Closer to Agony

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Indeed, you were the perfect person to sit at the back of the Slytherin common room for nights on end, your eyes blazing through countless books. You believed that each and every Horcrux would hold significance; they weren't going to be things with no meaning. The locket itself - it held links to Slytherin. The Slytherin locket - thus, what else could, someone like Tom Riddle, think of or desire? If one was to figure out a psychopath - or a high functioning sociopath - they had to think like one. 

Pacing up and down the empty Slytherin common room, you stared deeply into the pages, reading and scanning and analysing and scrutinising the history of the Slytherin locket, attempting to find its significance and if it could, by any chance, bring you closer into spotting a pattern which led to the other Horcruxes. They were, you did not doubt, related to Hogwarts; a teenager as Tom Riddle would have had no other option but to use the possibilities around. Whether it was one, or two, or all Horcruxes - at least one was going to be on the grounds of Hogwarts. 

"[F/n]?" A sleepy voice asked from behind you, only for you to discover a half-asleep Draco Malfoy standing in the doorway to the boys' room. His hair was an utter mess, as he rubbed his half-lidded eyes, barely capable of watching you. "Mate, it's three." 

"Shut the fuck up, daddy issues," you snapped, biting your fingernail as you continued to stare at the words within the book.

"Huh?" He asked quietly, lifting his heavy eyes more to see you clearer, only then realising your concentration. He sighed before continuing. "I have to pee. Come with." 

"Fuck off." 

"Fake girlfriend," he cried out within a yawn, stumbling across the Slytherin common room with the most tired eyes. Scarcely holding them open, he felt himself walk into the side of one of the pillars which he had somehow missed. The sound produced from his 'ow, fuck', caused you to lift your eyes from the book and snap out of your focus. Seeing his rub his face in pain, you could not help but laugh at the pure manner in which his tired self acted. 

"Did you just walk into that pillar?" You laughed out nonchalantly. 

"Yes," he whispered sadly. "Pee with me. Please." 

"Scared of the darkness, Malfoy?" You asked with a sly grin, crossing over the room to him. He, with his half lidded eyes, produced a tired smile as he wrapped his arm around you and exited the room with you. 

"What're you doing anyway?" He asked, the tiniest bit more awake now. 

"Reading up on the Slytherin locket." 

"What for?"

"It must hold some sort of significance ... and if we find its significance ... we can find other objects with that kind of significance, which may have been made into Horcruxes too." 

"Oh, right," he nodded, heading into the closest toilet. You walked straight in with him, to the closest cubicle. With the fire torches blazing around, you could see that it was indeed very empty, and thus he did not even bother to lock the cubicle but stood at the toilet with his back to you. "Imagine if you like ... did all this thinking and stuff," he said in another yawn, still peeing, "but then you found out it wasn't even that deep at all. Funny."

"What do you mean?" 

"Like ... you're finding the significance of it all and stuff ... but it turns out to just be like one object from each house or something," he laughed carelessly.

"Huh," you whispered, staring into space, processing his words, "that ... that would be funny, indeed." 

All that surrounded the two of you now was the sound of Draco's pee hitting the bowl of the toilet. When he had finished, he sighed pleasantly. You waited for him to finish his doings as you stared into space, analysing the words he'd just said, upon the cruel realisation that it was a possibility you hadn't considered before. Indeed, indeed ... an object from each house ... an object of significance from each house. If so, that would have meant that you weren't looking in the right place - the significance of the locket itself was irrelevant. You were no longer to look at Slytherin and its history, but look further and beyond. Other houses, items of a different kind of significance. Yes ... it seemed ... plausible. 

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