You Do Not Kill Asmodeus. Now...

TheValkyrie13 द्वारा

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In the world so greedy and so corrupt and where the weak dies and the strong lives to take what is there's, h... अधिक

Asmodeus Character Information:
Prologue: We Bring Hell To These Abandoned World
Chapter 1: A Demon Lord's Awakening & Displacement
Author's Note: Explanation - The Evil Virtue of Asmodeus
Chapter 2: A Demon Lord Is In a WHAT?
Chapter 3: Asmodeus, the Demon Emperor of Tartarus
Chapter 4: Asmodeus, the Noble Demon
Chapter 5: The Ice General vs The Demon Emperor
🍋Chapter 6: Esdeath's Fall to Demonic Temptation
Chapter 7: The Number of Death - 13
Chapter 8: Death to the Capital
Chapter 9: Death of Night Raid
Thirteenth Character Information:
Chapter 10: The Mission of Death
Chapter 11: Demon Emperor and Death Incarnate
Chapter 12: Let Death Bring Eternal Damnation
Chapter 13: A Tour in the Rotten Empire
Chapter 14: The Equalizer of Death
Chapter 15: The Executioner's Horrifying Meeting With Death Itself
Chapter 16: A Slave of Death's Awakening
Chapter 17: Kali's Induction and the Meaning of Death
Chapter 18: Kali's Training and Meeting the Blindness of Justice
Chapter 19: Seryu's Journey of Self Reflection... IN HELL!
Chapter 20: Seryu's Acceptance of Revengeance
🍋Chapter 21: The Humiliation of Redemption
Chapter 22: The Vengeance in Possession & Symbiosis
Chapter 23: The Eyes of the God-Machine
🌶 Chapter 24: The Rescue from the Bloody Aristocratic Humiliation
Chapter 25: The Massacre of the Bloody Aristocrats
🍋Omake 1: Akame's Horrifying Humiliation & Pleasure with a Demon
Chapter 26: No Control for the Strongest
Chapter 27: The Wild Hunter Has Become the Weak Hunted
Omake 2: Meet the True Demon
Omake 3: The Invasion of Judgemental Apocalypse
Chapter 29: What Lovely Show of Strength
🍋Chapter 30: A Spear's Strong Attraction
Chapter 31: The General from Hell
🍋Chapter 32: Leone's Kidnapping and Torture
🍋Chapter 33: Leone's Acceptance and Threesome
Chapter 34: Replacement in Command and Training with Death
Chapter 35: Asmodeus' Reminiscent of his Past in YGGDRASIL
Zariel Character Information:
Dispater Character Information:
Dispater (The Iron City of Dis) Character Information:
Mammon Character Information:
Belial and Fierna Character Information:
Levistus Character Information:
Glasya Character Information:
Baalzebul Character Information:
Mephistopheles Character Information:
Chapter 36: The Yellow King's Inquisitive Pursuit
Chapter 37: The Hellish Horrors of War
Chapter 38: The Fallen Children Against the Five Bands
Omake 4: Zank and the Murder Room
Chapter 39: The Dark Haunter Strikes Again
🍋Chapter 40: A Lion's Share of the Fun
Chapter 41: The Demon Emperor's Champion
Chapter 42: The Champion of Hell vs Death Itself
Chapter 43: The Jaegers and the Seven Virtuous Champions
Chapter 44: The Sharing of Demonic Love
Chapter 45: A Hell Champion's Infiltration
Chapter 46: The Necessity of the Virtuous Champions
Chapter 47: The Lord of Dust's Inclusion
Chapter 48: The Supreme Lord's Next Plan
Chapter 49: The Hell Champion's Return
Chapter 50: The Awakening and the Preparation
Chapter 51: Dr. Stylish's Undignified Demise
Chapter 52: Death vs Extinction
Chapter 53: The God of Storm is Approaching
Omake 5: The Fatality of the Three Beasts
Omake 6: The Cost of An Alliance

🍋Chapter 28: The Deal & the New Relationship

1.4K 12 22
TheValkyrie13 द्वारा

I do not own Akame ga Kill and Overlord (2012). They belong to their respective owners.


"And that is the deal, Prime Minister Chouri. And I assure you, this will be beneficial to us both." Asmodeus said as he is sitting down alongside Chouri and Spear in their own home.

After Asmodeus had saved the former Prime Minister and his daughter from Wild Hunt, they were then go home to their mansion and let the Supreme Lord of the Nine Hells to dine with them.

Then Asmodeus is now having a discussion with the former Prime Minister and his eyes get widened in shock at what Asmodeus just said.

"You need to tell me that you are going to usurped our Emperor from his throne and you want my help?" Chouri asked in a shocked tone to Asmodeus.

"Yes." Asmodeus said simply as he then grabbed a cup of tea and drinks.

"Pre-preposterous... And what makes you think I would help you with this treason against the Empire?" Chouri said in aghast tone.

"Obviously, it's because your Empire has become a corrupted cesspool of crimes and villainy. Tell me, what makes you think you would come into the Empire and let Honest know of your arrival? Even you of all people, are not blind on Honest's desperate need to maintain his power. And even if you have the protection of your daughter... well, the results spoke otherwise, correct?" Asmodeus explained as Chouri continue to glare but doesn't respond.

"There are other ways to attain peace without ceaseless bloodshed. I know of you, Asmodeus. How you are an Emperor of the Tartarus Empire that will invade the Capital. And I cannot stand by and watch you committed all these atrocities for power." Chouri said to him.

"Sometimes sacrifice has to be made in order to be granted peace and prosperity. Besides, Honest and his ilk have reaped what they sow by abusing their position without any thought of the consequences they have committed. And I am that consequences." Asmodeus said firmly to the former Prime Minister.

"I served under Emperor Makoto's father, he would not want to see his empire torn apart by needless warfare and bloodshed." Chouri said firmly again to the Demon King.

"Really? Was that before or after he's nothing more than a dead man?" Asmodeus said bluntly making Chouri glare at Asmodeus.

"How dare you? Who do you think you are to say such things?" Chouri said in anger at Asmodeus' words.

Asmodeus is hardly phased by his anger before he nonchalantly put his cup on the table and calmly said, "I am Asmodeus. Supreme Lord of the Nine Hells and ruler of the Tartarus Empire. And like it or not, I am your people's last hope. I make no attempts to hide the fact that I am a demon. I kill. I murder. I manipulate. I am considered far more evil than all you humans will ever comprehend. And that is okay." Asmodeus said before he stands and declared, "I am a demon, no doubt about it. But I am above of such petty acts of cruelty and decadence. I have the ambition, the strength and the power and through my rule, I can make the Empire far better and much more powerful that it was before being ruled by a puppet and a fat pig who cares only about being lazy and shit around his room like the pig he is." Asmodeus declared to the former Prime Minister as he still glare at him.

"In that case, will you let Honest answer for all of his crimes?" Chouri asked him.

Asmodeus just stare at him with an impassive look before saying, "Fuck that." He said, much to Chouri's shock, "After all he has committed in the name of debauchery and cruelty, you still want to do this the 'right way', right?" Asmodeus said, empathising the words in a mocking manner, "Honestly, I pity you."

"What?" Chouri said in anger at Asmodeus' words.

"Honestly, you're like one of these honourable and reasonable authority figures who preach and preach about being good and kind above all others, abiding by the law and doing things this in the most honourable way possible. Seriously, you're such a child." Asmodeus called him with a chuckle as Chouri and Spear looked at him in anger.

"You take that back, you jerk or I'll-" Spear is interrupted when Asmodeus glared at him with a killing intent, daring her to say something against him.

"Or what? Can't let me tell the truth?" Asmodeus said before looking at Chouri again and said, "Chouri, Chouri, Chouri. There was a time when you were a competent authority figure and everyone loved you for your honourable ways of doing things. You abide by the law, you remained faithful and your hands are so clean that you take so much pride in your purity that you have these holier-than-thou attitude."

This made Chouri feel aghast at his claim as Asmodeus continued.

"But that is not how the real world works. We lived in a world where people sold their children to slavery, war comes at every corner in the Capital and the many, many corrupt fools are perpetuating it for money and power. The nobility have all been committing all acts of horrible actions, like raping, murdering, bribing, slavery, sadistic torture and horrifying games that even include fucking a baby." Asmodeus list that one as Spear could almost puke at his words.

"You said that killing people is only for the savage and how unnecessary it is of the bloodshed they caused. And yet, you really, really, really think that you don't want to see this horrible vermin to be wiped off from the fate of existence as they continue to live while good people like you... die. Is that it? Hmmm? Was I wrong of everything I say? Go ahead, child. Say it? Say that I'm wrong? Say that you refused to bow down to me is because I'm a demon and no matter what, you refused to bow down to me because as a demon, I am seen as evil despite of the fact that the people I have killed, tortured and mutilated are far worse than that. How can you even choose them over me when they have committed all these unnecessary evil of debauchery and cruelty? Go ahead, child. Explain your fucking reason. Now." Asmodeus finally end his piece as Chouri continue to glare at him.

However, Chouri's features suddenly softened as the realization suddenly washed over him.


He heard what Asmodeus said as Chouri continue to grit his teeth in frustration.


Then his eyes started to water as his knuckles started to go white as he gnashed his teeth in frustration even more.


"I DON'T KNOW!" Chouri finally said as he yelled at Asmodeus who then looked at the former Prime Minister with an acceptable look, "I... I don't know... I don't even know what was I even thinking of going into the Capital and thinking that it would be safe. I know Honest like the day he usurped my position as Prime Minister. It was a mistake for me to retire. Even more so when I have to rely on my daughter for protection of all things."

"Father...." Spear said in a sympathetic manner to him, trying to assure him.

"No, Spear. Forgive me for this but as much as I am proud of your choice in being a martial artists of the Imperial Fists, I don't want to see my daughter be killed. Because what kind of father I am when I can't protect my own children and instead, they die protecting me. What kind of father was that?" Chouri said in a saddened tone as Spear looked at him in sympathy.

Asmodeus just continue to look at the former Prime Minister and his daughter with a passive look. Until he started wiping something from his left eye.

Chouri stopped crying right now before looking at Asmodeus once again and said, "What is it that you want from me?"

Asmodeus then sit down on his chair before saying, "I'll be straight to the point. I want you to give me any information of every possible political rivals and allies of Honest. Send it to me and if they're rivals, I intend on protecting them from any and all threats that were sent by Honest. If they're allies... well... you know what I am going to do to them, don't you?" Asmodeus said as he then whipped out his sword to the two, who looked rather unnerving by it.

"Th-that is a tall order you are requesting me. I mean, even if I am the former Prime Minister, I no longer have the authority to... report you. Not when everything is now under Honest's control." Chouri said with a venomous tone.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I have just the thing that will help you." Asmodeus then stands up and tried to call, "You can come out now. Your Lord commands it."

"What are you-" Chouri was about to ask him before something just comes out from the wall and fly around the whole area.

Spear ducked at the many flying black wisps as Chouri is covering her until finally, they are now floating in between Asmodeus.

After that whole debacle, Chouri and Spear looked to see six black, thin and spindly humanoid-looking beings with tiny wings and expressionless mask-like face and four glaring eyes as they all stand at attention with Asmodeus.

"Chouri. Spear. I present you two, my Watchers. Don't let their demonic appearance be of a concern to you, they are very much harmless. However, they are useful for their ability to hide in plain sight and relay information, serving as spies and infiltrators in any sort of usage. Is that clear?" Asmodeus explained it all as the Watchers fly towards Chouri and his daughter as while the two are on edge, the Watchers continue to look at them before one of them said something.

"Be honoured that you are under the service of our lord, human. Do not betray us. Betrayal will only be met with a merciless end." One of the Watchers speak in a deep and raspy tone as he explained it all to Chouri before they finally departed, flying off to who knows where.

"Ahem, now that you all are shown to be acquainted with my spies..." Asmodeus then started to yawn as his eyes started dripping now as he said, "....might as well just take a break. Mind if I sleep in your home, please?"

Chouri then looked at Asmodeus rather weirdly before he finally said, "O-of course..."

"Well..." Asmodeus then stretched his arms above and yawned again before saying, "Well, good night." He said before walked off from their meeting.

After all that, Chouri is now wiping the sweat from his brow as he is feeling nervous right now before he felt a hand on his arm, looking to the side to see his daughter holding him.

"Father? Are you sure that this will be okay?" Spear asked him, not knowing what to actually thought about all of this.

"To he honest with you, my daughter, I don't know any more." Chouri said, admittedly not knowing what to even think about all of these.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the night....

All the members of Night Raid were all finally sleeping in their own rooms after doing their daily task up ahead.

All except for a certain two girls, of course...



Mine and Sheele are both nude and on the bed as Mine is stifling her moans while Sheele is busy sucking and fondling her boobs as she suck her right nipples while poking and nibbling her left one.

"Mmmhhh.... Mmmmhhhh.... Mmmmhhhh..." Mine continued to stifle her moan as Sheele continue to play with her now large breasts and as Sheele gives a mischievous glint, she then started to open her mouth wide and bite her nipple, making Mine moaned loudly.

"Ah, Mine. Did you feel good from me playing with your breast?" Sheele said mischievously as Mine blushed at her statement.

"I-it... It's not like that. This breast of mine are really sensitive now. And we shouldn't do this, Sheele. Or else people will-KYAAA!?" Mine screeched when she can feel her own pussy is being fingered.

Sheele then inserted her finger into Mine as she moaned, feeling her two fingers flowing inside of her as Mine squirmed, moaned and buckled.

"It's okay, Mine. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Just let me make you feel good now. Just dig in." Sheele assured as she continue to finger her.

Mine is still moaning as Sheele's finger are digging into her pussy even more vigorously now as she continue to moan really, really loudly.

"Ahh... Ahhh... Sheele... I'm gonna... I'm gonna... Ahhh...." Mine started to shake in pleasure as Sheele continue to finger her.

"Let it out, Mine. It's gonna be alright. Just let it all out." Sheele assured her again as Mine is moaning like crazy before finally...

"I... I... I'M CUMMING!" Mine screamed as she came on Sheele's finger.

Mine continue to squirt her cum on Sheele's hands as Mine is trembling at what she had been feeling.

"There, there. Do you feel good, Mine?" Sheele asked and Mine looked at her girlfriend and just gives a shaky nod as Sheele, "Oh, wait. Look at what's in my hand?"

Mine looked to see Sheele raising her hand to see that it is still covered in cum.

Mine closed her eyes with her hands in embarrassment at the sight of that, "Sheele... don't show that in front of me? It's so embarrassing..." Mine screeched as her face goes red.

"It's not embarrassing, Mine. It's..." Sheele then started to open her mouth, after swatting her hair out of the way before she started sucking on her cum-stained fingers, "It's really delicious." She said as she continue on her two cum-stained fingers.

Mine still closed her eyes only to peak behind her fingers to see Sheele is still licking her fingers of her own cum.

And she does look really sexy sucking it.

"Do you want to taste it too?" Sheele requested as Mine doesn't respond in embarrassment from her request, "Come on. Don't be shy. You taste really delicious." She assured her.

As Mine then let her face go, she then reluctantly opened her mouth before Sheele put her fingers in it, letting Mine licked her fingers like a tasty lollipop.

Sheele smiled at how cute Mine is sucking her fingers like a baby as she pat her head, much to her embarrassment, "You are really cute, Mine. Such a cute and adorable girlfriend I have."

Mine blushed in embarrassment as she muffled from Sheele's fingers in her mouth.

"Hmmm, what was that?" Sheele asked as she let her finger off Mine's off for her to speak.

"Please don't embarrass me any further, Sheele. This is so embarrassing." Mine whined as she gives a pout.

The feeling of a hug and her head on her girlfriend's big breast makes her realise as she looked up to see Sheele's assuring look, "It's okay, Mine. I know that it's going to be really scary at first but once you get used to it, you'll enjoy it. Here, let me show you." Sheele assured her as she brought Mine's head closer to her own face and started kissing her.

Mine looked shocked by this but then she started to enjoy as she too kissed her with all the love she has, hugging her as well as feeling their own breasts are rubbing against each other, even having their nipples rubbed one another.

The pleasure they are feeling... the sensation... is just absolutely incredible....

Mine and Sheele continue to kissed each other and then opened their mouths as they are making out with their tongues, tasting each other with Mine even getting the taste of her own cum in Sheele's mouth.

They finally stopped their french kissing as they only leave their string of saliva on their lower lips before looking at each other lovingly.

"You're a really good kisser." Sheele said.

"R-really... It's not that bad, right?" Mine said nervously at her praise.

Sheele giggled at her nervous nature as she pat her head, "Of course I am. Now then..." Sheele then started to turn around as Mine stare in confusion. Only to realise that she is basically looking closely at Sheele's butt in all it's glory.

Mine is mesmerized at the sight before her.

Her round, plump, soft and really big butt.

Her wet pussy that is dripping with her love juices.

And finally, between her ass cheeks is a twitching and puckered asshole that looks cute.

"Come on, Mine..." Sheele then started to shake her ass, making Mine mesmerized at the sight before her, "Come taste everything from me." Sheele said seductively as she continue to hypnotize Mine with her shaking big butt.

Mine could almost drool at the plump ass in front of her before she thoughtlessly grabbed her big butt and fondle it.

Sheele loudly moaned from the touch as Mine continue to grab and fondle the plump softness of Sheele's ass, her fingers are sinking into the flesh as she enjoyed it all.

Then she noticed the marks on her ass, likely from Genevieve spanking her, making Mine frowned.

Before she has an idea as she started to opened her mouth and let her tongue out.

Sheele yelp when she can feel her own two ass cheeks are being licked, even feeling the stinging pain from the last spanking. But then, she started to smile in bliss and contentment as Mine is basically healing her sore butt with her soft tongue and it does feel good when she can feel her own girlfriend's tongue feel so cool.

As Mine is finally done with 'healing' her girlfriend's butt, she then spread her ass cheeks apart and started to lick her pussy.

"Kya... Ahh... Ahhh... Right there, Mine... Right there... Aaahhhhh... Ahhhhh..." Sheele moaned as Mine continue to lick her pussy, feeling even her tongue is digging even deeper into it.

As Mine continue licking, she then started to hug Sheele's legs and started to enjoy having her face be smothered by the plump ass cheeks on her face and lick, suck, smell and kiss every private area she could enjoy.

From licking her pussy, to licking her butt cheeks, to licking the inner crevasses of her ass and finally, licking her twitching asshole itself, Sheele is basically moaning like crazy as she squirmed and bucked from the analingus, oral sex and so much pleasure that her arms are no longer capable of supporting her body before she falls to the bed, letting her body down and her ass up in the air as Mine continue to enjoy her treat.

Sheele continue to loudly moaned and screamed while being muffled on the bed as Mine continue to enjoy the taste and sensation of having sex with her girlfriend and lover.

"Ahhh.... Mine... Mine...." Sheele finally have her head come out of the bed as she bucked her hips and continue to moan, "I'm gonna... I'm gonna... Ahhhh..."

Mine knows this and started to kneed Sheele's butt cheeks, intending her to cum even closer until finally, "I'M CUMMING!!" Sheele screamed as she came on Mine's face with her love juices while Mine felt her face is sprayed before she opened her mouth to taste the love juices that came out from Sheele.

After that was all done, Sheele then lies down on her stomach while Mine is lying on top of her as they all looked at each other, smiled and kiss each other as they stare lovingly at each other."

"I love you, Sheele."

"I love you too, Mine."

They all confessed with each other as they smiled before kissing each other once again as they hug themselves once more, lovingly being comforted as they confessed their new relationship with each other.

All the while, a lone Watcher is busy watching them from out of sight, all without care only to finally say, "What is it with these humans and their activities? And why is my lord want me to watch this?" The Watcher said in overall confusion.




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