Newbie (Bucky x Reader)

By BlueEyedGirl83xo

532K 15.8K 1.4K

Adopted at a young age by Nicholas Fury, Y/N was raised as a Shield agent and was known to be one of the best... More

The past & present
Rejected invitation
Blind date
Recon mission
Mission completed
After recon drinks
Moving in
Horror movie
Sparring and Practice
Late night rendezvous
First Kiss
Getting ready
The club
Upsetting breakfast
First date
Game night
First Avenger Mission
Starting to open up
Bikini's and VA meetings
Inner look
Second date
Mission dangers
Movies and mornings
Shopping with the girls
Swimming & Dancing
Lone mission
Hospital stay
Broken Fever?
Rampant Fever
Getting Stronger
Second surgery
Getting better
Fresh air
Doctor Joy
Fifth date
Sixth date
First time together**
Maria's visit
Hot Chocolate & Missing Bucky
No news & tempers
Bucky's return**
Swimming & Bucky
Hot tub**
Not so gentle**
Interrupted Morning
His favorite distraction
One helluva dame
Before the date
Bucky's date
Bucky's date part 2 **
Public knowledge
A day out
Fury and the breakfast discussion
Unsaid confession
A day in bed
Alone time**
Back to normal activities
A little more public love
A walk in the park
A date at Coney Island
After Coney Island**
Reviewing schematics
Farmer's market
The only thing he'd change
Morning of the big mission
Battle part 2
Till the end of the line**
Working on reports
Museum with Bucky and Steve
Mission discussion
Good girl**
Mission shopping
Learning to type
Spa day
The big announcement
After the announcement**
First fight
A protective Father
Another day out at the Farmers Market
A worried Loki
Headed out
Special mission start
Little moments**
The little housewife
Date night
Forever isn't long enough**
A Saturday breakfast
Domestic Bucky
Mission reports and a text to dad
Stress free Sunday
The test
Doctor appointment
Tea with Laura
Loki's confession
Romance isn't dead
A continuation
A definite yes
The urgency to get home
Finally home
Tea party
Getting rid of the bugs
The Good housewife**
Breaking in
Possible sale
Morning sickness
Easy Sunday mornings
A sweet morning
The drop off
Before the arrest
Finally home at the compound
Wedding planning
Moon and Stars
Maternity clothes
Cocky Bucky
Avenger Tea
The thought of someday
Back to Sunday breakfasts
Father son talk
Wedding plans with Steve and Loki
Important questions
Are there any more strawberries?
Back to routine
Dress fitting
Asleep on the couch
Finishing mission reports
Spa day
Stag party
The morning of the wedding
The wedding

Breakfast in bed

1.5K 58 0
By BlueEyedGirl83xo

For the rest of the week, it was mainly the same thing every day. You would wake up before Bucky, make his coffee while you made yourself a tea and took out Daisy. Once he got up you would go and make breakfast, and his lunch. You would go outside and walk him to the car to give him his kiss goodbye. Mornings were spent in the garden, and the afternoon was spent in the house cleaning. You both would send your evening reports, after cuddling on the couch and working on puzzles or watching documentaries. Bucky seemed to understand your aversion to the news. Each night you would make love before falling into a blissful sleep.
You had taken the time on Thursday afternoon to make five pies. Three for Saturday, one for Bucky to bring to work, and one for supper on Friday after your date night. Bucky had promised that you both could come home to have desert and a romantic night together.
When you woke up Friday morning, Bucky had already gotten out of bed. You were progressively getting slower during the week, and tired more often with Loki's spell wearing off. You could smell the coffee brewing from downstairs. You sat up in bed when you heard footsteps on the stairs.
"Baby?" you called out softly.
"Just a second my rose" Bucky came into view carrying a tray with Daisy behind him. He had a tray with cereal, a vase with a rose, and a cup of tea. "I thought you would enjoy this for a change" he smiled proudly as he set it on your lap.
"James, this is so sweet. I love having breakfast with you though" you looked at him pouting a little bit.
"That's where the other tray comes in" he hurried back down the stairs and came back a few minutes later and sat beside you on the bed with a tray on his lap with cereal and coffee. "You're spoiling me" you smiled at him.
"You deserve to be spoiled" he shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. Alpine came in and jumped up onto the end of the bed with Daisy who was starting to try to make her nest. You wiggled your feet and she stopped with a huff and laid down.
"What did I ever do to deserve you?" you sighed, and took a sip of your tea, and it was just perfectly made.
"I ask myself that question everyday" Bucky grinned at you. "So, I took a half day at work. I know you are worried about me missing time" he saw the look on your face. "Hear me out. This morning I want you to relax, take a bubble bath. Take the time to get ready for our date, I'll be home at noon to pick you up. You should bring your phone" he looked at where you had put the burner phone specifically and you nodded. "We are going to take a long drive out in the country, have supper at the restaurant we went to last week since you liked it so much, and we will come home for our apple pie and snuggle time. I'll even take Daisy out for a run before we go"
"Wow Romeo, you have this all planned out" you grinned starting to eat your breakfast.
"For you rose, I have everything planned out" he winked at you.
"Like what?" you looked at him seriously.
"You'll just have to see" he winked again, and leaned over to kiss you on the cheek. "Make sure you are ready for me at lunch time" he seemed excited. You both ate breakfast, smiling at one each other once in a while. You finished breakfast and Bucky took your tray and ran it back downstairs. You grabbed your mask and ran over to grab your robe, and ran down the stairs. Bucky smiled over at you as he finished putting everything in the sink.
"I wanted to walk you out to the car" you flushed a bit.
"You don't have to rose, you can stay in bed for a little bit" he bit his bottom lip.
"Its one of my favorite parts of the day" you walked over and wrapped your arms around him. "I just love you so much"
"I love you too" he leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips. He took your hand and led you to the door after grabbing his wallet and keys. You followed him outside and when he got to the car he turned and smiled at you.
"Kiss me" you wrapped your arms around him again, and he happily leaned down and brushed his lips against yours. You put your hands behind his head and pulled him in closer and nipped at his bottom lip and he let out a soft moan and he deepened the kiss. You pulled slightly at his hair and let out a happy sigh. He pulled back after a few minutes and gave you a few chaste kisses.
"I'll see you at lunch, don't forget me" he grinned.
"Who could forget you?" you giggled. "I'll be waiting for you" you stood back as he got in the car.

You weren't sure what Bucky was up to, but you hurried back in the house and ran up the stairs. You saw that Daisy and Alpine were in the official nest that was made shortly after you and Bucky had left. You hummed to yourself as you took off your mask, and went into the bathroom and started a bubble bath. You got undressed and sighed as you got into the warm water with a bath bomb making the room smell like roses. You turned on your music and sang softly while you relaxed. You ran your hand over your stomach and smiled to yourself thinking about the two little lives inside of you. You couldn't believe that you and Bucky were taking this big of a step already. You thought of Loki, and felt thankful for him helping you, only wishing that you had known about the pregnancy before. You stayed in the water until it was nearly cold, and took a quick shower. You did up your hair in curls, with a small updo before starting on your makeup. You made sure to cover the kiss marks, and double checked that your makeup covered everything before putting your mask back on. You went to your closet and looked at everything that was there, and decided on a dress that was soft pink that tucked in at your waist and showed some cleavage. The dress went to your calves, and you put on a pair of cream colored flats and checked the time. You still had about an hour before Bucky would be home to come get you, you went and did the dishes and made some tea before taking Daisy outside to sit in your garden.
"I didn't see you this morning" Laura popped her head over the fence.
"James surprised me with breakfast in bed" you gave a smile. "How are you today?" you asked gently.
"I'm good. Making the sandwiches shortly for tomorrow. Did you get around to make the pie?" she smiled back at you.
"I did, I made three for tomorrow. James brought one to work yesterday for the boys, and we have one for tonight" you sighed happily. "I'm pretty excited for tomorrow" you added gently.
"Oh, we love our tea parties. The boys just hang out in the garage and talk about their men stuff and guns" she rolled her eyes at word guns. You smirked in response and took a sip of your tea.
"Speaking of guns, I've been looking online trying to find my James a new unique gun for his collection" you spoke a little louder than usual. "He loves to collect them, and I want to get him something that would give him bragging rights with the boys"
"Have you tried any gun shows?" she raised her eyebrow.
"I'm not big on crowds" you shook your head.
"Maybe we can come up with something tomorrow at tea" she seemed to be deep in thought. "The boys wont hear us, so there's nothing to worry about"
"That sounds good, money's not something I'm worried about. My uncle sent me money as a housewarming gift. I thought it would be the perfect thing to get James before we start having to purchase all the baby stuff" you gave a shy smile.
"Babies cost a lot of money" she reminded you.
"I know, but I need to spoil my James just one more time" you giggled. "Have you met him? He needs to be spoiled once in a while"
"You two both act like you are still in the honeymoon stage" she joined you in having a good giggle.
"I hope we always do" you sighed and took another sip of tea.
"You look wonderful by the way" she leaned more on the fence.
"James is taking me on a date" you bit your bottom lip. "He's making today a surprise. Would you mind keeping an eye on the house?"
"We are in a safe neighborhood. You have nothing to worry about" Laura grinned at you. "I'll keep an eye out though, no worries" she shrugged.
"I'd better get my purse together" you finished your tea and Daisy ran up to you. "I'll see you tomorrow" you picked up your cup and went back inside.
"See you tomorrow" she called to you, and you heard her walking away.

You weren't sure what to expect when Bucky got home. You knew he would likely need a moment to change, but went outside to wait on him regardless. You had made sure to bring the burner phone just in case, along with your normal phone in your purse.
When the car pulled into the driveway you ran down the steps to see Bucky getting out of the car and he grinned at you. You threw yourself into his arms and gave him a soft kiss on the lips that he quickly deepened.
"Was I gone too long?" he chuckled.
"Always" you giggled. "You don't even smell like the shop" you observed.
"I let the boys do the work today" he looked away momentarily. "Let me go get changed really quick" he gave you a chaste kiss on the lips. He went over and opened the passenger side door, and waited for you to slip in the car. You smiled softly and got in, and looked over towards Ron and Stephanie's house. You saw Stephanie had come outside and was working on her garden. She looked over and gave you a wave, so you waved back with a big smile on your face. She got up and headed over, so you turned on the car for a moment to roll down the window.
"Headed out?" she smiled to you as she got to the car.
"Date night, James is taking me on a surprise date" you grinned happily.
"You two are too cute" she giggled. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" she asked quickly.
"I am, I already made the pies" you sighed happily. "I haven't seen you all week"
"I wasn't feeling well. Ron's been busy in the basement all week, so I haven't seen much of anyone" she shrugged, looking a little sad.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you feeling better now?" you asked, feeling awful you hadn't gone to check on her, even though you barely knew her.
"Much better, just a touch of the flu" she smiled.
"Are you excited for tomorrow too?" you asked, trying to keep the conversation going.
"Definitely, I feel people starved" she nodded.
"You know, you should come over for tea sometime next week. I had Laura over on Monday, and it was lovely to sit out in the garden for a bit during the day and have some conversation" you reached out and touched her on the arm.
"I'd love that, we can invite Laura and enjoy your little rose garden" she giggled. "So, do you have any idea where he's taking you?" she wiggled her eyebrows.
"James is good at keeping secrets" you flushed. "I'm so excited, he just told me to dress nicely" you admitted.
"Did he take you to the big fancy restaurant in town yet?" she looked to the front door to make sure you two still had time to talk.
"Yes, last week. It was lovely. The food was fantastic" you nodded eagerly. "He's spoiling me a lot today, he started me out with breakfast in bed" you admitted gently.
"You have a good man, I would keep a good hold on him" she smiled and waved at Bucky as came out the door. He stopped to lock the door and came over slowly.
"Hey Stephanie" Bucky came over and paused for a moment.
"I was just stealing your wife for a moment, girl talk of course" Stephanie smiled to him. "I'd better get back to my garden. I'll have to make supper soon. Enjoy your date night you two" she waved to you and walked back to her house. Bucky went around to get in the drivers side, and slid into his seat. He reached over and took your hand, once the door was shut, and kissed your knuckles.
"You look amazing" he smiled. You took in his dark blue jeans, and the white dress shirt and wanted to purr just looking at how handsome he was.
"You look amazing James" you cooed to him.
"Are you ready?" he put on his seat belt.
"For extra time with you? Always" you bit your bottom lip and his eyes darkened a bit.
"Don't do that, you know it makes me want to kiss you" he sighed and leaned over the center console and kissed you softly on the lips. He groaned and pulled back. "We can't be late" he sighed. "Time to go"  

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