You Do Not Kill Asmodeus. Now...

By TheValkyrie13

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In the world so greedy and so corrupt and where the weak dies and the strong lives to take what is there's, h... More

Asmodeus Character Information:
Prologue: We Bring Hell To These Abandoned World
Chapter 1: A Demon Lord's Awakening & Displacement
Author's Note: Explanation - The Evil Virtue of Asmodeus
Chapter 2: A Demon Lord Is In a WHAT?
Chapter 3: Asmodeus, the Demon Emperor of Tartarus
Chapter 4: Asmodeus, the Noble Demon
Chapter 5: The Ice General vs The Demon Emperor
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 6: Esdeath's Fall to Demonic Temptation
Chapter 7: The Number of Death - 13
Chapter 8: Death to the Capital
Chapter 9: Death of Night Raid
Thirteenth Character Information:
Chapter 10: The Mission of Death
Chapter 11: Demon Emperor and Death Incarnate
Chapter 12: Let Death Bring Eternal Damnation
Chapter 13: A Tour in the Rotten Empire
Chapter 14: The Equalizer of Death
Chapter 15: The Executioner's Horrifying Meeting With Death Itself
Chapter 16: A Slave of Death's Awakening
Chapter 17: Kali's Induction and the Meaning of Death
Chapter 18: Kali's Training and Meeting the Blindness of Justice
Chapter 19: Seryu's Journey of Self Reflection... IN HELL!
Chapter 20: Seryu's Acceptance of Revengeance
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 21: The Humiliation of Redemption
Chapter 22: The Vengeance in Possession & Symbiosis
Chapter 23: The Eyes of the God-Machine
๐ŸŒถ Chapter 24: The Rescue from the Bloody Aristocratic Humiliation
Chapter 25: The Massacre of the Bloody Aristocrats
๐Ÿ‹Omake 1: Akame's Horrifying Humiliation & Pleasure with a Demon
Chapter 26: No Control for the Strongest
Chapter 27: The Wild Hunter Has Become the Weak Hunted
Omake 2: Meet the True Demon
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 28: The Deal & the New Relationship
Omake 3: The Invasion of Judgemental Apocalypse
Chapter 29: What Lovely Show of Strength
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 30: A Spear's Strong Attraction
Chapter 31: The General from Hell
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 32: Leone's Kidnapping and Torture
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 33: Leone's Acceptance and Threesome
Chapter 34: Replacement in Command and Training with Death
Chapter 35: Asmodeus' Reminiscent of his Past in YGGDRASIL
Zariel Character Information:
Dispater Character Information:
Dispater (The Iron City of Dis) Character Information:
Mammon Character Information:
Belial and Fierna Character Information:
Glasya Character Information:
Baalzebul Character Information:
Mephistopheles Character Information:
Chapter 36: The Yellow King's Inquisitive Pursuit
Chapter 37: The Hellish Horrors of War
Chapter 38: The Fallen Children Against the Five Bands
Omake 4: Zank and the Murder Room
Chapter 39: The Dark Haunter Strikes Again
๐Ÿ‹Chapter 40: A Lion's Share of the Fun
Chapter 41: The Demon Emperor's Champion
Chapter 42: The Champion of Hell vs Death Itself
Chapter 43: The Jaegers and the Seven Virtuous Champions
Chapter 44: The Sharing of Demonic Love
Chapter 45: A Hell Champion's Infiltration
Chapter 46: The Necessity of the Virtuous Champions
Chapter 47: The Lord of Dust's Inclusion
Chapter 48: The Supreme Lord's Next Plan
Chapter 49: The Hell Champion's Return
Chapter 50: The Awakening and the Preparation
Chapter 51: Dr. Stylish's Undignified Demise
Chapter 52: Death vs Extinction
Chapter 53: The God of Storm is Approaching
Omake 5: The Fatality of the Three Beasts
Omake 6: The Cost of An Alliance

Levistus Character Information:

100 4 0
By TheValkyrie13

Hey, everybody....

How would you feel if I create an intentionally bad, cringe, eye sore and really God awful story that is Velma-level bad? I mean, if Wattpad keeps on popping up this kind of stories all the time, why don't I do it?

Just saying.

Disclaimer: I do not own Akame ga Kill and Overlord (2012). They belong to their respective owners.


Name: Levistus

Title: Fifth Lord of the Nine Hells. The Prince of the Dead. The Wandering of Hades Plight. Night Raid's Immortal Assassin.

Race: Human

Class: Occultist

Character Information:
The only human member of the Lords of the Nine Hells who played as the Avatar of a human Occultist who dabbles in necromancy and psychic powers, after what can be described as the break up with one of his fellow Hell Lords named Asmodeus about something, Levistus left the alliance and gone out of his way to become a wanderer who no longer willing to play in YGGDRASIL after his mood has been ruined.

But just before he was about to log out, he hesitates as he was about to make his apology to Asmodeus until the server had shut down and Levistus suddenly found himself in another world of clean air, lush vegetation, giant monsters and-wait what?

Little does he know, he is in that anime Asmodeus had explained to one of his friends called Akame ga Kill! and as Levistus can only make heads or tails in another world with only the barest of troubles are left.

All the while, the world themselves will basically flip as nature curved and warped as there is an existence of someone who is much stronger and more powerful than any mortal combine.


A cold, stoic, emotionless, soft spoken and barely social in any kind of conundrum, Levistus is not exactly one would exactly call friendly thought at the very least, he doesn't come across as mean, just being very broken, apathetic, cynical and nihilistic with a sad idea of not wanting to actually feel anything at all.

Still, while he may come across as broken, miserable and kind of sour to the point of being unbearable, he does have a good heart beneath it all and he does show himself to be capable of kindness as ever.

However, he does have trouble with lashing out with nary an emotion to control especially when he did so to those he considers as his friends and Levistus is notable for his deep regret and problems with any perceived betrayal while also very sensitive towards those of abuse and bullying, showcasing how deeply troubled he is.

Due to this, he can be extremely capable of wrathful circumstances but at the end of they day, he is capable of sorrow and regret and while he may perhaps hide it all in his snarky sarcasm and melodramatic low key poetics, is also someone who barely wants to talk or interact with someone because he has already broken up with perceived betrayals and how he destroyed relationships over a mistake, he doesn't really want to feel for another.

And yet, despite it all, Levistus still remain a kind and honourable young man who may not be willing to interact but he is willing to do good despite how little he can do. Especially even more prevalent when he has magic and psychic at his call and for Levistus, if he finally had the power that can make the world a little better, no matter how impossible, then who is he to not ceasing the opportunity.

Powers and Abilities:

Getting past the fact that Levistus is the only human player in an alliance between the Lords of the Nine Hells, he is actually more than capable of being equal to the demon and non-humans by being just as powerful and capable as them through versatility and the power of his Occultist Class.

While human, meaning as mortal enough to bleed or get poisoned, Levistus has the advantage of the array of magic and psychic powers at his disposal, using a variety of tools, knowing the spells and the skills at his disposal.

Levistus seemed to be extremely over specialized when it comes on necromancy, considering it as something to do if it can happen in real life and with necromancy comes his immense magical power over the freezing cold and the souls of the damned, granting him powers to raise anyone back from the dead to become a part of his variety of undead.

Aside from necromancy, there is the sorcery of eldritch countenance and he has been shown to have the ability to make anyone blind with madness through whatever spell he had used, conjuring forth attacks of eldritch quality and of course, summoning eldritch abominations at his back and call.

And other than necromancy and the eldritch is his psychic powers and of course, telekinesis, mind reading, mind control and psychic mind attacks is what makes him a terrifying threat like no other.

Still, all this power comes at the cost of how he is still a normal human but in Akame ga Kill!, he is, by comparison, very strong, fast and powerful than the average man and is more than capable of martial prowess with just his weapons and artifacts alone.

And because of this however, he could possibly make the world a little bit better.


Weapons and Equipment:
Any player of YGGDRASIL should not be without a weapon they have and Levistus is no exception, especially by his class as an Occultist.

In his arsenal includes:

The Ruler of the Dead - Hades:
The main weapon of Levistus, Hades, known by its title as, the Ruler of the Dead, is the main weapon of Levistus and is what grants him the immense power over the dead and the undead itself at his fingertips and is also a very powerful weapon in its own right where Levistus would likewise used it for close range attacks.

And Levistus is shown to be very skilled with it, being strong enough to cut through anything, fast enough to move it all and is overall, a versatile and overpowered weapon at his disposal, using some form of skill to parry any attacks as well as magical attacks against him.

• The Skull Boons:

Levistus' form of range projectile weapon that seemed to be unlimited yet rarely fired in rapid succession, the Skull Boons are as their name implies, floating skulls where Levistus would throw at his enemies, homing in on them and when hit, they will cause a debilitating curse upon his opponent, making them much weaker for only a second until the skull finally popped right off.

When it doesn't hit, it acts more like a timed mine field and after a few seconds, it will explode, dealing damage in the vicinity.

• The Lantern of Imprisonment:

A horrific looking lantern with the souls stuck inside it's canister, the Lantern of Imprisonment is as his name implies as an artifact full of the souls trapped inside and is used by Levistus to ensnare anyone if it hits them, being used by Levistus as a chain-whip with a mace that also deals a lot of blunt damage, especially.

• The Gauntlets of Eldritch Ferocity:

A pair of gauntlets that are said to grant those with psychic powers a boost in its stats, the Gauntlet of Eldritch Ferocity are all that is plainly described as both how he can summon eldritch abominations with ease and of course, grant him the tools needed to be a perfect brawler in the battlefield by the strength and power of the punch alone.

• Void:

One of the most powerful weapon in Levistus' arsenal, Void is the aptly named weapon who's blade is made entirely out of pure eldritch void that grants the wielder the ability to teleport around the shorter end of the area of the battlefield that grants Levistus teleporting capabilities with only a minute consumption of his mana cost.

Unlike the other Lords of the Nine Hells, Levistus is the only that doesn't have his own headquarters or guild or NPCs that he had when he played in YGGDRASIL, relying mostly on the help of his friends, his skills, magic and more and a plethora of summoned undead and eldritch abominations at his back and call.

Even then, Levistus is a rather creepy man who's intimidating powers and generally unnerving behaviour makes him unnerving to any and all people alike and has problems with always lashing out before realizing his mistakes.

Despite this, Levistus is still a kind, sympathetic and compassionate if not very heroic young man who is just doing what is necessary for both of those he considered as his friends and the innocents accordingly.

The Chthonic Phantoms:
The main companions and small armies that are lead by Levistus through his usage of Occultist Class powers, the Chthonic Phantoms are all that described as ghosts that are living and breathing and all of them served Levistus in anyway he sees fit.

All of them take on numerous forms of many varieties but all of them have three things in common: They are practically invincible due to their intangible nature, are not truly invincible and are actually barely sentient or capable of thought with only few exceptions and their most vulnerable points are Levistus and whether that is easier said than done is all up to the skill of the opponent.

Furthermore, when their appearance comes, Levistus will also get the control of their powers as well, giving him a variety of their powers and abilities at their disposal.

The Chthonic Phantoms includes:

Stygian, the Phantom of Blood and Darkness:

Appearing as giant humanoid ghost with pale white corpse-like skin, wearing a black cloak, no eyes, huge maw and sharp bloody claws on both ends, Stygian is suitable for a more offensive role towards Levistus through the Phantom's usage of the manipulation of blood and ability to hide in the shadows which Levistus can use, alongside the ability to regain health through Stygian's vampire-like characteristics.

It is also primal and hungry and were it not for it to be bonded with Levistus, none shall try to escape Stygian and being a vampiric force of darkness on the prowl like a predator in the shadows.

• Morpheus, the Phantom of Silence and Unassuming:

Appearing as a ghost who's wrist and neck is entirely held up by chains, Morpheus is a rather passive-aggressive Chthonic Phantom who's only ability is making itself invisible and silent which actually works fine for Levistus being able to kill his enemies as silently and efficiently as possible.

This, however, doesn't mean that it is harmless and when at close proximity, it will grab anyone's neck and snap them no problem.

• Gaia, the Phantom of Nature and Life Cycle:

Gaia is the most unstable of the Chthonic Phantoms who likewise growl as loudly and as massively as possible and is downright feral and animalistic to the core where it's screams can make other people's ear bleed and bending the natural environment to its will while also grant Levistus near immortality that let's him survive anything with ease.

• Nergal, the Phantom of Sickness and Rot:

A very disgusting ghost that gained the manipulation of the rot at his back and call, Nergal is the most apocalyptic of the Chthonic Phantoms by way of its ability to spread a plague around without any signs of stopping, rotting and decaying anyone to kingdom come.

• Fate, the Phantom of Chaos and Gamble:

The most eldritch of the Chthonic Phantoms, Fate is a ghost that seemed to be heavily connected to what can be described as 'a dimension or a domain of uncontrollable chaos and aberrations' and Fate herself is utterly dangerous by her unpredictable ways to mutate her enemies through a mere touch or call upon the monsters from what she bonded to at her back and call.

• King Minos, the Phantom of Love and Lust:

The most beloved king in the very afterlife itself, said to turn a layer in the underworld to become a thriving city to those who had died by loving one another and believing that love is not a sin of such magnitude, King Minos is one Levistus' Chthonic Phantoms' most honourable, noble and openly the most heroic and idealistic of the Chthonic Phantoms, being a sentient former ruler of the underworld who will bring the hurt against those who hurt the innocent.

His powers involves around being such a hope bringer of pure charisma that he can raise the morale of his allies and the charm of his enemies to see the truth with his all knowing breathe, especially with being a Chthonic Phantom that can speak, actually.

And while his powers are impressive, he is no pushover in battle and King Minos can more or less give the hurt through pain and damnation with everything he got like no other through punches and kicks like never before.

• King Sisyphus, the Phantom of Rebellion and Determination:

The Chthonic Phantom who was once a sinner that had also defied against the Heavens in an open rebellion against them, King Sisyphus is a massively unscrupulous, pragmatic, deeply ruthless, determined and finally, spiteful man who is eager for battle as much as he is eager to fight and even when this had killed him, he will continue where he let off.

King Sisyphus is a Chthonic Phantom that grants Levistus' immense level of power at his disposal and King Sisyphus is both strong and incredibly fast who will happily defy any and all tyrants and madman to kingdom come until nothing is left but their soggy blood becoming nothing but a paste on the very floor itself.

The Blade Reavers:

Those who are formerly dead before Levistus finds them still harboring an aura that showcase some lingering want for whatever business they have, the Blade Reavers are all once people who are all dead, be revived by Levistus and while they look too human to be not look like corpses, they are still corpses that were brought upon by Levistus' necromancy back from the dead.

Every Blade Reavers are all varied in their appearance and personality thought less so on gender as everyone of them are all female but regardless, all of them not only gained a second chance in life and but also the immortality as well, making them defy death again if Levistus is nearby of course.

And every last one of them are all highly skilled and incredibly powerful, gaining superhuman prowess and a plethora of supernatural powers at her disposal. And some of them could be coming from a bygone era before the Empire were ever created or something.

The members of the Blade Reavers include:

Geryon, the First Blade Reaver:

The first of the Blade Reavers that Levistus had revived, appearing as a young woman wearing a kimono with long white hair, Geryon is the most loyal of the Blade Reavers by way of her gratefulness to being given a second chance in life.

While her memories during her time are hazy at best, making her amnesiac with the name being given by Levistus, Geryon prove herself to be rather competent as both as an assistant and something of a secretary to Levistus and a powerful woman with the ability to call upon the wind of the dead that sucks the temperature out of everything to an absolutely sub zero degrees of it.

And her loyalty towards Levistus may likewise comes across as rather earnest at best.

Thorne, the Vengeful Blade Reaver:

The second Blade Reaver, notable for her violent attitude and vengeful ways, Thorne is the most absolutely devoted towards the destruction of the Empire and her vengeful attitude has made her comes across as toxic and incredibly unhinged at how eager she is to kill all who are in league with the Empire, seeing them only as evil people that deserved what horrible things happen to them just as they did when they had once raped her, tortured her and violently mutilated her as well.

And her personality is kind of a reflection of her powers where she would basically manipulate her body in a grotesque fashion like creating tentacles from her back made of blood, elongate her finger nails to sharp claws, gorge on her victims like an animal by biting and eating them and many more grotesque powers after becoming a Blade Reaver.

After a while, Thorne will have her own Teigu to be used against the Empire called Nightmare Crescendo: Morpheus, not to be confused with Levistus's Chthonic Phantom of the same name, which is a rather weirdly designed sword that, while looking ordinary if not rather stylized, it also has the ability to turn itself into multiple blades jutting on all ends around with the handle at the centre and it looks unwieldy yet Thorne can nonetheless wield it just fine and as skillfully as possible.

It's Trump Card is the fact that it can induce anyone in a horrifying state of illusion where they had to suffer from their worst nightmare, becoming catatonic as no matter how heavily injured their bodies had become, their still alive unless their brain is splattered and that works on when Thorne holds Morpheus right in front of her towards her opponent to look upon it.

Caul, the Bloody Blade Reaver:

The third Blade Reaver that Levistus revived, Caul is an unnervingly cheerful, sweet and yet, incredibly disturbing, mad and psychopathic bloodthirsty murderer who seemed to kill people, regardless if they are innocent or not, and become happy when their blood comes out of their body, making her smile.

Like Thorne, Caul showcase a disturbing level of grotesque powers as a Blade Reaver and this involved basically puking boiling blood from her mouth that melts anything like acid and how she had punch her hands into someone's body and boiling their blood from the inside out or how she can basically manipulate the blood if she put her own to it, making them become corpses for her seeming pleasure with her greatest and most infamous artistic achievement is the fact that she can put together a corpse of a lot of corpses together to create a disgusting undead abomination with it.

For a while, she will also get her own Teigu called Will of Blood: Dracula and they appear as two large swords that Caul can wield them effortlessly as they are also like Caul in that they get stronger through the blood that are drain from their enemies to the blade, gaining strength and becoming larger and more powerful as Caul herself becomes more unstable, as if she isn't already.

Cauldwin, the Silent Blade Reaver:

The fourth of the Blade Reavers, Cauldwin is the stoic, completely silent and thoroughly enigmatic members of the Blade Reavers that makes even Akame herself look more expressive than hers, practically because of how she behave less like some moody teenager with an anti-social attitude and more of a robotic automaton with nary a personality left.

Still, she does expressed her loyalty to Levistus and while she may not express through words, she can express through actions and she does show herself to be a caring side to it all.

And her powers revolves her ability to control the wind and said wind is not only incredibly powerful by way of how they can slice through anything with just a projectile alone but she can also have the ability to barrier herself to protect from any damage and it allows her to fly.

Getting her own Teigu, Cauldwin gains the Lunacy of Sleep: Hypnos and while the name can come across as rather harmless and not intimidating, it is still a giant sword that is large and heavy and it's Trump Card allows it to create a fog that, if anyone exhales it, would be rendered into a deep sleep, making them vulnerable for somebody to kill them without effort although only if they actually have something to prevent them from sleeping like either a breathing mask or just a great amount of willpower.

Phasma, the Charming Blade Reaver:

The fifth of the Blade Reavers, Phasma is said to be once was a young noble girl who had taken the responsibility and duty to uphold the law and order and is given the dubious honour of being an honourable noble who will inherit the responsibility of doing what a noble should strive for and that is being earnest, steadfast, hard working and cunning in linguistics and diplomacy as well as upholding the law and care for the citizens she should watch over with.

Up until her death, that is, courtesy of someone killing her for supposedly caring for 'sheep'.

Revived as a Blade Reaver by Levistus, Phasma is kind of the closest thing the Blade Reaver has to a second-in-command leader in charge and seemed to take a bit too much at being granted authority with as much diligence as possible and the most she can do with it.

On one hand, she is the least powerful of the Blade Reaver though in combat, she is no pushover as well but her charming persuasiveness are actually her strongest point, making her likewise supernatural and it is kind of unknown if it is because she is a Blade Reaver or it's just her.

But regardless, she does know how to make herself convincing and persuasive and has been known to be in charge of diplomacy and making deals that can grant anyone, mainly Levistus, to have connections and allies.

And overall, as said before, she is no pushover in battle and while she may use a simple sword, it is more than enough to get the job done.

Evaline Primaris, the Starving Blade Reaver:

The sixth of the Blade Reavers, Evaline Primaris was once a member of a tribe that tried to survive by hunting Danger Beasts and eating them and was killed by one in the wilds.

Revived by Levistus as a member of his Blade Reavers, Evaline is notable for how much of a glutton she is, being incredibly serious at wanting to hunt anything she sees and of course, by being a Blade Reaver, Evaline has basically a cannibal.

And as she eats, she has the ability to absorb their memories into herself, gaining knowledge and understanding and even gained numerous traits from any Danger Beast she eats, accumulating them into her body to be used thought it isn't limitless as she needs to throw some parts of that trait to be in place for the next one and she does it all by....


..... The less said, the better, unless you're into that thing.

Phyra Leviathan, the Cold-Fire Blade Reaver:

The seventh of the Blade Reavers, Phyra Leviathan is a woman of unknown circumstances who died from a natural causes by way of thunderbolt to her very body, basically killing her and burning her in the process.

She is, for the most part, the most normal of the Blade Reavers as instead of either heavily devoted or vengeful or psychotic or robotic or gluttonous, Phyra is just a normal woman who was just minding her own business and she dies from a realistic natural causes rather than something tragic and just comes across as a woman who is freaking out of everything and confused by all as well as being befuddled by the absolute insanity of it all to her core.

Still, she is still a Blade Reaver and while she doesn't like to get involved, she also knows that she doesn't have a choice and she will likewise wants to die as a form of mercy.

Nonetheless, she is still an incredibly powerful Blade Reaver through her powers of her Cold-Fire which is a blue flame which, while it won't burn people, it will steal their warmth, making everyone being killed by it be turned to dust from the blue flame itself.

Furthermore, due to how cold it is, it cannot be extinguished by water, as it can actually grow more if it feeds it something cold although it can still be extinguished when meet normal flames as it can actually extinguished it with ease.

Gray, the Fateful Blade Reaver:

The eighth of the Blade Reavers who died from what she described as 'what fate has dictated upon her' and is not elaborated upon, Gray is a woman who knows how to enjoy life as fate dictates her to and is notable for how utterly crazy she can be when she makes plans that are so insane that, surprisingly, can work.

Her powers involved her ability to manipulate causality to her cause and she has been reportedly noted for how lucky she is by how a skilled swordswoman like her, one that doesn't even have any unique powers of her own, can be very dangerous by herself with all the chaos around her and she can do so with nothing more than having the most fun of her life.

Dice, the Gambling Blade Reaver:

The ninth of the Blade Reavers, Dice is basically dancer and assassin who is a foreigner that had once been someone's rape victim until her demise and now, Dice is someone who wants nothing more than to make him suffer for what he had done to her.

Aside from being a capable killer with her dual daggers, her powers are her ability to make the people around her to suffer from some of brain hernia that results in them going bonkers to insanity just by some form of dance she can make her if her dancer outfit are an indication to her, however.

Shroud, the Bereaved Blade Reaver:

The tenth and final of the Blade Reavers, Shroud is a woman who is blind yet still capable of assassination who was once allied to the Empire but now, becomes a part of the Blade Reavers as Levistus commands it.

Shroud wields a weapon that is described as a Shingu which is a weaker version of a Teigu and it is kind of underwhelming as it makes her silent in her actions as well dampening her emotions to a cold fault which is the reason for how nearly silent and quiet she is.

This still makes her very effective and suffice to say, none shall know how to react when they least expected.

And there, all done.

Ciao, everybody.


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