You Do Not Kill Asmodeus. Now...

By TheValkyrie13

67.2K 1.3K 650

In the world so greedy and so corrupt and where the weak dies and the strong lives to take what is there's, h... More

Asmodeus Character Information:
Prologue: We Bring Hell To These Abandoned World
Chapter 1: A Demon Lord's Awakening & Displacement
Author's Note: Explanation - The Evil Virtue of Asmodeus
Chapter 2: A Demon Lord Is In a WHAT?
Chapter 3: Asmodeus, the Demon Emperor of Tartarus
Chapter 4: Asmodeus, the Noble Demon
Chapter 5: The Ice General vs The Demon Emperor
🍋Chapter 6: Esdeath's Fall to Demonic Temptation
Chapter 7: The Number of Death - 13
Chapter 8: Death to the Capital
Chapter 9: Death of Night Raid
Thirteenth Character Information:
Chapter 11: Demon Emperor and Death Incarnate
Chapter 12: Let Death Bring Eternal Damnation
Chapter 13: A Tour in the Rotten Empire
Chapter 14: The Equalizer of Death
Chapter 15: The Executioner's Horrifying Meeting With Death Itself
Chapter 16: A Slave of Death's Awakening
Chapter 17: Kali's Induction and the Meaning of Death
Chapter 18: Kali's Training and Meeting the Blindness of Justice
Chapter 19: Seryu's Journey of Self Reflection... IN HELL!
Chapter 20: Seryu's Acceptance of Revengeance
🍋Chapter 21: The Humiliation of Redemption
Chapter 22: The Vengeance in Possession & Symbiosis
Chapter 23: The Eyes of the God-Machine
🌶 Chapter 24: The Rescue from the Bloody Aristocratic Humiliation
Chapter 25: The Massacre of the Bloody Aristocrats
🍋Omake 1: Akame's Horrifying Humiliation & Pleasure with a Demon
Chapter 26: No Control for the Strongest
Chapter 27: The Wild Hunter Has Become the Weak Hunted
Omake 2: Meet the True Demon
🍋Chapter 28: The Deal & the New Relationship
Omake 3: The Invasion of Judgemental Apocalypse
Chapter 29: What Lovely Show of Strength
🍋Chapter 30: A Spear's Strong Attraction
Chapter 31: The General from Hell
🍋Chapter 32: Leone's Kidnapping and Torture
🍋Chapter 33: Leone's Acceptance and Threesome
Chapter 34: Replacement in Command and Training with Death
Chapter 35: Asmodeus' Reminiscent of his Past in YGGDRASIL
Zariel Character Information:
Dispater Character Information:
Dispater (The Iron City of Dis) Character Information:
Mammon Character Information:
Belial and Fierna Character Information:
Levistus Character Information:
Glasya Character Information:
Baalzebul Character Information:
Mephistopheles Character Information:
Chapter 36: The Yellow King's Inquisitive Pursuit
Chapter 37: The Hellish Horrors of War
Chapter 38: The Fallen Children Against the Five Bands
Omake 4: Zank and the Murder Room
Chapter 39: The Dark Haunter Strikes Again
🍋Chapter 40: A Lion's Share of the Fun
Chapter 41: The Demon Emperor's Champion
Chapter 42: The Champion of Hell vs Death Itself
Chapter 43: The Jaegers and the Seven Virtuous Champions
Chapter 44: The Sharing of Demonic Love
Chapter 45: A Hell Champion's Infiltration
Chapter 46: The Necessity of the Virtuous Champions
Chapter 47: The Lord of Dust's Inclusion
Chapter 48: The Supreme Lord's Next Plan
Chapter 49: The Hell Champion's Return
Chapter 50: The Awakening and the Preparation
Chapter 51: Dr. Stylish's Undignified Demise
Chapter 52: Death vs Extinction
Chapter 53: The God of Storm is Approaching
Omake 5: The Fatality of the Three Beasts
Omake 6: The Cost of An Alliance

Chapter 10: The Mission of Death

1.2K 27 25
By TheValkyrie13

Winner, winner, chicken dinner...


"This is stupid."

"Yeah, Tatsumi. This is just ridiculous."

"Chin up. At least someone here knows how to cook."

This are the conversation between Tatsumi Ieyasu and Sayo as the three are busy cooking food in the kitchen while Akame is busy staring at them.

More specifically...

"Akame, stop eating the ingredients." Tatsumi told her.

"Need to know if it's good or not." Akame said as she keeps on eating the ingredients.

"And why is Thirteenth not cooking with us?" Ieyasu questioned, pointing Thirteenth who is busy sitting at the table and reading a book.

"Do you really want this on your food?" Thirteenth said as he showed off his hands, which is now covered in black smoking darkness until it receded to show a skeletal hand.

The trio cringe at seeing the skeletal hand while Akame guard the ingredients protectively from him.

"Good point." Sayo said, accepting the notion.

"Oh look, the rookies are right at home in the kitchen." Came a voice.

They all turned to see Bulat, Mine, Lubbock and Sheele standing together. Thirteenth didn't pay attention as he continue reading his book.

"You're off on a mission then?" Ieyasu asked.

"Yup." Bulat confirmed. "A request to kill someone in the capital arrived."

"So in other words, you guys are housemaids for today." Mine said with a smirk.

Mine merely kept her mocking grin up. "So chop up some cucumbers for.... Hey... What the hell is crawling my-" Mine said as she tried to grab something from the back of her head.

And finally grabbing something, Mine looked at her hand to find...



A little eyeball with spider legs all over as Mine desperately throw it to the ground as the thing screech before running towards Thirteenth as he grabbed and it crawled into coat.

"So, sorry about that. I didn't know how it got in your hair. Probably something with smelling strawberries..." Thirteenth said as the Eye Crawler comes out again as Thirteenth pets it, "It's there favourite."



Mine ran at Thirteenth to tackle him but Bulat grabbed her and held her back.

"Whoa there. You don't want to do that." He said, dragging her back.

"Let me go! I'm gonna teach him a lesson!" She yelled.

She kept on yelling at Thirteenth as the others dragged her off to their mission. Thirteenth just ignores it and continue reading his book.

"Hey, Thirteenth? What are you reading?" Ieyasu questioned but he was likewise ignored.

He growled at this until a tap on his shoulder stopped as he sees Sayo pointing at something.

Ieyasu and especially Tatsumi looked at the cover of the book.


'What the fuc-'

"So, where are we going, Akame?" Tatsumi questioned her.

"We are going to take some lives." Akame said.

"......Is it about making dinner, right?" Tatsumi said in a deadpan manner.

"Finally, you understand." She said.

"Wow. We're really far up..." Sayo said as he looked behind her, seeing the wondrous view. They were all climbing a mountain, with large baskets on their back.

"Is it alright for us to go this far from the base?" Tatsumi called up to Akame.

"There's no problem if we go at the mountains." Akame said.

The five of them kept on walking through the mountains with little conversation along the way especially when Akame isn't much of a conversational one and Thirteenth...

Well, the less said, the better...

"We've arrived."

They stopped walking and observed their surroundings, putting the baskets down. They were standing on a small cliff that looked out into a small pond. There was a waterfall that fed the water source.

"Whoa, this place is beautiful." Tatsumi commented.

"We're going to neutralised some river prey." Akame said, as she loosened her tie and started pulling up her shirt.

"Hey hey hey! What are you-?!" Tatsumi said, spluttering. Both he and Ieyasu took a few steps back and covered their eyes. Sayo didn't react as much, considering both she and Akame were girls.

And Thirteenth...

'Why are they shocked about? So she just taking off her second skin. It's not that shocking.' Thirteenth thought, not reacting to Akame taking off her clothes.

"What? I'm just changing into something more suitable."

Tatsumi and Ieyasu opened their eyes to see that Akame was now wearing a pure white bathing suit. Both of them breathed in relief while Sayo put a hand on her face.

"You two really need to think with the brain upstairs instead of the one downstairs..."

Akame then dived into the river. Tatsumi then remembered what the fish in this riverbed were like.

"Wait, those types of fish are rare and dangerous. Was she going to-"

His questions were answered when several of the fish were launched out of the water and into Akame's basket.

'An explosion of fish?!' Tatsumi thought.

Akame rose from the water to take a breath.

"Fuh-wah..." She looked up at them.

"Erase your presence and swim along the riverbed." She instructed. "When the prey comes close, you must strike."

Seeing Akame easily catch the fish struck a fire in Tatsumi.

"Alright!" He said, taking off his clothes before throwing them aside. "Bring it on!"

He then dove straight in. Ieyasu and Sayo looked at each other, shrugging, before following en suite. Akame got out of the water, and see that Thirteenth is still by the riverbed, just sitting around.

"Are you not going to help?" She asked him.

"Do you really want me to pollute your rivers, hussy?" Thirteenth sarcastically asked, the black smoke is coming from his body which made the green grass all rot into decaying blackness.

Akame said nothing before she gets out from the pond and protect the fish, "Don't you dare." Akame told him.

Thirteenth just scoffed before he just continue sitting around.

While the trio are busy catching fish.

And get in trouble with each other.

"So, in the end, Tatsumi only caught two, Sayo caught one, and Ieyasu didn't catch anything." Akame reported to their achievement, "Thirteenth didn't catch because he will pollute the water. It is a good thing too."

Thirteenth just rolled his eyes at the statement.

"For their first times, not bad, with the exception of Ieyasu." Najenda said, as Ieyasu tried to sink into his seat.

"Didn't you yell 'Bring it on' as you stripped?" Leone teased Tatsumi, causing him to lower his head embarrassment.

"Anyways. Leone, tell me about the request we received a few days ago."

Leone stood up, her expression now serious. "Our targets are Ogre of the Capital Guards and and an oil merchant named Gamal. What the client told me is that every time Gamal commits a crime, Ogre will frame someone to take the fall for them. Our client's fiancé was one of these victims, but before he got executed he managed to send a letter to inform her. And then, she turned to us." She then placed a pouch on the table. Judging from the sounds, it was several coins.

"This person saved up this much?" Tatsumi asked, shocked.

"Our village can barely make enough to rub two coins together." Sayo noted.

"I caught the scent of a venereal disease from her. She must've sold her body in order to earn that money." Leone said, sadly.

Tatsumi, Sayo and Ieyasu all looked shocked and horrified.

Thirteenth, however, has no reaction to that.

"And did you check out her story?" Najenda asked.

"They're guilty." Leone confirmed. "I observed them for a while from the attic of the merchant's shop."

Najenda breathed out some smoke from her cigar.

"Very well. Night Raid will accept this request. We will deliver divine punishment upon the heads of these heinous monsters, and send them to here and after." She declared.

"Taking out Gamal will be simple, but Ogre will be a formidable opponent." Leone said. "Ogre The Demon. He is called "The Demon" because of his skills with his sword, making him a terror to every criminal in the capital. Usually, he spends his time out on patrols with his subordinates. But other than that, he hangs out at the Garrison Headquarters. Gamal comes to his private room to give him bribes. Due to his station, on his days off he leaves headquarters on goes drinking near the palace."

Tatsumi put a hand on his chin in thought. "It seems the only time to attack would be his day off."

"However, the security around the palace will be tough. For Akame, who is on the wanted list, it will be a dangerous mission." Najenda added.

"Shall we wait for the group to come back?" Akame suggested.

"But we don't know when they'll finish their job, right?" Ieyasu asked.


"If that's the case...!" Tatsumi said, as he slammed his hand on the table and had a look of determination. "Just send us! We can take care of it!" Tatsumi exclaimed.

Ieyasu shared Tatsumi's sentiment, though Sayo looked less sure of herself. Silence passed as Leone and Najenda stared at him.

Thirteenth, however, also stared at him but with an incredulous expression.

"Ohhh?" Najenda said, interest in her voice. "Are you saying that the three of you can kill Ogre?"

"Not that I can handle it, but it almost sounded like you want to take him on yourselves." Leone said with a smirk.

"As you three are now, you stand no chance." Akame bluntly stated, causing Tatsumi to become frustrated by this.

"While we stand here debating, there may be other innocent people being framed for crimes that didn't commit! If that's the case, we'll handle it ourselves!" Tatsumi said, determined.

"The feeling of your cherished one being taken away from you before your very eyes..." Sayo said, remembering what she saw in the room, "I don't want anyone to experience that loss."

"And you three truly think that you can actually kill?" The trio heard Thirteenth speak up now, "To my acknowledgement, you're all are still new to this assassin thing. What makes you think that three brats with little to no skill in killing people, against some experienced rotten to the core human, can actually emerge victorious?" Thirteenth explained it to them.

"Didn't you hear what I just-" Tatsumi said before Thirteenth interrupted him.

"Oh I do hear you, boy. And despite my undead status, my hearing is still full functioning. And I don't care about the innocent." Thirteenth said to him.

"WHAT!?" The trio yelled in shock and anger.

"You heard me, children. What makes you think I care about the lives of others? I am death incarnate. Wherever I go, people die and they are nothing to the likes of me. While I am not going to kill some 'innocents', I am not going so far as to save people. I am killer, a murderer and I am only here to kill people. And use their corpses as good company compared to the living." Thirteenth explained it to them.

The trio all looked at Thirteenth as he just scoffed.

"Deny it all you want. But the Akame girl is right. You're all in over your head at trying to kill someone. You're hands have not been dirtied by the blood of others. And well, you didn't really kill people before you joined this organisation. Do you all?" Thirteenth said to them and they were about to rebuke when his words ring sense to them.

He is right, though.


They didn't actually kill anyone before.

Like, they did kill Danger Beasts but they're just animals, not people...

"Yeah, so what? Maybe you're right. But what if you're wrong, huh? What if we can do it?" Tatsumi said to him, looking at him challengingly.

Thirteenth just scoffed and said, "Still trying to act rebellious and defiant to the truth and the reality of things? Well, that is just sad. But go ahead then, children. As if you three are dying would matter anyway." Thirteenth said to them as the trio glare at him in anger.

Leone frowned at this while Akame's expression remains unchanged but she does clench her fist straight.

Najenda however just puffed her cigarette and said, "Understood. I can appreciate all of your decisions. Go kill Ogre for what he has done and.." She then point towards Thirteenth, "... Prove this asshole wrong," She said with a mirthless smirk.

"Fuck you too, you hussy." Thirteenth said.

"Well said!" Leone pulled both Tatsumi and Ieyasu into a headlock, notably close to her breasts. Sayo's expression notably hardened upon this. "It's good that you're so dedicated."

"Leone, Akame, I leave the oil merchant to you." Najenda said.

"You got it boss."

"How about that Akame? When it's time, we can step up!" He said, turning to her.

Akame however is silent before she turned to Tatsumi with her expression being serious.

"... Where does that confidence come from? You haven't had a successful mission after you given your first report." Akame said, turning and walking away. "As you all are now, so full of yourself, you'll just end up dead."

Before Tatsumi or Ieyasu could shoot back or storm off, Najenda then spoke again.

"Now then, Thirteenth was it? I believe I have a mission for you?" She said to Thirteenth.

"And what does the hussy want with death itself?" Thirteenth said to her.

"Don't call me that..." She said while thinking, 'Also, what the hell is a hussy?' Before saying, "Here is the new target for you to kill. There is a drug lord by the Valery Sablin who has been selling drugs against the poorer districts and his influence is growing because Honest gives it to him. And right now, he is at the camp somewhere." She explained.

"And you want me to kill him, right?" Thirteenth said.

Najenda doesn't respond but her looks said otherwise, "Fine then. I shall show these Valery Sablin that death has come to them. Through no-"

"But keep your zombies to a minimum, please?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Thirteenth. You don't need zombies to kill the guy. Just kill him with your Teigu. Is there a logical need for a fucking zombie army?" Najenda said to him.

Thirteenth stayed silent before, "Fine then. I'll keep my army... in control," He said reluctantly.

She then smiled. "Alright now, everyone has their orders? Now time to move out."

The four of them found themselves standing in front of a crowed bridge as Leone is behind and leading them.

"If you go straight that way, you'll get to Main Street." She informed them.

"Got it." They said.

Thirteenth huffed and started to put his mask on. Before he went too far however, Leone called out.

" guys wanna hear a story about Akame?" Leone asked.

"Huh?" Tatsumi said.

"Isn't this a wrong time for that?" Sayo added.

Thirteenth stopped walking, and turned his head around and said, "Are we seriously stopping to hear someone's backstory or something? That is so-"

He was interrupted as the trio listened to Leone, making Thirteenth growl in frustration.

Leone began the story. "When Akame was young, both she and her sister were bought somewhere in the empire. Well, poor parents selling their kids is a common story. They soon found themselves in an assassination training camp. Hellish conditions, but there she learned how to kill. Working under the Empire, she was the perfect assassin. But every time she killed, she felt the darkness of the capital grow stronger. The boss, who was er target at the time, managed to convince Akame to defect. Even though she chose the right side to fight for, it was too late for Akame to take back the actions she did in the past. Most of the comrades she had grown up with had died, and she was alone... until she met us."

They were silent after the story. Thirteenth however, just rolled his eyes.

"You get what I'm trying to say, right?" Leone asked Tatsumi and the others.

"As an amateur, we should shut up and listen to the professional killer, right?" Tatsumi said.

"'ll understand if you're successful today." Leone told them, as she walked away.

"Yeah! We're definitely gonna do this, Leone!" Ieyasu declared.

"Looking forward to it. Good hunting!" She called back.

"Alright. We'd better start moving." Sayo said, before she noticed that Thirteenth is walking away, "Hey, where are you going?"

"What does it look like girl. I am doing my own task at hand. While you three would probably be dead by someone called Ogre or something." Thirteenth said.

Before Sayo could respond, "Leave him, Sayo. The guy is a jerk."

"Yeah, we can take on these Ogre guy, no problem." Tatsumi said as well.

Sayo tried to deny until she finally said, "Well, good luck, I guess?"

Thirteenth looked at her before saying, "I don't need luck. I am death. And what I want is my treasure." He said before disappearing in black smoke.

As Sayo leave Thirteenth, they finally have their conversation.

"Man, that guy is a jerk. I mean, 'I don't care about the innocent'. I mean, what's up with that?" Ieyasu said.

"I don't know. I mean, sure the guy is a jerk but he isn't wrong. Plus, what he said, can we really-" Sayo said before she was interrupted.

"Sayo, don't listen to that guy. He is just being an asshole. Listen, why don't we device a plan before we charged forth, okay?" He said in an assuring tone.

Sayo just smiled at this and nod, "Okay."

"Hold on, guys." Ieyasu said. "I thought of something."


"Well, we may be part of Night Raid now, but... we don't really have a title or anything." He said. "You saw what was on the posters for the Night Raid members."

"So you want us to have our own titles?" Sayo asked.

"No. Not separately." He said. "The three of us, all from the village, as a group."

"So, us as a group?" Sayo asked. She then smiled. "To be honest, I like the idea."

"Alright. I'm on board with it." Tatsumi said. "So what's our group name gonna be then?"

"Team Ieya-"

"No." Both of them shot his suggestion down almost immediately.

"We're not kids anymore, Ieyasu. And even back then, we'd never agree to it." Sayo said before sighing in frustration, "And we are not making Teams that is Your Name plastered on it. It's lazy. It's stupid. And it's distracting. It also doesn't helped that people like that have little creativity, inspiration and imagination so no..." Sayo said finally.

The trio of friends that tried to think of something before settling with.

"What about, 'The Bane Three'?" Tatsumi suggested.

"What? Why would we named by that? Sounds... gloomy?" Ieyasu said.

"Well, it does have a nice ring to it. I mean, we are three people and together, we are the band against all evil. How's that?" Tatsumi explained.

"I don't know. But what the heck? At least it's better than a team with Your Name on it." Sayo said.

"But I wanted Team Ieyasu-"

"Alright!" Tatsumi said,pumping his fist into the air and interrupting Ieyasu, "They'd better look out, cause The Bane Three is coming for them!"

"Still think it's gloomy." Ieyasu said, "But what the heck. It sounded cool anyway!"

Executing their plan was much more simpler than they thought. Tatsumi had led Ogre to a back alleyway, and using his acting skills, pretended to be desperate and ask for entrance for the military.

"Apply through the normal process, idiot." Ogre said, as he walked away from Tatsumi.

"But..." Tatsumi's hand went to his sword. "In these hard times, it's hard to get in."

"It's to be expected, isn't it?" Ogre said, grabbing the hilt of his blade. "So I take you weren't strong enough to get past through the pass the entrance test?"

As soon as he turned around, however, blood spurted from his chest. Tatsumi had slashed fast enough that Ogre couldn't react in time. He safely landed behind Ogre as he clutched the wound and fell to his knees.

'I've know no fear. I fight with everything I got!' Ogre thought with disbelief. 'I didn't think anyone would dare to attack me...'

With a thud, Ogre fell to the ground, blood pooling around him.

"Alright, I did it." Tatsumi said. "I'd better head back and give my report."

Ogre quickly got up and held his blade up, before attempting to swing it down on Tatsumi, who quickly got out of the way.

"I had a feeling we weren't done here." Tatsumi said.

"Did you really think that you would Ogre the Demon like that, huh? You snot-nosed shitty brat?!" He yelled.

"Maybe not just me." Tatsumi said with a smirk. "That's why I'm not alone."

Ogre looked confused for a second before he roared in pain as Ieyasu had charged behind him and swung his axe down into Ogre's back.

"How do you like that, shithead?!"

"Damn brat!" Ogre said, turning to his new problem. "I'll kill you as well-"

His words were cut off as an arrow shot into his throat.

"This is easier than shooting wild animals." Sayo said, from the rooftop.

Ogre could only make gurgling sounds, choking on his own blood.

"Together, Ieyasu!" Tatsumi said, drawing his sword back.

"Got it!" Ieyasu held his axe behind his head.

Yelling their battle cry, the two dashed forward and swung their weapons at him, slicing through Ogre and causing more blood to spurt and stain the pavement.

And this time, for good, Ogre fell to the ground, dead and silent.

Tatsumi was breathing heavily. "We... we did it, guys."

"Aw yeah!" Ieyasu whooped. "We sent him to hell!"

Sayo slid down to them, a smile on her face, 'We really managed to do it,' She thought.

"Yeah, that got to prove Thirteenth is wrong." Tatsumi said.

"Yeah, you said it, Tatsumi." Ieyasu said, cheering as well.

"Don't go celebrating just yet. Let's go home. The others must be worried sick." Sayo suggested as they finally returned home.

The Bane Three had finally arrived at Night Raid's and reported their accomplishments.

"Good job dealing with the target. Excellent job you three." Najenda complimented.

"I know, right? And that creepy guy say that we are in over our heads. Hah, nothing gets over my head. My reflexes are fast, you know." Ieyasu boasted.

"That is not what he meant but whatever." Sayo said as she just face palm.

"Not bad, eh Akame?" Tatsumi said, turning to the red-eyed assassin. "We've done our job and given our report. And we accomplished it while not getting hurt."

"You gotta acknowledge us now!" Ieyasu said with a grin.

Sayo only put her face in her hands at the boy's boasting.

"Speechless?" Tatsumi asked. "Well, I-"

He was cut off when Akame started stripping him.

"Wha... what the hell are you doing?!" He screamed.

"Leone. Boss. Hold him." Akame said, simply. Leone had a mischievous grin as she joined the two in restraining at stripping Tatsumi.

Ieyasu took several steps back. Sayo's cheeks turned red as she saw more and more of Tatsumi's body.

"Nooooooo!" Tatsumi yelled, trying to cover himself, now in only his underwear.

Akame observed him for a few moments, before turning to Ieyasu.

"Oh HELL no!" He started running away, before Leone tripped him and jumped onto his back.

"Nooope!" She said with a grin.

"Waitwaitwaitwait! Tatsumi was fighting with me! He can confirm I didn't get hurt at all, right bro?!"

"Sorry Ieyasu... I was so focused on fighting Ogre I didn't pay attention to you." Tatsumi looked ashamed, though Ieyasu swore he saw a quick grin.

"Traitor!" He yelled as they started stripping him as well.

After all was said and done, Ieyasu was also in nothing but his underwear.

"Thank goodness." Akame said, after observing both of them. She smiled. "I've seen friends die from poison because they wanted to be tough and not report the wounds, but you seem to be undamaged." As she said this, she clasped Tatsumi's hand. "The morality rate for those first mission is high, so you did well."

"Tha-thanks." Tatsumi said. Ieyasu nodded, but clearly annoyed at the fact they stropped him.

"Akame was hoping that you all would live. She would have been lonely without all of you." Leone said.

"You know, you learn to communicate with your comrades while cooking, and you learn to kill through a difficult hunt. Don't you find those days to be beneficial to you?" Najenda asked.

"Oh uh... really?" Tatsumi said. "Sorry Akame. I... misunderstood."

"It's all right," Akame said as she held out her hand to him, "From here on, please come back alive, all three of you."

"Right. Please take care of us, Akame!" Tatsumi answered for his group, while returning the gesture and held each other's hand to signify their friendship.

"Yeah, same here," Ieyasu said. "But... can we get our clothes back? Sayo's gonna start nose-bleeding soon."

They turned to the poor girl, who was red as a tomato at the sight of both her childhood friends in their underwear. While they were little kids, they had bathed together, it had been years since then.

"Oh right, I haven't checked you yet," Akame noted.

This brought Sayo out of her little stunned moment, "Wait! I was fighting from a distance!" She protested, "I'm fine!"

"Better safe than sorry," Leone said as she grinned, slowly advancing towards Sayo.

"Tatsumi! Ieyasu! Say something!" She pleaded with her friends.

Tatsumi simply turned around, "I promise I won't look."

"I will." Ieyasu said with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"You bastards!" Sayo yelled as Leone tackled her and Akame is advancing towards her.

"You know she's going to kill you for this later, right?" Tatsumi asked.

"Yeah, but doesn't mean I won't enjoy the show."

A stone wall crumbled and dust rose up, blocking the vision of anyone trying to see anything.


The thugs rushed forward to intercept the intruder, swords and guns ready. But as they dashed into the dust, only screams of pain are heard.

One of them run away from the dust, holding his sword aloft before he comes face to face with his boss.

This is Valery Sablin is a tall, stout and intimidating man in his 50s, all muscular and wearing a red cloak, an eagle pin and his face being long haired and bearded with a scar over his face.

A former mercenary turned crime lord who has achieved his dream of finally being in charge rather than being in service to the highest bidder, Valery finally has it all as after he and his mercenary has massacred a group of innocent villagers, they were rewarded with a place in the table as well as a Teigu for him to use.

All he has to do is keeping the criminals under control and show those criminals that only he alone wields the power in the criminal underworld.

And now...

"What the hell are you running away from? Did I hire soldiers or a bunch of cowards?" Valery said in a disappointed tone.

"B-but... Sir... This guy... H-he... H-he..." The thug shuttered in fear before he was backhanded by Valery.

"Forget this. Come out, whoever you are. Night Raid. Rebel fools. You have made a mistake of attacking Valery Sablin. Now come out and face me like a man." Valery declared to the attackers.

However, to his surprise, what comes out are a moaning sound as Valery looked in shock to see something shambling from the dust.

Then his eyes widened in shock as he could see undead zombies shambling from the dust, moaning and walking towards him with the smell of rotting flesh.

"What in the hell?" Valery said in shock and horror.

"What's wrong, Valery Sablin? Where is all that confidence go too, you filthy mortal?" A dark, deep and intimidating voice is heard as another came out from the dust.

He appears to be a figure dressed in what can be described as a black plague doctor's uniform with the beaked mask, wide brimmed hat and all while also effortlessly carrying a scythe that seemed to large for someone with a slender build to actually even lift it.

And he marched slowly with the marching zombies beside him.

"Who the hell are you? Another one from those Night Raid?" Valery said.

"My name is of no importance to you, Valery. Know that my name is the number of a curse that will send you to your grave. I am death. And I am more than just Night Raid's band of killers." Thirteenth said as he ready his weapon in hand.

Afterward, more men started pouring out from the camp as Valery yelled, "Well, what are you standing around for? Kill him already."

All the men yelled out as they charged towards Thirteenth.

However, just as they did this, more zombies started appearing from the dust as more started coming out from the dark shadows that is exuding from Thirteenth.

Now, the men have to completely with a horse of zombies charging towards them as they are all being tackled and devoured by the horde.

One of the men tried to retreat from the zombie horde but he is also being pounced and eaten by a zombie jumping on him, eating him out.

Valery is unnerved by this but just as he tried to run away, he was stopping by Thirteenth appearing from the shadows and in front of him.

"What's wrong, mortal? Too afraid to die?" Thirteenth mocked him.

Valery feels absolute fear for the first time in his life but he shake his head as he whipped out something.

It is a sword with a golden crust, razor sharp blades and is longer than his own arm as he aimed his sword at Thirteenth.

"Don't give me this crap. I am Valery Sablin and with my Teigu, The Beheader: Kraken, I'll fucking kill you." Valery declared.

Thirteenth just grunts before readying his scythe, "Go ahead then. Delay your inevitable death." He said before charging towards him.

A duel is struck between the two as Valery effortlessly swing and block every strike from Thirteenth but he seemed to feel himself getting pushed back, surprising him about how strong he is despite being in anyway, less taller and less muscular.

Thirteenth then spin himself around and strike him hard, pushing him even further but Valery managed to stab his weapon at the ground before he was almost killed and devoured by the zombie horde.

Valery growled and charged forth again, swinging his Teigu hard at Thirteenth but he just effortlessly blocked it.

'Damned it. This is humiliating. I did not have this muscles for nothing and yet, this guy is pushing me. Someone who is obviously weaker than me. Damned it. Don't give me this crap.' Valery thought in anger before he smirked, 'But my Teigu does have a Trump Card that allows it to cut through anything. Especially to another Teigu. Let's see how he feels when I cut that stupid scythe off.' He thought as suddenly, the blade started to glow which made Thirteenth flinch.

"Ugh, so bright... What is this?" He said in annoyance.

"Hahahahaha, what do you think, scum? Be honoured that I have used my Teigu's Trump Card. Now watch as I cut this thing into two and you with it." Valery said as metal screeching is heard as is using his chainsaw-like weapon to cut the Teigu into two.

However, try as he might like pushing his weapon even further, it still doesn't do anything which made Valery grit his teeth in frustration.

"What the hell? Why is it still in one piece?" Valery yelled in frustration and anger.

"Oh, Valery. Did you forget something?" Thirteenth said with a tease.

"Wha-AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!?" Valery yelled in pain and shock as he was bitten by a zombie in the neck.

And then another...

And another...

And another...

Until finally, after dropping his Teigu, Valery is devoured by the horde.

"Hmph. As if mortal weapons would defile the weapons given to me by my Emperor." Thirteenth said.

"Well said, Thirteenth. Well said."

Thirteenth looked shocked before turning around to see....

"Emperor Asmodeus..." Thirteenth said before he kneeled before the Demon Emperor, "Please, forgive me for my-"

"It's alright, Thirteenth..." Asmodeus said as he come out from the portal with his band of Hideous Demons and Hell Stalkers with him, "I am just here... for a tour in the Capital."

The end.


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