
By KikolovesMingi

97.6K 6.8K 3K

"What's so funny?" His brother asked. "Nothing, I just had the craziest dream last night," San replied. "Oh... More

My abo universe
Backstory Pt. 1
Backstory pt. 2
Backstory Pt. 3
Backstory Pt. 4
Backstory Pt. 5
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Author's Notes

Chapter 65

1.3K 77 69
By KikolovesMingi

Tae Oh was doing better and was finally allowed to join training today. He couldn't do much because his arm was still broken but he tried his best to participate.
As a prince, Tae Oh already knew the arts of protecting oneself. It was the most basic one every royalty should know, so he didn't mind missing a few days.
However, he was starting to get worried for Hyun Ah. The alpha had left to visit home the day before and had yet to return. He wondered if she was alright.

Wooyoung dismissed them for the day but stopped Tae Oh before he could leave. He noticed the pin on his shirt and smiled.

"My brother gave this to you?"
Tae Oh nodded.
"Have you seen Hyun Ah?"
He shook his head.
"Well when you do, tell her to come see me." He nodded and bowed.

"Ma'am y-"
"It's 'your highness'," Mei corrected.
"Your highness. He has a fever and the dungeon is cold. He's not going to get better if we leave him there," the maid spoke.
"It doesn't matter. He's going to die anyways. Just keep him alive for the next 3 days," she instructed.
The maid gave up and did as she was told.

Yeosang has been in a feverish state ever since Hwang Shik left the day before, but Mei paid him no mind. She felt no need to take care of a sick child that was only alive to be used as bait.

Kang Cheol entered the room and found Mei sitting on the throne.
"What are you doing?" He asked angrily.
"What do you mean? I'm looking in the mirror," she said casually, holding a mirror to her face and twisting her curly bang.
"You wench! You dare sit in a King's throne?"
"I'm Queen now. Baek is all mine so I am simply sitting in my rightful seat."
"Hwang Shik will hear of this."
Mei laughed.
"You always were but a mindless follower. Which is why you'll never have anything of your own except mere leftovers from the King. Do you actually think he cares for you? Especially after what he's done to your face?" she looked at him with disgust.

"You're too proud and greedy. It's going to be your downfall. Remember, Hwang Shik did this to me, his most loyal best friend. He'll do anything to get what he wants. He doesn't need you."
Mei felt a little intimidated by that.
"Don't you have to be on your way?" She asked trying to get him to leave. Kang Cheol looked at the clock and eyed her one more time before leaving.

Seonghwa had fallen asleep early today giving Hongjoong time to have his letter delivered. When he was sure the older was asleep, he grabbed the letter and quickly made his way to the forest garden.
On his way, Tae Oh, who had just finished taking a bath, saw him leave and wondered what he was doing. He paid it no mind and went back to his room in the barracks.

Seonghwa woke up in the morning to an empty bed. At first he was sad and assumed that everything he had gone through for the past few days was just a dream, but then he checked his surroundings and became aware. If it wasn't a dream, then where was Hongjoong?

He left the room to look for him, checking the washroom, the dining area, and the meeting room but he couldn't find him. He started to become scared. He checked the courtyard and found Wooyoung training the new recruits.

"Have you seen Hongjoong?" He whispered to the omega. Wooyoung shook his head.
"No I haven't. Why?"
"He wasn't in the room this morning."
"He's like that sometimes. He just leaves without telling anybody. Don't worry he'll be fine," Wooyoung told him before going back to teaching.

No. He would tell me. He would tell me before he leaves. He wouldn't leave me.

Seonghwa ran to check different places again. He spent almost an hour looking for him but he couldn't find him. On his way to the south forest, he saw Jongho and asked him.

"Have you seen Hongjoong?"
"No. Thanks to you."
Seonghwa didn't understand what he meant.
"Why? Wait, he's not with you?"
The beta shook his head.
"That's weird...But I'm not surprised. Hongjoong just randomly leaves sometimes but he'll be back. Don't worry," Jongho told him.

Why does everybody keep saying that? Hongjoong wouldn't leave me. He promised.

Noon had come and Seonghwa had checked as most of the forest he could. He decided to go back with hopes of finding Hongjoong at the castle. Instead, he was face to face with Tae Oh, a worried expression on the older's face. He pulled out his notebook and began to write shabbily with his left hand.

"Are you looking for that short alpha?" Seonghwa read slowly. He nodded when he understood. Tae Oh wrote again.

'I saw him yesterday night. He went to the forest garden.'
"But he was with me yesterday night," the beta whined.
'You should still check.'
Seonghwa thanked him and made his way towards the forest garden. Wooyoung saw him and followed him.

"Are you checking the garden? It's really pretty."
"No I'm looking for Hongjoong."
"He hasn't come back yet?"
The beta shook his head and continued walking.  After a while, Wooyoung began to smell a familiar scent.

"Over here," he pointed towards the direction of it. He followed his nose, starting to become a little worried himself. Hongjoong was strong so he shouldn't be hurt. And if he wasn't hurt, then what was he doing in the forest garden?

Wooyoung began to run, Seonghwa quickly catching up and soon enough, they found him. The alpha was laying on the floor, his face completely pale.

"Joong!" Seonghwa ran towards him, Wooyoung following right behind him. Seonghwa could see that he was hurt but he wasn't sure how. There was no blood anywhere.
"Look!" Wooyoung gasped. He pointed at a small bite mark at his now swollen ankle. He noticed Hongjoong's ragged breathing and realized.

"Shit! He got bit by a snake. Poisonous one," Wooyoung said. He stood up and picked up the alpha.
"Wait. I-"
"We don't have time Seonghwa. Heavens know how long he's been here. His pulse is weak. We have to hurry."
Wooyoung began speed walking, trying his hardest not to move too quickly in fear of making it worse for the alpha.
They reached the medical center a few minutes later and the doctors immediately went to help him. San and Jongho came a while later looking very concerned.

"Is he ok? How did he get hurt?" They asked.
"He got bit by a poisonous snake?" Wooyoung answered.

The doctors came out a few hours later only to ask for his blood type and quickly went back in before any questions could be asked.

Seonghwa was worried. He wanted to go inside and do something, but he knew they wouldn't let him. He started to tear up hoping and praying nothing bad would happen to him.

Around two hours later, the doctors came back to inform them.

"We tried as hard as we could. We just have to wait for him to wake up," she said.

"Can we see him?" San asked.
"Not yet. We have to make sure he's stable first."

Seonghwa let his tears fall and Wooyoung hugged him. Jongho could smell his fear and worry and tried to comfort him as well.

Kyro found a letter in the crows nest he assumed to be from Hongjoong. He decided to read it after breakfast.

"So are we done with this mission?" Julian asked at the breakfast table. They all looked to the captain.

"Uuhhmm... I'm not sure. I don't think there's much we can do so if y'all want to start on a new one we can," he answered.

"No we can't. Not until I get these off," Jasmine put up her chained hands.
"We've literally tried everything. Those aren't coming off," Julian shrugged.
"What did the last smith say?" Kei asked.
"They said to ask the person with the key and that even the strongest fire alpha couldn't break it," she rolled her eyes as she's heard it a million times.
"Well you were being honest about finding the beta. You should ask him one more time. Maybe they found him," Fati offered.
Jasmine considered it. Now with her powers working again, she wouldn't be caught so easily.

"No point. Didn't Ky say it was the wrong person?" Ian reminded.
"Yeah," he reaffirmed.
"Wonder who the blond is," Julian mumbled.
"Let's just hope it's not somebody important," Kei replied.
"They'll probably just let him go if it's not who they're looking for anyways," Fati added.

When Kyro sat at his desk in his room, he read the letter.

'Thanks for the update. And I keep telling you to stop calling me captain. I'm not your captain anymore. I actually found Seong a few days ago in the forest. I am a little confused as to how you expected to find him when he was purposely hiding. Give my regards to the crew. We're going to be going into war soon as the prince was abducted so I may take a while to respond if you don't reply in a few days.

Kyro smiled at the beginning but became worried when he reached the end. It seemed there was still something he could do, so he quickly wrote a reply. When he was finished, he asked Jasmine to deliver it.

When Seonghwa entered their room in the evening, he tried his best to be calm and think positively. Everybody told him not to worry and that Hongjoong wouldn't die from a measly snake bite, but he couldn't help it.
He wanted to go in and heal him but the doctors wouldn't even let them see him. Even if they did, that meant everybody would know of his abilities and he wasn't quite sure he wanted that.

But Hongjoong is hurt. It doesn't matter if people know, I have to heal him. ..But what if they try to take me back to the lab? ...but Hongjoong would be healthy again and protect me. And I have Mars...

Seonghwa thought about it and decided. He was going to sneak in to heal Hongjoong. After waiting until the sun had set completely, he grabbed a few things he thought he would need. He noticed a letter on the table but decided to leave it alone until he's helped his friend.

When he reached the medical center, he tried to open the door but it was locked. He could tell people were inside because of the lit candles but they wouldn't let him in.

"Visiting hours are over kid. You'll see them in the morning," a doctor said.
"But it's poison. If he doesn't wake up, then he'll die. I checked my notes. I can heal him," he tried to convince him. The doctor only side eyes him and closed the door on him.

Seonghwa paced back and forth worriedly. He thought to sneak in through the window but he wasn't sure what room Hongjoong was in.

He gave up and headed back to the room feeling defeated. Since the doctors had helped him as best as they could, he knew that even if Hongjoong was going to die, he had about two days left. He'd make sure he healed him before then.

It was hard to fall asleep without the younger but he tried. It wasn't until later in the night when he finally fell asleep but only for a short while. He woke up in a cold sweat from a nightmare.

"Hmm..but you're not blond. That bitch probably lied."

He remembered that Baek soldier that had tried to capture him had said that.

So I was right. It is my fault. They were supposed to take me instead.

Seonghwa felt his heart sink and panicked. He didn't know what to do.

I need to help. I need to save him. But he's in the Baek kingdom...I don't want to go back there... I'm scared. What if Yeosang dies? Then it'll be my fault. I can't let him die.

Wooyoung banged the door open, jolting him out of his thoughts. A tear rolled down his cheek as his eyes met the boy's.

"We can visit Hongjoong now. Come on," Wooyoung urged. He pulled the older's hand and ran to the medical center.

When he entered Hongjoong's room, everybody was already there, a worried look on their faces. The doctor came in a few minutes later.

"The poison spread throughout the body. We don't think he's going to make it. His organs are damaged. I advise you to say your goodbyes," the doctor informed them. Wooyoung gasped as tears filled his eyes and Mingi was stricken with fear.

"I TOLD YOU!!" Seonghwa screamed at him. It was the same doctor from the night before. Everybody looked at him surprised with tears in their eyes.

"YOU STUPID YOU DIDN'T LISTEN!" He yelled again. He looked towards Hongjoong and saw that his lips were discoloured and his ankle was still slightly swollen.

"What did you do?" He asked. The doctor was confused and didn't answer.
"I said what did you to him? Why did you need his blood type?"
"...Because we had to let the poisonous blood out. But it was too late. His organs-"

"Get out!" Seonghwa commanded. He didn't care if he was being rude. People never listened to him and it just made him hate them more.

He pushed the doctor out of the room closing the door behind him and looked around frantically. When he didn't find what he was looking for, he walked up to Wooyoung and pulled the dagger that was strapped to his thigh.

"What are you doing?" Wooyoung asked him but he didn't reply. He pushed passed Yunho and San until he was right beside Hongjoong. He wiped his tears and held the dagger above the alpha's chest.

"I said what are you doing?" Wooyoung held the hand he was holding above Hongjoong.

"I know what I'm doing," he growled and yanked his hand out of Wooyoung's grip.

Seonghwa unbuttoned Hongjoong's shirt and exhaled, placing the dagger right under his chest. Yunho wanted to stop him but Jongho held him back.

He made a small incision where he had placed the dagger and when the alpha started bleeding, he grabbed a cloth and cleaned it. He looked around to everybody staring at him but tried not to let it bother him. Hongjoong was dying. Hongjoong was more important.

The beta breathed out and placed his hands over the incision. His eyes shot open glowing gold, surprising Wooyoung and Mingi in front of him.
His hands started to move from above the incision where they were before and to his ankle. There was a bright glow shining on Hongjoong that emitted from Seonghwa's hands. Everybody watched in complete awe and astonishment.

His hands moved back above the incision and droplets of dark red floated up from it. Yunho's eyes widened in complete shock and Jongho felt relieved.

He moved the droplets above the cloth, letting them splatter onto it. When he was sure he was done, he healed the incision he made and lowered his hands. He closed his eyes and when he opened them, they were back to its original color.

Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong and noticed that his lips had returned to their normal color. He checked his pulse which was returning back to normal and sighed with relief.

"What the heavens was that?" Wooyoung barked, his face stained with tears.

"I healed him," Seonghwa answered. Mingi gasped. "Wow you can heal people?!"
"If you can heal him, then why didn't you heal him before?" Wooyoung raised his voice. Everybody looked at him.
"He almost died!"
"That's why I healed him now," Seonghwa retorted.

"Why'd you wait until the last minute? What if I hadn't called you this morning and we all just sat here crying goodbye?!"

"What was I supposed to do? I was scared."
"Scared of what exactly? You have the ability to heal anything!"

"YOU!!" Seonghwa raised his voice as tears rolled down his cheeks.
Wooyoung wanted to say something but Seonghwa continued speaking.

"Do you know where I've been for the past 8 years? I've been stuck in a stupid lab. They did all different types of things to me."
Wooyoung panicked as he remembered what Hongjoong had told them a while back at Choi kingdom.

Seonghwa grabbed the dagger and slashed his arm scaring everybody in the room. Blood dripped down to the ground and his eyes shined a bright gold. A few seconds later, he grabbed the cloth and wiped the blood. Everybody gasped as not even a mark was left on his skin.

"See! I was stabbed, crushed, burned and even poisoned!! No matter what, I didn't die. I always healed. And I have no scars to prove it!!" He screamed.

"So don't question my fear for you terrible people when even the doctors wouldn't listen to me," he said lowly. He dropped the dagger, blood splattering on the ground and marched out of the room.

The boys stared at one another completely shocked and in disbelief. Wooyoung was about to go after Seonghwa but Hongjoong began to stir awake. They all turned their attention to him.

Hongjoong looked around the room his vision a little blurry.
"What happened?" He asked.
"You got bit by a snake. Are you ok?" Wooyoung told him. Hongjoong sat up.
"I feel fine."
He looked around the room.

"Where's Seonghwa?" They all looked away a little upset making Hongjoong worried.

"Was he hurt? Where is he?"
"I..I said something mean and he left," Wooyoung answered timidly.
"What did you say?" Hongjoong really hoped it didn't have anything to do with his abilities.

"It's been almost 2 days since you've got hurt and the doctors said you weren't going to make it so Seonghwa healed you," he explained.
"Seonghwa healed me?"
Wooyoung nodded.
"Then I ...I got upset and asked him why he waited until the last minute to heal you.."
"Wooyoung!" Hongjoong exclaimed standing up from the bed.
"Even after I told you?!" He buttoned up his shirt and headed for the door.
"He's human too. He can't heal everybody. It's his choice." With that, the alpha exited the room to find Seonghwa.

Seonghwa was back in the forest crying. He felt more comfortable with less people around.

I tried to heal him but the doctors wouldn't let me. It's not my fault. Now everybody's going to find out I have abilities.
But Hongjoong's feeling better now. He'll protect me.

His stomach growled and he groaned. He hadn't eaten much since Hongjoong got hurt. A cloud covered the sun for a few seconds and he knew that if Hongjoong was awake, he'd be looking for him, so he decided to go back.

Hongjoong checked a few places before checking the room and instead of Seonghwa, he found a letter. He thought to quickly read it in case there was something important.

The door opened as he finished reading it and his eyes widened in surprise, both at what he read and a tear faced Seonghwa at the entrance.

"Seong! Are you ok?" Hongjoong ran up to him. Seonghwa hugged the alpha and cried into his neck missing his comforting warmth.

"You said you weren't going to leave me. Why'd you leave? I was so scared everybody kept saying you left," he sobbed.
Hongjoong hugged him back feeling terrible. He rubbed his back to calm him down.

"I just went to deliver something and you were already asleep. I'm sorry. I promise I'll never leave you. No matter what!" He tried his best to convince him. Seonghwa's sobs died down and he pulled back to look at Hongjoong.

"Even if I run away or if I get lost? Or if those scary people try to come take me again?" He sniffled. The alpha nodded.
"I'll always find you and come save you. I promise. Anything for Seong."
The phrase made Seonghwa smile and he placed his forehead against Hongjoong's.

A knock came on the door startling the both of them. Mingi didn't wait for a reply and opened the door.
"We got word of Yeosang. The King is calling for us," he said quickly before leaving.
Hongjoong looked back at the beta with big eyes.
"Let's go," he grabbed the older's hand and headed for the door.
"I need to use the restroom," Seonghwa let go of his hand.
"Should I wait for you?"
"No it's going to be important. You go first."

The alpha nodded and Seonghwa ran to relieve himself. When he was finished, he noticed the letter on the table and read it.

'On the mission, Hwang Shik sent Jasmine to look for Seong but I didn't want to tell you until I was sure she found him. In the end it was the wrong beta. They ended up taking a blond. I'm happy you found him captain. You'll always be my captain.'

I knew it! It's my fault. Yeosang was abducted because he was friends with me. I can't let him die. I have to save him.

He grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a few words on it. He wore Mars' favorite black leather jacket and sheathed his dagger.

It's ok. I won't die. And Hongjoong's going to come save me.

Seonghwa took one last deep breath and made his way to Baek kingdom.

"It's just as we thought. They want the emblem. They said they want us to meet them at the east gate near the coast by noon tomorrow," the King informed them of the message.

"The most important is Yeosang. Once we're sure he's safe, then we can hand over the emblem."

"But father, we can't just-"
"It's fake. All kingdoms have a fake emblem," he interrupted his oldest knowingly.

The King clasped his hands together and placed them over his lips. He stared ahead at nothing with a serious expression on his face, the gears in his mind speeding.

"The only problem is Hwang Shik. He's no fool. I'm sure he'll know the emblem is fake. He's a king after all."

"We can give him the fake one first and if he notices, we make sure we have Yeosang before giving him the real one," Mingi suggested.

"No. We won't be giving the real emblem to him at all," the King said. He looked to the beta.

"Yes, your majesty."
"I need you to make sure Yeosang is safe and within reach before you give him the emblem. Once he notices it's fake, you have to get him out of there," the King instructed.
"Yes sir!"
"Why does San have to do it?" Wooyoung asked.
"Because he's a beta."
"Speaking of betas, where's Seonghwa?" The King asked putting his hands down.

"Wooyoung was mean to him," Jongho mumbled.
"Woo?!" The King scolded.
"It was an accident!" the boy declared.
"Make sure to apologize."
"Yes sir," he murmured.

Where is Seonghwa? He said he was coming, Hongjoong thought.

The King concluded the meeting and Hongjoong ran to his room to check on Seonghwa. His insides twisted with fear when he noticed some of his belongings were gone and a note on the table.

'Iy hav to gow sayv Yosang. Downt wori. Iy wont dy. ^_^ '

Hongjoong felt a lump in his throat. This was what Seonghwa had meant earlier.
He clutched the note and exhaled, refusing to let his tears fall. Seonghwa was in trouble and just like he promised, Hongjoong was going to save him.

To be continued.......


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