychopathic and a disgusting excuses of humanity would sent there and it would be pretty obvious that Honest had come from there as well." The pompous guest stated.

"Isn't he just as much a noble as well? I mean, he does have the privilege of it all."

"If he is, Honest has failed to show merit in being noble and likewise had gained the help from the prisoners of the Shunning Grounds and gave them everything in exchange for their help. It is an indisputable fact, I tell you. Fact." The pompous guest said in finality.

Tatsumi had heard what the guest had explained and for one, he likewise agree on the pompous guest had said.

"Bulat-" Tatsumi said to him.

"I know, Tatsumi. I can hear him. And-" Bulat seemed to look doubtful and said, "I don't know. First time I heard about this. Maybe the Boss knows."

Tatsumi then continued to listen to the pompous guest as he continued his gossip again.

"I tried to get help from the Supreme Commander of the Empire, Budo in the investigation of the Empire's overall corruption. Yet, that oaf had the gall to dismiss me because he is focusing more on the 'threat' of the Revolutionary Army first. Bah..." The pompous guest said in disgust, "How did that pitiful oaf of a man, one who gained the rank of a Supreme Commander and yet showed absolute buffoonery and incompetence is beyond me. I swear, he is a disgrace to his rank, his station and his authority as he is a disgrace to being a Supreme Commander. In fact, I believe that his incompetence could be responsible for the corruption of the Empire because he didn't do a background check on Honest first. Oh, such an end to the Empire if it is being led by fools." The pompous guest said his speech as he then grabbed another glass and drink it.

By then, Tatsumi had heard enough as he does his daily task to keep up appearance. And when he heard what that guest said, he does seemed to have a point.

"Hey, Bulat..." Tatsumi whispered to his still invisible partner, "Is there really a place called, the Shunning Grounds?" When he didn't get a response, Tatsumi turned right and he internally sigh with a fortune that he is still there. Thought, it begs the question why he didn't answer him, "Uh, Bulat. You okay?"

Bulat remain silent before he finally said, "I.... I rather not talk about it." He said in a sad tone.

Tatsumi looked confused at Bulat's tone when he mentioned the Shunning Grounds. Is there a connection between the two?

Before he could continue on his thoughts, someone had yelled something, "Presenting, the one who invited you all to these event of the lifetime, the Hierophant."

Someone had declared and as every guests, including Tatsumi and the still invisible Bulat, turned their sights on a large set of stairs, they finally saw him.

'The Hierophant!' Tatsumi thought, looking at his target, a figure dressed in white robes and face hidden beneath a golden mask with antlers on top of its head and carrying some sort of staff with a device in his hand.

Standing beside him, however, is a figure dressed in a leather coat and hood with his face hidden a white mask of a demon or something which Tatsumi noticed and raised his eyebrow in confusion.

Unknown to Tatsumi, he is the Equalizer, the one that matched Night Raid's necromancer in power and is a Life Elemental, thought again, it is unknown to Tatsumi.

The Hierophant then slowly walked down the stairs as he began his speech, "Greetings, guests from all walks of life, I thank you all for coming to this reclusive event." He said in such an affable and grandfather-like tone.

As the Hierophant continues to walk down the stairs, Tatsumi can almost sensed something from the figure in the golden deer-horned mask.

The sense of something....




Almost as if the Hierophant is a thing beyond human that it is pure, like as if there is no sense of malice or corruption to it. Just complete and utter purity without any flaw and perfection made incarnate.

And ironically, this made Tatsumi feel unnerved about their new mysterious target.

"It is of great honour that you all escaped from confines of the Empire's ongoing sense of corruption and fall from greatness to depravity. Your invitation will not be a regretful mistake for in this event I had created..." The Hierophant then spread his arms apart and said, "It is to those who truly deserved what is best for the best, untouched by the pettiness and treachery of the primitive, the superstitious, the chaos and the evilness of not only the Empire but also the world. This event, this party, is a great honour and all of you deserved to have fun. So, have fun then." The Hierophant said with a bow as every guest are shown to clap from the figure's speech as they all were charmed by him.

Up until one had raised his hands up high which is noticed by the Hierophant and said, "Yes, sir. What is it?"

The raised hand in question is the pompous guest as he said, "This is all good and that is all but what exactly is your game here, Mr. Hierophant, right? What makes you think that we would actually trust our lives to someone that is obviously an ally to the reprehensible Prime Minister Honest? I mean, what makes you-"

The pompous guest stopped his speech when the Hierophant had just appeared before him, inches close to said guest as the pompous noble shut his mouth at the feeling of a foreboding aura coming from the Hierophant.

The Hierophant continue to stand like a statue and look at him with his golden mask of a face before he finally said, "I'm sorry, sir but who are you again?"

The guest just look around nervously before saying, "Well, I-" He was interrupted when he was pushed away, much to everybody's surprise as he flies and crashing onto a table, spilling out the food on the floor as the guest groan in pain.

"Let me tell you something, sir..." The Hierophant said, walking closer to the pompous guest, "I do not care about who you are and I do not care of your standing amongst society. You have been invited on these prestigious event and yet, you dare to insult it's host with such audacity. If it were up to me, I would have incinerated you to ash like so..." The Hierophant warned as his staff started to glow bright as fire appeared, inching closer to the guest's face, making him yelped in fear, "But I am not one for being petty and I am above that. So, I expect you to not question what you are doing here and enjoy the party. Make trouble however and... well..." The Hierophant said, hanging the threat above as the guest nod feverishly.

"Good..." The Hierophant said in understanding and agreement before he then spin his staff around as a magic circle appeared, resulting in the table and the food to like it hasn't been crashed by the Hierophant's meddling alongside the pompous guest having no kinds of injury, whatsoever.

Everyone looked shocked at the sight of what the Hierophant had just did before he then looked at the crowd and said, "Now, then. Let's begin the party, shall we?" The Hierophant then tapped on the floor with his staff as a stage appeared at the center as a group of men with instruments appeared.

What appeared to be a lead singer is now clearing his throat as the band roll and he started to sing, "~Somewhere.... In by the sea... Somewhere, we could get be~"

The song continues as every guest forgets the intimidating display as they started to dance on the tune.

The Hierophant then nod as he looked at the Equalizer who nods back before they go towards the stairs to leave the guests to their fun.

All the while, Tatsumi is busy watching the Hierophant getting away as he said, "Big bro. The target is escaping. What should we do?"

"What do you think, Tatsumi?" Bulat with a grin behind his invisible armour, "We will do our job. Now, come on. And stay calm."

"Why would you say it like that-AAAAAHHHHH!!" Tatsumi yelped as he was grabbed by Bulat and, fortunate enough that no one heard his scream, stealthily jump up towards the upper floor of the balcony as they both chase their target.

All the while, the masked woman that Tatsumi had bumped into, watched them both as silently as possible beneath the joyful guest as she put her two fingers on her ear and said, "Everyone. We have an intruder."

Both Tatsumi and Bulat were all in the bind as they are situated in a corridor full of doors at every corner as they try to find where their target is.

"Got to admit that was surprisingly easy. Although I can't believe no one noticed us jumping towards the balcony while I was yelling." Tatsumi commented on that.

"Well, everyone is distracted, you know? Not the first time I did that although carrying you is kind of the first." Bulat said with a humorous chuckle.

"Well, okay..." Tatsumi said before he frowned at something, "What did these Hierophant guy did? What kind of Teigu did he use to make stuff like that?"

"I don't know, Tatsumi. From what I can tell, our guy showed itself to be someone not to be underestimated. In comparison to the many other targets we have killed." Bulat explained to him.

"Yeah..." Tatsumi said in understanding before he couldn't help to comment on something, "Say, Big Bro?"

"Yes, Tatsumi?" Bulat said, looking back at him.

"Are we.... are we really doing this, right? Killing this Hierophant guy or something?" Tatsumi said in doubt.

"Tatsumi..." Bulat said as he grabbed Tatsumi's shoulder and said, "What's wrong? Speak to me."

Tatsumi looked hesitant for a moment before he just sigh and said, "It's just that, Bulat. I know that this isn't as simple as it looks, how the world isn't all black and white and that we shouldn't see ourselves as heroes because.... as you said... murder isn't justice..." He said, explaining to Bulat who listened to the rookie's explanation.

"But, I always believe that what we did is right and that every target we killed deserved everything and if we do this, we can truly make the Empire better and make everyone happy. But...." Tatsumi then looked at Bulat and said, "These Hierophant guy? I don't know if we can actually do this?"

"Tatsumi..." Bulat said to him.

"I-It's not that I have second doubts with the mission. But I just want to know if we are not in over our heads with this. What if that if we killed this Hierophant guy, there will be consequences? And even if we do want to kill the guy, what if we aren't suited for this?" Tatsumi said to him.

"Tatsumi.... what's wrong?" Bulat said in worry to him.

"I... I..." Tatsumi then look down in shame and said, "I don't know if we would survive this."

Bulat look shocked at what Tatsumi said as he looked away in shame.

"Sorry for saying something cowardly there. I... I'm just afraid, that's all. Now that I look at it now, I don't know if we could live through this mission without some cost. I... I don't want to die... or any of you guys... I mean, if I die here, then my folks at home... Or Sayo... Or Ieyasu... Or what will happen if Night Raid lost a member.... and..." Tatsumi trembled before saying, "And I'm still weak. So weak and I don't even have a Teigu. I know that you guys told me that I have potential but... but I have to face facts... I'm not that great to you all and-OW!" He was interrupted by a flicker on his forehead.

"Hey, what was that for?" Tatsumi said in annoyance before he was chomped by Bulat on his head, "Ow... What was-"

"Tatsumi..." Bulat said in a low tone as Tatsumi looked scared as he looked down, preparing on being scolded for his weakness. Instead... "I'm so proud on how much you have grown."

Tatsumi looked surprised before looking at Bulat and despite still wearing his helmet that hide his expression, he look like he is looking at Tatsumi in a proud tone if his mentioning is any indication.

"Look at you, Tatsumi, being all mature and all, it makes my heart grow big enough that you would act so wise like that. Again, Tatsumi, I'm proud of you." Bulat said to him.

"You-You're not mad..." Tatsumi said in astonishment.

"No, Tatsumi. To be honest with you, I, including of Night Raid, stopped believing that we are heroes because we have blood in our hands but for you and your friends, despite everything, you still have someone waiting for you." Bulat said with a smile, "You guys don't deserved to be killers. And again, to be honest, we are all feeling scared about this mission."

"You don't look scared." Tatsumi commented on that.

"Oh, I am. This is just coping mechanism for me. And I don't doubt that we could actually try to kill our target without something in the way. But, I am willing to sacrifice my life if it means for the mission and you're safety, Tatsumi." Bulat said in assurance to him.

"But... I don't want you to die." Tatsumi said sadly to him.

"I know. But as assassins of the Revolutionary Army, we are all prepared to die for a great cause and suffer from the consequences at hand. And..." Bulat hesitate to say this but just said, "You need to face the facts that people you either care or love will be gone for good. And move on. Although, I wouldn't blame you if it's hard."

"Spoken from experience?" Tatsumi couldn't help making a comment on that.

"You... You have no idea." Bulat said in a sad resignation as Bulat continue walking to find their target.

Tatsumi smiled in determination before he gave a look of resolution as he followed Bulat to finish their mission. But then he noticed something, "Hey, Bulat. Do you know where our target is?"

"Well, of course, Tatsumi. It's right-" Bulat is interrupted when after what felt like they have been walking and talking for so long, they realized that they are still at the corridor with the numerous doors lining on the walls in between them, "Uh.... there?"

"W-what? What happened? I could have sworn we would catching up on him." Tatsumi said in shock.

"Well, why don't I try to search things beside the door, shall I?" Bulat said as he approached the nearest door and opened them. Much to his surprise, he then looked to see, "What? What kind of door is this, going to another corridor? This doesn't make sense."

"Uh... Bro?" Bulat eyes widened as he heard Tatsumi spoke and while he knows that he is behind him, it is to his shock that he is looking in front of him and the same is said about Tatsumi who looked to see two Bulat in front of him.

"Tatsumi?" Bulat said as he comes through, closing the door behind him as he is now farther away from Tatsumi now.

"Hey, hey. What's going on?" Tatsumi said nervously before he tried opening the left door and come to the other side.

And just like Bulat, Tatsumi looked in sheer horror as he is now in front of Bulat as they both stare at the surreal situation as they heard the door closed, resulting in them hearing two clicks of the doors closed.

"Bro, do you know what is happening?" Tatsumi said, his tone dripping in fear.

"Honestly, Tatsumi. I have no idea." Bulat said, not helped by his less hopeful tone.


Both Tatsumi and Bulat had been searching through every nook and cranny to find some place out of the surreal place in this corridor they found themselves, constantly opening doors and still get themselves into other places as much as they can.

And nothing they can do can actually help alleviate the situation they are in as no matter how far they run or how many doors they got themselves into, it will always be the same.

"This can't be happening. Bulat, you know what kind of Teigu would do this?" Tatsumi said, gnashing his teeth in frustration.

"No, Tatsumi. I don't know of any Teigu that can do this. And..." Bulat looked hesitant before saying, "I'm sorry but of all the things that Night Raid would be prepared to fight, this is beyond what we can do." He admitted to him.

"Then could this probably the Hierophant's fault?" Tatsumi said before his eyes widened in shock, "Does he know?"

"I don't know but we can't give up now. Come on, let's search some more." Bulat said as he continue his actions.

"R-right..." Tatsumi said, his tone nervous yet determined as he continue searching for a way out of the Endless Corridor as Tatsumi would call it that.

As Tatsumi opened the door one last time, he yelped as he avoid something that was about to strike him down as he saw on what it is.

It appears to be a human-like in shape but there is barely anything human about it, looking like a corpse with its grey dead skin and it's body is being grafted with tons of metal on its body while it's eyes can only give an empty and dead stare and it shambles around, wielding his scimitar in tow.

This is a Kaiserliche Servitor, a basic unit built only as nothing but manual labour that does it's job without food, rest and complaints.

Tatsumi continue to stare at the zombie-like Servitor who shambles around until it looked like it is staring at Tatsumi and approach Tatsumi quickly, readying his scimitar in hand.

As Tatsumi was about to strike him, he is saved by Bulat who used his spear to stabbed it in the chest.

Realizing that it is still alive, Bulat grunts as he hefted the zombie up and throw him behind before readying his weapon and behead it.

Both Tatsumi and Bulat were both panting from the encounter before Bulat said, "You okay, Tatsumi?"

Before Bulat could respond, he looked behind to see that he is being entangled by tentacles grabbing his body and limbs as he and Tatsumi saw another adversary.

He appears to be a creature that is just as humanoid as the zombie only that it is far more mechanical and robotic with all traces of its humanity being nothing more than a facade of artificial flesh, described as rather human looking with red eyes, white skin, hair that is made of steel, a mask with wires and while it looks like it is wearing armour, it is obvious that it is a part of its body with hands that are tipped with sharp needle-like claws.

And one may think that it looks like some doll-like robot were it not for the existence of a casing behind it, revealing multiple octopus-like tentacles slithering behind it.

This is a Kaiserliche Cenobyte. And what is it's purpose is better left unsaid.

The Cenobyte then tried to reel in Bulat with its tentacles as it readied its claws. Bulat tried to resist but it's tentacle grip is really strong, even with his Teigu armour.

Fortunately, he is saved by Tatsumi who takes out his blades and severed every tentacle from the Cenobyte as it recoiled in pain as it screamed in a high pitched voice.

"You okay, bro?" Tatsumi said in worry to Bulat.

Bulat was about to respond that he is alright only to gasped in shock as he pushed Tatsumi away before readying his spear and rammed it straight towards the Cenobyte, killing it for good as it give a high pitched wheezing before leaking some sort of green fluid from it's mechanical body.

They both looked at the two creatures they had killed which they look shocked at this.

"You know what are they?" Tatsumi asked Bulat.

"Not really. But if I had to guess, they could be similar to the Kaiserliche Astartes, though what they are is another question wanting to ask." Bulat said, staring at the Servitor and the Cenobyte, "Come on, we could be-" Bulat turned silent when he turned around.

"Hey, bro. What's-" Tatsumi is also silent as they both looked at meeting that they don't want to meet.

Towering above them, even the much larger and more muscular, heavily armoured Bulat in tow, wearing white gleaming armour and wielding weapons consisting of a sword and shield on both hands and were all too huge for anyone to carry by a regular person, Bulat and Tatsumi were all looking at a Kaiserliche Astartes.

Before there is any comments, response or something else to say, the Kaiserliche Astartes then moved after just staying still like before coming towards Bulat in a burst of speed.

"Tatsumi, get away from here now." Bulat ordered him, much to Tatsumi's surprise.

"What? But bro-" Tatsumi said in denial but Bulat interrupts him.

"Now, Tatsumi. You can't beat him-" Bulat is interrupted as he was pushed away by the Astartes.

The Astartes charged his shield upon Bulat as he is dragging his feet on the floor as he tried to resist but even with his strength and even enhanced by his Teigu, the Astartes is on another level in not only size but also strength.

Finally, the Astartes stopped charging as Bulat from being pushed hard and fast before he straightened his stance and charge his spear straight towards the Astartes.

The Astartes, however, just block every strike with his shield and no matter how much Bulat tried feigh his attack or attacking his as relentlessly as possible, he can't get past his shield. And even then, it cannot be helped that even if it did, he can't pierced his armour.

Bulat gives out a battle cry and tried to charge against the Astartes but with graceful expertise, giant white knight turned himself around to avoid the spear before gripping his shield and hit Bulat, sending crashing to a door before the Astartes turned around again and hit Bulat, sending him landing hard on the floor, making it crack.

Bulat groaned in pain before feeling the Astartes stepping on his body and Bulat can feel him applying pressure as he yelled in pain.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Tatsumi yelled, charging towards the Astartes with his sword.

The Astartes seemed to ignore his yell except to just backhand Tatsumi straight to the ground lightly.

Tatsumi tried to stand up from the floor as he looked at the Astartes is now crushing Bulat beneath his feet. He gritted his teeth as he grabbed his sword and charge again towards the Astartes.

The Astartes seemed to have noticed him as he was instantly grabbed by his shirt as he was being lifted off the ground as the Astartes carried him up with ease.

Tatsumi tried to resist, even trying to swing his sword against the Astartes on its helmet. Except that it seemed to annoy him greatly as the Astartes just deftly picked up the sword with its fingers, pulled it away from Tatsumi and before he couldn't possibly do things anymore horrible, he crushed it beneath his before opening his palm, revealing that Tatsumi's sword has been turned to dust.

Tatsumi widened his eyes in absolute shock and horror before the Astartes heft him before throwing him farther away from the Astartes and Bulat.

Tatsumi then watched in horror as the Astartes continue to crush Bulat underneath his boot as Bulat is groaning in pain. Then the Astartes readies his shield and Tatsumi knows what the giant white knight is about to do next.

But just before the Astartes could or Tatsumi yelling or trying to stop, a voice had interrupted them.

"That's enough, Astartes." The voice of the Hierophant cut through the atmosphere like butter as Tatsumi and Bulat's target were all standing before them all, much to their shock.

The Astartes nod at this before lifting his foot away from Bulat as Tatsumi quickly ran towards him and get him up.

Then as they both looked at the Hierophant, they noticed that the area started to shift in an impossible manner until finally, the corridor is turned into a rather large and spacious room, leaving Bulat and Tatsumi at the expanses alone with the Hierophant while the Astartes is now walking towards a door and walked inside, leaving them to do their business.

Bulat and Tatsumi were then staring at the Hierophant who had been staring at them for a while now before saying, "I believe we have gone on a wrong foot here. You may call me, the Hierophant. And it is pleasure to meet you..." The Hierophant then put his finger on his chin before saying, "Let me guess, Night Raid, correct?"

Tatsumi looked unsure until he said, "Y-yeah... we are..."

"And since you know us, you know what that means?" Bulat said to the Hierophant.

The Hierophant doesn't seemed to be the least bit threatened before saying, "And you are about to kill me, are you? Well, that is both foolish and...." He just sigh and said, "Uncompromising but I digress. I am not one to be intimidated by you killers of the night and really though, you all think this is gonna be easy. If that is your attempts at humoring me, well..." He then gives a slight chuckle and said, "Consider me laughing."

Tatsumi then looked unsure at the Hierophant while looking in worry at Bulat before he then looked at his target and said, "Wait, wait. Before you can do something to us, I want to know. Who are you?"

"And why should I explained myself to the ones that are about to kill me?" The Hierophant, his tone having a slight threatening edge despite his affable nature.

Tatsumi look nervous at this while Bulat look at him in confusion before Tatsumi said, "Let me handle this." He assured him before he looked at the Hierophant and started his explanation.

"I just... I just want to know why, despite how you have all those nobles that weren't even supporting Honest, why are you inviting them to a party? Is it some trap ordered by Honest because if it is, I'll..." Tatsumi then started to aimed his sword at the Hierophant and said, "Then I'll kill you. I will not let you kill those who are doing what is best for the Empire and the innocents in the way. So..." Tatsumi gritted his teeth and said, "Answer the question or I'll rip it out from you."

The Hierophant then looked at Tatsumi, not exactly threatened by the boy's threat before saying, "My boy. I know it may not look like much but I assure you, though we may be vouched by Honest and given permission to use every resources possible, I am not loyal to the Prime Minister at all. In fact, I loathe that fat pig full of maggots that he is unworthy of gaining my loyalty and respect. This is the plan of my masters. That is all."

"Your masters?" Tatsumi and Bulat said in confusion to what the Hierophant said.

"That is a secret, boys. Don't want to spoil something that is beyond your mortal comprehension. But while I will not explain who my masters are, I will nonetheless explain the purpose of these party. The purpose of the White Light Society." The Hierophant said as Tatsumi and Bulat look unsure and reluctant on wanting an explanation.

"Come now..." The Hierophant said in assurance, "This can be a chance to recuperate yourself. And after your encounter with some of my Kaiserliche, specifically my Astartes, it will be nice for a minute for a get together as I tell my side of the story. What do you think?"

Tatsumi and Bulat were, again, looked unsure before Tatsumi said, "Do we have a choice in this?"

"Well, not really..." The Hierophant said as he then began his explanation, "All that you know is that the White Light Society is dedicated towards having individuals of great worth to have a place in a utopia that we intended to create, free from any and all sorts of corruption, decadence, ruin, impurities, inequality and bigotry of this world." The Hierophant explained it all to the two.

"You said that because I am vouched by Honest that we are loyal to him. But that cannot be farther from the truth. You see, you all know that Honest had killed both the Emperor and the Empress and have their son, who is nothing but a child, to be manipulated and turn into a puppet state for all of Honest's wants, correct?" The Hierophant asked.

Bulat didn't need to answer that as it was clearly obvious but Tatsumi just raised his hand and said, "I'm sorry if this sounds stupid but how old is the Emperor?"

"Ten, actually." The Hierophant simply answered, much to Tatsumi's shock.

"That young!?" Tatsumi said in shock.

"Indeed. A naive child like Makoto, full of untapped potential, squandered to become nothing but a puppet to Honest's whims. But here is a little info that I would like to say to you all..." The Hierophant then give his answer with, "We helped him."

"What!?" Tatsumi and Bulat said in shock.

"Indeed. And it is through us that is the reason why Honest got his position in the first place. But I digress that we did all the work just so Honest could become the Prime Minister only because he had a deal with us. That he would sacrifice us the many, many souls that were all not corrupt or supporting of his views in exchange for the seat in position. And that is how Honest becomes the Prime Minister..." The Hierophant chuckled in amusement before saying, "Shocking, isn't it?"

"So you... you..." Tatsumi barely string a sentence before the Hierophant answered him.

"That we are the ones that caused the Empire to become a corrupt cesspool of crime and villainy? Yes, actually. Yes, we are." The Hierophant admitted to them.

"So, it is a trap." Tatsumi said, glaring at the Hierophant.

"Not exactly. What you call 'a trap' is what I call, 'rescuing'. Those guests that were invited to my abode were all about to be transported to a place where they will be untouched by the pettiness and corruption of the world. To be in a place worthy for their skills and abilities to use. To be useful on somewhere much better... much more fitting and finally..." The Hierophant then said in finality, "... much more deserving than to be trapped in this cold, dark and harsh world. Wouldn't you say?"

Tatsumi cannot believe what he is hearing from the Hierophant. But all that he can say is, "You fucked up asshole!"

"Well, that's just crass. After I explained everything to you, that is your response?" The Hierophant is in a quizzical manner.

"What do you expect? That I heard that the Empire is turned into a hellhole because of you people and then you had the gall of kidnapping this people and see it as rescuing them? What kind of logic is that?" Tatsumi yelled to the Hierophant in anger.

The Hierophant, however, is just standing there, as still as a statue, until he just sigh and said, "I believe the time for talking is over. You have this tidbit of information and you will die with it. So..." The Hierophant then spin his staff and said, "Die."

Suddenly, all the doors all around started to open as the many Kaiserliche Servitors and Cenobytes were all pouring out as they surround Tatsumi and Bulat as they look around them in fear.

"And you all must be very shaken with the whole loop in eternity here. Contrary to what you think, this isn't the fault of mine. It is the fault of my... fellows working with me. Let me introduce them to you." The Hierophant said as Tatsumi and Bulat were all meeting a group of individuals that are different from the zombie-like shambling mechanical Servitors and the robotic, tentacle Cenobytes.

The first appears to be a woman flying above everybody with her six, metallic wings, wearing dark grey armour and appearing to be a young woman with short white hair, pale skin, had some sort of red glowing halo on her head and carrying a sword with a guard and a shimmering blue blade.

Overall, she looks like an angel.

"These angel is The Chariot. The White Light Society's main protector against any and all threats alike." The Hierophant as the Chariot grunts in affirmation.

The second appears to be a young, slender and rather pretty man with long black hair, fair skin and wearing thick blue robes with an adornment of silver jewelry and blue crystals on his outfit.

"My fellow man here is known as The Judgement. A partner who is very good in what his namesake shows." The Hierophant explained as the Judgement smiled.

"And I couldn't be anymore wrong, Hierophant." The Judgement said.

The third appears to be another young man with long white hair and pale skin and wearing a golden armour alongside having large white feathered wings and horns on both sides of his head while carrying a glowing staff in hand.

"The one that despite his name, is not in a sunny disposition called The Sun. He is.... troublesome, to say the least." The Hierophant remarked.

"No one wants to hear what you want to say, Hierophant." The Sun said, snarking to him.

The fourth is a mysteriously enigmatic man dressed in black armour with a wing-like cape and wearing a helmet with antler-like horns that only covers the top half of his face, showcasing below to have long white hair.

"This is The Moon. He is the reason behind your eternal imprisonment and shift in space in this room of yours." The Hierophant said as the Moon stayed as still and silent as ever.

And finally, the last one is...

"Wait, you're-"

"That's right, my cute little infiltrator. I am The Star. And I am the one that invited all those who are worthy to our abode. Courtesy of my benevolent charm." The Star introduced herself to Tatsumi and Bulat.

And as Bulat and Tatsumi were all ready to defend themselves against the horde they found themselves into, the Hierophant then said, "Ah, but who am I to partake myself in such acts of barbarity. Everyone, this is beneath us to act like this. So, instead..." The Hierophant turned to the Chariot and said, "You shall handle the one wearing the Teigu as much as you want. While we will be spectating thought I do hope that the Teigu user would actually a bit longer, however fruitless that idea was."

"As you wish." The Chariot finally said in a tone that comes across as flat and metallic.

"Good...." The Hierophant then looked at somewhere and said, "Equalizer. Restrained the boy. I don't want him to interrupt this honourable duel."

"What?" Tatsumi said in surprise before he was grabbed from behind by someone to see the Equalizer is holding back, "Hey, let go of me! Let go of me!"

"Tatsumi!" Bulat yelled, trying to reach him only to be interrupted by the Chariot appearing right in front of him as Bulat backed away in shock.

"You'll get the boy when you endure my onslaught. So, are you truly going to survive against the Chariot herself?" The Chariot said, speaking to Bulat as she flies above him, brandishing her sword as they both stare at each other intently.

Bulat, instead of feeling shocked and horrified, just give a grin and said, "Wouldn't hurt to find out, right?" He said before readying his spear and charge towards the Chariot.

Meanwhile, outside of the situation at hand...

A lone figure is walking towards an empty mansion where once, it was a festive time, now it is empty.

After Asmodeus is done with his self-reflection in Hell, he was then reported by a Watcher who told him something.

That the person he ordered the Watcher to look closely named Bulat and Tatsumi, were all entering a mansion to assassinate the one known as the Hierophant.

And as he and the Watcher is getting inside the mansion, it is quiet and empty as the outside shows.

As the Watcher continue to search around, Asmodeus thought of something, 'From what I can tell, this is where Bulat and Tatsumi are on a mission to face off against the Three Beasts after they tried to frame them for killing off a much more competent and benevolent members of nobility. And also where Bulat died and give his Teigu to Tatsumi as it's new user of Incursio.' Asmodeus described in his thoughts.

Then he looked at some food somewhere and takes a chicken leg before eating it, chewing it and said, "And this isn't poisoned or drugged either. So..." Asmodeus looked around and said, "Where is everybody?" He asked to no one in particular and he does it rhetorically.

The Watcher seemed to take this literally and explained, "Well, my lord, forgive me for my lack of knowledge but when I first followed the two humans to the party, I was stopped by some form of barrier that prevents me from traversing through. And after what felt like hours of watching humans partying, I almost died when some sort of light appeared and finally, everyone in these building had vanished." The Watcher said, finishing his explanation.

"Well, okay then..." Asmodeus said before thinking, 'Come to think of it, I do feel a sense of holy presence in this mansion. It doesn't kill me but it does feel a bit suffocating here.' Asmodeus thought from it all.

He shakes his head before asking, "Watcher, where is Tatsumi and Bulat gone to?"

"The two humans? They are at there, my lord." The Watcher said, pointing at the stairs in front of them.

Asmodeus was about to walk towards the stairs only to feel a barrier had stopped him in his tracks, appearing to be magical circles, runes and other forms of unknown language as Asmodeus felt like he is hitting a wall.

Asmodeus looked at the magic wall in both bemusement and annoyance, "Watcher, is this the barrier you speak of?"

"Yes, my lord. Although this one seemed to become much smaller now. Almost like someone who created is now focusing there now." The Watcher explained to Asmodeus.

Asmodeus then thought, 'I don't know if I should know this but this barrier almost look like what those other Players did by creating an invisible magic circle that always makes someone crash into it like an idiot. Fortunately, this level of barrier is mid at best. Not difficult to breakthrough. But...' Asmodeus then sigh and said, 'I don't want to introduce myself yet. And I don't want Bulat to die either. What to do? What to do?' He thought before finally snapping his finger.

"Watcher, tell those Hell Stalkers that were busy being sadistic in the Capital to come here. I am in need of their service." Asmodeus ordered the Watcher.

"As you wish." The Watcher bowed before disappearing off from him.

"As for me..." Asmodeus then gives a confident smile and said, "Why don't I finally have some fun, shall I?"

Meanwhile, back in the large room...

Bulat is not doing good with his duel against the Chariot as he is panting hard while the Chariot herself looks down from her height advantage, crossed her arm and looked at him in disappointment and said, "Is that the best you can do?" in a taunting manner.

Bulat strained himself as he takes his stance, gripping his spear and charge again at the Chariot but all he can do is getting deflected by a floating sword that parried his attacks as the Chariot swing her hand around like she is controlling the floating sword.

Which it is.

The floating sword then clashed blades against Bulat as he continuously block every strike from the Chariot's weapon before the floating sword spins around, delivering a downward strike towards Bulat as he raised his spear up high to resist it even further.

That was until Bulat looked at the Chariot as she charged ahead, wings outstretched and fist at the ready. Bulat was then bombarded with punches and kicks that even with his armour, he could feel the pulse pounding and the hit coming as the Chariot gives a lot of strong punches and kicks as well as a punch on his face before she then ready her fists and bombard Bulat's gut with a lot of fast punches.

"Bulat!" Tatsumi yelled as he tried to break free but the Equalizer's grip is immensely strong now.

And now, Bulat was then kneed by the Chariot on his chin before readying another fist and punch him down on the pavement. As Bulat groaned from the assault, the Chariot look down, arms outstretched to grab her floating sword as she stared at Bulat's prone form.

"Chariot. I believe we mustn't dally any further. Finish this farce, right here and now." The Hierophant ordered her.

The Chariot nod at this and readying her sword, she plunged her sword into the back of Bulat as he groan in pain.

"NO!!" Tatsumi cried in horror as Bulat is being stabbed by the Chariot.

The Chariot then pulled her sword off as she leaves Bulat in pain and agony as his armour disappeared from his body as his face showcases how he felt about his injury.

"Hmmm, so that is how you look. Were it not for that stupid hair of yours, I would recognize you from the wanted posters. Who are you again? Bulat of the 100 Man Slayer? Well..." The Hierophant gives a chuckle and said, "You are not living to your legend."


The Hierophant heard Tatsumi's cries as he tried to break free from the Equalizer's grasp, trying to reach Bulat as he is bleeding out, to no avail.

"What do we do with the boy, Hierophant?" The Equalizer asked.

The Hierophant then think about it and said, "Bring him to where we transport the nobles. The boy is far from gone and he shall be reconditioned to a new life, free from all the corruption and taint from this world."

"LIKE HELL I WILL!" Tatsumi yelled at him in anger.

"Do not worry, young man. When you come with us, you will forget your worries and-" The Hierophant stopped as he is interrupted by the Moon, "What is it?" The Moon started to whisper towards where his ears was at as the Hierophant looked at him incredulously and said, "What do you mean, someone is disrupted your space shifting-"

He is interrupted when the room around them started to glitched out, much to everyone with a brain, to look around in confusion and shock until finally, the room finally sizzles out and it started to turn itself into a normal room full of corridors and such, which results in a lot of the Servitors and Cenobytes getting cramped right now.

"Moon, what is happening? Why isn't your space shifting not working?" The Hierophant asked the Moon who still remained as silent as ever.

"I believe that someone had disrupt Moon's space shifting, Hierophant. Someone is getting to us. Someone stronger." The Judgement explained.

"Impossible. Who would be strong enough in this stupid world we found ourselves in, to be strong enough to disrupt Moon's space shifting? You have to be more powerful than him and none of these primitive apes are remotely strong." The Sun said in a condescending tone.

"Unless...." The Hierophant stare in realization as he said, "It isn't the humans, it's-"

He didn't need to think first before a red portal appeared everywhere and out came the Hell Stalkers who snarls and growls with their huge maw, showcasing their sharp teeth before they came out in droves.

And with that, every wall and every door with their own sets of rooms and furnitures were all destroyed and demolished as a battle had been taking place between both the Hell Stalkers against the Kaiserliche Servitors and Cenobytes destroying everywhere.

The members of the White Light Society looked around as they all get surrounded by the havoc that occurring as some of the Hell Stalkers saw them and tried to pounce at them only to be stopped by a powerful beam of magic, courtesy of the Hierophant and the Judgement aiming their magic staffs at them.

The Hierophant looked at the cacophony of battle up ahead before saying, "We're leaving. Equalizer, take the boy and-" The Hierophant looked at the Equalizer who held nothing in his hand, "You lost him!?"

"I was distracted. And he pushed me back." The Equalizer reasoned before they all looked at Tatsumi running towards Bulat, who is still bleeding.

Tatsumi pushed him towards his back as he said, "Bro, you need to hold it together. We can get out of here. Please, just stay like this and-"

"T-Tatsumi.... Hurry... G-get out of here..." Bulat said to him, urging him to escape.

"Fuck that. I don't want anyone to die. And neither are you." Tatsumi said as he tried to pull him up.

"Tatsumi... this is the life of an assassin... it's how it works... you... you need to let go..." Bulat said as he was forced to stand with his arms over Tatsumi's shoulder.

"Screw that, malarkey. If you die, then who is going to call you 'bro'?" Tatsumi in assurance to him before they were stopped by the Chariot appearing right in front of them with his sword raised and aiming at them.

"You're not going anywhere." The Chariot said simply as she aimed her sword at them in a threatening manner.

Tatsumi watched with gritted and anger while barely holding Bulat at length, barely knowing what to do in this situation.

"We can help you, boy..." The Hierophant said as Tatsumi looked behind him, "You can come with us and enjoy the worth in our world together, free from all the evils of these world and all you need to do..." The Hierophant tapped his staff and said, "You will leave the one known as Bulat to his demise."

Tatsumi looked at him in anger, "You're crazy if you think I'm doing that."

"Please, boy..." The Hierophant said in assurance, "All we did, we did what he had to do for the people who are all worthy and deserving in this world to be free from the cruelty and horrors of this world. Can't you understand that you have a chance of finding redemption?" The Hierophant, reasoning to him.

All that Tatsumi just did is looking at him with a glare before raising his hands and give him the finger.

The Hierophant just sigh and said, "So, be it." The Hierophant looked at the Chariot and said, "Kill them."

The Chariot nods before raising her sword as Tatsumi closed his eyes, waiting for his inevitable demise.

Except it is not to be.

Tatsumi opened his eyes to look at someone saving him and Bulat while the Chariot look shocked at who had just interrupted her execution on them.

She appears to be a rather beautiful woman with long white hair and an outfit consisting of a black bodysuit that doesn't cover her abdomen and thighs, wears a long flowing white cape, has big breasts and wearing a black crown of sort that takes the appearance of a horn with a red gem on it.

Tatsumi thought on her to be strikingly beautiful yet there is something creepy about her eyes. Her intimidating black eyes with red pupils on them.

Tatsumi watched as these woman is holding the Chariot's blade with both hands stopping it as the Chariot said, "Wha... Wh-who... Who are you!?"

The woman just smirk before she swipe the blade to the side before punching the Chariot straight to the gut, making her fly out of the way.

The Hierophant, the Judgement and the Sun were all aiming their staffs and fired their magic beams at them before she looked at them nonchalantly and chanted, "Hell's Protection: Wall of Eternal Suffering." and what comes out from her hand are some sort of wall made of red energy with lots of runic symbols and magic circles all over it that resist against the magic beams.

Tatsumi looked at the woman in surprise and awe as she continue to stare at them without problem whatsoever.

"Who.... Who are you?" Tatsumi can't help but ask.

The woman then turned around, looking at him which made Tatsumi flinched and she said, "There is no time for introduction, boy but all that you must know is..." She then turned around and she introduced herself, "My name is Lilith and I am from the Tartarus Empire under orders of the Supreme Lord of the Nine Hells himself, Asmodeus."

"You're from the-" Tatsumi is interrupted when Bulat started to fall, his endurance waning as he clutched his bleeding stomach, "Bulat! Hang in there, bro! Hang in there! We can get out of this!"

"You're friend is injured." Lilith pointed out, much to Tatsumi's annoyance.

"Thank you for pointing at the obvious." Tatsumi sarcastically respond back as Bulat is now on the floor, breathing hard and losing lots of blood. Tatsumi then looked at Bulat in frustration and then at Lilith in desperation and said, "Please, you got to save him! Please!"

"Oh, and why would I do that? What price would you pay to save your friend there?" Lilith said to Tatsumi.

"ANYTHING!" Tatsumi yelled out, his stress is at his peak.

"In that case, take this Tatsumi." Lilith said as she showed him something.

It appeared to be a sword of some kind and yet, it is large to be gripped by two hands and while the pommel and guard is utterly demonic, the blade itself is demonic as well, almost as if the metal itself came from the deepest reaches of whatever place that is borderline horrific and evil to the core.

Tatsumi looked scared at the sight of the sword and couldn't help but ask, "W-what... What is that?"

Lilith then answered him, "This is The Morningstar: Ebonbane. It will be your weapon that shall grant you the power you need to compensate your weakness. In exchange, your soul will forfeit and become an eternal champion of the Supreme Lord himself."

"You mean, I will be-"

"Yes, you will sell your soul to the very devil himself. So, are you hesitating, Tatsumi? Your friend is dying and your hope lies in your strength to accept such sacrifice if it means saving the lives of your friend here. So, which will it be?" She asked him.

Tatsumi looked hesitant right now at what the deal he is about to do but looking at Bulat right now, he then give a determined expression and said, "Give it to me."

Lilith seemed to smile before letting him grabbed Ebonbane by the handle as Tatsumi started to scream in pain and agony as red electricity spark over his body.

"Relinquish yourself into the might, the power and the greatness of the sword you will wield. May it's blade be your tool to punish the wicked and damned them to an eternal suffering. And as you wield its blade and learned of its power, you will in servitude to the Supreme Lord of the Nine Hells himself. May you become the champion of Asmodeus. And may you be fucking worth it." Lilith finished her speech as Tatsumi shines in red energy before he seemed to be wearing something.

It now takes on the form of a black armour with spikes and the metal itself being constantly shifting with the glow constantly heating while wearing a helmet that leaves only glowing yellow eyes and horns jutting back.

Tatsumi then yelled out in a feeling of exhilaration as he swing Ebonbane around in gusto.

All the while, Lilith is carrying Bulat in his arms as she said, "I will leave you to accommodate with your new powers, Tatsumi while I do what I promise you to. Be sure to not fuck this up." Lilith as the energy wall dispersed while the Hell Stalkers, seeing Lilith leaving, screeched out as they follow Lilith straight towards the red portal they conjured to escape.

As they all left Tatsumi by his lonesome, the Hierophant looked in shock at Tatsumi still wearing his Ebonbane Armour as he said, "You! Do you have any idea what you have done? You damned your soul to a Demon! You are now beyond saving!" He said in an incredulous tone to him.

"Damned? I don't believe I am damned." Tatsumi now said in his rather slightly high pitched and yet demonic voice, "No, I think I feel free. Free to do whatever the fuck I want. And that includes killing you fuckers, left and right."

The Hierophant's hand is trembling thought whether by fear or anger before he tapped his staff hard on the floor and said, "Chariot. Execute this sinner. Now."

"With pleasure." The Chariot said as she flied towards Tatsumi with her sword raised at him.

Tatsumi, however, just gripped Ebonbane in hand and swung it at the Chariot and much to her shock, Ebonbane had shattered the Chariot's sword into pieces.

"Not so tough now, are you bitch?" Tatsumi said gleefully before gripping Ebonbane again and slicing the left side of the Chariot's three wings, making her scream in pain, "Yeah, scream bitch. Now you know how bro feels when you stabbed him in the back. Now die."

"Solar Flare: Sun of Dawn."

A new chant is heard as he was pushed back by a beam of superheated light as the Sun shoots it from his staff while both the Moon and the Star were running towards the Chariot and help her up as they escaped from Tatsumi.

"We're leaving, Hierophant. This boy is beyond saving." The Judgement said to the Hierophant.

"Indeed. We will live the next day but the next time, we will extinguish his soul from existence itself. That we shall promise the next time we meet him." The Hierophant said as a magic circle appeared below him as everyone disappeared.

Tatsumi looked around after suffering from almost getting a heatstroke before looking around to see that there are still dozens of Servitors and Cenobytes surrounding him, all baring their swords, their claws and their in tow.

"Huh? Are you all pissed? Because I'm pissed too. Come on then. The fun isn't about to end yet and I'm going to enjoy killing you all, one by one. So come on, fuckers. Let's get this shit done." Tatsumi said in a maniacal manner as he swing his sword against the many Servitors and Cenobytes charging towards him.

Tatsumi then swung Ebonbane towards another batch of Servitors while swinging it towards the back to a charging Cenobyte.

He then grabbed a tentacle from a Cenobyte that is trying to grabbed him before lifting it up and smashing it to another Servitor.

As Tatsumi continue his onslaught, he then noticed something and said, "Well, what took you so long? Asshole." He said as he stared at a Kaiserliche Astartes in front of him. Tatsumi just grin, readying himself and said, "Come on, asshole. Let's see how much of a tough shit you are now, punk."

The Astartes then gripped his sword and shield before charging towards Tatsumi, crashing through some of the Servitors and Cenobytes in the way.

Tatsumi gritted his teeth after being dragged before he got the idea of rolling back, letting the Astartes get thrown off and crashed through some more Servitors and Cenobytes.

As he is about to stand, he then raised his shield to block a downward strike from Tatsumi as he stands up, however strained he is.

Tatsumi however, just raised it up again and strike at the Astartes as continuously as possible, interrupting his concentration before the Astartes' guard his broken and got stabbed by Ebonbane in the guard.

Tatsumi laughs in a maniacal and sadistic manner before he was punched by the Astartes who defiantly continue punching him where his helmet should be.

Annoyed by this, Tatsumi felt greater rage than before Ebonbane started to glow until finally, the Astartes exploded, leaving only his lower body slumped to the ground with bits and pieces of its parts raining down.

Tatsumi then look at the now dead Astartes and said, "You are tough bastard alright but seeing you dead means that you are not tough shit as you look. Now then..." Tatsumi looked around, still seeing the remaining Servitors and Cenobytes numbering in thousands as he said, "Come on then. Let's have fun, shall we?"

And with that, Tatsumi is having the time of his life as he slaughtered the remaining Servitors and Cenobytes with Ebonbane in tow and he laughs and laughs as he started to enjoy his power now.

Meanwhile, in the now empty mansion on a rainy day...

Lilith is busy enjoying her breakfast while Bulat is busy sleeping, his injury now fully healed while Hell Stalkers were all busy patrolling anyone that would interrupt her breakfast.

Just then, a Watcher appeared before Lilith and said, "My Lord. Your champion has returned."

"Good..." Lilith said before burping as she giggled, "By the way, call me 'My Lady' when I'm in this form."

"As you wish, My Lady." The Watcher said, following her orders with glee.

The majority of the Hell Stalkers were all snarling and growling as Tatsumi, still in his demonic armour, were all coming down on the stairs as he looked tired as Hell now.

"So, Tatsumi. Do you enjoy the power you now wield?" Lilith said to Tatsumi.

"I.... I...." Tatsumi seemed to be really tired if he can't make a word, "So... So tired..." He finally said as his armour disappeared, revealing the tired Tatsumi as he is falling off the stairs.

Fortunately, Lilith catches him, landing his face on her big breasts as Lilith said, "Rest now, my champion..." She said in assurance as she rubbed her head, "You are going to be of use in the long run and between the canon events that had transpired, it is time for me to take it up a notch. Wouldn't you say, young man?" She said as Tatsumi is now asleep.

Lilith then carried Tatsumi and rest him beside Bulat before she walked off and said, "Inform Thirteenth of these new event. And make sure that Tatsumi knows how to used Ebonbane. Wouldn't want him to get reckless now, would we?"

"As you wish." The Watcher said as it disappeared.

"As for you all, continue to do what you do best in the Capital. Fuck shit up." Lilith said as the Hell Stalkers roars as they disappear into the red portal.

All the while, Lilith looked up and said, "One step closer to rule, one step closer to something interesting."

Does every Overlord (2012) FanFic story always want to create characters that does stupid things just for the sake of drama? Is it any wonder that I find Ainz's being constantly paranoid about nothing despite being powerful while characters alike all did stupid things just because?

Because I am not one to deal with that nonsense. I know it is the charm of the show and it's main appeal but me, I just find it nonsensical and ridiculous, you know, especially the first part is nothing more than a fatigue that dragged the drama longer until finally, the fun happens.

Even then, I can't take anymore of this in favour of finally having some character development and plot progression.

Anyway guys, this is another chapter done.

If you have anymore comments, leave it down below.


• Hell's Protection: Wall of Eternal Suffering:
A defensive spell that is better suited for in the battlefield as the level of durability of the wall is in comparison to so much suffering it can take, rendering it almost indestructible if there are a constant amounts of suffering everywhere.

• Solar Flare: Sun of Dawn:
A spell casted by the Sun where he fires a beam of light that is as hot as the sun that burns anyone it comes into contact with, rendering them dead or heavily injured from the superheated beam.

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