
By KikolovesMingi

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"What's so funny?" His brother asked. "Nothing, I just had the craziest dream last night," San replied. "Oh... More

My abo universe
Backstory Pt. 1
Backstory pt. 2
Backstory Pt. 3
Backstory Pt. 4
Backstory Pt. 5
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Author's Notes

Chapter 58

982 74 44
By KikolovesMingi

A young man sat quietly in the public house. He was always quiet in fact. He didn't have much of a choice.

His clothes were worn out and bloody and he had no shoes. Everybody looked at him when they passed by and whispered to one another. Usually, he hated attention. He wasn't used to it. But now, he couldn't bother to care.

He was stuck in his own world drowned in blood and dead bodies, helplessly running with no direction in mind; just trying to free himself of the silence. The silence that was slowly killing him.

His stomach grumbled but he was too embarrassed to ask for food so he sat there, against the wall, watching everybody talk and mix together wishing he could do the same.

"Hyun! Where have you been?" A beta asked.
"Sorry. I was busy," the girl replied with a shy smile.
"At least you're here. We need your help."
The beta pointed at the man that sat quietly in the back.
"He's one of yours," he said.
Hyun Ah shot the beta a dirty look.

She walked past him, purposely hitting his shoulder on her way. She hated when he referred to disabled people as anything lesser when they were humans too. Their bodies were just a little different so why were they treated so harshly?

Lunch was just about ready so she grabbed a plate and spoon and placed it on a tray along with a cup of water.
She walked up to him and placed the tray in front of him. The man looked up at her a little surprised and she smiled and crouched to meet his face.
"Eat it while its hot."

The man smiled and picked up the spoon to begin eating. She watched as he tried to force himself to eat rather slowly. From the way he held the spoon and the way he constantly looked around, she could tell that he had been through a lot.

"What's your name?" She asked when he had finished drinking the water. The man didn't answer. She tapped him and when he looked up, she signed it out with her hands. He looked at her quite surprised and slowly brought his hands up as well.

'Tae Oh', he signed back.

"That's a nice name." She brought out a small notebook and a pen and gave it to him.
"You know how to read and write right?"
Tae Oh nodded.
"Good! I know it's hard interacting with others and you look like you've been through a lot, but most of the staff here know how to read as well, so if you ever need something and you can't find me, then you can write it down," she explained.
He signed a quick 'thank you' and took the items from her.

"You're welcome. There's a bath section over there to your left. They'll offer you new clothes if you need some too." Tae Oh nodded showing he understood. The girl picked up his plate and was about to stand up until he held her hand.

'What's your name?' He signed. She smiled at him.
"Hyun Ah. My name is Hyun Ah."

After Yeosang was done making his rounds through the kingdom and checking their borders, he decided to go to the forest to meet Seong. The boy wasn't there when he arrived so he practiced a little until he eventually came.

"Yeosannngg!!" Seong yelled, running towards him. Yeosang was surprised and opened his arms and Seong embraced him willingly.
"Are you ok? What happened? You were gone for 5 days!" Seong exclaimed.

"Hhmm looks like you missed me. Are you sure you don't want to be my friend?" Yeosang played around. Seong was a little flustered by the comment but decided there was no point in denying it. Yeosang was important to him. What's the worse that could happen anyway?

"I guess.." he looked away. Yeosang smiled.
"But you won't believe what I did the other day! I helped a human that was hurt," he answered his own statement.
"Wow that's great? Did they thank you?"
Seong realized he couldn't give anymore details without explaining that he has healing abilities, so he lied.

They practiced and ate lunch together. Yeosang told him about what happened and Seong felt a little bad. He knew if he was there, he could have changed something but he was scared. If he openly showed his abilities to everyone, he'd just be putting himself in a terrible situation. Just because Yeosang was nice, doesn't mean everybody else was. Besides, Yeosang didn't even know about his abilities.

They promised to meet again in three days as Yeosang had become a lot busier. Seong didn't mind as long as he got to see him.
Little did he know he wasn't going to get to.

The alpha that was assigned to find the beta, reached the Choi kingdom along with 3 other men. He decided to check the Choi kingdom first because that's where Seung Cho and the rest had died. They spent the whole day looking for him and when they couldn't find him, they retired for the night and headed for the Jung kingdom to start again.

The war was almost over now. Mingi and Yunho had both become completely different people, tearing it up on the battlefield. A power couple.
Any Baek soldier that stood a 6 feet radius from them simply perished. They killed anybody that was not on their side without wasting anytime.
When night came, their bodies gave out and they had to rest. They wobbled their way to the shared room both relying on the small alpha, using him to keep them up. Once again, any other time, Hongjoong would have complained but today, he didn't let it bother him.

San was in the room with his brother and his lover, walking back and forth showing that he wasn't limping anymore, when the door busted open, revealing Yunho and Mingi clutching onto Hongjoong's shoulder as they walked in. Jongho laughed at his state and Wooyoung became a little worried for them.

The doctor came to check on them and diagnosed a simple days worth of rest. Yunho didn't even have the energy to complain about not being able to fight, so the point essentially proved itself.

Yunho took off his armor and snuggled into Mingi's arms while Wooyoung jumped onto the bed next to San, pushing Jongho off. San laughed at the sound of his brother hitting the ground and Wooyoung giggled alongside him.

"This is what I get for saving your life," he mumbled as he got up and walked to his spot. Everybody seemed to be cuddling and all he wanted was to do the same.

"Hey Hongjoong, you want to-" the alpha's snore interrupted him and he hummed a whine, laying his covers to sleep alone.

Just a few more days and I'll see my Sang, he comforted himself.

Only, it was going to be more than that.

The next day, Jiwoo advised her son not to fight but instead help maintain the civilians because they were in need of more hands. He agreed and made his way to the public house. The place was a complete mess crowded with people.

San wore his diadem atop his head and entered hoping it would grab their attention and silence them. His plan worked pretty well with minor inconveniences as he heard a few whispers of, "oh it's just the beta," and "it's not even the real crown prince." He paid it no mind as those empty words no longer bothered him anymore.

"The Queen asked me to watch over you all for the time being," he spoke loudly when he had their attention.

"Of course she did. She wouldn't ask you to go to war," one of them muttered under their breath.

San heard the woman who he was practically sure was an alpha and called her up. She became a little scared knowing she was in trouble but walked up to him with her head bowed.
"You're an alpha correct?" The woman nodded.
"Then why aren't you a-" he touched her shoulder and exhaled as he sprung his head up. He kept his eyes closed even though he was sure no one here knew how he looked when he usually had a vision.

Everybody stared at him in complete shock and bewilderment. Some started to whisper to themselves.
"So it is true. He can see the future."
"Is he seeing her future?"
"How can he see the future?"
"He's a water beta with abilities."

When he felt enough time had passed, he breathed out and brought his head down. Truthfully, he hadn't seen anything but nobody needed to know that.

"Hmm I see why you're not at war. But you wouldn't like it if I told everybody here would you?"
The woman shook her head frantically.
"Then you know you shouldn't talk ill of others." He sent her back to her spot and continued what he was saying.

"For the next week or so I will be watching over you and unless you're staff, there's no reason for any of you to be leaving this residence!" Everybody stared at him a little intimidated.

"If it's serious, you must tell me. This place is almost full and if we get more refugees, I've been asked to let them stay. So if you leave without my permission, you will not be allowed inside and will be forced to fend yourself out in battle. Do I make myself clear?!"

"Yes your majesty," everybody said in unison.

"Good. Now, if you have not eaten dinner yet, come to my right and if you or somebody you know is hurt and hasn't received assistance, then move to my left," he instructed.
People began moving to different sides only a few, not fitting either specification and remaining where they were.

"Those of you who are neither, I need you to assist the doctors and chefs."
"Yes your majesty."

A few hours later, there was a slight commotion at the entrance when a few guards came holding a man who looked a few minutes away from death. The doctors quickly took him and tried their best. One of the guards who had brought him in, found the prince and went straight to him.

"Your majesty," she bowed before him.
San turned his head to her.
"The man that we just brought in said he needed to see you and that it was urgent. He's fainted now but I just wanted to let you know," she finished.
"Thank you," San replied.

When he finished informing the staff of what to do, he went to check on the man the guard told him about. The man was covered in bandages and the doctors told him that he may not wake up.

San sat next to him. Even though he was not conscious, his face look pained and his eyebrows were furrowed. The prince pressed in between his brows to get them to relax but immediately his head shot up and his eyes glowed green.

Yunho stirred in his sleep too comforted by Mingi's scent and his arm encasing him. He opened his eyes and was met with the alpha's sharp nose and thin jawline. He placed a soft kiss on the mole under his eye rousing him awake. Mingi smiled when he peeked open an eye and Yunho nearly turned red. It's been a while since he's seen the younger smile. He missed it.

"Uhhuumm I'm sore," Mingi whined groggily.
"I told you to take a break," Yunho chortled.

They stayed in each other's embrace for a few seconds before Yunho sat up, Mingi doing the same.

"How are you feeling?" The prince asked.
"Besides being sore all over, I'm great. Why do you keep asking me that?" Mingi questioned with a sort of confused smile.
"You know why."
"No I don't."
"Ok fine. I keep asking because you're lying and I'm waiting for you to tell me the truth."
"Lying? What would I be lying about?"
"You're not fine Mingi. You're sad. And there's nothing wrong with that," Yunho told his lover placing a hand on his thigh.
Mingi held his hand and placed it back to where it was before.

"I'm not sad Yunho. I'm fine. It's already been a week."
Yunho stared at him, his expression laced with concern.
"You could have said anything else and I would have let it go but now I can't. Not when you're like this."
Mingi looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?"

"Min. Time doesn't take away pain. Nothing does. He's your father. No matter how you look at it or how many days pass, you're going to feel sad when you think about him or when you miss him. You can't just say, 'it's been a week' and expect to be over it. Heavens! I hated my mother but I still think about her all the time," he explained.
"'re pushing me away and keep calling me 'Yunho'."
"Then what am I supposed to call you?" Mingi asked slightly addled.
"You always call me 'Yun'... and 'love'.." he blushed looking away.

Mingi laughed at the prince's action until he felt a lump in his throat and started tearing up. Yunho held his hand and this time he squeezed it.

"But..I ..I have to be father said I have to be strong," he choked out trying not to let his tears falls.
"Yes he did say that. But he also said 'and most importantly, respect yourself.' And by fighting for two days straight without rest and forcing yourself not to cry and bottling up your emotions, you're hurting yourself. And that's not ok. There's nothing wrong with crying. It doesn't make you weak," the prince comforted.

"But you were fighting crazy like me too," he tried to rebuttal.
"Yes but I took my time and cried and let it all out at the burial. The crazy fighting was just an after math. And though it still hurts, I honestly feel a little better."

Mingi finally let his tears escape and placed his forehead on the prince's shoulder.
"I just...I..I miss him so much!" He cried.
"He's the strongest person I I never..I never expected him to die.. and now..he's gone. Just like that. I'll never be able to see him again!" He wailed.

Yunho joined him, tears rolling down his cheek as he embraced the younger completely and rubbed his back.

There was nothing he could say nor anything he could do. If he had the ability to take his pain away he would, but even then, it'd only make it worse. So he sat there quietly, listening to his lover's complains and cries as he trembled in his embrace.

A/N: Yea I made myself cry with this one but that's on me.


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