Dead on a Grave

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Silence fell among the two of you for some moments. In silence the two of you gazed onto the ground. Jack's death was more than just a death. It was more than loss. He represented more. He signified more. He was more. As the two of you stared at the ground, the cold ground, as it reminded you of what was lost, and what was going to be lost.

"This is truly so sad, I may cry!" The voice of Voldemort encompassed yours and Harry's ears from behind, startling the two of you completely.

Harry gripped his wand tighter, as you pulled yours out of your pocket quickly, looking ahead of yourselves slowly. You gulped, feeling the presence of Voldemort behind yourself.

You and Harry turned around to face him at the same time, slowly, cautiously, warily, only to find him and a dozen of Death Eaters behind him, beginning to surround the two of you, their wands out, smirks of confidence.

"This is a closed funeral. You're not invited." You said. 

Scanning the Death Eaters which were beginning to surround you, you caught the eyes of Draco and Snape in the near distance. The Death Eaters had surrounded you completely, and you could undeniably feel your own anxiety rising. Your heart began to pound within your ears, as your breath became one unsteady mess. But you held tight, holding your wand, inhaling deeply. I'm [F/n] Potter, for the love of God.

"Did you think you could leave the battle scene and no one would notice?" He asked, smirking.

"Was hoping for that, yeah." 

"Quite the shame." 

"Your Death Eaters killed one of mine," you added, anger beginning to grow in your voice. Before you knew it, determination and fury had overcome you so powerfully that the anxiety was a long lost memory. 

"Only one? Dearie, I'll have to get better people." 

You pursed your lips, furrowing your brows at him.

"Relax, [F/n]," Harry whispered. 

"You're going to die today, [F/n] and Harry Potter." 

You inhaled, gulping. You knew what was due to come, but you did not know whether you were ready for it, or if it would go down the way you hoped it would. 

"On the other hand," Voldemort began, pausing, deep in thought, "you're quite the villain, aren't you, [F/n] Potter?"

"A better one than you." 

"It's quite the shame that you don't want to join us. You could serve us well." 

All the Death Eaters around now froze in their positions, turning to each other in confusion as if this was not a part of the plan. Voldemort looked confident in his position, gazing right into your eyes with his cold slits. The persuasive manner in which he stared at you, as though he was giving you the offer of your lifetime, left you feeling sick and disgusted with yourself. Your eyes did not leave his. 

"Dark Lord ... " Bellatrix's voice erupted from within the crowd as she stepped forward, her eye and smile twitching as though insanity had overcome her. "This was not - "

"Silence!" Voldemort demanded, flicking his wand, upon which Bellatrix began to cough and choke. Her hands crawled up to her throat, gripping it tightly, attempting to breathe. She was only granted the permission to breathe again, by Voldemort, when her face had fallen dreadfully pale and her eyelids began to close. Only then did she fall onto the ground, breathing heavily, gripping the ground and grass.

 "Speak only when I tell you to," he concluded. "[F/n] Potter, I have one question for you." 

"I don't care." You inhaled, lifting your wand at him slowly.

"Do you love Draco Malfoy?"

The confidence faded from your face. Your hand began to gently tremble. He could see it in your face. Everyone could. And, somewhere within the crowd, you knew that Draco reacted in the same way. 


"Are you lying to me?" 

You opened your mouth, but could not quite say anything. Your bottom lip trembled far too messily, leaving you to close your mouth again and swallow down the lump in your throat. 


"So you won't mind if I do this?" He cocked his head to the side before lifting his arm, flicking his wand. Draco's body, floating in the air, flew straight to the front where he floated in between you and Voldemort. Your eyes met Draco's, catching the panic within his eyes. "Or this?" He flicked his wand. Draco's eyes widened when, suddenly, he began to choke in the similar way that Bellatrix had. His body tensed as it went into shock, his hair falling onto his forehead messily as he gritted his teeth, attempting to breathe, all to no avail. 

"Let him go," you instructed.

By now, Harry had gotten into a fighting stance, his wand aimed directly at Voldemort, his eyes looking out at all the other Death Eaters to ensure you remained safe during your discourse with the devil himself. 

"How about we strike a deal, [F/n] Potter?" He laughed. 

"I don't care about your deals!"

"Join us!"


"Think about it!"

"Piss off!"

"You have twenty seconds," he laughed, "or maybe less - he looks very pale already!" 

The anger began to grow within you. The anger, the fury, the wrath. All of the past deaths of your loved ones, their lifeless expressions, your losses, it all began to come back to you. You were reminded - it was this man. This man that stood before you - it was all because of him. Your life of suffering, your dread, your pain - he was the cause of it all. And he was not backing down. 

You felt the fury electrify you, plague your mind, enlighten you completely.

"Avada Kedavra!" You screamed, aiming your wand at someone within the crowd, one of the Death Eaters, as he fell completely at Voldemort's feet. 

Voldemort's eyes turned slowly to the corpse at his feet, then to you. 

You lifted your wand again, striking another Death Eater, non-verbally this time.

Voldemort, frustrated, groaned and pulled his wand back, causing Draco's body to fall onto the ground and collapse. Breathing, barely. 

Draco had become a victim of your love. 

"I hope you don't think I actually care for them," Voldemort laughed. "However," he inhaled, "Crucio!" 

Draco's scream filled your ears as his body began to twist from the electrifying pain. Your eyes widened at this sight. This was worse than all the horrors and nightmares put together from your past. No - this was not something you would allow your mind to register. 

You had lifted your wand, producing a long spell, directing it at Voldemort's spell. Your interference with his Cruciatus caused the spell to break off, and Draco could breathe again. 

"Don't touch him again."

"Let me ask you again - do you love Draco Malfoy, [F/n] Potter?" 

You gritted your teeth, gazing coldly at Voldemort's eyes. 

"Fine," he sighed. "If you don't want to tell me, then don't." He shrugged. "But you love your brother, I know that." 

Seconds. They were mere seconds. He had lifted his hand, and before you could process what had happened, you could only see the green beam flash before your eyes. The way it shot past you, behind you, almost striking you but missing you. Within seconds, as you turned around and followed the beam, you caught Harry's eyes one last time, the pleading within them, until his body shot backwards with the beam, rolling across the ground, stone cold and paralysed, lying where Jack had been buried. 

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