You Do Not Kill Asmodeus. Now...

By TheValkyrie13

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In the world so greedy and so corrupt and where the weak dies and the strong lives to take what is there's, h... More

Asmodeus Character Information:
Prologue: We Bring Hell To These Abandoned World
Chapter 1: A Demon Lord's Awakening & Displacement
Author's Note: Explanation - The Evil Virtue of Asmodeus
Chapter 2: A Demon Lord Is In a WHAT?
Chapter 3: Asmodeus, the Demon Emperor of Tartarus
Chapter 4: Asmodeus, the Noble Demon
Chapter 5: The Ice General vs The Demon Emperor
🍋Chapter 6: Esdeath's Fall to Demonic Temptation
Chapter 7: The Number of Death - 13
Chapter 8: Death to the Capital
Chapter 9: Death of Night Raid
Thirteenth Character Information:
Chapter 10: The Mission of Death
Chapter 12: Let Death Bring Eternal Damnation
Chapter 13: A Tour in the Rotten Empire
Chapter 14: The Equalizer of Death
Chapter 15: The Executioner's Horrifying Meeting With Death Itself
Chapter 16: A Slave of Death's Awakening
Chapter 17: Kali's Induction and the Meaning of Death
Chapter 18: Kali's Training and Meeting the Blindness of Justice
Chapter 19: Seryu's Journey of Self Reflection... IN HELL!
Chapter 20: Seryu's Acceptance of Revengeance
🍋Chapter 21: The Humiliation of Redemption
Chapter 22: The Vengeance in Possession & Symbiosis
Chapter 23: The Eyes of the God-Machine
🌶 Chapter 24: The Rescue from the Bloody Aristocratic Humiliation
Chapter 25: The Massacre of the Bloody Aristocrats
🍋Omake 1: Akame's Horrifying Humiliation & Pleasure with a Demon
Chapter 26: No Control for the Strongest
Chapter 27: The Wild Hunter Has Become the Weak Hunted
Omake 2: Meet the True Demon
🍋Chapter 28: The Deal & the New Relationship
Omake 3: The Invasion of Judgemental Apocalypse
Chapter 29: What Lovely Show of Strength
🍋Chapter 30: A Spear's Strong Attraction
Chapter 31: The General from Hell
🍋Chapter 32: Leone's Kidnapping and Torture
🍋Chapter 33: Leone's Acceptance and Threesome
Chapter 34: Replacement in Command and Training with Death
Chapter 35: Asmodeus' Reminiscent of his Past in YGGDRASIL
Zariel Character Information:
Dispater Character Information:
Dispater (The Iron City of Dis) Character Information:
Mammon Character Information:
Belial and Fierna Character Information:
Levistus Character Information:
Glasya Character Information:
Baalzebul Character Information:
Mephistopheles Character Information:
Chapter 36: The Yellow King's Inquisitive Pursuit
Chapter 37: The Hellish Horrors of War
Chapter 38: The Fallen Children Against the Five Bands
Omake 4: Zank and the Murder Room
Chapter 39: The Dark Haunter Strikes Again
🍋Chapter 40: A Lion's Share of the Fun
Chapter 41: The Demon Emperor's Champion
Chapter 42: The Champion of Hell vs Death Itself
Chapter 43: The Jaegers and the Seven Virtuous Champions
Chapter 44: The Sharing of Demonic Love
Chapter 45: A Hell Champion's Infiltration
Chapter 46: The Necessity of the Virtuous Champions
Chapter 47: The Lord of Dust's Inclusion
Chapter 48: The Supreme Lord's Next Plan
Chapter 49: The Hell Champion's Return
Chapter 50: The Awakening and the Preparation
Chapter 51: Dr. Stylish's Undignified Demise
Chapter 52: Death vs Extinction
Chapter 53: The God of Storm is Approaching
Omake 5: The Fatality of the Three Beasts
Omake 6: The Cost of An Alliance

Chapter 11: Demon Emperor and Death Incarnate

1K 24 5
By TheValkyrie13

Why is all Overlord FanFic's are so bad at telling a story anyway? Maybe it's just me being annoyed by how... I don't know.... It's just... Inconsistent.

I mean, people say that they disliked Ainz and his NPC's for being over the top evil and people try to root the antagonist to try to win and knock them out of their high thrones.

And yet, people still like them anyway. It's just inconsistent that's all. I mean, take Katsuki Bakugou for example. Sure, people hate him for being an unrepentant asshole with no excuse and yet, fans still like him but the stories that bashed him show otherwise.

Overall, I mean, seriously. Make up your goddamned minds, humans. But I digress. That is just my opinion and let's go with that.

Anyway, on with the story.

"Hmph, Thirteenth? What's with that outfit anyway?"

That is what Asmodeus said for the first time as he looked at Thirteenth wearing what can be described as a plague doctor costume.

"Please, forgive me for such a ridiculous display. I just found this uniform and I thought I could... well 'spice things up a bit', as you say." Thirteenth said in reason.

"Nonsense. I appreciate if my creation show such an interest and hobbies. It gives me pride of how much my creation has grown." Asmodeus said.

"Your words shouldn't give for a being like me but I thank you regardless. But what are you doing here? Is your home-"

"It is fine. It is still fine. The three girls are still busy with the magic I have showed them."

Meanwhile, at the forest....

"WAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Fal screamed at the top of her lungs.




"WHO CARES! JUST RUN!" Air screamed too as they ran at the forest to run away from gigantic mutated rabbit that is hopping and chasing the girls down.

Only to be killed by the Pain Engine who jumped on top of it and grind the thing to paste.

The three girls finally stopped running as they pant and looked at their guardian crushing the mutated rabbit with merciless intent.

"I... I am forever traumatised... about this.... Heeeehhh..." Air said as she faints.

Fal and Luna looked at the fainted Air who is now looking completely knocked out as Luna glare at Fal.

"Your... fault..." Luna said to her.

"Oh.... Shut up..." Fal countered back.

Meanwhile, back at the ruined camp...

"Yup, they're fine." Asmodeus said matter of factly, "So, how have you been at the Empire? Has Night Raid been giving you problems?"

"Hardly, my Emperor. Forgive me for questioning you but why am I forced to ally myself with these sorry excuses of assassins? They are inferior to the likes of me. What makes it worse is that they are a bunch of short lived mortal humans." Thirteenth complained.

"It is because I am in need of them, Thirteenth. These mortals are fighting against the corrupt Empire and better to have allies than enemies." Asmodeus reasoned.

"But why waste time with an alliance with insects? Surely with our forces, we can easily this Capital and make it yours as it's true Emperor." Thirteenth pointed out.

"Maybe but where's the fun in that anyway. The Empire has become corrupt, decayed but stubborn to die, all because of the many sinners in the Capital that continue to commit evil for their selfish gain. No. Swiftly conquering the Empire with ease is just boring. Let all the sinners of the Empire suffer the consequences of their evil, to show them all that these so-called 'monsters in human skin', shall fear to the likes of a real monster. A demon to be exact. A literal one." Asmodeus boasted.

Thirteenth then continue to kneel before the Demon Emperor, "As expected, my Emperor. Your wisdom knows no bound and your will is not indescribable. I vow that I shall that I shall follow your command... no matter what." Thirteenth vow to Asmodeus.

"R-right... thank you for the... eheh... flattery..." Asmodeus said awkwardly as he gives a strained smile, 'Uwah, I have never felt this bashful before. Is this what it feels like to get praise by someone?' He thought in embarrassment.

Asmodeus then cough to clear his throat, "Now then, I believe you should go now. Night Raid will take notice of your extended leave in what can be described as a supposedly easy mission. Take that Teigu and report that your mission has been completed. Understand?" Asmodeus said.

"Of course, my emperor. Your will shall be done." Thirteenth said as he disappeared in black smoke alongside the zombies with him.

With Thirteenth being done, Asmodeus gives a menacing and sadistic smile, "Now that Thirteenth is busy with his mission, I will take a short tour in the den of pitiful excuses of evil beings." Asmodeus said as there is a sound of snarling and a lot of Hell Stalkers are coming out from the portal as they are marching beside Asmodeus alongside the Hideous Demons, "Now then, let the fun begins. Let the Empire feel only nothing but Hell itself as they shall witness... true evil." Asmodeus declared as all his demons let out a loud and animalistic battle cry.

Meanwhile, back at Night Raid's base, the night had fallen.

Tatsumi, Ieyasu and Sayo were still in the meeting room, waiting for Thirteenth. They don't talk much and aside from wanting to know what time is it, they all remained silent.

"You know, as much as that guy is a jerk, I kind of hoping he's alright." Ieyasu said.

"Yeah, same. I mean, I don't know if he is being a jerk or not but all he is doing is just trying to convince that taking on this mission is a bad idea." Tatsumi said too.

Sayo just stayed silent, nodding as she sits around patiently.

"You three should probably get some sleep." Leone said, walking in, "You guys might have finished today's mission, but that doesn't mean you got the day off tomorrow. Especially you Tatsumi, since you have to work with Mine tomorrow."

"Yeah, we know, but-"

"Look, I get it, you're all are worried about Thirteenth, but sitting around won't accomplish anything." She said. "We got people on the watch at all times. If he shows up, everyone will know for sure."

The Bane Three wanted to argue but they couldn't deny her logic so they agreed that it was getting late and it is time for bed.

'Please, be safe. For some reason, you seemed to be miracle. As much as that miracle is creepy and crazy guy with a skull on his face.' Sayo thought as she joined her friends to sleep for the night.

Meanwhile, somewhere else....

A figure have watched from afar to see Asmodeus is busy talking to Thirteenth as the plague doctor wearing death incarnate disappeared into the shadows as Asmodeus declared about something and monsters started coming out from the portal and roared to Asmodeus' declaration.

The figure gasped in shock before he smiled in interest.

"So... I'm not the only the Player here, huh? Well, I guess I... need to visit Honest for a bit. Offer him another deal if he wants to continue his rule. And show that pathetic fat slave.... His Place." The figure said before he disappeared in a blinding light.

It was ironic how Leone, despite telling Tatsumi and his friends to go to sleep, she is feeling tired now.

Leone yawned as she wait for Thirteenth to come back. She is worried. Thought why would she be worried is another matter.

'I mean, the guy is like a hardened killer with a zombie army and a pretty awesome if not really fucked up Teigu that turned the user into an undead and give him delusions or something. What's to worry anyway.' Leone thought, before she sighs.

'I guess I am just worried for any newbie in Night Raid thought calling this guy a newbie is just wrong. He is the farthest from being an amateur. I mean, sure the guy is crazy and a jerk. But... call me selfish but Night Raid would have him to help us against the Empire. To be honest, seeing those Imperial bastards being killed by zombies would kind of cool.' Leone thought as she smiled at the cathartic karma that Thirteenth would do with his zombie army.

"Hopefully, the guy wouldn't do anything stupid. I mean, I'm sure the guy is insane but stupid is far from it." Leone talked to herself.

"Did you seriously just sit there all alone, waiting for me, of all people?"

Leone's eyes go wide as she heard a rather deep and demonic voice.

Leone then turned around to see a black smoke and dark smoke at the corner of the room.

Leone flinched as a figure comes out from the smoke and she cringed as she can hear a lot of bone cracks and the figure moved around in an unsettling and erratic manner.

Leone would have used her Teigu to beat this intruder. That was until she saw the familiar big scythe of a certain deluded who is named after a number.

"Thirteenth? Is that you?" Leone questioned as the figure finally stand straight before the figure takes off his bird mask to reveal the familiar young man with an exposed right skull.

"You asked?" Thirteenth said in a nonchalant manner.

"Your back." Leone said.

"Yes, and your worry to me is completely unwarranted. This target you have assigned to me is pathetic. Nothing that can harm the likes of death himself." Thirteenth boasted, "Also, here."

Thirteenth then throw something onto Leone as she quickly grabbed it to reveal a sword with teeth, "What's this?"

"What do you think? It's a Teigu. A sword that the target used to try to cut my weapon into two and failed very spectacularly, in fact." Thirteenth said condescendingly, "Now, if you excuse me please. I am going to take a rest."

"Hey, aren't you going to say something?" Leone complained to him.

"What do you want me to say? I have completed the task your hussy of a leader has given me, I gave you a weapon and that's it. What more do you want?" Thirteenth said, glaring at him.

"Well, the kids were worried for you, that's all." Leone countered.

"'Worried?', 'About me?' Please, I am Thirteenth. I am death incarnate. I layed waste against entire armies and command an army of corpses of man and beasts alike at my back and call. Why would they be worried for the likes of me? For the likes of death itself?" Thirteenth explained to her.

"Look, Thirteenth. In Night Raid, we are a team and we got to stick together here. So why don't you-"

"Spare me your dribble, hussy." Thirteenth interrupted her, "I am only at your pathetic and pitiful excuse of an assassin organisation because I thought it would amused. Don't try and look down on me, mortal. I am Thirteenth. I am death itself. And you are all nothing more than short lived insects that I could crush under my heel. And I don't need to, how do you say this, 'stick together' with annoyance. Like you for that matter." Thirteenth said to her before he walked away from her.

Leone grit her teeth in anger at Thirteenth's behaviour, "Just because you have suffered pal, doesn't mean you have to be a jerk." Leone said to her.

"'Suffered?' I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't suffer a thing. I am death. And you are grating to my ears. Now, do yourself a good favour and sleep. It'll do you no good for this pitiful organisation of yours." Thirteenth said as he finally walked away from the room.

Leone glare at him with her gritted teeth before she breathes in and out to calm herself, 'Calm down, Leone. Everyone has an excuse to their bad side and this guy is no different. Maybe? I mean, Mine has an excuse so maybe Thirteenth has it too? I think? Anyway, whatever. Asshole should have just show some gratitude for once.' Leone thought with a frown as she too, get asleep.

So sorry for the slow update.

But anyway, chow people.

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