Pain Relief

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"Oh, just fuck off," you groaned, sinking into the Slytherin sofa. Ginny and Blaise frowned at your words, and turned to each other in confusion. However, all became very clear when you cried out and began to writhe in pain when you lied down on the sofa and cuddled yourself, scrunched up like a little ball.

"Pain?" Ginny asked.

With a sigh, you nodded with tightly closed eyes as you held onto your stomach.

"I want to fucking die," you groaned. "I hate existing."

"It'll pass," Ginny got up from the sofa she was sitting on and crossed over to your one, rubbing your back as she sat beside you. "Do you want us to get you something? Warm compress?"

"Get me death."

"I mean, hey, let's look at the positives," Blaise began, "at least you're not pregnant."

Hearing this, you opened your eyes and, in your scrunched position, proceeded to glare at Blaise. His smile shifted into a fearful frown when he noticed your darkened eyes. In the final moment, he managed to raise his hands over his head to protect himself as you had picked up one of the sofa pillows and thrown them at him aggressively.

"Or not, I guess."

"And where's Draco?"

"I don't know ... he's been doing stuff all day," you huffed, "he sometimes randomly disappears."

"Isn't that a bit odd?" Ginny asked, looking back and forth between you and Blaise.

"Why would it be odd?" Blaise asked.

Though she had not explicitly mentioned it, you knew what she was referring to and, on second thought, it did appear odd. His disappearances over the day and only returning at random moments, never speaking of what he was doing. But - you and Draco promised to work together, thus surely there was nothing to be suspicious of? And, you felt your own heart ache more than your stomach at the thought of having to be suspicious over Draco, especially when you loved him so dearly. But the possibility remained, and, in your position, you had to keep your options open. Total trust can only lead to a total downfall. Plus, even if Draco was acting oddly and giving you a right to suspect him, you believed that his actions would be excusable, for he was a good person and, as Narcissa said, just a boy.

However, this was the time upon which Draco finally entered the common room. He was slightly taken aback when he caught sight of Blaise and Ginny, and his heart sunk when he noticed the painful manner in which you remained folded on the sofa, whining in pain. He thus quickly crossed over to the sofa and sat down on your other side, by your head, as he began to play with your hair.

"You alright?" He asked.

"No. Fuck off."

With a poker face, he looked up at Blaise and Ginny. They could only smile lightly and shrug, and Draco sighed and shook his head, trailing his attention back to you. He gently pulled you up so that your head could rest on his lap as he continued to twirl his fingers in your hair, creating a light and peaceful sensation.

"I ... got you something," he said quietly.

You looked up at him slowly with your teary eyes, and noticed him lift over your head some chocolates and sweets, causing you to immediately smile brightly.

"You said you were in the mood for chocolate a while ago," he said, "so ... I got you some chocolate and some other candy. I don't know if it's enough. Oh, I also got you some tea," he lifted up the tea in its disposable cup, which you assumed he'd perhaps gotten from Hogsmeade earlier today. Perhaps, that was where he had been. Getting you things. So suddenly, you were overcome with feelings of guilt for suspecting him when all he'd been doing was providing you with warmth and care.

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